/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.7) * Copyright (C) 2011 J Procter, AM Waterhouse, J Engelhardt, LM Lui, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see . */ package jalview.gui; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.print.*; import javax.swing.*; import jalview.analysis.*; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.jbgui.*; import jalview.viewmodel.PCAModel; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class PCAPanel extends GPCAPanel implements Runnable, IProgressIndicator { RotatableCanvas rc; AlignmentPanel ap; AlignViewport av; PCAModel pcaModel; int top=0; /** * Creates a new PCAPanel object. * * @param av * DOCUMENT ME! * @param s * DOCUMENT ME! */ public PCAPanel(AlignmentPanel ap) { this.av = ap.av; this.ap = ap; boolean sameLength = true; AlignmentView seqstrings = av.getAlignmentView(av.getSelectionGroup() != null); boolean nucleotide=av.getAlignment().isNucleotide(); SequenceI[] seqs; if (av.getSelectionGroup() == null) { seqs = av.getAlignment().getSequencesArray(); } else { seqs = av.getSelectionGroup().getSequencesInOrder(av.getAlignment()); } SeqCigar sq[] = seqstrings.getSequences(); int length = sq[0].getWidth(); for (int i = 0; i < seqs.length; i++) { if (sq[i].getWidth() != length) { sameLength = false; break; } } if (!sameLength) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( Desktop.desktop, "The sequences must be aligned before calculating PCA.\n" + "Try using the Pad function in the edit menu,\n" + "or one of the multiple sequence alignment web services.", "Sequences not aligned", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } pcaModel = new PCAModel(seqstrings, seqs, nucleotide); PaintRefresher.Register(this, av.getSequenceSetId()); rc = new RotatableCanvas(ap); this.getContentPane().add(rc, BorderLayout.CENTER); Thread worker = new Thread(this); worker.start(); } public void bgcolour_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Color col = JColorChooser.showDialog(this, "Select Background Colour", rc.bgColour); if (col != null) { rc.bgColour = col; } rc.repaint(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void run() { long progId=System.currentTimeMillis(); IProgressIndicator progress=this; String message="Recalculating PCA"; if (getParent()==null) { progress=ap.alignFrame; message = "Calculating PCA"; } progress.setProgressBar(message, progId); try { calcSettings.setEnabled(false); pcaModel.run(); // //////////////// xCombobox.setSelectedIndex(0); yCombobox.setSelectedIndex(1); zCombobox.setSelectedIndex(2); pcaModel.updateRc(rc); // rc.invalidate(); nuclSetting.setSelected(pcaModel.isNucleotide()); protSetting.setSelected(!pcaModel.isNucleotide()); top=pcaModel.getTop(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError er) { new OOMWarning("calculating PCA", er); return; } finally { progress.setProgressBar("", progId); } calcSettings.setEnabled(true); repaint(); if (getParent()==null) { addKeyListener(rc); Desktop.addInternalFrame(this, "Principal component analysis", 475, 450); } } @Override protected void nuclSetting_actionPerfomed(ActionEvent arg0) { if (!pcaModel.isNucleotide()) { pcaModel.setNucleotide(true); Thread worker = new Thread(this); worker.start(); } } @Override protected void protSetting_actionPerfomed(ActionEvent arg0) { if (pcaModel.isNucleotide()) { pcaModel.setNucleotide(false); Thread worker = new Thread(this); worker.start(); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! */ void doDimensionChange() { if (top == 0) { return; } int dim1 = top - xCombobox.getSelectedIndex(); int dim2 = top - yCombobox.getSelectedIndex(); int dim3 = top - zCombobox.getSelectedIndex(); pcaModel.updateRcView(dim1, dim2, dim3); rc.img = null; rc.rotmat.setIdentity(); rc.initAxes(); rc.paint(rc.getGraphics()); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ protected void xCombobox_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doDimensionChange(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ protected void yCombobox_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doDimensionChange(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ protected void zCombobox_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doDimensionChange(); } public void outputValues_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(); try { cap.setText(pcaModel.getDetails()); Desktop.addInternalFrame(cap, "PCA details", 500, 500); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { new OOMWarning("opening PCA details", oom); cap.dispose(); } } public void showLabels_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { rc.showLabels(showLabels.getState()); } public void print_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { PCAPrinter printer = new PCAPrinter(); printer.start(); } public void originalSeqData_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // this was cut'n'pasted from the equivalent TreePanel method - we should // make this an abstract function of all jalview analysis windows if (pcaModel.getSeqtrings() == null) { jalview.bin.Cache.log .info("Unexpected call to originalSeqData_actionPerformed - should have hidden this menu action."); return; } // decide if av alignment is sufficiently different to original data to // warrant a new window to be created // create new alignmnt window with hidden regions (unhiding hidden regions // yields unaligned seqs) // or create a selection box around columns in alignment view // test Alignment(SeqCigar[]) char gc = '-'; try { // we try to get the associated view's gap character // but this may fail if the view was closed... gc = av.getGapCharacter(); } catch (Exception ex) { } ; Object[] alAndColsel = pcaModel.getSeqtrings().getAlignmentAndColumnSelection(gc); if (alAndColsel != null && alAndColsel[0] != null) { // AlignmentOrder origorder = new AlignmentOrder(alAndColsel[0]); Alignment al = new Alignment((SequenceI[]) alAndColsel[0]); Alignment dataset = (av != null && av.getAlignment() != null) ? av .getAlignment().getDataset() : null; if (dataset != null) { al.setDataset(dataset); } if (true) { // make a new frame! AlignFrame af = new AlignFrame(al, (ColumnSelection) alAndColsel[1], AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); // >>>This is a fix for the moment, until a better solution is // found!!<<< // af.getFeatureRenderer().transferSettings(alignFrame.getFeatureRenderer()); // af.addSortByOrderMenuItem(ServiceName + " Ordering", // msaorder); Desktop.addInternalFrame(af, "Original Data for " + this.title, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } } /* * CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(); for (int i = 0; i < * seqs.length; i++) { cap.appendText(new jalview.util.Format("%-" + 15 + * "s").form( seqs[i].getName())); cap.appendText(" " + seqstrings[i] + * "\n"); } * * Desktop.addInternalFrame(cap, "Original Data", 400, 400); */ } class PCAPrinter extends Thread implements Printable { public void run() { PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); PageFormat pf = printJob.pageDialog(printJob.defaultPage()); printJob.setPrintable(this, pf); if (printJob.printDialog()) { try { printJob.print(); } catch (Exception PrintException) { PrintException.printStackTrace(); } } } public int print(Graphics pg, PageFormat pf, int pi) throws PrinterException { pg.translate((int) pf.getImageableX(), (int) pf.getImageableY()); rc.drawBackground(pg, rc.bgColour); rc.drawScene(pg); if (rc.drawAxes == true) { rc.drawAxes(pg); } if (pi == 0) { return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; } else { return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE; } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void eps_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { makePCAImage(jalview.util.ImageMaker.EPS); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void png_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { makePCAImage(jalview.util.ImageMaker.PNG); } void makePCAImage(int type) { int width = rc.getWidth(); int height = rc.getHeight(); jalview.util.ImageMaker im; if (type == jalview.util.ImageMaker.PNG) { im = new jalview.util.ImageMaker(this, jalview.util.ImageMaker.PNG, "Make PNG image from PCA", width, height, null, null); } else { im = new jalview.util.ImageMaker(this, jalview.util.ImageMaker.EPS, "Make EPS file from PCA", width, height, null, this.getTitle()); } if (im.getGraphics() != null) { rc.drawBackground(im.getGraphics(), Color.black); rc.drawScene(im.getGraphics()); if (rc.drawAxes == true) { rc.drawAxes(im.getGraphics()); } im.writeImage(); } } public void viewMenu_menuSelected() { buildAssociatedViewMenu(); } void buildAssociatedViewMenu() { AlignmentPanel[] aps = PaintRefresher.getAssociatedPanels(av .getSequenceSetId()); if (aps.length == 1 && rc.av == aps[0].av) { associateViewsMenu.setVisible(false); return; } associateViewsMenu.setVisible(true); if ((viewMenu.getItem(viewMenu.getItemCount() - 2) instanceof JMenuItem)) { viewMenu.insertSeparator(viewMenu.getItemCount() - 1); } associateViewsMenu.removeAll(); JRadioButtonMenuItem item; ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); int i, iSize = aps.length; final PCAPanel thisPCAPanel = this; for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { final AlignmentPanel ap = aps[i]; item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(ap.av.viewName, ap.av == rc.av); buttonGroup.add(item); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { rc.applyToAllViews = false; rc.av = ap.av; rc.ap = ap; PaintRefresher.Register(thisPCAPanel, ap.av.getSequenceSetId()); } }); associateViewsMenu.add(item); } final JRadioButtonMenuItem itemf = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("All Views"); buttonGroup.add(itemf); itemf.setSelected(rc.applyToAllViews); itemf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { rc.applyToAllViews = itemf.isSelected(); } }); associateViewsMenu.add(itemf); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * jalview.jbgui.GPCAPanel#outputPoints_actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent * ) */ protected void outputPoints_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(); try { cap.setText(pcaModel.getPointsasCsv(false, xCombobox.getSelectedIndex(), yCombobox.getSelectedIndex(), zCombobox.getSelectedIndex())); Desktop.addInternalFrame(cap, "Points for " + getTitle(), 500, 500); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { new OOMWarning("exporting PCA points", oom); cap.dispose(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * jalview.jbgui.GPCAPanel#outputProjPoints_actionPerformed(java.awt.event * .ActionEvent) */ protected void outputProjPoints_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { CutAndPasteTransfer cap = new CutAndPasteTransfer(); try { cap.setText(pcaModel.getPointsasCsv(true, xCombobox.getSelectedIndex(), yCombobox.getSelectedIndex(), zCombobox.getSelectedIndex())); Desktop.addInternalFrame(cap, "Transformed points for " + getTitle(), 500, 500); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { new OOMWarning("exporting transformed PCA points", oom); cap.dispose(); } } // methods for implementing IProgressIndicator // need to refactor to a reusable stub class Hashtable progressBars, progressBarHandlers; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see jalview.gui.IProgressIndicator#setProgressBar(java.lang.String, long) */ @Override public void setProgressBar(String message, long id) { if (progressBars == null) { progressBars = new Hashtable(); progressBarHandlers = new Hashtable(); } JPanel progressPanel; Long lId = new Long(id); GridLayout layout = (GridLayout) statusPanel.getLayout(); if (progressBars.get(lId) != null) { progressPanel = (JPanel) progressBars.get(new Long(id)); statusPanel.remove(progressPanel); progressBars.remove(lId); progressPanel = null; if (message != null) { statusBar.setText(message); } if (progressBarHandlers.contains(lId)) { progressBarHandlers.remove(lId); } layout.setRows(layout.getRows() - 1); } else { progressPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(10, 5)); JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar(); progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); progressPanel.add(new JLabel(message), BorderLayout.WEST); progressPanel.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER); layout.setRows(layout.getRows() + 1); statusPanel.add(progressPanel); progressBars.put(lId, progressPanel); } // update GUI // setMenusForViewport(); validate(); } @Override public void registerHandler(final long id, final IProgressIndicatorHandler handler) { if (progressBarHandlers == null || !progressBars.contains(new Long(id))) { throw new Error( "call setProgressBar before registering the progress bar's handler."); } progressBarHandlers.put(new Long(id), handler); final JPanel progressPanel = (JPanel) progressBars.get(new Long(id)); if (handler.canCancel()) { JButton cancel = new JButton("Cancel"); final IProgressIndicator us = this; cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handler.cancelActivity(id); us.setProgressBar( "Cancelled " + ((JLabel) progressPanel.getComponent(0)) .getText(), id); } }); progressPanel.add(cancel, BorderLayout.EAST); } } /** * * @return true if any progress bars are still active */ @Override public boolean operationInProgress() { if (progressBars != null && progressBars.size() > 0) { return true; } return false; } @Override protected void resetButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int t=top; top=0; // ugly - prevents dimensionChanged events from being processed xCombobox.setSelectedIndex(0); yCombobox.setSelectedIndex(1); top=t; zCombobox.setSelectedIndex(2); } }