/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import jalview.bin.Jalview; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource; import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.fts.api.FTSData; import jalview.fts.api.FTSDataColumnI; import jalview.fts.api.FTSRestClientI; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestRequest; import jalview.fts.core.FTSRestResponse; import jalview.fts.service.pdb.PDBFTSRestClient; import jalview.io.DataSourceType; import jalview.jbgui.GStructureChooser; import jalview.structure.StructureMapping; import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.ws.DBRefFetcher; import jalview.ws.phyre2.Phyre2Client; import jalview.ws.phyre2.Phyre2SummaryPojo; import jalview.ws.sifts.SiftsSettings; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; /** * Provides the behaviors for the Structure chooser Panel * * @author tcnofoegbu * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class StructureChooser extends GStructureChooser implements IProgressIndicator { private static int MAX_QLENGTH = 7820; private SequenceI selectedSequence; private SequenceI[] selectedSequences; private IProgressIndicator progressIndicator; private Collection discoveredStructuresSet; private FTSRestRequest lastPdbRequest; private FTSRestClientI pdbRestCleint; private String selectedStructureFileName; private boolean isValidPBDEntry; private boolean cachedPDBExists; public StructureChooser(SequenceI[] selectedSeqs, SequenceI selectedSeq, AlignmentPanel ap) { this.ap = ap; this.selectedSequence = selectedSeq; this.selectedSequences = selectedSeqs; this.progressIndicator = (ap == null) ? null : ap.alignFrame; init(); } /** * Initializes parameters used by the Structure Chooser Panel */ public void init() { if (!Jalview.isHeadlessMode()) { progressBar = new ProgressBar(this.statusPanel, this.statusBar); } // ensure a filter option is in force for search populateFilterComboBox(true, cachedPDBExists); Thread discoverPDBStructuresThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateProgressIndicator(MessageManager .getString("status.loading_cached_pdb_entries"), startTime); loadLocalCachedPDBEntries(); updateProgressIndicator(null, startTime); updateProgressIndicator(MessageManager .getString("status.searching_for_pdb_structures"), startTime); fetchStructuresMetaData(); // revise filter options if no results were found populateFilterComboBox(isStructuresDiscovered(), cachedPDBExists); updateProgressIndicator(null, startTime); mainFrame.setVisible(true); updateCurrentView(); } }); discoverPDBStructuresThread.start(); } /** * Updates the progress indicator with the specified message * * @param message * displayed message for the operation * @param id * unique handle for this indicator */ public void updateProgressIndicator(String message, long id) { if (progressIndicator != null) { progressIndicator.setProgressBar(message, id); } } /** * Retrieve meta-data for all the structure(s) for a given sequence(s) in a * selection group */ public void fetchStructuresMetaData() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); pdbRestCleint = PDBFTSRestClient.getInstance(); Collection wantedFields = pdbDocFieldPrefs .getStructureSummaryFields(); discoveredStructuresSet = new LinkedHashSet(); HashSet errors = new HashSet(); for (SequenceI seq : selectedSequences) { FTSRestRequest pdbRequest = new FTSRestRequest(); pdbRequest.setAllowEmptySeq(false); pdbRequest.setResponseSize(500); pdbRequest.setFieldToSearchBy("("); FilterOption selectedFilterOpt = ((FilterOption) cmb_filterOption .getSelectedItem()); pdbRequest.setFieldToSortBy(selectedFilterOpt.getValue(), !chk_invertFilter.isSelected()); pdbRequest.setWantedFields(wantedFields); pdbRequest.setSearchTerm(buildQuery(seq) + ")"); pdbRequest.setAssociatedSequence(seq); FTSRestResponse resultList; try { resultList = pdbRestCleint.executeRequest(pdbRequest); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); errors.add(e.getMessage()); continue; } lastPdbRequest = pdbRequest; if (resultList.getSearchSummary() != null && !resultList.getSearchSummary().isEmpty()) { discoveredStructuresSet.addAll(resultList.getSearchSummary()); } } int noOfStructuresFound = 0; String totalTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " milli secs"; if (discoveredStructuresSet != null && !discoveredStructuresSet.isEmpty()) { getResultTable().setModel( JvSummaryTable.getTableModel(lastPdbRequest, discoveredStructuresSet)); noOfStructuresFound = discoveredStructuresSet.size(); mainFrame.setTitle(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.structure_chooser_no_of_structures", noOfStructuresFound, totalTime)); } else { mainFrame.setTitle(MessageManager .getString("label.structure_chooser_manual_association")); if (errors.size() > 0) { StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); for (String error : errors) { errorMsg.append(error).append("\n"); } JvOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, errorMsg.toString(), MessageManager.getString("label.pdb_web-service_error"), JvOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } public void loadLocalCachedPDBEntries() { ArrayList entries = new ArrayList(); for (SequenceI seq : selectedSequences) { if (seq.getDatasetSequence() != null && seq.getDatasetSequence().getAllPDBEntries() != null) { for (PDBEntry pdbEntry : seq.getDatasetSequence() .getAllPDBEntries()) { if (pdbEntry.getFile() != null) { entries.add(new CachedPDB(seq, pdbEntry)); } } } } cachedPDBExists = !entries.isEmpty(); PDBEntryTableModel tableModelx = new PDBEntryTableModel(entries); tbl_local_pdb.setModel(tableModelx); } /** * Builds a query string for a given sequences using its DBRef entries * * @param seq * the sequences to build a query for * @return the built query string */ public static String buildQuery(SequenceI seq) { boolean isPDBRefsFound = false; boolean isUniProtRefsFound = false; StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Set seqRefs = new LinkedHashSet(); if (seq.getAllPDBEntries() != null && queryBuilder.length() < MAX_QLENGTH) { for (PDBEntry entry : seq.getAllPDBEntries()) { if (isValidSeqName(entry.getId())) { queryBuilder.append("pdb_id:") .append(entry.getId().toLowerCase()).append(" OR "); isPDBRefsFound = true; } } } if (seq.getDBRefs() != null && seq.getDBRefs().length != 0) { for (DBRefEntry dbRef : seq.getDBRefs()) { if (isValidSeqName(getDBRefId(dbRef)) && queryBuilder.length() < MAX_QLENGTH) { if (dbRef.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase(DBRefSource.UNIPROT)) { queryBuilder.append("uniprot_accession:") .append(getDBRefId(dbRef)).append(" OR "); queryBuilder.append("uniprot_id:").append(getDBRefId(dbRef)) .append(" OR "); isUniProtRefsFound = true; } else if (dbRef.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase(DBRefSource.PDB)) { queryBuilder.append("pdb_id:") .append(getDBRefId(dbRef).toLowerCase()).append(" OR "); isPDBRefsFound = true; } else { seqRefs.add(getDBRefId(dbRef)); } } } } if (!isPDBRefsFound && !isUniProtRefsFound) { String seqName = seq.getName(); seqName = sanitizeSeqName(seqName); String[] names = seqName.toLowerCase().split("\\|"); for (String name : names) { // System.out.println("Found name : " + name); name.trim(); if (isValidSeqName(name)) { seqRefs.add(name); } } for (String seqRef : seqRefs) { queryBuilder.append("text:").append(seqRef).append(" OR "); } } int endIndex = queryBuilder.lastIndexOf(" OR "); if (queryBuilder.toString().length() < 6) { return null; } String query = queryBuilder.toString().substring(0, endIndex); return query; } /** * Remove the following special characters from input string +, -, &, !, (, ), * {, }, [, ], ^, ", ~, *, ?, :, \ * * @param seqName * @return */ static String sanitizeSeqName(String seqName) { Objects.requireNonNull(seqName); return seqName.replaceAll("\\[\\d*\\]", "") .replaceAll("[^\\dA-Za-z|_]", "").replaceAll("\\s+", "+"); } /** * Ensures sequence ref names are not less than 3 characters and does not * contain a database name * * @param seqName * @return */ public static boolean isValidSeqName(String seqName) { // System.out.println("seqName : " + seqName); String ignoreList = "pdb,uniprot,swiss-prot"; if (seqName.length() < 3) { return false; } if (seqName.contains(":")) { return false; } seqName = seqName.toLowerCase(); for (String ignoredEntry : ignoreList.split(",")) { if (seqName.contains(ignoredEntry)) { return false; } } return true; } public static String getDBRefId(DBRefEntry dbRef) { String ref = dbRef.getAccessionId().replaceAll("GO:", ""); return ref; } /** * Filters a given list of discovered structures based on supplied argument * * @param fieldToFilterBy * the field to filter by */ public void filterResultSet(final String fieldToFilterBy) { Thread filterThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); pdbRestCleint = PDBFTSRestClient.getInstance(); lbl_loading.setVisible(true); Collection wantedFields = pdbDocFieldPrefs .getStructureSummaryFields(); Collection filteredResponse = new HashSet(); HashSet errors = new HashSet(); for (SequenceI seq : selectedSequences) { FTSRestRequest pdbRequest = new FTSRestRequest(); if (fieldToFilterBy.equalsIgnoreCase("uniprot_coverage")) { pdbRequest.setAllowEmptySeq(false); pdbRequest.setResponseSize(1); pdbRequest.setFieldToSearchBy("("); pdbRequest.setSearchTerm(buildQuery(seq) + ")"); pdbRequest.setWantedFields(wantedFields); pdbRequest.setAssociatedSequence(seq); pdbRequest.setFacet(true); pdbRequest.setFacetPivot(fieldToFilterBy + ",entry_entity"); pdbRequest.setFacetPivotMinCount(1); } else { pdbRequest.setAllowEmptySeq(false); pdbRequest.setResponseSize(1); pdbRequest.setFieldToSearchBy("("); pdbRequest.setFieldToSortBy(fieldToFilterBy, !chk_invertFilter.isSelected()); pdbRequest.setSearchTerm(buildQuery(seq) + ")"); pdbRequest.setWantedFields(wantedFields); pdbRequest.setAssociatedSequence(seq); } FTSRestResponse resultList; try { resultList = pdbRestCleint.executeRequest(pdbRequest); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); errors.add(e.getMessage()); continue; } lastPdbRequest = pdbRequest; if (resultList.getSearchSummary() != null && !resultList.getSearchSummary().isEmpty()) { filteredResponse.addAll(resultList.getSearchSummary()); } } String totalTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " milli secs"; if (!filteredResponse.isEmpty()) { final int filterResponseCount = filteredResponse.size(); Collection reorderedStructuresSet = new LinkedHashSet(); reorderedStructuresSet.addAll(filteredResponse); reorderedStructuresSet.addAll(discoveredStructuresSet); getResultTable().setModel( JvSummaryTable.getTableModel(lastPdbRequest, reorderedStructuresSet)); JvSummaryTable.configureTableColumn(getResultTable(), wantedFields, tempUserPrefs); getResultTable().getColumn("Ref Sequence").setPreferredWidth(120); getResultTable().getColumn("Ref Sequence").setMinWidth(100); getResultTable().getColumn("Ref Sequence").setMaxWidth(200); // Update table selection model here getResultTable().addRowSelectionInterval(0, filterResponseCount - 1); mainFrame.setTitle(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.structure_chooser_filter_time", totalTime)); } else { mainFrame.setTitle(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.structure_chooser_filter_time", totalTime)); if (errors.size() > 0) { StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); for (String error : errors) { errorMsg.append(error).append("\n"); } JvOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, errorMsg.toString(), MessageManager.getString("label.pdb_web-service_error"), JvOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } lbl_loading.setVisible(false); validateSelections(); } }); filterThread.start(); } /** * Handles action event for btn_pdbFromFile */ @Override public void pdbFromFile_actionPerformed() { jalview.io.JalviewFileChooser chooser = new jalview.io.JalviewFileChooser( jalview.bin.Cache.getProperty("LAST_DIRECTORY")); chooser.setFileView(new jalview.io.JalviewFileView()); chooser.setDialogTitle(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.select_pdb_file_for", selectedSequence.getDisplayId(false))); chooser.setToolTipText(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.load_pdb_file_associate_with_sequence", selectedSequence.getDisplayId(false))); int value = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (value == jalview.io.JalviewFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { selectedStructureFileName = chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); jalview.bin.Cache.setProperty("LAST_DIRECTORY", selectedStructureFileName); validateSelections(); } } /** * Populates the filter combo-box options dynamically depending on discovered * structures */ protected void populateFilterComboBox(boolean haveData, boolean cachedPDBExists) { /* * temporarily suspend the change listener behaviour */ cmb_filterOption.removeItemListener(this); cmb_filterOption.removeAllItems(); if (haveData) { cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("Best Quality", "overall_quality", VIEWS_FILTER, false)); cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("Best Resolution", "resolution", VIEWS_FILTER, false)); cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("Most Protein Chain", "number_of_protein_chains", VIEWS_FILTER, false)); cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("Most Bound Molecules", "number_of_bound_molecules", VIEWS_FILTER, false)); cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("Most Polymer Residues", "number_of_polymer_residues", VIEWS_FILTER, true)); } cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("Enter PDB Id", "-", VIEWS_ENTER_ID, false)); cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption("From File", "-", VIEWS_FROM_FILE, false)); if (cachedPDBExists) { FilterOption cachedOption = new FilterOption("Cached PDB Entries", "-", VIEWS_LOCAL_PDB, false); cmb_filterOption.addItem(cachedOption); cmb_filterOption.setSelectedItem(cachedOption); } cmb_filterOption.addItem(new FilterOption( "Predict 3D Model with Phyre2", "-", VIEWS_PHYRE2_PREDICTION, false)); cmb_filterOption.addItemListener(this); } /** * Updates the displayed view based on the selected filter option */ protected void updateCurrentView() { FilterOption selectedFilterOpt = ((FilterOption) cmb_filterOption .getSelectedItem()); layout_switchableViews.show(pnl_switchableViews, selectedFilterOpt.getView()); String filterTitle = mainFrame.getTitle(); mainFrame.setTitle(frameTitle); chk_invertFilter.setVisible(false); if (selectedFilterOpt.getView() == VIEWS_FILTER) { mainFrame.setTitle(filterTitle); chk_invertFilter.setVisible(true); filterResultSet(selectedFilterOpt.getValue()); } else if (selectedFilterOpt.getView() == VIEWS_PHYRE2_PREDICTION) { mainFrame.setTitle(MessageManager .getString("label.phyre2_model_prediction")); phyre2InputAssSeqPanel.loadCmbAssSeq(); } else if (selectedFilterOpt.getView() == VIEWS_ENTER_ID || selectedFilterOpt.getView() == VIEWS_FROM_FILE) { mainFrame.setTitle(MessageManager .getString("label.structure_chooser_manual_association")); idInputAssSeqPanel.loadCmbAssSeq(); fileChooserAssSeqPanel.loadCmbAssSeq(); } validateSelections(); } /** * Validates user selection and activates the view button if all parameters * are correct */ @Override public void validateSelections() { FilterOption selectedFilterOpt = ((FilterOption) cmb_filterOption .getSelectedItem()); btn_view.setEnabled(false); String currentView = selectedFilterOpt.getView(); if (currentView == VIEWS_FILTER) { if (getResultTable().getSelectedRows().length > 0) { btn_view.setEnabled(true); } } else if (currentView == VIEWS_LOCAL_PDB) { if (tbl_local_pdb.getSelectedRows().length > 0) { btn_view.setEnabled(true); } } else if (currentView == VIEWS_ENTER_ID) { validateAssociationEnterPdb(); } else if (currentView == VIEWS_FROM_FILE) { validateAssociationFromFile(); } else if (currentView == VIEWS_PHYRE2_PREDICTION) { validateAssociationFromPhyre2(); if (getPhyreResultTable().getSelectedRows().length > 0) { btn_view.setEnabled(true); } } } /** * Validates inputs from the Manual PDB entry panel */ public void validateAssociationEnterPdb() { AssociateSeqOptions assSeqOpt = (AssociateSeqOptions) idInputAssSeqPanel .getCmb_assSeq().getSelectedItem(); lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setIcon(errorImage); lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setToolTipText(""); if (txt_search.getText().length() > 0) { lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(true, MessageManager .formatMessage("info.no_pdb_entry_found_for", txt_search.getText()))); } if (errorWarning.length() > 0) { lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setIcon(warningImage); lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip( true, errorWarning.toString())); } if (selectedSequences.length == 1 || !assSeqOpt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "-Select Associated Seq-")) { txt_search.setEnabled(true); if (isValidPBDEntry) { btn_view.setEnabled(true); lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setToolTipText(""); lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setIcon(goodImage); } } else { txt_search.setEnabled(false); lbl_pdbManualFetchStatus.setIcon(errorImage); } } /** * Validates inputs for the manual PDB file selection options */ public void validateAssociationFromFile() { AssociateSeqOptions assSeqOpt = (AssociateSeqOptions) fileChooserAssSeqPanel .getCmb_assSeq().getSelectedItem(); lbl_fromFileStatus.setIcon(errorImage); if (selectedSequences.length == 1 || (assSeqOpt != null && !assSeqOpt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "-Select Associated Seq-"))) { btn_pdbFromFile.setEnabled(true); if (selectedStructureFileName != null && selectedStructureFileName.length() > 0) { btn_view.setEnabled(true); lbl_fromFileStatus.setIcon(goodImage); } } else { btn_pdbFromFile.setEnabled(false); lbl_fromFileStatus.setIcon(errorImage); } } /** * Validates inputs for Phyre2 3D Model prediction */ public void validateAssociationFromPhyre2() { AssociateSeqOptions assSeqOpt = (AssociateSeqOptions) phyre2InputAssSeqPanel .getCmb_assSeq().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedSequences.length == 1 || (assSeqOpt != null && !assSeqOpt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "-Select Associated Seq-"))) { btn_runPhyre2Prediction.setEnabled(true); } else { btn_runPhyre2Prediction.setEnabled(false); } } @Override public void cmbAssSeqStateChanged() { validateSelections(); } /** * Handles the state change event for the 'filter' combo-box and 'invert' * check-box */ @Override protected void stateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof JCheckBox) { updateCurrentView(); } else { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { updateCurrentView(); } } } /** * Handles action event for btn_ok */ @Override public void ok_ActionPerformed() { final long progressSessionId = System.currentTimeMillis(); final StructureSelectionManager ssm = ap.getStructureSelectionManager(); final int preferredHeight = pnl_filter.getHeight(); ssm.setProgressIndicator(this); ssm.setProgressSessionId(progressSessionId); ssm.setMappingForPhyre2Model(false); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FilterOption selectedFilterOpt = ((FilterOption) cmb_filterOption .getSelectedItem()); String currentView = selectedFilterOpt.getView(); if (currentView == VIEWS_FILTER) { int pdbIdColIndex = getResultTable().getColumn("PDB Id") .getModelIndex(); int refSeqColIndex = getResultTable().getColumn("Ref Sequence") .getModelIndex(); int[] selectedRows = getResultTable().getSelectedRows(); PDBEntry[] pdbEntriesToView = new PDBEntry[selectedRows.length]; int count = 0; List selectedSeqsToView = new ArrayList(); for (int row : selectedRows) { String pdbIdStr = getResultTable().getValueAt(row, pdbIdColIndex).toString(); SequenceI selectedSeq = (SequenceI) getResultTable() .getValueAt(row, refSeqColIndex); selectedSeqsToView.add(selectedSeq); PDBEntry pdbEntry = selectedSeq.getPDBEntry(pdbIdStr); if (pdbEntry == null) { pdbEntry = getFindEntry(pdbIdStr, selectedSeq.getAllPDBEntries()); } if (pdbEntry == null) { pdbEntry = new PDBEntry(); pdbEntry.setId(pdbIdStr); pdbEntry.setType(PDBEntry.Type.PDB); selectedSeq.getDatasetSequence().addPDBId(pdbEntry); } pdbEntriesToView[count++] = pdbEntry; } SequenceI[] selectedSeqs = selectedSeqsToView .toArray(new SequenceI[selectedSeqsToView.size()]); launchStructureViewer(ssm, pdbEntriesToView, ap, selectedSeqs); } else if (currentView == VIEWS_LOCAL_PDB) { int[] selectedRows = tbl_local_pdb.getSelectedRows(); PDBEntry[] pdbEntriesToView = new PDBEntry[selectedRows.length]; int count = 0; int pdbIdColIndex = tbl_local_pdb.getColumn("PDB Id") .getModelIndex(); int refSeqColIndex = tbl_local_pdb.getColumn("Ref Sequence") .getModelIndex(); List selectedSeqsToView = new ArrayList(); for (int row : selectedRows) { PDBEntry pdbEntry = (PDBEntry) tbl_local_pdb.getValueAt(row, pdbIdColIndex); pdbEntriesToView[count++] = pdbEntry; SequenceI selectedSeq = (SequenceI) tbl_local_pdb.getValueAt( row, refSeqColIndex); selectedSeqsToView.add(selectedSeq); } SequenceI[] selectedSeqs = selectedSeqsToView .toArray(new SequenceI[selectedSeqsToView.size()]); launchStructureViewer(ssm, pdbEntriesToView, ap, selectedSeqs); } else if (currentView == VIEWS_ENTER_ID) { SequenceI userSelectedSeq = ((AssociateSeqOptions) idInputAssSeqPanel .getCmb_assSeq().getSelectedItem()).getSequence(); if (userSelectedSeq != null) { selectedSequence = userSelectedSeq; } String pdbIdStr = txt_search.getText(); PDBEntry pdbEntry = selectedSequence.getPDBEntry(pdbIdStr); if (pdbEntry == null) { pdbEntry = new PDBEntry(); if (pdbIdStr.split(":").length > 1) { pdbEntry.setId(pdbIdStr.split(":")[0]); pdbEntry.setChainCode(pdbIdStr.split(":")[1].toUpperCase()); } else { pdbEntry.setId(pdbIdStr); } pdbEntry.setType(PDBEntry.Type.PDB); selectedSequence.getDatasetSequence().addPDBId(pdbEntry); } PDBEntry[] pdbEntriesToView = new PDBEntry[] { pdbEntry }; launchStructureViewer(ssm, pdbEntriesToView, ap, new SequenceI[] { selectedSequence }); } else if (currentView == VIEWS_FROM_FILE) { SequenceI userSelectedSeq = ((AssociateSeqOptions) fileChooserAssSeqPanel .getCmb_assSeq().getSelectedItem()).getSequence(); if (userSelectedSeq != null) { selectedSequence = userSelectedSeq; } PDBEntry fileEntry = new AssociateStructureFileWithSeq() .associateStructureWithSeq(selectedStructureFileName, DataSourceType.FILE, selectedSequence, true, Desktop.instance); launchStructureViewer(ssm, new PDBEntry[] { fileEntry }, ap, new SequenceI[] { selectedSequence }); } else if (currentView == VIEWS_PHYRE2_PREDICTION) { SequenceI userSelectedSeq = ((AssociateSeqOptions) phyre2InputAssSeqPanel .getCmb_assSeq().getSelectedItem()).getSequence(); if (userSelectedSeq != null) { selectedSequence = userSelectedSeq; } int templateColIndex = getPhyreResultTable() .getColumn("Template") .getModelIndex(); int[] selectedRows = getPhyreResultTable().getSelectedRows(); PDBEntry[] pdbEntriesToView = new PDBEntry[selectedRows.length]; int count = 0; for (int row : selectedRows) { String templateId = getPhyreResultTable().getValueAt(row, templateColIndex).toString(); String structureFile = phyre2ResultDirectory + templateId + ".pdb"; pdbEntriesToView[count++] = new AssociateStructureFileWithSeq() .associateStructureWithSeq(structureFile, DataSourceType.FILE, selectedSequence, true, Desktop.instance); } final StructureSelectionManager ssm = ap .getStructureSelectionManager(); ssm.setMappingForPhyre2Model(true); final long progressSessionId = System.currentTimeMillis(); ssm.setProgressSessionId(progressSessionId); SequenceI[] sequences = new SequenceI[] { selectedSequence }; ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager .getString("status.launching_3d_structure_viewer")); final StructureViewer sViewer = new StructureViewer(ssm); if (pdbEntriesToView.length > 1) { ArrayList seqsMap = new ArrayList(); for (SequenceI seq : sequences) { seqsMap.add(new SequenceI[] { seq }); } SequenceI[][] collatedSeqs = seqsMap .toArray(new SequenceI[0][0]); ssm.setProgressBar(null); ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager .getString("status.fetching_3d_structures_for_selected_entries")); sViewer.viewStructures(pdbEntriesToView, collatedSeqs, ap); } else { ssm.setProgressBar(null); ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager.formatMessage( "status.fetching_3d_structures_for", pdbEntriesToView[0].getId())); sViewer.viewStructures(pdbEntriesToView[0], sequences, ap); } } closeAction(preferredHeight); } }).start(); } private String phyre2ResultDirectory; @Override public void predict3DModelWithPhyre2() { // TODO implement code for submitting sequence to Phyre2 service, and code // for getting the result directory when the job completes, this is // currently hard-wired to the directory of result for FER_CAPAN/1-144 phyre2ResultDirectory = "examples/testdata/phyre2results/56da5616b4559c93/"; String summaryhtml = phyre2ResultDirectory + "summary.html"; // TODO ditch HTML parsing once appropriated data file (i.e. JSON) for // Phyre2 result summary is made available List phyreResults = Phyre2Client .parsePhyre2ResultSummaryTable(summaryhtml); getPhyreResultTable() .setModel(Phyre2Client.getTableModel(phyreResults)); Phyre2Client.configurePhyreResultTable(getPhyreResultTable()); } private PDBEntry getFindEntry(String id, Vector pdbEntries) { Objects.requireNonNull(id); Objects.requireNonNull(pdbEntries); PDBEntry foundEntry = null; for (PDBEntry entry : pdbEntries) { if (entry.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return entry; } } return foundEntry; } private void launchStructureViewer(StructureSelectionManager ssm, final PDBEntry[] pdbEntriesToView, final AlignmentPanel alignPanel, SequenceI[] sequences) { ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager .getString("status.launching_3d_structure_viewer")); final StructureViewer sViewer = new StructureViewer(ssm); if (SiftsSettings.isMapWithSifts()) { List seqsWithoutSourceDBRef = new ArrayList(); int p = 0; // TODO: skip PDBEntry:Sequence pairs where PDBEntry doesn't look like a // real PDB ID. For moment, we can also safely do this if there is already // a known mapping between the PDBEntry and the sequence. for (SequenceI seq : sequences) { PDBEntry pdbe = pdbEntriesToView[p++]; if (pdbe != null && pdbe.getFile() != null) { StructureMapping[] smm = ssm.getMapping(pdbe.getFile()); if (smm != null && smm.length > 0) { for (StructureMapping sm : smm) { if (sm.getSequence() == seq) { continue; } } } } if (seq.getPrimaryDBRefs().size() == 0) { seqsWithoutSourceDBRef.add(seq); continue; } } if (!seqsWithoutSourceDBRef.isEmpty()) { int y = seqsWithoutSourceDBRef.size(); ssm.setProgressBar(null); ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager.formatMessage( "status.fetching_dbrefs_for_sequences_without_valid_refs", y)); SequenceI[] seqWithoutSrcDBRef = new SequenceI[y]; int x = 0; for (SequenceI fSeq : seqsWithoutSourceDBRef) { seqWithoutSrcDBRef[x++] = fSeq; } DBRefFetcher dbRefFetcher = new DBRefFetcher(seqWithoutSrcDBRef); dbRefFetcher.fetchDBRefs(true); } } if (pdbEntriesToView.length > 1) { ArrayList seqsMap = new ArrayList(); for (SequenceI seq : sequences) { seqsMap.add(new SequenceI[] { seq }); } SequenceI[][] collatedSeqs = seqsMap.toArray(new SequenceI[0][0]); ssm.setProgressBar(null); ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager .getString("status.fetching_3d_structures_for_selected_entries")); sViewer.viewStructures(pdbEntriesToView, collatedSeqs, alignPanel); } else { ssm.setProgressBar(null); ssm.setProgressBar(MessageManager.formatMessage( "status.fetching_3d_structures_for", pdbEntriesToView[0].getId())); sViewer.viewStructures(pdbEntriesToView[0], sequences, alignPanel); } } /** * Populates the combo-box used in associating manually fetched structures to * a unique sequence when more than one sequence selection is made. */ @Override public void populateCmbAssociateSeqOptions( JComboBox cmb_assSeq, JLabel lbl_associateSeq) { cmb_assSeq.removeAllItems(); cmb_assSeq.addItem(new AssociateSeqOptions("-Select Associated Seq-", null)); lbl_associateSeq.setVisible(false); if (selectedSequences.length > 1) { for (SequenceI seq : selectedSequences) { cmb_assSeq.addItem(new AssociateSeqOptions(seq)); } } else { String seqName = selectedSequence.getDisplayId(false); seqName = seqName.length() <= 40 ? seqName : seqName.substring(0, 39); lbl_associateSeq.setText(seqName); lbl_associateSeq.setVisible(true); cmb_assSeq.setVisible(false); } } public boolean isStructuresDiscovered() { return discoveredStructuresSet != null && !discoveredStructuresSet.isEmpty(); } public Collection getDiscoveredStructuresSet() { return discoveredStructuresSet; } @Override protected void txt_search_ActionPerformed() { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { errorWarning.setLength(0); isValidPBDEntry = false; if (txt_search.getText().length() > 0) { String searchTerm = txt_search.getText().toLowerCase(); searchTerm = searchTerm.split(":")[0]; // System.out.println(">>>>> search term : " + searchTerm); List wantedFields = new ArrayList(); FTSRestRequest pdbRequest = new FTSRestRequest(); pdbRequest.setAllowEmptySeq(false); pdbRequest.setResponseSize(1); pdbRequest.setFieldToSearchBy("(pdb_id:"); pdbRequest.setWantedFields(wantedFields); pdbRequest.setSearchTerm(searchTerm + ")"); pdbRequest.setAssociatedSequence(selectedSequence); pdbRestCleint = PDBFTSRestClient.getInstance(); wantedFields.add(pdbRestCleint.getPrimaryKeyColumn()); FTSRestResponse resultList; try { resultList = pdbRestCleint.executeRequest(pdbRequest); } catch (Exception e) { errorWarning.append(e.getMessage()); return; } finally { validateSelections(); } if (resultList.getSearchSummary() != null && resultList.getSearchSummary().size() > 0) { isValidPBDEntry = true; } } validateSelections(); } }.start(); } @Override public void tabRefresh() { if (selectedSequences != null) { Thread refreshThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fetchStructuresMetaData(); filterResultSet(((FilterOption) cmb_filterOption .getSelectedItem()).getValue()); } }); refreshThread.start(); } } public class PDBEntryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { String[] columns = { "Ref Sequence", "PDB Id", "Chain", "Type", "File" }; private List pdbEntries; public PDBEntryTableModel(List pdbEntries) { this.pdbEntries = new ArrayList(pdbEntries); } @Override public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) { return columns[columnIndex]; } @Override public int getRowCount() { return pdbEntries.size(); } @Override public int getColumnCount() { return columns.length; } @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { return false; } @Override public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Object value = "??"; CachedPDB entry = pdbEntries.get(rowIndex); switch (columnIndex) { case 0: value = entry.getSequence(); break; case 1: value = entry.getPdbEntry(); break; case 2: value = entry.getPdbEntry().getChainCode() == null ? "_" : entry .getPdbEntry().getChainCode(); break; case 3: value = entry.getPdbEntry().getType(); break; case 4: value = entry.getPdbEntry().getFile(); break; } return value; } @Override public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) { return columnIndex == 0 ? SequenceI.class : PDBEntry.class; } public CachedPDB getPDBEntryAt(int row) { return pdbEntries.get(row); } } private class CachedPDB { private SequenceI sequence; private PDBEntry pdbEntry; public CachedPDB(SequenceI sequence, PDBEntry pdbEntry) { this.sequence = sequence; this.pdbEntry = pdbEntry; } public SequenceI getSequence() { return sequence; } public PDBEntry getPdbEntry() { return pdbEntry; } } private IProgressIndicator progressBar; @Override public void setProgressBar(String message, long id) { progressBar.setProgressBar(message, id); } @Override public void registerHandler(long id, IProgressIndicatorHandler handler) { progressBar.registerHandler(id, handler); } @Override public boolean operationInProgress() { return progressBar.operationInProgress(); } }