* Currently fastPaint is not implemented for wrapped alignments. If a wrapped
* alignment had to be scrolled to show the highlighted region, then it should
* be fully redrawn, otherwise a fast paint can be performed. This argument
* could be removed if fast paint of scrolled wrapped alignment is coded in
* future (JAL-2609).
* @param results
* @param noFastPaint
* @return
public boolean highlightSearchResults(SearchResultsI results,
boolean noFastPaint)
if (fastpainting)
return false;
boolean wrapped = av.getWrapAlignment();
fastPaint = !noFastPaint;
fastpainting = fastPaint;
* to avoid redrawing the whole visible region, we instead
* redraw just the minimal regions to remove previous highlights
* and add new ones
SearchResultsI previous = av.getSearchResults();
boolean redrawn = false;
boolean drawn = false;
if (wrapped)
redrawn = drawMappedPositionsWrapped(previous);
drawn = drawMappedPositionsWrapped(results);
redrawn |= drawn;
redrawn = drawMappedPositions(previous);
drawn = drawMappedPositions(results);
redrawn |= drawn;
* if highlights were either removed or added, repaint
if (redrawn)
* return true only if highlights were added
return drawn;
} finally
fastpainting = false;
* Redraws the minimal rectangle in the visible region (if any) that includes
* mapped positions of the given search results. Whether or not positions are
* highlighted depends on the SearchResults set on the Viewport. This allows
* this method to be called to either clear or set highlighting. Answers true
* if any positions were drawn (in which case a repaint is still required),
* else false.
* @param results
* @return
protected boolean drawMappedPositions(SearchResultsI results)
if ((results == null) || (gg == null)) // JAL-2784 check gg is not null
return false;
* calculate the minimal rectangle to redraw that
* includes both new and existing search results
int firstSeq = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int lastSeq = -1;
int firstCol = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int lastCol = -1;
boolean matchFound = false;
ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
int firstVisibleColumn = ranges.getStartRes();
int lastVisibleColumn = ranges.getEndRes();
AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment();
if (av.hasHiddenColumns())
firstVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns()
lastVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns()
for (int seqNo = ranges.getStartSeq(); seqNo <= ranges
.getEndSeq(); seqNo++)
SequenceI seq = alignment.getSequenceAt(seqNo);
int[] visibleResults = results.getResults(seq, firstVisibleColumn,
if (visibleResults != null)
for (int i = 0; i < visibleResults.length - 1; i += 2)
int firstMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i];
int lastMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i + 1];
if (firstMatchedColumn <= lastVisibleColumn
&& lastMatchedColumn >= firstVisibleColumn)
* found a search results match in the visible region -
* remember the first and last sequence matched, and the first
* and last visible columns in the matched positions
matchFound = true;
firstSeq = Math.min(firstSeq, seqNo);
lastSeq = Math.max(lastSeq, seqNo);
firstMatchedColumn = Math.max(firstMatchedColumn,
lastMatchedColumn = Math.min(lastMatchedColumn,
firstCol = Math.min(firstCol, firstMatchedColumn);
lastCol = Math.max(lastCol, lastMatchedColumn);
if (matchFound)
if (av.hasHiddenColumns())
firstCol = alignment.getHiddenColumns()
lastCol = alignment.getHiddenColumns().absoluteToVisibleColumn(lastCol);
int transX = (firstCol - ranges.getStartRes()) * av.getCharWidth();
int transY = (firstSeq - ranges.getStartSeq()) * av.getCharHeight();
gg.translate(transX, transY);
drawPanel(gg, firstCol, lastCol, firstSeq, lastSeq, 0);
gg.translate(-transX, -transY);
return matchFound;
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
String eventName = evt.getPropertyName();
if (eventName.equals(SequenceGroup.SEQ_GROUP_CHANGED))
fastPaint = true;
else if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.MOVE_VIEWPORT))
fastPaint = false;
int scrollX = 0;
if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRES)
|| eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRESANDSEQ))
// Make sure we're not trying to draw a panel
// larger than the visible window
if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRES))
scrollX = (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue();
scrollX = ((int[]) evt.getNewValue())[0]
- ((int[]) evt.getOldValue())[0];
ViewportRanges vpRanges = av.getRanges();
int range = vpRanges.getEndRes() - vpRanges.getStartRes();
if (scrollX > range)
scrollX = range;
else if (scrollX < -range)
scrollX = -range;
// Both scrolling and resizing change viewport ranges: scrolling changes
// both start and end points, but resize only changes end values.
// Here we only want to fastpaint on a scroll, with resize using a normal
// paint, so scroll events are identified as changes to the horizontal or
// vertical start value.
if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRES))
if (av.getWrapAlignment())
fastPaint(scrollX, 0);
else if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTSEQ))
// scroll
fastPaint(0, (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue());
else if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRESANDSEQ))
if (av.getWrapAlignment())
fastPaint(scrollX, 0);
else if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTSEQ))
// scroll
fastPaint(0, (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue());
else if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRESANDSEQ))
if (av.getWrapAlignment())
* Does a minimal update of the image for a scroll movement. This method
* handles scroll movements of up to one width of the wrapped alignment (one
* click in the vertical scrollbar). Larger movements (for example after a
* scroll to highlight a mapped position) trigger a full redraw instead.
* @param scrollX
* number of positions scrolled (right if positive, left if negative)
protected void fastPaintWrapped(int scrollX)
ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
if (Math.abs(scrollX) > ranges.getViewportWidth())
* shift of more than one view width is
* overcomplicated to handle in this method
fastPaint = false;
if (fastpainting || gg == null)
fastPaint = true;
fastpainting = true;
calculateWrappedGeometry(getWidth(), getHeight());
* relocate the regions of the alignment that are still visible
* add new columns (sequence, annotation)
* - at top left if scrollX < 0
* - at right of last two widths if scrollX > 0
if (scrollX < 0)
int startRes = ranges.getStartRes();
drawWrappedWidth(gg, wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment, startRes, startRes
- scrollX - 1, getHeight());
* draw all scales (if shown) and hidden column markers
drawWrappedDecorators(gg, ranges.getStartRes());
} finally
fastpainting = false;
* Draws the specified number of columns at the 'end' (bottom right) of a
* wrapped alignment view, including sequences and annotations if shown, but
* not scales. Also draws the same number of columns at the right hand end of
* the second last width shown, if the last width is not full height (so
* cannot simply be copied from the graphics image).
* @param columns
protected void fastPaintWrappedAddRight(int columns)
if (columns == 0)
ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
int viewportWidth = ranges.getViewportWidth();
int charWidth = av.getCharWidth();
* draw full height alignment in the second last row, last columns, if the
* last row was not full height
int visibleWidths = wrappedVisibleWidths;
int canvasHeight = getHeight();
boolean lastWidthPartHeight = (wrappedVisibleWidths * wrappedRepeatHeightPx) > canvasHeight;
if (lastWidthPartHeight)
int widthsAbove = Math.max(0, visibleWidths - 2);
int ypos = wrappedRepeatHeightPx * widthsAbove
+ wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment;
int endRes = ranges.getEndRes();
endRes += widthsAbove * viewportWidth;
int startRes = endRes - columns;
int xOffset = ((startRes - ranges.getStartRes()) % viewportWidth)
* charWidth;
* white fill first to erase annotations
gg.translate(xOffset, 0);
gg.fillRect(labelWidthWest, ypos,
(endRes - startRes + 1) * charWidth, wrappedRepeatHeightPx);
gg.translate(-xOffset, 0);
drawWrappedWidth(gg, ypos, startRes, endRes, canvasHeight);
* draw newly visible columns in last wrapped width (none if we
* have reached the end of the alignment)
* y-offset for drawing last width is height of widths above,
* plus one gap row
int widthsAbove = visibleWidths - 1;
int ypos = wrappedRepeatHeightPx * widthsAbove
+ wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment;
int endRes = ranges.getEndRes();
endRes += widthsAbove * viewportWidth;
int startRes = endRes - columns + 1;
* white fill first to erase annotations
int xOffset = ((startRes - ranges.getStartRes()) % viewportWidth)
* charWidth;
gg.translate(xOffset, 0);
int width = viewportWidth * charWidth - xOffset;
gg.fillRect(labelWidthWest, ypos, width, wrappedRepeatHeightPx);
gg.translate(-xOffset, 0);
if (startRes < ranges.getVisibleAlignmentWidth())
drawWrappedWidth(gg, ypos, startRes, endRes, canvasHeight);
* and finally, white fill any space below the visible alignment
int heightBelow = canvasHeight - visibleWidths * wrappedRepeatHeightPx;
if (heightBelow > 0)
gg.fillRect(0, canvasHeight - heightBelow, getWidth(), heightBelow);
* Shifts the visible alignment by the specified number of columns - left if
* negative, right if positive. Copies and moves sequences and annotations (if
* shown). Scales, hidden column markers and any newly visible columns must be
* drawn separately.
* @param positions
protected void shiftWrappedAlignment(int positions)
if (positions == 0)
int charWidth = av.getCharWidth();
int canvasHeight = getHeight();
ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
int viewportWidth = ranges.getViewportWidth();
int widthToCopy = (ranges.getViewportWidth() - Math.abs(positions))
* charWidth;
int heightToCopy = wrappedRepeatHeightPx - wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment;
int xMax = ranges.getVisibleAlignmentWidth();
if (positions > 0)
* shift right (after scroll left)
* for each wrapped width (starting with the last), copy (width-positions)
* columns from the left margin to the right margin, and copy positions
* columns from the right margin of the row above (if any) to the
* left margin of the current row
* get y-offset of last wrapped width, first row of sequences
int y = canvasHeight / wrappedRepeatHeightPx * wrappedRepeatHeightPx;
y += wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment;
int copyFromLeftStart = labelWidthWest;
int copyFromRightStart = copyFromLeftStart + widthToCopy;
while (y >= 0)
gg.copyArea(copyFromLeftStart, y, widthToCopy, heightToCopy,
positions * charWidth, 0);
if (y > 0)
gg.copyArea(copyFromRightStart, y - wrappedRepeatHeightPx,
positions * charWidth, heightToCopy, -widthToCopy,
y -= wrappedRepeatHeightPx;
* shift left (after scroll right)
* for each wrapped width (starting with the first), copy (width-positions)
* columns from the right margin to the left margin, and copy positions
* columns from the left margin of the row below (if any) to the
* right margin of the current row
int xpos = av.getRanges().getStartRes();
int y = wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment;
int copyFromRightStart = labelWidthWest - positions * charWidth;
while (y < canvasHeight)
gg.copyArea(copyFromRightStart, y, widthToCopy, heightToCopy,
positions * charWidth, 0);
if (y + wrappedRepeatHeightPx < canvasHeight - wrappedRepeatHeightPx
&& (xpos + viewportWidth <= xMax))
gg.copyArea(labelWidthWest, y + wrappedRepeatHeightPx, -positions
* charWidth, heightToCopy, widthToCopy,
y += wrappedRepeatHeightPx;
xpos += viewportWidth;
* Redraws any positions in the search results in the visible region of a
* wrapped alignment. Any highlights are drawn depending on the search results
* set on the Viewport, not the results
argument. This allows
* this method to be called either to clear highlights (passing the previous
* search results), or to draw new highlights.
* @param results
* @return
protected boolean drawMappedPositionsWrapped(SearchResultsI results)
if ((results == null) || (gg == null)) // JAL-2784 check gg is not null
return false;
int charHeight = av.getCharHeight();
boolean matchFound = false;
calculateWrappedGeometry(getWidth(), getHeight());
int wrappedWidth = av.getWrappedWidth();
int wrappedHeight = wrappedRepeatHeightPx;
ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
int canvasHeight = getHeight();
int repeats = canvasHeight / wrappedHeight;
if (canvasHeight / wrappedHeight > 0)
int firstVisibleColumn = ranges.getStartRes();
int lastVisibleColumn = ranges.getStartRes() + repeats
* ranges.getViewportWidth() - 1;
AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment();
if (av.hasHiddenColumns())
firstVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns()
lastVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns()
int gapHeight = charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1);
for (int seqNo = ranges.getStartSeq(); seqNo <= ranges
.getEndSeq(); seqNo++)
SequenceI seq = alignment.getSequenceAt(seqNo);
int[] visibleResults = results.getResults(seq, firstVisibleColumn,
if (visibleResults != null)
for (int i = 0; i < visibleResults.length - 1; i += 2)
int firstMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i];
int lastMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i + 1];
if (firstMatchedColumn <= lastVisibleColumn
&& lastMatchedColumn >= firstVisibleColumn)
* found a search results match in the visible region
firstMatchedColumn = Math.max(firstMatchedColumn,
lastMatchedColumn = Math.min(lastMatchedColumn,
* draw each mapped position separately (as contiguous positions may
* wrap across lines)
for (int mappedPos = firstMatchedColumn; mappedPos <= lastMatchedColumn; mappedPos++)
int displayColumn = mappedPos;
if (av.hasHiddenColumns())
displayColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns()
* transX: offset from left edge of canvas to residue position
int transX = labelWidthWest
+ ((displayColumn - ranges.getStartRes()) % wrappedWidth)
* av.getCharWidth();
* transY: offset from top edge of canvas to residue position
int transY = gapHeight;
transY += (displayColumn - ranges.getStartRes())
/ wrappedWidth * wrappedHeight;
transY += (seqNo - ranges.getStartSeq()) * av.getCharHeight();
* yOffset is from graphics origin to start of visible region
int yOffset = 0;// (displayColumn / wrappedWidth) * wrappedHeight;
if (transY < getHeight())
matchFound = true;
gg.translate(transX, transY);
drawPanel(gg, displayColumn, displayColumn, seqNo, seqNo,
gg.translate(-transX, -transY);
return matchFound;
* Answers the width in pixels of the left scale labels (0 if not shown)
* @return
int getLabelWidthWest()
return labelWidthWest;