/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import jalview.gui.JvOptionPane; import jalview.util.MessageManager; import jalview.util.Platform; /* * BackupFiles used for manipulating (naming rolling/deleting) backup/version files when an alignment or project file is saved. * User configurable options are: * BACKUPFILES_ENABLED - boolean flag as to whether to use this mechanism or act as before, including overwriting files as saved. * The rest of the options are now saved as BACKUPFILES_PRESET, BACKUPFILES_SAVED and BACKUPFILES_CUSTOM * (see BackupFilesPresetEntry) */ public class BackupFiles { // labels for saved params in Cache and .jalview_properties public static final String NS = "BACKUPFILES"; public static final String ENABLED = NS + "_ENABLED"; public static final String NUM_PLACEHOLDER = "%n"; private static final String DEFAULT_TEMP_FILE = "jalview_temp_file_" + NS; private static final String TEMP_FILE_EXT = ".tmp"; // file - File object to be backed up and then updated (written over) private File file; // enabled - default flag as to whether to do the backup file roll (if not // defined in preferences) private static boolean enabled; // confirmDelete - default flag as to whether to confirm with the user before // deleting old backup/version files private static boolean confirmDelete; // defaultSuffix - default template to use to append to basename of file private String suffix; // noMax - flag to turn off a maximum number of files private boolean noMax; // defaultMax - default max number of backup files private int max; // defaultDigits - number of zero-led digits to use in the filename private int digits; // reverseOrder - set to true to make newest (latest) files lowest number // (like rolled log files) private boolean reverseOrder; // temp saved file to become new saved file private File tempFile; // flag set to see if file save to temp file was successful private boolean tempFileWriteSuccess; // array of files to be deleted, with extra information private ArrayList deleteFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // date formatting for modification times private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static final String newTempFileSuffix = "_newfile"; private static final String oldTempFileSuffix = "_oldfile_tobedeleted"; public BackupFiles(String filename) { this(new File(filename)); } // first time defaults for SUFFIX, NO_MAX, ROLL_MAX, SUFFIX_DIGITS and // REVERSE_ORDER public BackupFiles(File file) { classInit(); this.file = file; BackupFilesPresetEntry bfpe = BackupFilesPresetEntry .getSavedBackupEntry(); this.suffix = bfpe.suffix; this.noMax = bfpe.keepAll; this.max = bfpe.rollMax; this.digits = bfpe.digits; this.reverseOrder = bfpe.reverse; // create a temp file to save new data in File temp = null; try { if (file != null) { String tempfilename = file.getName(); File tempdir = file.getParentFile(); temp = File.createTempFile(tempfilename, TEMP_FILE_EXT + newTempFileSuffix, tempdir); } else { temp = File.createTempFile(DEFAULT_TEMP_FILE, TEMP_FILE_EXT); } } catch (IOException e) { Cache.log.error( "Could not create temp file to save into (IOException)"); } catch (Exception e) { Cache.log.error("Exception ctreating temp file for saving"); } this.setTempFile(temp); } public static void classInit() { setEnabled(Cache.getDefault(ENABLED, true)); BackupFilesPresetEntry bfpe = BackupFilesPresetEntry .getSavedBackupEntry(); setConfirmDelete(bfpe.confirmDelete); } public static void setEnabled(boolean flag) { enabled = flag; } public static boolean getEnabled() { classInit(); return enabled; } public static void setConfirmDelete(boolean flag) { confirmDelete = flag; } public static boolean getConfirmDelete() { classInit(); return confirmDelete; } // set, get and rename temp file into place public void setTempFile(File temp) { this.tempFile = temp; } public File getTempFile() { return tempFile; } public String getTempFilePath() { String path = null; try { path = this.getTempFile().getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { Cache.log.error( "IOException when getting Canonical Path of temp file '" + this.getTempFile().getName() + "'"); } return path; } public boolean setWriteSuccess(boolean flag) { boolean old = this.tempFileWriteSuccess; this.tempFileWriteSuccess = flag; return old; } public boolean getWriteSuccess() { return this.tempFileWriteSuccess; } public boolean renameTempFile() { return moveFileToFile(tempFile, file); } // roll the backupfiles public boolean rollBackupFiles() { return this.rollBackupFiles(true); } public boolean rollBackupFiles(boolean tidyUp) { // file doesn't yet exist or backups are not enabled or template is null or // empty if ((!file.exists()) || (!enabled) || max < 0 || suffix == null || suffix.length() == 0) { // nothing to do Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES rollBackupFiles nothing to do." + ", " + "filename: " + (file != null ? file.getName() : "null") + ", " + "file exists: " + file.exists() + ", " + "enabled: " + enabled + ", " + "max: " + max + ", " + "suffix: '" + suffix + "'"); return true; } String dir = ""; File dirFile; try { dirFile = file.getParentFile(); dir = dirFile.getCanonicalPath(); Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES: dir: " + dir); } catch (Exception e) { Cache.log.error( "Could not get canonical path for file '" + file + "'"); return false; } String filename = file.getName(); String basename = filename; boolean ret = true; // Create/move backups up one deleteFiles.clear(); // find existing backup files BackupFilenameFilter bff = new BackupFilenameFilter(basename, suffix, digits); File[] backupFiles = dirFile.listFiles(bff); int nextIndexNum = 0; Cache.log .debug("BACKUPFILES backupFiles.length: " + backupFiles.length); if (backupFiles.length == 0) { // No other backup files. Just need to move existing file to backupfile_1 nextIndexNum = 1; } else { TreeMap bfTreeMap = sortBackupFilesAsTreeMap( backupFiles, basename); // bfTreeMap now a sorted list of , // mappings if (reverseOrder) { // backup style numbering int tempMax = noMax ? -1 : max; // noMax == true means no limits // look for first "gap" in backupFiles // if tempMax is -1 at this stage just keep going until there's a gap, // then hopefully tempMax gets set to the right index (a positive // integer so the loop breaks)... // why do I feel a little uneasy about this loop?.. for (int i = 1; tempMax < 0 || i <= max; i++) { if (!bfTreeMap.containsKey(i)) // first index without existent // backupfile { tempMax = i; } } File previousFile = null; File fileToBeDeleted = null; for (int n = tempMax; n > 0; n--) { String backupfilename = dir + File.separatorChar + BackupFilenameParts.getBackupFilename(n, basename, suffix, digits); File backupfile_n = new File(backupfilename); if (!backupfile_n.exists()) { // no "oldest" file to delete previousFile = backupfile_n; fileToBeDeleted = null; continue; } // check the modification time of this (backupfile_n) and the previous // file (fileToBeDeleted) if the previous file is going to be deleted if (fileToBeDeleted != null) { File replacementFile = backupfile_n; long fileToBeDeletedLMT = fileToBeDeleted.lastModified(); long replacementFileLMT = replacementFile.lastModified(); try { File oldestTempFile = nextTempFile(fileToBeDeleted.getName(), dirFile); if (fileToBeDeletedLMT > replacementFileLMT) { String fileToBeDeletedLMTString = sdf .format(fileToBeDeletedLMT); String replacementFileLMTString = sdf .format(replacementFileLMT); Cache.log.warn("WARNING! I am set to delete backupfile " + fileToBeDeleted.getName() + " has modification time " + fileToBeDeletedLMTString + " which is newer than its replacement " + replacementFile.getName() + " with modification time " + replacementFileLMTString); boolean delete = confirmNewerDeleteFile(fileToBeDeleted, replacementFile, true); if (delete) { // User has confirmed delete -- no need to add it to the list fileToBeDeleted.delete(); } else { moveFileToFile(fileToBeDeleted, oldestTempFile); } } else { moveFileToFile(fileToBeDeleted, oldestTempFile); addDeleteFile(oldestTempFile); } } catch (Exception e) { Cache.log.error( "Error occurred, probably making new temp file for '" + fileToBeDeleted.getName() + "'"); Cache.log.error(e.getStackTrace()); } // reset fileToBeDeleted = null; } if (!noMax && n == tempMax && backupfile_n.exists()) { fileToBeDeleted = backupfile_n; } else { if (previousFile != null) { ret = ret && moveFileToFile(backupfile_n, previousFile); } } previousFile = backupfile_n; } // index to use for the latest backup nextIndexNum = 1; } else // not reverse numbering { // version style numbering (with earliest file deletion if max files // reached) bfTreeMap.values().toArray(backupFiles); StringBuilder bfsb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < backupFiles.length; i++) { if (bfsb.length() > 0) { bfsb.append(", "); } bfsb.append(backupFiles[i].getName()); } Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES backupFiles: " + bfsb.toString()); // noMax == true means keep all backup files if ((!noMax) && bfTreeMap.size() >= max) { Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES noMax: " + noMax + ", " + "max: " + max + ", " + "bfTreeMap.size(): " + bfTreeMap.size()); // need to delete some files to keep number of backups to designated // max. // Note that if the suffix is not numbered then do not delete any // backup files later or we'll delete the new backup file (there can // be only one). int numToDelete = suffix.indexOf(NUM_PLACEHOLDER) > -1 ? bfTreeMap.size() - max + 1 : 0; Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES numToDelete: " + numToDelete); // the "replacement" file is the latest backup file being kept (it's // not replacing though) File replacementFile = numToDelete < backupFiles.length ? backupFiles[numToDelete] : null; for (int i = 0; i < numToDelete; i++) { // check the deletion files for modification time of the last // backupfile being saved File fileToBeDeleted = backupFiles[i]; boolean delete = true; Cache.log.debug( "BACKUPFILES fileToBeDeleted: " + fileToBeDeleted); boolean newer = false; if (replacementFile != null) { long fileToBeDeletedLMT = fileToBeDeleted.lastModified(); long replacementFileLMT = replacementFile != null ? replacementFile.lastModified() : Long.MAX_VALUE; if (fileToBeDeletedLMT > replacementFileLMT) { String fileToBeDeletedLMTString = sdf .format(fileToBeDeletedLMT); String replacementFileLMTString = sdf .format(replacementFileLMT); Cache.log.warn("WARNING! I am set to delete backupfile '" + fileToBeDeleted.getName() + "' has modification time " + fileToBeDeletedLMTString + " which is newer than the oldest backupfile being kept '" + replacementFile.getName() + "' with modification time " + replacementFileLMTString); delete = confirmNewerDeleteFile(fileToBeDeleted, replacementFile, false); if (delete) { // User has confirmed delete -- no need to add it to the list fileToBeDeleted.delete(); Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES deleting fileToBeDeleted: " + fileToBeDeleted); delete = false; } else { // keeping file, nothing to do! Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES keeping fileToBeDeleted: " + fileToBeDeleted); } } } if (delete) { addDeleteFile(fileToBeDeleted); Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES addDeleteFile(fileToBeDelted): " + fileToBeDeleted); } } } nextIndexNum = bfTreeMap.lastKey() + 1; } } // Let's make the new backup file!! yay, got there at last! String latestBackupFilename = dir + File.separatorChar + BackupFilenameParts.getBackupFilename(nextIndexNum, basename, suffix, digits); Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES Moving old file [" + file + "] to latestBackupFilename [" + latestBackupFilename + "]"); ret |= moveFileToFile(file, new File(latestBackupFilename)); Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES moving " + latestBackupFilename + " to " + file + " was " + (ret ? "" : "NOT ") + "successful"); if (tidyUp) { Cache.log.debug("BACKUPFILES tidying up files"); tidyUpFiles(); } return ret; } private static File nextTempFile(String filename, File dirFile) throws IOException { File temp = null; COUNT: for (int i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { File trythis = new File(dirFile, filename + '~' + Integer.toString(i)); if (!trythis.exists()) { temp = trythis; break COUNT; } } if (temp == null) { temp = File.createTempFile(filename, TEMP_FILE_EXT, dirFile); } return temp; } private void tidyUpFiles() { deleteOldFiles(); } private static boolean confirmNewerDeleteFile(File fileToBeDeleted, File replacementFile, boolean replace) { StringBuilder messageSB = new StringBuilder(); File ftbd = fileToBeDeleted; String ftbdLMT = sdf.format(ftbd.lastModified()); String ftbdSize = Long.toString(ftbd.length()); File rf = replacementFile; String rfLMT = sdf.format(rf.lastModified()); String rfSize = Long.toString(rf.length()); int confirmButton = JvOptionPane.NO_OPTION; if (replace) { File saveFile = null; try { saveFile = nextTempFile(ftbd.getName(), ftbd.getParentFile()); } catch (Exception e) { Cache.log.error( "Error when confirming to keep backup file newer than other backup files."); e.printStackTrace(); } messageSB.append(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.newerdelete_replacement_line", new String[] { ftbd.getName(), rf.getName(), ftbdLMT, rfLMT, ftbdSize, rfSize })); // "Backup file\n''{0}''\t(modified {2}, size {4})\nis to be deleted and // replaced by apparently older file \n''{1}''\t(modified {3}, size // {5})."" messageSB.append("\n\n"); messageSB.append(MessageManager.formatMessage( "label.confirm_deletion_or_rename", new String[] { ftbd.getName(), saveFile.getName() })); // "Confirm deletion of ''{0}'' or rename to ''{1}''?" String[] options = new String[] { MessageManager.getString("label.delete"), MessageManager.getString("label.rename") }; confirmButton = Platform.isHeadless() ? JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION : JvOptionPane.showOptionDialog(Desktop.desktop, messageSB.toString(), MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_delete"), // "Confirm delete" JvOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); } else { messageSB.append(MessageManager .formatMessage("label.newerdelete_line", new String[] { ftbd.getName(), rf.getName(), ftbdLMT, rfLMT, ftbdSize, rfSize })); // "Backup file\n''{0}''\t(modified {2}, size {4})\nis to be deleted but // is newer than the oldest remaining backup file \n''{1}''\t(modified // {3}, size {5})." messageSB.append("\n\n"); messageSB.append(MessageManager .formatMessage("label.confirm_deletion", new String[] { ftbd.getName() })); // "Confirm deletion of ''{0}''?" String[] options = new String[] { MessageManager.getString("label.delete"), MessageManager.getString("label.keep") }; confirmButton = Platform.isHeadless() ? JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION : JvOptionPane.showOptionDialog(Desktop.desktop, messageSB.toString(), MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_delete"), // "Confirm delete" JvOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); } // return should be TRUE if file is to be deleted return (confirmButton == JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } private void deleteOldFiles() { if (deleteFiles != null && !deleteFiles.isEmpty()) { boolean doDelete = false; StringBuilder messageSB = null; if (confirmDelete && deleteFiles.size() > 0) { messageSB = new StringBuilder(); messageSB.append(MessageManager .getString("label.backupfiles_confirm_delete_old_files")); // "Delete the following older backup files? (see the Backups tab in // Preferences for more options)" for (int i = 0; i < deleteFiles.size(); i++) { File df = deleteFiles.get(i); messageSB.append("\n"); messageSB.append(df.getName()); messageSB.append(" "); messageSB.append(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.file_info", new String[] { sdf.format(df.lastModified()), Long.toString(df.length()) })); // "(modified {0}, size {1})" } int confirmButton = Platform.isHeadless() ? JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION : JvOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Desktop.desktop, messageSB.toString(), MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_delete"), // "Confirm delete" JvOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); doDelete = (confirmButton == JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } else { doDelete = true; } if (doDelete) { for (int i = 0; i < deleteFiles.size(); i++) { File fileToDelete = deleteFiles.get(i); Cache.log.debug( "BACKUPFILES deleting fileToDelete:" + fileToDelete); fileToDelete.delete(); Cache.log.warn("deleting '" + fileToDelete.getName() + "'"); } } } deleteFiles.clear(); } private TreeMap sortBackupFilesAsTreeMap( File[] backupFiles, String basename) { // sort the backup files (based on integer found in the suffix) using a // precomputed Hashmap for speed Map bfHashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < backupFiles.length; i++) { File f = backupFiles[i]; BackupFilenameParts bfp = new BackupFilenameParts(f, basename, suffix, digits); bfHashMap.put(bfp.indexNum(), f); } TreeMap bfTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(); bfTreeMap.putAll(bfHashMap); return bfTreeMap; } public boolean rollBackupsAndRenameTempFile() { boolean write = this.getWriteSuccess(); boolean roll = false; boolean rename = false; if (write) { roll = this.rollBackupFiles(false); // tidyUpFiles at the end rename = this.renameTempFile(); } /* * Not sure that this confirmation is desirable. By this stage the new file is * already written successfully, but something (e.g. disk full) has happened while * trying to roll the backup files, and most likely the filename needed will already * be vacant so renaming the temp file is nearly always correct! */ boolean okay = roll && rename; if (!okay) { boolean yesno = false; StringBuilder messageSB = new StringBuilder(); messageSB.append(MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_save_file_backupfiles_roll_wrong")); // "Something possibly went wrong with the backups of this file." if (rename) { if (messageSB.length() > 0) { messageSB.append("\n"); } messageSB.append(MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_save_new_saved_file_ok")); // "The new saved file seems okay." } else { if (messageSB.length() > 0) { messageSB.append("\n"); } messageSB.append(MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_save_new_saved_file_not_ok")); // "The new saved file might not be okay." } int confirmButton = Platform.isHeadless() ? JvOptionPane.OK_OPTION : JvOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Desktop.desktop, messageSB.toString(), MessageManager.getString( "label.backupfiles_confirm_save_file"), // "Confirm save file" JvOptionPane.OK_OPTION, JvOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); okay = confirmButton == JvOptionPane.OK_OPTION; } if (okay) { tidyUpFiles(); } return rename; } public static TreeMap getBackupFilesAsTreeMap( String fileName, String suffix, int digits) { File[] backupFiles = null; File file = new File(fileName); File dirFile; try { dirFile = file.getParentFile(); } catch (Exception e) { Cache.log.error( "Could not get canonical path for file '" + file + "'"); return new TreeMap<>(); } String filename = file.getName(); String basename = filename; // find existing backup files BackupFilenameFilter bff = new BackupFilenameFilter(basename, suffix, digits); backupFiles = dirFile.listFiles(bff); // is clone needed? // sort the backup files (based on integer found in the suffix) using a // precomputed Hashmap for speed Map bfHashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < backupFiles.length; i++) { File f = backupFiles[i]; BackupFilenameParts bfp = new BackupFilenameParts(f, basename, suffix, digits); bfHashMap.put(bfp.indexNum(), f); } TreeMap bfTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(); bfTreeMap.putAll(bfHashMap); return bfTreeMap; } /* private boolean addDeleteFile(File fileToBeDeleted, File originalFile, boolean delete, boolean newer) { return addDeleteFile(fileToBeDeleted, originalFile, null, delete, newer); } */ private boolean addDeleteFile(File fileToBeDeleted) { boolean ret = false; int pos = deleteFiles.indexOf(fileToBeDeleted); if (pos > -1) { return true; } else { deleteFiles.add(fileToBeDeleted); } return ret; } public static boolean moveFileToFile(File oldFile, File newFile) { boolean ret = false; Path oldPath = Paths.get(oldFile.getAbsolutePath()); Path newPath = Paths.get(newFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { // delete destination file - not usually necessary but Just In Case... newFile.delete(); Files.move(oldPath, newPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); ret = true; } catch (IOException e) { Cache.log.warn("Could not move file '" + oldPath.toString() + "' to '" + newPath.toString() + "'"); Cache.log.error(e.getStackTrace()); ret = false; } catch (Exception e) { Cache.log.error(e.getMessage()); Cache.log.error(e.getStackTrace()); ret = false; } return ret; } }