/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.HiddenColumns; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultsI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.renderer.ScaleRenderer; import jalview.renderer.ScaleRenderer.ScaleMark; import jalview.util.Comparison; import jalview.viewmodel.ViewportListenerI; import jalview.viewmodel.ViewportRanges; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JComponent; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class SeqCanvas extends JComponent implements ViewportListenerI { private static String ZEROS = "0000000000"; final FeatureRenderer fr; final SequenceRenderer sr; BufferedImage img; Graphics2D gg; int imgWidth; int imgHeight; AlignViewport av; boolean fastPaint = false; boolean fastpainting = false; int labelWidthWest; int labelWidthEast; int cursorX = 0; int cursorY = 0; /** * Creates a new SeqCanvas object. * * @param av * DOCUMENT ME! */ public SeqCanvas(AlignmentPanel ap) { this.av = ap.av; updateViewport(); fr = new FeatureRenderer(ap); sr = new SequenceRenderer(av); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); PaintRefresher.Register(this, av.getSequenceSetId()); setBackground(Color.white); av.getRanges().addPropertyChangeListener(this); } public SequenceRenderer getSequenceRenderer() { return sr; } public FeatureRenderer getFeatureRenderer() { return fr; } int charHeight = 0, charWidth = 0; private void updateViewport() { charHeight = av.getCharHeight(); charWidth = av.getCharWidth(); } /** * Draws the scale above a region of a wrapped alignment, consisting of a * column number every 10 columns. * * @param g * the graphics context to draw on, positioned at the start (bottom * left) of the * @param startx * DOCUMENT ME! * @param endx * DOCUMENT ME! * @param ypos * DOCUMENT ME! */ private void drawNorthScale(Graphics g, int startx, int endx, int ypos) { updateViewport(); List marks = new ScaleRenderer().calculateMarks(av, startx, endx); for (ScaleMark mark : marks) { int mpos = mark.column; // (i - startx - 1) if (mpos < 0) { continue; } String mstring = mark.text; if (mark.major) { if (mstring != null) { g.drawString(mstring, mpos * charWidth, ypos - (charHeight / 2)); } /* * draw a tick mark below the column number, centred on the column; * height of tick mark is 4 pixels less than half a character */ int xpos = (mpos * charWidth) + (charWidth / 2); g.drawLine(xpos, (ypos + 2) - (charHeight / 2), xpos, ypos - 2); } } } /** * Draw the scale to the left or right of a wrapped alignment * * @param g * @param startx * first column of wrapped width (0.. excluding any hidden columns) * @param endx * last column of wrapped width (0.. excluding any hidden columns) * @param ypos * vertical offset at which to begin the scale * @param left * if true, scale is left of residues, if false, scale is right */ void drawVerticalScale(Graphics g, int startx, int endx, int ypos, boolean left) { ypos += charHeight; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { HiddenColumns hiddenColumns = av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns(); startx = hiddenColumns.adjustForHiddenColumns(startx); endx = hiddenColumns.adjustForHiddenColumns(endx); } FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); for (int i = 0; i < av.getAlignment().getHeight(); i++) { SequenceI seq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i); /* * find sequence position of first non-gapped position - * to the right if scale left, to the left if scale right */ int index = left ? startx : endx; int value = -1; while (index >= startx && index <= endx) { if (!Comparison.isGap(seq.getCharAt(index))) { value = seq.findPosition(index); break; } if (left) { index++; } else { index--; } } if (value != -1) { /* * draw scale value, justified, with half a character width * separation from the sequence data */ String valueAsString = String.valueOf(value); int justify = fm.stringWidth(valueAsString) + charWidth; int xpos = left ? labelWidthWest - justify + charWidth / 2 : getWidth() - justify - charWidth / 2; g.setColor(Color.white); int y = (ypos + (i * charHeight)) - (charHeight / 5); y -= charHeight; // fillRect starts from top right of rectangle g.fillRect(xpos, y, justify - charWidth, charHeight + 1); y += charHeight; // drawString starts from bottom right of text g.setColor(Color.black); g.drawString(valueAsString, xpos, y); } } } /** * Does a fast paint of an alignment in response to a scroll. Most of the * visible region is simply copied and shifted, and then any newly visible * columns or rows are drawn. The scroll may be horizontal or vertical, but * not both at once. Scrolling may be the result of * * * @param horizontal * columns to shift right (positive) or left (negative) * @param vertical * rows to shift down (positive) or up (negative) */ public void fastPaint(int horizontal, int vertical) { if (fastpainting || gg == null) { return; } fastpainting = true; fastPaint = true; updateViewport(); ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges(); int startRes = ranges.getStartRes(); int endRes = ranges.getEndRes(); int startSeq = ranges.getStartSeq(); int endSeq = ranges.getEndSeq(); int transX = 0; int transY = 0; gg.copyArea(horizontal * charWidth, vertical * charHeight, imgWidth, imgHeight, -horizontal * charWidth, -vertical * charHeight); if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left { transX = (endRes - startRes - horizontal) * charWidth; startRes = endRes - horizontal; } else if (horizontal < 0) { endRes = startRes - horizontal; } else if (vertical > 0) // scroll down { startSeq = endSeq - vertical; if (startSeq < ranges.getStartSeq()) { // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time startSeq = ranges.getStartSeq(); } else { transY = imgHeight - ((vertical + 1) * charHeight); } } else if (vertical < 0) { endSeq = startSeq - vertical; if (endSeq > ranges.getEndSeq()) { endSeq = ranges.getEndSeq(); } } gg.translate(transX, transY); drawPanel(gg, startRes, endRes, startSeq, endSeq, 0); gg.translate(-transX, -transY); repaint(); fastpainting = false; } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { updateViewport(); BufferedImage lcimg = img; // take reference since other threads may null // img and call later. super.paintComponent(g); if (lcimg != null && (fastPaint || (getVisibleRect().width != g.getClipBounds().width) || (getVisibleRect().height != g .getClipBounds().height))) { g.drawImage(lcimg, 0, 0, this); fastPaint = false; return; } // this draws the whole of the alignment imgWidth = getWidth(); imgHeight = getHeight(); imgWidth -= (imgWidth % charWidth); imgHeight -= (imgHeight % charHeight); if ((imgWidth < 1) || (imgHeight < 1)) { return; } if (lcimg == null || imgWidth != lcimg.getWidth() || imgHeight != lcimg.getHeight()) { try { lcimg = img = new BufferedImage(imgWidth, imgHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); gg = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); gg.setFont(av.getFont()); } catch (OutOfMemoryError er) { System.gc(); System.err.println("SeqCanvas OutOfMemory Redraw Error.\n" + er); new OOMWarning("Creating alignment image for display", er); return; } } if (av.antiAlias) { gg.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); } gg.setColor(Color.white); gg.fillRect(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight); ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges(); if (av.getWrapAlignment()) { drawWrappedPanel(gg, getWidth(), getHeight(), ranges.getStartRes()); } else { drawPanel(gg, ranges.getStartRes(), ranges.getEndRes(), ranges.getStartSeq(), ranges.getEndSeq(), 0); } g.drawImage(lcimg, 0, 0, this); } /** * Returns the visible width of the canvas in residues, after allowing for * East or West scales (if shown) * * @param canvasWidth * the width in pixels (possibly including scales) * * @return */ public int getWrappedCanvasWidth(int canvasWidth) { FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); labelWidthEast = 0; labelWidthWest = 0; if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { labelWidthEast = getLabelWidth(fm); } if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { labelWidthWest = labelWidthEast > 0 ? labelWidthEast : getLabelWidth(fm); } return (canvasWidth - labelWidthEast - labelWidthWest) / charWidth; } /** * Returns a pixel width suitable for showing the largest sequence coordinate * (end position) in the alignment. Returns 2 plus the number of decimal * digits to be shown (3 for 1-10, 4 for 11-99 etc). * * @param fm * @return */ protected int getLabelWidth(FontMetrics fm) { /* * find the biggest sequence end position we need to show * (note this is not necessarily the sequence length) */ int maxWidth = 0; AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment(); for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getHeight(); i++) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, alignment.getSequenceAt(i).getEnd()); } int length = 2; for (int i = maxWidth; i > 0; i /= 10) { length++; } return fm.stringWidth(ZEROS.substring(0, length)); } /** * Draws as many widths of a wrapped alignment as can fit in the visible * window * * @param g * @param canvasWidth * available width in pixels * @param canvasHeight * available height in pixels * @param startRes * the first visible column (0...) of the alignment to draw */ public void drawWrappedPanel(Graphics g, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, int startRes) { updateViewport(); int labelWidth = 0; if (av.getScaleRightWrapped() || av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(av.getFont()); labelWidth = getLabelWidth(fm); } labelWidthEast = av.getScaleRightWrapped() ? labelWidth : 0; labelWidthWest = av.getScaleLeftWrapped() ? labelWidth : 0; int hgap = charHeight; if (av.getScaleAboveWrapped()) { hgap += charHeight; } int cWidth = (canvasWidth - labelWidthEast - labelWidthWest) / charWidth; av.setWrappedWidth(cWidth); av.getRanges().setViewportStartAndWidth(startRes, cWidth); int ypos = hgap; int maxwidth = av.getAlignment().getWidth(); if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { maxwidth = av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns() .findColumnPosition(maxwidth); } int annotationHeight = getAnnotationHeight(); int sequencesHeight = av.getAlignment().getHeight() * charHeight; /* * draw one width at a time (including any scales or annotation shown), * until we have run out of alignment or vertical space available */ while ((ypos <= canvasHeight) && (startRes < maxwidth)) { drawWrappedWidth(g, startRes, canvasHeight, cWidth, maxwidth, ypos); ypos += sequencesHeight + annotationHeight + hgap; startRes += cWidth; } } /** * @param g * @param startRes * @param canvasHeight * @param canvasWidth * @param maxWidth * @param ypos */ protected void drawWrappedWidth(Graphics g, int startRes, int canvasHeight, int canvasWidth, int maxWidth, int ypos) { int endx; endx = startRes + canvasWidth - 1; if (endx > maxWidth) { endx = maxWidth; } g.setFont(av.getFont()); g.setColor(Color.black); if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(g, startRes, endx, ypos, true); } if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(g, startRes, endx, ypos, false); } drawWrappedRegion(g, startRes, endx, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, ypos); } /** * Draws columns of a wrapped alignment from startRes to endRes, including * scale above and annotations if shown, but not scale left or right. * * @param g * @param startRes * @param endRes * @param canvasHeight * @param canvasWidth * @param ypos */ protected void drawWrappedRegion(Graphics g, int startRes, int endRes, int canvasHeight, int canvasWidth, int ypos) { g.translate(labelWidthWest, 0); if (av.getScaleAboveWrapped()) { drawNorthScale(g, startRes, endRes, ypos); } // todo can we let drawPanel() handle this? if (av.hasHiddenColumns() && av.getShowHiddenMarkers()) { g.setColor(Color.blue); HiddenColumns hidden = av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns(); List positions = hidden.findHiddenRegionPositions(); for (int pos : positions) { int res = pos - startRes; if (res < 0 || res > endRes - startRes) { continue; } gg.fillPolygon(new int[] { res * charWidth - charHeight / 4, res * charWidth + charHeight / 4, res * charWidth }, new int[] { ypos - (charHeight / 2), ypos - (charHeight / 2), ypos - (charHeight / 2) + 8 }, 3); } } // When printing we have an extra clipped region, // the Printable page which we need to account for here Shape clip = g.getClip(); if (clip == null) { g.setClip(0, 0, canvasWidth * charWidth, canvasHeight); } else { g.setClip(0, (int) clip.getBounds().getY(), canvasWidth * charWidth, (int) clip.getBounds().getHeight()); } drawPanel(g, startRes, endRes, 0, av.getAlignment().getHeight() - 1, ypos); int cHeight = av.getAlignment().getHeight() * charHeight; if (av.isShowAnnotation()) { g.translate(0, cHeight + ypos + 3); if (annotations == null) { annotations = new AnnotationPanel(av); } annotations.renderer.drawComponent(annotations, av, g, -1, startRes, endRes + 1); g.translate(0, -cHeight - ypos - 3); } g.setClip(clip); g.translate(-labelWidthWest, 0); } AnnotationPanel annotations; int getAnnotationHeight() { if (!av.isShowAnnotation()) { return 0; } if (annotations == null) { annotations = new AnnotationPanel(av); } return annotations.adjustPanelHeight(); } /** * Draws the visible region of the alignment on the graphics context. If there * are hidden column markers in the visible region, then each sub-region * between the markers is drawn separately, followed by the hidden column * marker. * * @param g1 * the graphics context, positioned at the first residue to be drawn * @param startRes * offset of the first column to draw (0..) * @param endRes * offset of the last column to draw (0..) * @param startSeq * offset of the first sequence to draw (0..) * @param endSeq * offset of the last sequence to draw (0..) * @param yOffset * vertical offset at which to draw (for wrapped alignments) */ public void drawPanel(Graphics g1, final int startRes, final int endRes, final int startSeq, final int endSeq, final int yOffset) { updateViewport(); if (!av.hasHiddenColumns()) { draw(g1, startRes, endRes, startSeq, endSeq, yOffset); } else { int screenY = 0; final int screenYMax = endRes - startRes; int blockStart = startRes; int blockEnd = endRes; for (int[] region : av.getAlignment().getHiddenColumns() .getHiddenColumnsCopy()) { int hideStart = region[0]; int hideEnd = region[1]; if (hideStart <= blockStart) { blockStart += (hideEnd - hideStart) + 1; continue; } /* * draw up to just before the next hidden region, or the end of * the visible region, whichever comes first */ blockEnd = Math.min(hideStart - 1, blockStart + screenYMax - screenY); g1.translate(screenY * charWidth, 0); draw(g1, blockStart, blockEnd, startSeq, endSeq, yOffset); /* * draw the downline of the hidden column marker (ScalePanel draws the * triangle on top) if we reached it */ if (av.getShowHiddenMarkers() && blockEnd == hideStart - 1) { g1.setColor(Color.blue); g1.drawLine((blockEnd - blockStart + 1) * charWidth - 1, 0 + yOffset, (blockEnd - blockStart + 1) * charWidth - 1, (endSeq - startSeq + 1) * charHeight + yOffset); } g1.translate(-screenY * charWidth, 0); screenY += blockEnd - blockStart + 1; blockStart = hideEnd + 1; if (screenY > screenYMax) { // already rendered last block return; } } if (screenY <= screenYMax) { // remaining visible region to render blockEnd = blockStart + screenYMax - screenY; g1.translate(screenY * charWidth, 0); draw(g1, blockStart, blockEnd, startSeq, endSeq, yOffset); g1.translate(-screenY * charWidth, 0); } } } /** * Draws a region of the visible alignment * * @param g1 * @param startRes * offset of the first column in the visible region (0..) * @param endRes * offset of the last column in the visible region (0..) * @param startSeq * offset of the first sequence in the visible region (0..) * @param endSeq * offset of the last sequence in the visible region (0..) * @param yOffset * vertical offset at which to draw (for wrapped alignments) */ private void draw(Graphics g, int startRes, int endRes, int startSeq, int endSeq, int offset) { g.setFont(av.getFont()); sr.prepare(g, av.isRenderGaps()); SequenceI nextSeq; // / First draw the sequences // /////////////////////////// for (int i = startSeq; i <= endSeq; i++) { nextSeq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i); if (nextSeq == null) { // occasionally, a race condition occurs such that the alignment row is // empty continue; } sr.drawSequence(nextSeq, av.getAlignment().findAllGroups(nextSeq), startRes, endRes, offset + ((i - startSeq) * charHeight)); if (av.isShowSequenceFeatures()) { fr.drawSequence(g, nextSeq, startRes, endRes, offset + ((i - startSeq) * charHeight), false); } /* * highlight search Results once sequence has been drawn */ if (av.hasSearchResults()) { SearchResultsI searchResults = av.getSearchResults(); int[] visibleResults = searchResults.getResults(nextSeq, startRes, endRes); if (visibleResults != null) { for (int r = 0; r < visibleResults.length; r += 2) { sr.drawHighlightedText(nextSeq, visibleResults[r], visibleResults[r + 1], (visibleResults[r] - startRes) * charWidth, offset + ((i - startSeq) * charHeight)); } } } if (av.cursorMode && cursorY == i && cursorX >= startRes && cursorX <= endRes) { sr.drawCursor(nextSeq, cursorX, (cursorX - startRes) * charWidth, offset + ((i - startSeq) * charHeight)); } } if (av.getSelectionGroup() != null || av.getAlignment().getGroups().size() > 0) { drawGroupsBoundaries(g, startRes, endRes, startSeq, endSeq, offset); } } void drawGroupsBoundaries(Graphics g1, int startRes, int endRes, int startSeq, int endSeq, int offset) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1; // // /////////////////////////////////// // Now outline any areas if necessary // /////////////////////////////////// SequenceGroup group = av.getSelectionGroup(); int sx = -1; int sy = -1; int ex = -1; int groupIndex = -1; int visWidth = (endRes - startRes + 1) * charWidth; if ((group == null) && (av.getAlignment().getGroups().size() > 0)) { group = av.getAlignment().getGroups().get(0); groupIndex = 0; } if (group != null) { do { int oldY = -1; int i = 0; boolean inGroup = false; int top = -1; int bottom = -1; for (i = startSeq; i <= endSeq; i++) { sx = (group.getStartRes() - startRes) * charWidth; sy = offset + ((i - startSeq) * charHeight); ex = (((group.getEndRes() + 1) - group.getStartRes()) * charWidth) - 1; if (sx + ex < 0 || sx > visWidth) { continue; } if ((sx <= (endRes - startRes) * charWidth) && group.getSequences(null).contains( av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i))) { if ((bottom == -1) && !group.getSequences(null).contains( av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i + 1))) { bottom = sy + charHeight; } if (!inGroup) { if (((top == -1) && (i == 0)) || !group.getSequences(null).contains( av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(i - 1))) { top = sy; } oldY = sy; inGroup = true; if (group == av.getSelectionGroup()) { g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[] { 5f, 3f }, 0f)); g.setColor(Color.RED); } else { g.setStroke(new BasicStroke()); g.setColor(group.getOutlineColour()); } } } else { if (inGroup) { if (sx >= 0 && sx < visWidth) { g.drawLine(sx, oldY, sx, sy); } if (sx + ex < visWidth) { g.drawLine(sx + ex, oldY, sx + ex, sy); } if (sx < 0) { ex += sx; sx = 0; } if (sx + ex > visWidth) { ex = visWidth; } else if (sx + ex >= (endRes - startRes + 1) * charWidth) { ex = (endRes - startRes + 1) * charWidth; } if (top != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, top, sx + ex, top); top = -1; } if (bottom != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, bottom, sx + ex, bottom); bottom = -1; } inGroup = false; } } } if (inGroup) { sy = offset + ((i - startSeq) * charHeight); if (sx >= 0 && sx < visWidth) { g.drawLine(sx, oldY, sx, sy); } if (sx + ex < visWidth) { g.drawLine(sx + ex, oldY, sx + ex, sy); } if (sx < 0) { ex += sx; sx = 0; } if (sx + ex > visWidth) { ex = visWidth; } else if (sx + ex >= (endRes - startRes + 1) * charWidth) { ex = (endRes - startRes + 1) * charWidth; } if (top != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, top, sx + ex, top); top = -1; } if (bottom != -1) { g.drawLine(sx, bottom - 1, sx + ex, bottom - 1); bottom = -1; } inGroup = false; } groupIndex++; g.setStroke(new BasicStroke()); if (groupIndex >= av.getAlignment().getGroups().size()) { break; } group = av.getAlignment().getGroups().get(groupIndex); } while (groupIndex < av.getAlignment().getGroups().size()); } } /** * Highlights search results in the visible region by rendering as white text * on a black background. Any previous highlighting is removed. Answers true * if any highlight was left on the visible alignment (so status bar should be * set to match), else false. *

* Currently fastPaint is not implemented for wrapped alignments. If a wrapped * alignment had to be scrolled to show the highlighted region, then it should * be fully redrawn, otherwise a fast paint can be performed. This argument * could be removed if fast paint of scrolled wrapped alignment is coded in * future (JAL-2609). * * @param results * @param noFastPaint * @return */ public boolean highlightSearchResults(SearchResultsI results, boolean noFastPaint) { if (fastpainting) { return false; } boolean wrapped = av.getWrapAlignment(); try { fastPaint = !noFastPaint; fastpainting = fastPaint; updateViewport(); /* * to avoid redrawing the whole visible region, we instead * redraw just the minimal regions to remove previous highlights * and add new ones */ SearchResultsI previous = av.getSearchResults(); av.setSearchResults(results); boolean redrawn = false; boolean drawn = false; if (wrapped) { redrawn = drawMappedPositionsWrapped(previous); drawn = drawMappedPositionsWrapped(results); redrawn |= drawn; } else { redrawn = drawMappedPositions(previous); drawn = drawMappedPositions(results); redrawn |= drawn; } /* * if highlights were either removed or added, repaint */ if (redrawn) { repaint(); } /* * return true only if highlights were added */ return drawn; } finally { fastpainting = false; } } /** * Redraws the minimal rectangle in the visible region (if any) that includes * mapped positions of the given search results. Whether or not positions are * highlighted depends on the SearchResults set on the Viewport. This allows * this method to be called to either clear or set highlighting. Answers true * if any positions were drawn (in which case a repaint is still required), * else false. * * @param results * @return */ protected boolean drawMappedPositions(SearchResultsI results) { if (results == null) { return false; } /* * calculate the minimal rectangle to redraw that * includes both new and existing search results */ int firstSeq = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int lastSeq = -1; int firstCol = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int lastCol = -1; boolean matchFound = false; ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges(); int firstVisibleColumn = ranges.getStartRes(); int lastVisibleColumn = ranges.getEndRes(); AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment(); if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { firstVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns() .adjustForHiddenColumns(firstVisibleColumn); lastVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns() .adjustForHiddenColumns(lastVisibleColumn); } for (int seqNo = ranges.getStartSeq(); seqNo <= ranges .getEndSeq(); seqNo++) { SequenceI seq = alignment.getSequenceAt(seqNo); int[] visibleResults = results.getResults(seq, firstVisibleColumn, lastVisibleColumn); if (visibleResults != null) { for (int i = 0; i < visibleResults.length - 1; i += 2) { int firstMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i]; int lastMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i + 1]; if (firstMatchedColumn <= lastVisibleColumn && lastMatchedColumn >= firstVisibleColumn) { /* * found a search results match in the visible region - * remember the first and last sequence matched, and the first * and last visible columns in the matched positions */ matchFound = true; firstSeq = Math.min(firstSeq, seqNo); lastSeq = Math.max(lastSeq, seqNo); firstMatchedColumn = Math.max(firstMatchedColumn, firstVisibleColumn); lastMatchedColumn = Math.min(lastMatchedColumn, lastVisibleColumn); firstCol = Math.min(firstCol, firstMatchedColumn); lastCol = Math.max(lastCol, lastMatchedColumn); } } } } if (matchFound) { if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { firstCol = alignment.getHiddenColumns() .findColumnPosition(firstCol); lastCol = alignment.getHiddenColumns().findColumnPosition(lastCol); } int transX = (firstCol - ranges.getStartRes()) * av.getCharWidth(); int transY = (firstSeq - ranges.getStartSeq()) * av.getCharHeight(); gg.translate(transX, transY); drawPanel(gg, firstCol, lastCol, firstSeq, lastSeq, 0); gg.translate(-transX, -transY); } return matchFound; } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String eventName = evt.getPropertyName(); // if (av.getWrapAlignment()) // { // if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRES)) // { // repaint(); // } // } // else { int scrollX = 0; if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRES)) { // Make sure we're not trying to draw a panel // larger than the visible window ViewportRanges vpRanges = av.getRanges(); scrollX = (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue(); int range = vpRanges.getEndRes() - vpRanges.getStartRes(); if (scrollX > range) { scrollX = range; } else if (scrollX < -range) { scrollX = -range; } } // Both scrolling and resizing change viewport ranges: scrolling changes // both start and end points, but resize only changes end values. // Here we only want to fastpaint on a scroll, with resize using a normal // paint, so scroll events are identified as changes to the horizontal or // vertical start value. if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTRES)) { // scroll - startres and endres both change if (av.getWrapAlignment()) { fastPaintWrapped(scrollX); // fastPaintWrapped(scrollX > 0 ? 1 : -1); // to debug: 1 at a time } else { fastPaint(scrollX, 0); } } else if (eventName.equals(ViewportRanges.STARTSEQ)) { fastPaint(0, (int) evt.getNewValue() - (int) evt.getOldValue()); } } } /** * Does a minimal update of the image for a scroll movement. This method * handles scroll movements of up to one width of the wrapped alignment (one * click in the vertical scrollbar). Larger movements (for example after a * scroll to highlight a mapped position) trigger a full redraw instead. * * @param scrollX * number of positions scrolled (right if positive, left if negative) */ protected void fastPaintWrapped(int scrollX) { if (Math.abs(scrollX) > av.getRanges().getViewportWidth()) { /* * shift of more than one view width is * too complicated to handle in this method */ fastPaint = false; repaint(); return; } fastPaint = true; /* * relocate the regions of the alignment that are still visible */ shiftWrappedAlignment(-scrollX); /* * add new columns (scale above, sequence, annotation) * at top left if scrollX < 0 or bottom right if scrollX > 0 * also West scale top left or East scale bottom right if shown */ if (scrollX < 0) { fastPaintWrappedTopLeft(-scrollX); } else { // fastPaintWrappedBottomRight(scrollX); } repaint(); } /** * Draws the specified number of columns at the 'end' (bottom right) of a * wrapped alignment view, including scale above and right and annotations if * shown * * @param columns */ protected void fastPaintWrappedBottomRight(int columns) { if (columns == 0) { return; } int repeatHeight = getRepeatHeightWrapped(); ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges(); int visibleWidths = getHeight() / repeatHeight; if (getHeight() % repeatHeight > 0) { visibleWidths++; } int viewportWidth = ranges.getViewportWidth(); int hgap = charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1); int startRes = av.getRanges().getStartRes(); int endx = startRes + columns - 1; int ypos = charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1); ypos += repeatHeight * (visibleWidths - 1); gg.setFont(av.getFont()); gg.setColor(Color.black); int cWidth = (getWidth() - labelWidthEast - labelWidthWest) / charWidth; drawWrappedRegion(gg, startRes, endx, getHeight(), cWidth, ypos); if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(gg, startRes, endx, ypos, false); } } /** * Draws the specified number of columns at the 'start' (top left) of a * wrapped alignment view, including scale above and left and annotations if * shown * * @param columns */ protected void fastPaintWrappedTopLeft(int columns) { int startRes = av.getRanges().getStartRes(); int endx = startRes + columns - 1; int ypos = 0; /* * white fill the region to be drawn including scale left or above */ gg.setColor(Color.white); int height = getRepeatHeightWrapped(); gg.fillRect(0, ypos, labelWidthWest + columns * charWidth, height); ypos += charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1); gg.setFont(av.getFont()); gg.setColor(Color.black); if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(gg, startRes, endx, ypos, true); } int cWidth = (getWidth() - labelWidthEast - labelWidthWest) / charWidth; drawWrappedRegion(gg, startRes, endx, getHeight(), cWidth, ypos); } /** * Shifts the visible alignment by the specified number of columns - left if * negative, right if positive. Includes scale above, left or right and * annotations (if shown). Does not draw newly visible columns. * * @param positions */ protected void shiftWrappedAlignment(int positions) { if (positions == 0) { return; } int repeatHeight = getRepeatHeightWrapped(); ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges(); int widthToCopy = (ranges.getViewportWidth() - Math.abs(positions)) * charWidth; int visibleWidths = getHeight() / repeatHeight; if (getHeight() % repeatHeight > 0) { visibleWidths++; } int viewportWidth = ranges.getViewportWidth(); int hgap = charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1); if (positions > 0) { /* * shift right (after scroll left) * for each wrapped width (starting with the last), copy (width-positions) * columns from the left margin to the right margin, and copy positions * columns from the right margin of the row above (if any) to the * left margin of the current row */ int xpos = ranges.getStartRes() + (visibleWidths - 1) * viewportWidth; /* * get y-offset of last wrapped width */ int y = getHeight() / repeatHeight * repeatHeight; int copyFromLeftStart = labelWidthWest; int copyFromRightStart = copyFromLeftStart + widthToCopy; while (y >= 0) { // todo limit repeatHeight for a last part height width? gg.copyArea(copyFromLeftStart, y, widthToCopy, repeatHeight, positions * charWidth, 0); if (y > 0) { gg.copyArea(copyFromRightStart, y - repeatHeight, positions * charWidth, repeatHeight, -widthToCopy, repeatHeight); } if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(gg, xpos, xpos + viewportWidth, y + hgap, true); } if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(gg, xpos, xpos + viewportWidth, y + hgap, false); } y -= repeatHeight; xpos -= viewportWidth; } } else { /* * shift left (after scroll right) * for each wrapped width (starting with the first), copy (width-positions) * columns from the right margin to the left margin, and copy positions * columns from the left margin of the row below (if any) to the * right margin of the current row */ int xpos = ranges.getStartRes(); int y = 0; int copyFromRightStart = labelWidthWest - positions * charWidth; while (y < getHeight()) { // todo limit repeatHeight for a last part height width? gg.copyArea(copyFromRightStart, y, widthToCopy, repeatHeight, positions * charWidth, 0); if (y + repeatHeight < getHeight()) { gg.copyArea(labelWidthWest, y + repeatHeight, -positions * charWidth, repeatHeight, widthToCopy, -repeatHeight); } if (av.getScaleLeftWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(gg, xpos, xpos + viewportWidth, y + hgap, true); } if (av.getScaleRightWrapped()) { drawVerticalScale(gg, xpos, xpos + viewportWidth, y + hgap, false); } y += repeatHeight; xpos += ranges.getViewportWidth(); } } } /** * Redraws any positions in the search results in the visible region of a * wrapped alignment. Any highlights are drawn depending on the search results * set on the Viewport, not the results argument. This allows * this method to be called either to clear highlights (passing the previous * search results), or to draw new highlights. * * @param results * @return */ protected boolean drawMappedPositionsWrapped(SearchResultsI results) { if (results == null) { return false; } boolean matchFound = false; int wrappedWidth = av.getWrappedWidth(); int wrappedHeight = getRepeatHeightWrapped(); ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges(); int canvasHeight = getHeight(); int repeats = canvasHeight / wrappedHeight; if (canvasHeight / wrappedHeight > 0) { repeats++; } int firstVisibleColumn = ranges.getStartRes(); int lastVisibleColumn = ranges.getStartRes() + repeats * ranges.getViewportWidth() - 1; AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment(); if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { firstVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns() .adjustForHiddenColumns(firstVisibleColumn); lastVisibleColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns() .adjustForHiddenColumns(lastVisibleColumn); } int gapHeight = charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1); for (int seqNo = ranges.getStartSeq(); seqNo <= ranges .getEndSeq(); seqNo++) { SequenceI seq = alignment.getSequenceAt(seqNo); int[] visibleResults = results.getResults(seq, firstVisibleColumn, lastVisibleColumn); if (visibleResults != null) { for (int i = 0; i < visibleResults.length - 1; i += 2) { int firstMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i]; int lastMatchedColumn = visibleResults[i + 1]; if (firstMatchedColumn <= lastVisibleColumn && lastMatchedColumn >= firstVisibleColumn) { /* * found a search results match in the visible region */ firstMatchedColumn = Math.max(firstMatchedColumn, firstVisibleColumn); lastMatchedColumn = Math.min(lastMatchedColumn, lastVisibleColumn); /* * draw each mapped position separately (as contiguous positions may * wrap across lines) */ for (int mappedPos = firstMatchedColumn; mappedPos <= lastMatchedColumn; mappedPos++) { int displayColumn = mappedPos; if (av.hasHiddenColumns()) { displayColumn = alignment.getHiddenColumns() .findColumnPosition(displayColumn); } /* * transX: offset from left edge of canvas to residue position */ int transX = labelWidthWest + ((displayColumn - ranges.getStartRes()) % wrappedWidth) * av.getCharWidth(); /* * transY: offset from top edge of canvas to residue position */ int transY = gapHeight; transY += (displayColumn - ranges.getStartRes()) / wrappedWidth * wrappedHeight; transY += (seqNo - ranges.getStartSeq()) * av.getCharHeight(); /* * yOffset is from graphics origin to start of visible region */ int yOffset = 0;// (displayColumn / wrappedWidth) * wrappedHeight; if (transY < getHeight()) { matchFound = true; gg.translate(transX, transY); drawPanel(gg, displayColumn, displayColumn, seqNo, seqNo, yOffset); gg.translate(-transX, -transY); } } } } } } return matchFound; } /** * Answers the height in pixels of a repeating section of the wrapped * alignment, including space above, scale above if shown, sequences, and * annotation panel if shown * * @return */ protected int getRepeatHeightWrapped() { // gap (and maybe scale) above int repeatHeight = charHeight * (av.getScaleAboveWrapped() ? 2 : 1); // add sequences repeatHeight += av.getRanges().getViewportHeight() * charHeight; // add annotations panel height if shown repeatHeight += getAnnotationHeight(); return repeatHeight; } }