/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import jalview.api.AlignViewControllerGuiI; import jalview.api.FeatureSettingsControllerI; import jalview.api.SplitContainerI; import jalview.controller.FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.jbgui.GAlignFrame; import jalview.jbgui.GSplitFrame; import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.Platform; import jalview.viewmodel.AlignmentViewport; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.InputMap; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDesktopPane; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JLayeredPane; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent; /** * An internal frame on the desktop that hosts a horizontally split view of * linked DNA and Protein alignments. Additional views can be created in linked * pairs, expanded to separate split frames, or regathered into a single frame. *

* (Some) operations on each alignment are automatically mirrored on the other. * These include mouseover (highlighting), sequence and column selection, * sequence ordering and sorting, and grouping, colouring and sorting by tree. * * @author gmcarstairs * */ public class SplitFrame extends GSplitFrame implements SplitContainerI { private static final int WINDOWS_INSETS_WIDTH = 28; // tbc private static final int MAC_INSETS_WIDTH = 28; private static final int WINDOWS_INSETS_HEIGHT = 50; // tbc private static final int MAC_INSETS_HEIGHT = 50; private static final int DESKTOP_DECORATORS_HEIGHT = 65; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * geometry for Feature Settings Holder */ private static final int FS_MIN_WIDTH = 400; private static final int FS_MIN_HEIGHT = 400; public SplitFrame(GAlignFrame top, GAlignFrame bottom) { super(top, bottom); init(); } /** * Initialise this frame. */ protected void init() { getTopFrame().setSplitFrame(this); getBottomFrame().setSplitFrame(this); getTopFrame().setVisible(true); getBottomFrame().setVisible(true); ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getViewport().setCodingComplement( ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).getViewport()); /* * estimate width and height of SplitFrame; this.getInsets() doesn't seem to * give the full additional size (a few pixels short) */ int widthFudge = Platform.isAMac() ? MAC_INSETS_WIDTH : WINDOWS_INSETS_WIDTH; int heightFudge = Platform.isAMac() ? MAC_INSETS_HEIGHT : WINDOWS_INSETS_HEIGHT; int width = ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getWidth() + widthFudge; int height = ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getHeight() + ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).getHeight() + DIVIDER_SIZE + heightFudge; height = fitHeightToDesktop(height); setSize(width, height); adjustLayout(); addCloseFrameListener(); addKeyListener(); addKeyBindings(); addCommandListeners(); } /** * Reduce the height if too large to fit in the Desktop. Also adjust the * divider location in proportion. * * @param height * in pixels * @return original or reduced height */ public int fitHeightToDesktop(int height) { // allow about 65 pixels for Desktop decorators on Windows int newHeight = Math.min(height, Desktop.instance.getHeight() - DESKTOP_DECORATORS_HEIGHT); if (newHeight != height) { int oldDividerLocation = getDividerLocation(); setDividerLocation(oldDividerLocation * newHeight / height); } return newHeight; } /** * Set the top and bottom frames to listen to each others Commands (e.g. Edit, * Order). */ protected void addCommandListeners() { // TODO if CommandListener is only ever 1:1 for complementary views, // may change broadcast pattern to direct messaging (more efficient) final StructureSelectionManager ssm = StructureSelectionManager .getStructureSelectionManager(Desktop.instance); ssm.addCommandListener(((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getViewport()); ssm.addCommandListener(((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).getViewport()); } /** * Do any tweaking and twerking of the layout wanted. */ public void adjustLayout() { /* * Ensure sequence ids are the same width so sequences line up */ int w1 = ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getViewport().getIdWidth(); int w2 = ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).getViewport().getIdWidth(); int w3 = Math.max(w1, w2); if (w1 != w3) { ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getViewport().setIdWidth(w3); } if (w2 != w3) { ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).getViewport().setIdWidth(w3); } /* * Scale protein to either 1 or 3 times character width of dna */ final AlignViewport topViewport = ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).viewport; final AlignViewport bottomViewport = ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).viewport; final AlignmentI topAlignment = topViewport.getAlignment(); final AlignmentI bottomAlignment = bottomViewport.getAlignment(); AlignmentViewport cdna = topAlignment.isNucleotide() ? topViewport : (bottomAlignment.isNucleotide() ? bottomViewport : null); AlignmentViewport protein = !topAlignment.isNucleotide() ? topViewport : (!bottomAlignment.isNucleotide() ? bottomViewport : null); if (protein != null && cdna != null) { int scale = protein.isScaleProteinAsCdna() ? 3 : 1; protein.setCharWidth(scale * cdna.getViewStyle().getCharWidth()); } } /** * Adjusts the divider for a sensible split of the real estate (for example, * when many transcripts are shown with a single protein). This should only be * called after the split pane has been laid out (made visible) so it has a * height. The aim is to avoid unnecessary vertical scroll bars, while * ensuring that at least 2 sequences are visible in each panel. *

* Once laid out, the user may choose to customise as they wish, so this * method is not called again after the initial layout. */ protected void adjustInitialLayout() { AlignFrame topFrame = (AlignFrame) getTopFrame(); AlignFrame bottomFrame = (AlignFrame) getBottomFrame(); /* * recompute layout of top and bottom panels to reflect their * actual (rather than requested) height */ topFrame.alignPanel.adjustAnnotationHeight(); bottomFrame.alignPanel.adjustAnnotationHeight(); final AlignViewport topViewport = topFrame.viewport; final AlignViewport bottomViewport = bottomFrame.viewport; final AlignmentI topAlignment = topViewport.getAlignment(); final AlignmentI bottomAlignment = bottomViewport.getAlignment(); boolean topAnnotations = topViewport.isShowAnnotation(); boolean bottomAnnotations = bottomViewport.isShowAnnotation(); // TODO need number of visible sequences here, not #sequences - how? int topCount = topAlignment.getHeight(); int bottomCount = bottomAlignment.getHeight(); int topCharHeight = topViewport.getViewStyle().getCharHeight(); int bottomCharHeight = bottomViewport.getViewStyle().getCharHeight(); /* * calculate the minimum ratio that leaves at least the height * of two sequences (after rounding) visible in the top panel */ int topPanelHeight = topFrame.getHeight(); int bottomPanelHeight = bottomFrame.getHeight(); int topSequencesHeight = topFrame.alignPanel.getSeqPanel().seqCanvas .getHeight(); int topPanelMinHeight = topPanelHeight - Math.max(0, topSequencesHeight - 3 * topCharHeight); double totalHeight = (double) topPanelHeight + bottomPanelHeight; double minRatio = topPanelMinHeight / totalHeight; /* * calculate the maximum ratio that leaves at least the height * of two sequences (after rounding) visible in the bottom panel */ int bottomSequencesHeight = bottomFrame.alignPanel.getSeqPanel().seqCanvas .getHeight(); int bottomPanelMinHeight = bottomPanelHeight - Math.max(0, bottomSequencesHeight - 3 * bottomCharHeight); double maxRatio = (totalHeight - bottomPanelMinHeight) / totalHeight; /* * estimate ratio of (topFrameContent / bottomFrameContent) */ int insets = Platform.isAMac() ? MAC_INSETS_HEIGHT : WINDOWS_INSETS_HEIGHT; // allow 3 'rows' for scale, scrollbar, status bar int topHeight = insets + (3 + topCount) * topCharHeight + (topAnnotations ? topViewport.calcPanelHeight() : 0); int bottomHeight = insets + (3 + bottomCount) * bottomCharHeight + (bottomAnnotations ? bottomViewport.calcPanelHeight() : 0); double ratio = ((double) topHeight) / (double) (topHeight + bottomHeight); /* * limit ratio to avoid concealing all sequences */ ratio = Math.min(ratio, maxRatio); ratio = Math.max(ratio, minRatio); setRelativeDividerLocation(ratio); } /** * Add a listener to tidy up when the frame is closed. */ protected void addCloseFrameListener() { addInternalFrameListener(new InternalFrameAdapter() { @Override public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent evt) { close(); }; }); } /** * Add a key listener that delegates to whichever split component the mouse is * in (or does nothing if neither). */ protected void addKeyListener() { addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { AlignFrame af = (AlignFrame) getFrameAtMouse(); /* * Intercept and override any keys here if wanted. */ if (!overrideKey(e, af)) { if (af != null) { for (KeyListener kl : af.getKeyListeners()) { kl.keyPressed(e); } } } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { Component c = getFrameAtMouse(); if (c != null) { for (KeyListener kl : c.getKeyListeners()) { kl.keyReleased(e); } } } }); } /** * Returns true if the key event is overriden and actioned (or ignored) here, * else returns false, indicating it should be delegated to the AlignFrame's * usual handler. *

* We can't handle Cmd-Key combinations here, instead this is done by * overriding key bindings. * * @see addKeyOverrides * @param e * @param af * @return */ protected boolean overrideKey(KeyEvent e, AlignFrame af) { boolean actioned = false; int keyCode = e.getKeyCode(); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: if (e.isAltDown() || !af.viewport.cursorMode) { /* * Key down (or Alt-key-down in cursor mode) - move selected sequences */ ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).moveSelectedSequences(false); ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).moveSelectedSequences(false); actioned = true; e.consume(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: if (e.isAltDown() || !af.viewport.cursorMode) { /* * Key up (or Alt-key-up in cursor mode) - move selected sequences */ ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).moveSelectedSequences(true); ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).moveSelectedSequences(true); actioned = true; e.consume(); } break; default: } return actioned; } /** * Set key bindings (recommended for Swing over key accelerators). */ private void addKeyBindings() { overrideDelegatedKeyBindings(); overrideImplementedKeyBindings(); } /** * Override key bindings with alternative action methods implemented in this * class. */ protected void overrideImplementedKeyBindings() { overrideFind(); overrideNewView(); overrideCloseView(); overrideExpandViews(); overrideGatherViews(); } /** * Replace Cmd-W close view action with our version. */ protected void overrideCloseView() { AbstractAction action; /* * Ctrl-W / Cmd-W - close view or window */ KeyStroke key_cmdW = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W, jalview.util.ShortcutKeyMaskExWrapper.getMenuShortcutKeyMaskEx(), false); action = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { closeView_actionPerformed(); } }; overrideKeyBinding(key_cmdW, action); } /** * Replace Cmd-T new view action with our version. */ protected void overrideNewView() { /* * Ctrl-T / Cmd-T open new view */ KeyStroke key_cmdT = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_T, jalview.util.ShortcutKeyMaskExWrapper.getMenuShortcutKeyMaskEx(), false); AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { newView_actionPerformed(); } }; overrideKeyBinding(key_cmdT, action); } /** * For now, delegates key events to the corresponding key accelerator for the * AlignFrame that the mouse is in. Hopefully can be simplified in future if * AlignFrame is changed to use key bindings rather than accelerators. */ protected void overrideDelegatedKeyBindings() { if (getTopFrame() instanceof AlignFrame) { /* * Get all accelerator keys in the top frame (the bottom should be * identical) and override each one. */ for (Entry acc : ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()) .getAccelerators().entrySet()) { overrideKeyBinding(acc); } } } /** * Overrides an AlignFrame key accelerator with our version which delegates to * the action listener in whichever frame has the mouse (and does nothing if * neither has). * * @param acc */ private void overrideKeyBinding(Entry acc) { final KeyStroke ks = acc.getKey(); InputMap inputMap = this.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED); inputMap.put(ks, ks); this.getActionMap().put(ks, new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Component c = getFrameAtMouse(); if (c != null && c instanceof AlignFrame) { for (ActionListener a : ((AlignFrame) c).getAccelerators().get(ks) .getActionListeners()) { a.actionPerformed(null); } } } }); } /** * Replace an accelerator key's action with the specified action. * * @param ks */ protected void overrideKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, AbstractAction action) { this.getActionMap().put(ks, action); overrideMenuItem(ks, action); } /** * Create and link new views (with matching names) in both panes. *

* Note this is _not_ multiple tabs, each hosting a split pane view, rather it * is a single split pane with each split holding multiple tabs which are * linked in pairs. *

* TODO implement instead with a tabbed holder in the SplitView, each tab * holding a single JSplitPane. Would avoid a duplicated tab, at the cost of * some additional coding. */ protected void newView_actionPerformed() { AlignFrame topFrame = (AlignFrame) getTopFrame(); AlignFrame bottomFrame = (AlignFrame) getBottomFrame(); final boolean scaleProteinAsCdna = topFrame.viewport .isScaleProteinAsCdna(); AlignmentPanel newTopPanel = topFrame.newView(null, true); AlignmentPanel newBottomPanel = bottomFrame.newView(null, true); /* * This currently (for the first new view only) leaves the top pane on tab 0 * but the bottom on tab 1. This results from 'setInitialTabVisible' echoing * from the bottom back to the first frame. Next line is a fudge to work * around this. TODO find a better way. */ if (topFrame.getTabIndex() != bottomFrame.getTabIndex()) { topFrame.setDisplayedView(newTopPanel); } newBottomPanel.av.setViewName(newTopPanel.av.getViewName()); newTopPanel.av.setCodingComplement(newBottomPanel.av); /* * These lines can be removed once scaleProteinAsCdna is added to element * Viewport in jalview.xsd, as Jalview2XML.copyAlignPanel will then take * care of it */ newTopPanel.av.setScaleProteinAsCdna(scaleProteinAsCdna); newBottomPanel.av.setScaleProteinAsCdna(scaleProteinAsCdna); /* * Line up id labels etc */ adjustLayout(); final StructureSelectionManager ssm = StructureSelectionManager .getStructureSelectionManager(Desktop.instance); ssm.addCommandListener(newTopPanel.av); ssm.addCommandListener(newBottomPanel.av); } /** * Close the currently selected view in both panes. If there is only one view, * close this split frame. */ protected void closeView_actionPerformed() { int viewCount = ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getAlignPanels().size(); if (viewCount < 2) { close(); return; } AlignmentPanel topPanel = ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).alignPanel; AlignmentPanel bottomPanel = ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).alignPanel; ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).closeView(topPanel); ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).closeView(bottomPanel); } /** * Close child frames and this split frame. */ public void close() { ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).closeMenuItem_actionPerformed(true); ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).closeMenuItem_actionPerformed(true); try { this.setClosed(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { // ignore } } /** * Replace AlignFrame 'expand views' action with SplitFrame version. */ protected void overrideExpandViews() { KeyStroke key_X = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_X, 0, false); AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { expandViews_actionPerformed(); } }; overrideMenuItem(key_X, action); } /** * Replace AlignFrame 'gather views' action with SplitFrame version. */ protected void overrideGatherViews() { KeyStroke key_G = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_G, 0, false); AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { gatherViews_actionPerformed(); } }; overrideMenuItem(key_G, action); } /** * Override the menu action associated with the keystroke in the child frames, * replacing it with the given action. * * @param ks * @param action */ private void overrideMenuItem(KeyStroke ks, AbstractAction action) { overrideMenuItem(ks, action, getTopFrame()); overrideMenuItem(ks, action, getBottomFrame()); } /** * Override the menu action associated with the keystroke in one child frame, * replacing it with the given action. Mwahahahaha. * * @param key * @param action * @param comp */ private void overrideMenuItem(KeyStroke key, final AbstractAction action, JComponent comp) { if (comp instanceof AlignFrame) { JMenuItem mi = ((AlignFrame) comp).getAccelerators().get(key); if (mi != null) { for (ActionListener al : mi.getActionListeners()) { mi.removeActionListener(al); } mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { action.actionPerformed(e); } }); } } } /** * Expand any multiple views (which are always in pairs) into separate split * frames. */ protected void expandViews_actionPerformed() { Desktop.instance.explodeViews(this); } /** * Gather any other SplitFrame views of this alignment back in as multiple * (pairs of) views in this SplitFrame. */ protected void gatherViews_actionPerformed() { Desktop.instance.gatherViews(this); } /** * Returns the alignment in the complementary frame to the one given. */ @Override public AlignmentI getComplement(Object alignFrame) { if (alignFrame == this.getTopFrame()) { return ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).viewport.getAlignment(); } else if (alignFrame == this.getBottomFrame()) { return ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).viewport.getAlignment(); } return null; } /** * Returns the title of the complementary frame to the one given. */ @Override public String getComplementTitle(Object alignFrame) { if (alignFrame == this.getTopFrame()) { return ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).getTitle(); } else if (alignFrame == this.getBottomFrame()) { return ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).getTitle(); } return null; } /** * Set the 'other half' to hidden / revealed. */ @Override public void setComplementVisible(Object alignFrame, boolean show) { /* * Hiding the AlignPanel suppresses unnecessary repaints */ if (alignFrame == getTopFrame()) { ((AlignFrame) getBottomFrame()).alignPanel.setVisible(show); } else if (alignFrame == getBottomFrame()) { ((AlignFrame) getTopFrame()).alignPanel.setVisible(show); } super.setComplementVisible(alignFrame, show); } /** * return the AlignFrames held by this container * * @return { Top alignFrame (Usually CDS), Bottom AlignFrame (Usually * Protein)} */ public List getAlignFrames() { return Arrays .asList(new AlignFrame[] { (AlignFrame) getTopFrame(), (AlignFrame) getBottomFrame() }); } @Override public AlignFrame getComplementAlignFrame( AlignViewControllerGuiI alignFrame) { if (getTopFrame() == alignFrame) { return (AlignFrame) getBottomFrame(); } if (getBottomFrame() == alignFrame) { return (AlignFrame) getTopFrame(); } // we didn't know anything about this frame... return null; } /** * Replace Cmd-F Find action with our version. This is necessary because the * 'default' Finder searches in the first AlignFrame it finds. We need it to * search in the half of the SplitFrame that has the mouse. */ protected void overrideFind() { /* * Ctrl-F / Cmd-F open Finder dialog, 'focused' on the right alignment */ KeyStroke key_cmdF = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, jalview.util.ShortcutKeyMaskExWrapper.getMenuShortcutKeyMaskEx(), false); AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Component c = getFrameAtMouse(); if (c != null && c instanceof AlignFrame) { AlignFrame af = (AlignFrame) c; new Finder(af.viewport, af.alignPanel); } } }; overrideKeyBinding(key_cmdF, action); } /** * Override to do nothing if triggered from one of the child frames */ @Override public void setSelected(boolean selected) throws PropertyVetoException { JDesktopPane desktopPane = getDesktopPane(); JInternalFrame fr = desktopPane == null ? null : desktopPane.getSelectedFrame(); if (fr == getTopFrame() || fr == getBottomFrame()) { /* * patch for JAL-3288 (deselecting top/bottom frame closes popup menu); * it may be possible to remove this method in future * if the underlying Java behaviour changes */ if (selected) { moveToFront(); } return; } super.setSelected(selected); } /** * holds the frame for feature settings, so Protein and DNA tabs can be managed */ JInternalFrame featureSettingsUI; JTabbedPane featureSettingsPanels; @Override public void addFeatureSettingsUI( FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI featureSettings) { boolean showInternalFrame = false; if (featureSettingsUI == null || featureSettingsPanels == null) { showInternalFrame = true; featureSettingsPanels = new JTabbedPane(); featureSettingsPanels.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { if (e.getSource() != featureSettingsPanels || featureSettingsUI == null || featureSettingsUI.isClosed() || !featureSettingsUI.isVisible()) { // not our tabbed pane return; } int tab = featureSettingsPanels.getSelectedIndex(); if (tab < 0 || featureSettingsPanels .getSelectedComponent() instanceof FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI) { // no tab selected or already showing a feature settings GUI return; } getAlignFrames().get(tab).showFeatureSettingsUI(); } }); featureSettingsUI = new JInternalFrame(MessageManager.getString( "label.sequence_feature_settings_for_CDS_and_Protein")); featureSettingsPanels.setOpaque(true); JPanel dialog = new JPanel(); dialog.setOpaque(true); dialog.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); dialog.add(featureSettingsPanels, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel buttons = new JPanel(); JButton ok = new JButton(MessageManager.getString("action.ok")); ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { featureSettingsUI.setClosed(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException pv) { pv.printStackTrace(); } } }); JButton cancel = new JButton( MessageManager.getString("action.cancel")); cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { for (Component fspanel : featureSettingsPanels.getComponents()) { if (fspanel instanceof FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI) { ((FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI) fspanel).revert(); } } featureSettingsUI.setClosed(true); } catch (Exception pv) { pv.printStackTrace(); } } }); buttons.add(ok); buttons.add(cancel); dialog.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); featureSettingsUI.setContentPane(dialog); createDummyTabs(); } if (featureSettingsPanels .indexOfTabComponent((Component) featureSettings) > -1) { // just show the feature settings ! featureSettingsPanels .setSelectedComponent((Component) featureSettings); return; } // otherwise replace the dummy tab with the given feature settings int pos = getAlignFrames().indexOf(featureSettings.getAlignframe()); // if pos==-1 then alignFrame isn't managed by this splitframe if (pos == 0) { featureSettingsPanels.removeTabAt(0); featureSettingsPanels.insertTab(tabName[0], null, (Component) featureSettings, MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.sequence_feature_settings_for", tabName[0]), 0); } if (pos == 1) { featureSettingsPanels.removeTabAt(1); featureSettingsPanels.insertTab(tabName[1], null, (Component) featureSettings, MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.sequence_feature_settings_for", tabName[1]), 1); } featureSettingsPanels.setSelectedComponent((Component) featureSettings); // TODO: JAL-3535 - construct a feature settings title including names of // currently selected CDS and Protein names if (showInternalFrame) { if (Platform.isAMac()) { Desktop.addInternalFrame(featureSettingsUI, MessageManager.getString( "label.sequence_feature_settings_for_CDS_and_Protein"), 600, 480); } else { Desktop.addInternalFrame(featureSettingsUI, MessageManager.getString( "label.sequence_feature_settings_for_CDS_and_Protein"), 600, 450); } featureSettingsUI .setMinimumSize(new Dimension(FS_MIN_WIDTH, FS_MIN_HEIGHT)); featureSettingsUI.addInternalFrameListener( new javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter() { @Override public void internalFrameClosed( javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { for (int tab = 0; tab < featureSettingsPanels .getTabCount();) { FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI fsettings = (FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI) featureSettingsPanels .getTabComponentAt(tab); if (fsettings != null) { featureSettingsPanels.removeTabAt(tab); fsettings.featureSettings_isClosed(); } else { tab++; } } featureSettingsPanels = null; featureSettingsUI = null; }; }); featureSettingsUI.setLayer(JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER); } } /** * tab names for feature settings */ private String[] tabName = new String[] { MessageManager.getString("label.CDS"), MessageManager.getString("label.protein") }; /** * create placeholder tabs which materialise the feature settings for a given * view. Also reinitialises any tabs containing stale feature settings */ private void createDummyTabs() { for (int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < 2; tabIndex++) { JPanel dummyTab = new JPanel(); featureSettingsPanels.addTab(tabName[tabIndex], dummyTab); } } private void replaceWithDummyTab(FeatureSettingsControllerI toClose) { Component dummyTab = null; for (int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < 2; tabIndex++) { if (featureSettingsPanels.getTabCount() > tabIndex) { dummyTab = featureSettingsPanels.getTabComponentAt(tabIndex); if (dummyTab instanceof FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI && !dummyTab.isVisible()) { featureSettingsPanels.removeTabAt(tabIndex); // close the feature Settings tab ((FeatureSettingsControllerGuiI) dummyTab) .featureSettings_isClosed(); // create a dummy tab in its place dummyTab = new JPanel(); featureSettingsPanels.insertTab(tabName[tabIndex], null, dummyTab, MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.sequence_feature_settings_for", tabName[tabIndex]), tabIndex); } } } } @Override public void closeFeatureSettings( FeatureSettingsControllerI featureSettings, boolean closeContainingFrame) { if (featureSettingsUI != null) { if (closeContainingFrame) { try { featureSettingsUI.setClosed(true); } catch (Exception x) { } featureSettingsUI = null; } else { replaceWithDummyTab(featureSettings); } } } @Override public boolean isFeatureSettingsOpen() { return featureSettingsUI != null && !featureSettingsUI.isClosed(); } }