/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.gui; import jalview.api.structures.JalviewStructureDisplayI; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.io.JalviewFileChooser; import jalview.io.JalviewFileView; import jalview.jbgui.GUserDefinedColours; import jalview.schemabinding.version2.Colour; import jalview.schemabinding.version2.JalviewUserColours; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemes; import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties; import jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import jalview.util.Format; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; /** * This panel allows the user to assign colours to Amino Acid residue codes, and * save the colour scheme. * * @author Andrew Waterhouse * @author Mungo Carstairs */ public class UserDefinedColours extends GUserDefinedColours implements ChangeListener { private static final Font VERDANA_BOLD_10 = new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 10); private static final String USER_DEFINED_COLOURS = "USER_DEFINED_COLOURS"; private static final String LAST_DIRECTORY = "LAST_DIRECTORY"; private static final int MY_FRAME_HEIGHT = 420; private static final int MY_FRAME_WIDTH = 810; private static final int MY_FRAME_WIDTH_CASE_SENSITIVE = 970; static SortedMap userColourSchemes; AlignmentPanel ap; SequenceGroup seqGroup; List selectedButtons; ColourSchemeI oldColourScheme; JInternalFrame frame; JalviewStructureDisplayI structureViewer; List upperCaseButtons; List lowerCaseButtons; /** * Creates a new UserDefinedColours object. * * @param ap * @param sg */ public UserDefinedColours(AlignmentPanel ap, SequenceGroup sg) { super(); lcaseColour.setEnabled(false); this.ap = ap; seqGroup = sg; if (seqGroup != null) { oldColourScheme = seqGroup.cs; } else { oldColourScheme = ap.av.getGlobalColourScheme(); } if (oldColourScheme instanceof UserColourScheme) { schemeName.setText(((UserColourScheme) oldColourScheme).getSchemeName()); if (((UserColourScheme) oldColourScheme).getLowerCaseColours() != null) { caseSensitive.setSelected(true); lcaseColour.setEnabled(true); resetButtonPanel(true); } else { resetButtonPanel(false); } } else { resetButtonPanel(false); } showFrame(); } public UserDefinedColours(JalviewStructureDisplayI viewer, ColourSchemeI oldcs) { super(); this.structureViewer = viewer; colorChooser.getSelectionModel().addChangeListener(this); oldColourScheme = oldcs; if (oldColourScheme instanceof UserColourScheme) { schemeName.setText(((UserColourScheme) oldColourScheme).getSchemeName()); } resetButtonPanel(false); showFrame(); } void showFrame() { colorChooser.getSelectionModel().addChangeListener(this); frame = new JInternalFrame(); frame.setContentPane(this); Desktop.addInternalFrame(frame, MessageManager.getString("label.user_defined_colours"), MY_FRAME_WIDTH, MY_FRAME_HEIGHT, true); if (seqGroup != null) { frame.setTitle(frame.getTitle() + " (" + seqGroup.getName() + ")"); } } void resetButtonPanel(boolean caseSensitive) { buttonPanel.removeAll(); if (upperCaseButtons == null) { upperCaseButtons = new ArrayList(); } JButton button; String label; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (caseSensitive) { label = ResidueProperties.aa[i]; } else { label = ResidueProperties.aa2Triplet.get(ResidueProperties.aa[i]) .toString(); } button = makeButton(label, ResidueProperties.aa[i], upperCaseButtons, i); buttonPanel.add(button); } buttonPanel.add(makeButton("B", "B", upperCaseButtons, 20)); buttonPanel.add(makeButton("Z", "Z", upperCaseButtons, 21)); buttonPanel.add(makeButton("X", "X", upperCaseButtons, 22)); buttonPanel.add(makeButton("Gap", "-", upperCaseButtons, 23)); if (!caseSensitive) { gridLayout.setRows(6); gridLayout.setColumns(4); } else { gridLayout.setRows(7); int cols = 7; gridLayout.setColumns(cols + 1); if (lowerCaseButtons == null) { lowerCaseButtons = new ArrayList(); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { int row = i / cols + 1; int index = (row * cols) + i; button = makeButton(ResidueProperties.aa[i].toLowerCase(), ResidueProperties.aa[i].toLowerCase(), lowerCaseButtons, i); buttonPanel.add(button, index); } } if (caseSensitive) { buttonPanel.add(makeButton("b", "b", lowerCaseButtons, 20)); buttonPanel.add(makeButton("z", "z", lowerCaseButtons, 21)); buttonPanel.add(makeButton("x", "x", lowerCaseButtons, 22)); } // JAL-1360 widen the frame dynamically to accommodate case-sensitive AA // codes if (this.frame != null) { int newWidth = caseSensitive ? MY_FRAME_WIDTH_CASE_SENSITIVE : MY_FRAME_WIDTH; this.frame.setSize(newWidth, this.frame.getHeight()); } buttonPanel.validate(); validate(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param evt * DOCUMENT ME! */ @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { if (selectedButtons != null) { JButton button = null; final Color newColour = colorChooser.getColor(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedButtons.size(); i++) { button = selectedButtons.get(i); button.setBackground(newColour); button.setForeground(ColorUtils.brighterThan(newColour)); } if (button == lcaseColour) { for (int i = 0; i < lowerCaseButtons.size(); i++) { button = lowerCaseButtons.get(i); button.setBackground(newColour); button.setForeground(ColorUtils.brighterThan(button .getBackground())); } } } } /** * Performs actions when a residue button is clicked. This manages the button * selection set (highlighted by brighter foreground text). *

* On select button(s) with Ctrl/click or Shift/click: set button foreground * text to brighter than background. *

* On unselect button(s) with Ctrl/click on selected, or click to release * current selection: reset foreground text to darker than background. *

* Simple click: clear selection (resetting foreground to darker); set clicked * button foreground to brighter *

* Finally, synchronize the colour chooser to the colour of the first button * in the selected set. * * @param e */ public void colourButtonPressed(MouseEvent e) { if (selectedButtons == null) { selectedButtons = new ArrayList(); } JButton pressed = (JButton) e.getSource(); if (e.isShiftDown()) { JButton start, end = (JButton) e.getSource(); if (selectedButtons.size() > 0) { start = selectedButtons.get(selectedButtons.size() - 1); } else { start = (JButton) e.getSource(); } int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0; for (int b = 0; b < buttonPanel.getComponentCount(); b++) { if (buttonPanel.getComponent(b) == start) { startIndex = b; } if (buttonPanel.getComponent(b) == end) { endIndex = b; } } if (startIndex > endIndex) { int temp = startIndex; startIndex = endIndex; endIndex = temp; } for (int b = startIndex; b <= endIndex; b++) { JButton button = (JButton) buttonPanel.getComponent(b); if (!selectedButtons.contains(button)) { button.setForeground(ColorUtils.brighterThan(button .getBackground())); selectedButtons.add(button); } } } else if (!e.isControlDown()) { for (int b = 0; b < selectedButtons.size(); b++) { JButton button = selectedButtons.get(b); button.setForeground(ColorUtils.darkerThan(button.getBackground())); } selectedButtons.clear(); pressed.setForeground(ColorUtils.brighterThan(pressed.getBackground())); selectedButtons.add(pressed); } else if (e.isControlDown()) { if (selectedButtons.contains(pressed)) { pressed.setForeground(ColorUtils.darkerThan(pressed.getBackground())); selectedButtons.remove(pressed); } else { pressed.setForeground(ColorUtils.brighterThan(pressed .getBackground())); selectedButtons.add(pressed); } } if (selectedButtons.size() > 0) { colorChooser.setColor((selectedButtons.get(0)).getBackground()); } } /** * A helper method to update or make a colour button, whose background colour * is the associated colour, and text colour a darker shade of the same. If * the button is already in the list, then its text and margins are updated, * if not then it is created and added. This method supports toggling between * case-sensitive and case-insensitive button panels. The case-sensitive * version has abbreviated button text in order to fit in more buttons. * * @param label * @param residue * @param the * list of buttons * @param buttonIndex * the button's position in the list */ JButton makeButton(String label, String residue, List buttons, int buttonIndex) { final JButton button; Color col; if (buttonIndex < buttons.size()) { button = buttons.get(buttonIndex); col = button.getBackground(); } else { button = new JButton(); button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { colourButtonPressed(e); } }); buttons.add(button); col = Color.white; if (oldColourScheme != null) { try { col = oldColourScheme.findColour(residue.charAt(0), -1, null); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } if (caseSensitive.isSelected()) { button.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2)); } else { button.setMargin(new Insets(2, 14, 2, 14)); } button.setOpaque(true); // required for the next line to have effect button.setBackground(col); button.setText(label); button.setForeground(ColorUtils.darkerThan(col)); button.setFont(VERDANA_BOLD_10); return button; } /** * On 'OK', check that at least one colour has been assigned to a residue (and * if not issue a warning), and apply the chosen colour scheme and close the * panel. */ @Override protected void okButton_actionPerformed() { if (isNoSelectionMade()) { JvOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Desktop.desktop, MessageManager .getString("label.no_colour_selection_in_scheme"), MessageManager.getString("label.no_colour_selection_warn"), JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { applyButton_actionPerformed(); try { frame.setClosed(true); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } /** * Returns true if the user has not made any colour selection (including if * 'case-sensitive' selected and no lower-case colour chosen). * * @return */ protected boolean isNoSelectionMade() { final boolean noUpperCaseSelected = upperCaseButtons == null || upperCaseButtons.isEmpty(); final boolean noLowerCaseSelected = caseSensitive.isSelected() && (lowerCaseButtons == null || lowerCaseButtons.isEmpty()); final boolean noSelectionMade = noUpperCaseSelected || noLowerCaseSelected; return noSelectionMade; } /** * Applies the current colour scheme to the alignment, sequence group or * structure view. */ @Override protected void applyButton_actionPerformed() { if (isNoSelectionMade()) { JvOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Desktop.desktop, MessageManager .getString("label.no_colour_selection_in_scheme"), MessageManager.getString("label.no_colour_selection_warn"), JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } UserColourScheme ucs = getSchemeFromButtons(); ucs.setName(schemeName.getText()); if (seqGroup != null) { seqGroup.cs = ucs; ap.paintAlignment(true); } else if (ap != null) { ap.alignFrame.changeColour(ucs); } else if (structureViewer != null) { structureViewer.setJalviewColourScheme(ucs); } } UserColourScheme getSchemeFromButtons() { Color[] newColours = new Color[24]; int length = upperCaseButtons.size(); if (length < 24) { int i = 0; for (JButton btn : upperCaseButtons) { newColours[i] = btn.getBackground(); i++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { JButton button = upperCaseButtons.get(i); newColours[i] = button.getBackground(); } } UserColourScheme ucs = new UserColourScheme(newColours); if (caseSensitive.isSelected()) { newColours = new Color[23]; length = lowerCaseButtons.size(); if (length < 23) { int i = 0; for (JButton btn : lowerCaseButtons) { newColours[i] = btn.getBackground(); i++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) { JButton button = lowerCaseButtons.get(i); newColours[i] = button.getBackground(); } } ucs.setLowerCaseColours(newColours); } if (ap != null) { ucs.setThreshold(0, ap.av.isIgnoreGapsConsensus()); } return ucs; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ @Override protected void loadbutton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { upperCaseButtons = new ArrayList(); lowerCaseButtons = new ArrayList(); JalviewFileChooser chooser = new JalviewFileChooser( Cache.getProperty(LAST_DIRECTORY), "jc", "Jalview User Colours"); chooser.setFileView(new JalviewFileView()); chooser.setDialogTitle(MessageManager .getString("label.load_colour_scheme")); chooser.setToolTipText(MessageManager.getString("action.load")); int value = chooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (value != JalviewFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } File choice = chooser.getSelectedFile(); Cache.setProperty(LAST_DIRECTORY, choice.getParent()); UserColourScheme ucs = loadColours(choice.getAbsolutePath()); Color[] colors = ucs.getColours(); schemeName.setText(ucs.getSchemeName()); if (ucs.getLowerCaseColours() != null) { caseSensitive.setSelected(true); lcaseColour.setEnabled(true); resetButtonPanel(true); for (int i = 0; i < lowerCaseButtons.size(); i++) { JButton button = lowerCaseButtons.get(i); button.setBackground(ucs.getLowerCaseColours()[i]); } } else { caseSensitive.setSelected(false); lcaseColour.setEnabled(false); resetButtonPanel(false); } for (int i = 0; i < upperCaseButtons.size(); i++) { JButton button = upperCaseButtons.get(i); button.setBackground(colors[i]); } addNewColourScheme(choice.getPath()); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public static UserColourScheme loadDefaultColours() { UserColourScheme ret = null; String colours = Cache.getProperty(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS); if (colours != null) { if (colours.indexOf("|") > -1) { colours = colours.substring(0, colours.indexOf("|")); } ret = loadColours(colours); } if (ret == null) { Color[] newColours = new Color[24]; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { newColours[i] = Color.white; } ret = new UserColourScheme(newColours); } return ret; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param file * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ static UserColourScheme loadColours(String file) { UserColourScheme ucs = null; Color[] newColours = null; try { InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"); jalview.schemabinding.version2.JalviewUserColours jucs = new jalview.schemabinding.version2.JalviewUserColours(); org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller unmar = new org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller( jucs); jucs = (jalview.schemabinding.version2.JalviewUserColours) unmar .unmarshal(in); newColours = new Color[24]; Color[] lowerCase = null; boolean caseSensitive = false; String name; int index; for (int i = 0; i < jucs.getColourCount(); i++) { name = jucs.getColour(i).getName(); if (ResidueProperties.aa3Hash.containsKey(name)) { index = ResidueProperties.aa3Hash.get(name).intValue(); } else { index = ResidueProperties.aaIndex[name.charAt(0)]; } if (index == -1) { continue; } if (name.toLowerCase().equals(name)) { if (lowerCase == null) { lowerCase = new Color[23]; } caseSensitive = true; lowerCase[index] = new Color(Integer.parseInt(jucs.getColour(i) .getRGB(), 16)); } else { newColours[index] = new Color(Integer.parseInt(jucs.getColour(i) .getRGB(), 16)); } } if (newColours != null) { ucs = new UserColourScheme(newColours); ucs.setName(jucs.getSchemeName()); if (caseSensitive) { ucs.setLowerCaseColours(lowerCase); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Could be Archive Jalview format try { InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream( file), "UTF-8"); jalview.binding.JalviewUserColours jucs = new jalview.binding.JalviewUserColours(); jucs = jucs.unmarshal(in); newColours = new Color[jucs.getColourCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { newColours[i] = new Color(Integer.parseInt(jucs.getColour(i) .getRGB(), 16)); } if (newColours != null) { ucs = new UserColourScheme(newColours); ucs.setName(jucs.getSchemeName()); } } catch (Exception ex2) { ex2.printStackTrace(); } if (newColours == null) { System.out.println("Error loading User ColourFile\n" + ex); } } return ucs; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param e * DOCUMENT ME! */ @Override protected void savebutton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (schemeName.getText().trim().length() < 1) { JvOptionPane.showInternalMessageDialog(Desktop.desktop, MessageManager .getString("label.user_colour_scheme_must_have_name"), MessageManager.getString("label.no_name_colour_scheme"), JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } if (userColourSchemes != null && userColourSchemes.containsKey(schemeName.getText())) { int reply = JvOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(Desktop.desktop, MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.colour_scheme_exists_overwrite", new Object[] { schemeName.getText(), schemeName.getText() }), MessageManager.getString("label.duplicate_scheme_name"), JvOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (reply != JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return; } userColourSchemes.remove(schemeName.getText()); } JalviewFileChooser chooser = new JalviewFileChooser( Cache.getProperty(LAST_DIRECTORY), "jc", "Jalview User Colours"); chooser.setFileView(new JalviewFileView()); chooser.setDialogTitle(MessageManager .getString("label.save_colour_scheme")); chooser.setToolTipText(MessageManager.getString("action.save")); int value = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (value == JalviewFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String choice = chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); addNewColourScheme(choice); saveToFile(choice); } } /** * Adds the current colour scheme to the Jalview properties file so it is * loaded on next startup, and updates the Colour menu in the parent * AlignFrame (if there is one). Note this action does not including applying * the colour scheme. * * @param filePath */ protected void addNewColourScheme(String filePath) { /* * update the delimited list of user defined colour files in * Jalview property USER_DEFINED_COLOURS */ String defaultColours = Cache .getDefault(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS, filePath); if (defaultColours.indexOf(filePath) == -1) { if (defaultColours.length() > 0) { defaultColours = defaultColours.concat("|"); } defaultColours = defaultColours.concat(filePath); } Cache.setProperty(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS, defaultColours); /* * add to the cache in this object */ UserColourScheme ucs = getSchemeFromButtons(); String name = schemeName.getText(); userColourSchemes.put(name, ucs); ColourSchemes.getInstance().registerColourScheme(ucs); /* * update the Colour menu items */ if (ap != null) { ap.alignFrame.buildColourMenu(); } } /** * Saves the colour scheme to file in XML format * * @param filePath */ protected void saveToFile(String filePath) { /* * build a Java model of colour scheme as XML, and * marshal to file */ JalviewUserColours ucs = new JalviewUserColours(); ucs.setSchemeName(schemeName.getText()); try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(filePath), "UTF-8")); for (int i = 0; i < buttonPanel.getComponentCount(); i++) { JButton button = (JButton) buttonPanel.getComponent(i); Colour col = new Colour(); col.setName(button.getText()); col.setRGB(Format.getHexString(button.getBackground())); ucs.addColour(col); } ucs.marshal(out); out.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * On cancel, restores the colour scheme before the dialogue was opened * * @param e */ @Override protected void cancelButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (ap != null) { if (seqGroup != null) { seqGroup.cs = oldColourScheme; } else { ap.alignFrame.changeColour(oldColourScheme); } ap.paintAlignment(true); } if (structureViewer != null) { structureViewer.setJalviewColourScheme(oldColourScheme); } try { frame.setClosed(true); } catch (Exception ex) { } } public static SortedMap getUserColourSchemes() { return userColourSchemes; } public static void initUserColourSchemes(String files) { userColourSchemes = new TreeMap(); if (files == null || files.length() == 0) { return; } // In case colours can't be loaded, we'll remove them // from the default list here. StringBuffer coloursFound = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(files, "|"); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String file = st.nextToken(); try { UserColourScheme ucs = loadColours(file); if (ucs != null) { if (coloursFound.length() > 0) { coloursFound.append("|"); } coloursFound.append(file); String name = ucs.getName(); userColourSchemes.put(name, ucs); ColourSchemes.getInstance().registerColourScheme(ucs); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error loading User ColourFile\n" + ex); } } if (!files.equals(coloursFound.toString())) { if (coloursFound.toString().length() > 1) { Cache.setProperty(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS, coloursFound.toString()); } else { Cache.applicationProperties.remove(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS); } } } public static void removeColourFromDefaults(String target) { // The only way to find colours by name is to load them in // In case colours can't be loaded, we'll remove them // from the default list here. userColourSchemes = new TreeMap(); StringBuffer coloursFound = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( Cache.getProperty(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS), "|"); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String file = st.nextToken(); try { UserColourScheme ucs = loadColours(file); if (ucs != null && !ucs.getSchemeName().equals(target)) { if (coloursFound.length() > 0) { coloursFound.append("|"); } coloursFound.append(file); userColourSchemes.put(ucs.getSchemeName(), ucs); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error loading User ColourFile\n" + ex); } } if (coloursFound.toString().length() > 1) { Cache.setProperty(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS, coloursFound.toString()); } else { Cache.applicationProperties.remove(USER_DEFINED_COLOURS); } } @Override public void caseSensitive_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { resetButtonPanel(caseSensitive.isSelected()); lcaseColour.setEnabled(caseSensitive.isSelected()); } @Override public void lcaseColour_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (selectedButtons == null) { selectedButtons = new ArrayList(); } else { selectedButtons.clear(); } selectedButtons.add(lcaseColour); } }