/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io; import jalview.analysis.AlignmentUtils; import jalview.analysis.SequenceIdMatcher; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.api.FeatureColourI; import jalview.api.FeaturesSourceI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame; import jalview.datamodel.Alignment; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceDummy; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.io.gff.GffHelperBase; import jalview.io.gff.GffHelperFactory; import jalview.io.gff.GffHelperI; import jalview.schemes.FeatureColour; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import jalview.util.MapList; import jalview.util.ParseHtmlBodyAndLinks; import jalview.util.StringUtils; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * Parses and writes features files, which may be in Jalview, GFF2 or GFF3 * format. These are tab-delimited formats but with differences in the use of * columns. * * A Jalview feature file may define feature colours and then declare that the * remainder of the file is in GFF format with the line 'GFF'. * * GFF3 files may include alignment mappings for features, which Jalview will * attempt to model, and may include sequence data following a ##FASTA line. * * * @author AMW * @author jbprocter * @author gmcarstairs */ public class FeaturesFile extends AlignFile implements FeaturesSourceI { private static final String ID_NOT_SPECIFIED = "ID_NOT_SPECIFIED"; private static final String NOTE = "Note"; protected static final String TAB = "\t"; protected static final String GFF_VERSION = "##gff-version"; private static final Comparator SORT_NULL_LAST = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { if (o1 == null) { return o2 == null ? 0 : 1; } return (o2 == null ? -1 : o1.compareTo(o2)); } }; private AlignmentI lastmatchedAl = null; private SequenceIdMatcher matcher = null; protected AlignmentI dataset; protected int gffVersion; /** * Creates a new FeaturesFile object. */ public FeaturesFile() { } /** * Constructor which does not parse the file immediately * * @param inFile * @param paste * @throws IOException */ public FeaturesFile(String inFile, DataSourceType paste) throws IOException { super(false, inFile, paste); } /** * @param source * @throws IOException */ public FeaturesFile(FileParse source) throws IOException { super(source); } /** * Constructor that optionally parses the file immediately * * @param parseImmediately * @param inFile * @param type * @throws IOException */ public FeaturesFile(boolean parseImmediately, String inFile, DataSourceType type) throws IOException { super(parseImmediately, inFile, type); } /** * Parse GFF or sequence features file using case-independent matching, * discarding URLs * * @param align * - alignment/dataset containing sequences that are to be annotated * @param colours * - hashtable to store feature colour definitions * @param removeHTML * - process html strings into plain text * @return true if features were added */ public boolean parse(AlignmentI align, Map colours, boolean removeHTML) { return parse(align, colours, removeHTML, false); } /** * Extends the default addProperties by also adding peptide-to-cDNA mappings * (if any) derived while parsing a GFF file */ @Override public void addProperties(AlignmentI al) { super.addProperties(al); if (dataset != null && dataset.getCodonFrames() != null) { AlignmentI ds = (al.getDataset() == null) ? al : al.getDataset(); for (AlignedCodonFrame codons : dataset.getCodonFrames()) { ds.addCodonFrame(codons); } } } /** * Parse GFF or Jalview format sequence features file * * @param align * - alignment/dataset containing sequences that are to be annotated * @param colours * - hashtable to store feature colour definitions * @param removeHTML * - process html strings into plain text * @param relaxedIdmatching * - when true, ID matches to compound sequence IDs are allowed * @return true if features were added */ public boolean parse(AlignmentI align, Map colours, boolean removeHTML, boolean relaxedIdmatching) { Map gffProps = new HashMap(); /* * keep track of any sequences we try to create from the data */ List newseqs = new ArrayList(); String line = null; try { String[] gffColumns; String featureGroup = null; while ((line = nextLine()) != null) { // skip comments/process pragmas if (line.length() == 0 || line.startsWith("#")) { if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("##")) { processGffPragma(line, gffProps, align, newseqs); } continue; } gffColumns = line.split("\\t"); // tab as regex if (gffColumns.length == 1) { if (line.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("GFF")) { /* * Jalview features file with appended GFF * assume GFF2 (though it may declare ##gff-version 3) */ gffVersion = 2; continue; } } if (gffColumns.length > 1 && gffColumns.length < 4) { /* * if 2 or 3 tokens, we anticipate either 'startgroup', 'endgroup' or * a feature type colour specification */ String ft = gffColumns[0]; if (ft.equalsIgnoreCase("startgroup")) { featureGroup = gffColumns[1]; } else if (ft.equalsIgnoreCase("endgroup")) { // We should check whether this is the current group, // but at present there's no way of showing more than 1 group featureGroup = null; } else { String colscheme = gffColumns[1]; FeatureColourI colour = FeatureColour .parseJalviewFeatureColour(colscheme); if (colour != null) { colours.put(ft, colour); } } continue; } /* * if not a comment, GFF pragma, startgroup, endgroup or feature * colour specification, that just leaves a feature details line * in either Jalview or GFF format */ if (gffVersion == 0) { parseJalviewFeature(line, gffColumns, align, colours, removeHTML, relaxedIdmatching, featureGroup); } else { parseGff(gffColumns, align, relaxedIdmatching, newseqs); } } resetMatcher(); } catch (Exception ex) { // should report somewhere useful for UI if necessary warningMessage = ((warningMessage == null) ? "" : warningMessage) + "Parsing error at\n" + line; System.out.println("Error parsing feature file: " + ex + "\n" + line); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); resetMatcher(); return false; } /* * experimental - add any dummy sequences with features to the alignment * - we need them for Ensembl feature extraction - though maybe not otherwise */ for (SequenceI newseq : newseqs) { if (newseq.getFeatures().hasFeatures()) { align.addSequence(newseq); } } return true; } /** * Try to parse a Jalview format feature specification and add it as a * sequence feature to any matching sequences in the alignment. Returns true * if successful (a feature was added), or false if not. * * @param line * @param gffColumns * @param alignment * @param featureColours * @param removeHTML * @param relaxedIdmatching * @param featureGroup */ protected boolean parseJalviewFeature(String line, String[] gffColumns, AlignmentI alignment, Map featureColours, boolean removeHTML, boolean relaxedIdMatching, String featureGroup) { /* * tokens: description seqid seqIndex start end type [score] */ if (gffColumns.length < 6) { System.err.println("Ignoring feature line '" + line + "' with too few columns (" + gffColumns.length + ")"); return false; } String desc = gffColumns[0]; String seqId = gffColumns[1]; SequenceI seq = findSequence(seqId, alignment, null, relaxedIdMatching); if (!ID_NOT_SPECIFIED.equals(seqId)) { seq = findSequence(seqId, alignment, null, relaxedIdMatching); } else { seqId = null; seq = null; String seqIndex = gffColumns[2]; try { int idx = Integer.parseInt(seqIndex); seq = alignment.getSequenceAt(idx); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid sequence index: " + seqIndex); } } if (seq == null) { System.out.println("Sequence not found: " + line); return false; } int startPos = Integer.parseInt(gffColumns[3]); int endPos = Integer.parseInt(gffColumns[4]); String ft = gffColumns[5]; if (!featureColours.containsKey(ft)) { /* * Perhaps an old style groups file with no colours - * synthesize a colour from the feature type */ Color colour = ColorUtils.createColourFromName(ft); featureColours.put(ft, new FeatureColour(colour)); } SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature(ft, desc, "", startPos, endPos, featureGroup); if (gffColumns.length > 6) { float score = Float.NaN; try { score = new Float(gffColumns[6]).floatValue(); // update colourgradient bounds if allowed to } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // leave as NaN } sf.setScore(score); } parseDescriptionHTML(sf, removeHTML); seq.addSequenceFeature(sf); while (seqId != null && (seq = alignment.findName(seq, seqId, false)) != null) { seq.addSequenceFeature(new SequenceFeature(sf)); } return true; } /** * clear any temporary handles used to speed up ID matching */ protected void resetMatcher() { lastmatchedAl = null; matcher = null; } /** * Returns a sequence matching the given id, as follows *
  • strict matching is on exact sequence name
  • *
  • relaxed matching allows matching on a token within the sequence name, * or a dbxref
  • *
  • first tries to find a match in the alignment sequences
  • *
  • else tries to find a match in the new sequences already generated while * parsing the features file
  • *
  • else creates a new placeholder sequence, adds it to the new sequences * list, and returns it
  • *
* * @param seqId * @param align * @param newseqs * @param relaxedIdMatching * * @return */ protected SequenceI findSequence(String seqId, AlignmentI align, List newseqs, boolean relaxedIdMatching) { // TODO encapsulate in SequenceIdMatcher, share the matcher // with the GffHelper (removing code duplication) SequenceI match = null; if (relaxedIdMatching) { if (lastmatchedAl != align) { lastmatchedAl = align; matcher = new SequenceIdMatcher(align.getSequencesArray()); if (newseqs != null) { matcher.addAll(newseqs); } } match = matcher.findIdMatch(seqId); } else { match = align.findName(seqId, true); if (match == null && newseqs != null) { for (SequenceI m : newseqs) { if (seqId.equals(m.getName())) { return m; } } } } if (match == null && newseqs != null) { match = new SequenceDummy(seqId); if (relaxedIdMatching) { matcher.addAll(Arrays.asList(new SequenceI[] { match })); } // add dummy sequence to the newseqs list newseqs.add(match); } return match; } public void parseDescriptionHTML(SequenceFeature sf, boolean removeHTML) { if (sf.getDescription() == null) { return; } ParseHtmlBodyAndLinks parsed = new ParseHtmlBodyAndLinks( sf.getDescription(), removeHTML, newline); if (removeHTML) { sf.setDescription(parsed.getNonHtmlContent()); } for (String link : parsed.getLinks()) { sf.addLink(link); } } /** * Returns contents of a Jalview format features file, for visible features, * as filtered by type and group. Features with a null group are displayed if * their feature type is visible. Non-positional features may optionally be * included (with no check on type or group). * * @param sequences * source of features * @param visible * map of colour for each visible feature type * @param visibleFeatureGroups * @param includeNonPositional * if true, include non-positional features (regardless of group or * type) * @return */ public String printJalviewFormat(SequenceI[] sequences, Map visible, List visibleFeatureGroups, boolean includeNonPositional) { if (!includeNonPositional && (visible == null || visible.isEmpty())) { // no point continuing. return "No Features Visible"; } /* * write out feature colours (if we know them) */ // TODO: decide if feature links should also be written here ? StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(256); if (visible != null) { for (Entry featureColour : visible.entrySet()) { FeatureColourI colour = featureColour.getValue(); out.append(colour.toJalviewFormat(featureColour.getKey())).append( newline); } } String[] types = visible == null ? new String[0] : visible.keySet() .toArray(new String[visible.keySet().size()]); /* * sort groups alphabetically, and ensure that null group is output last */ List sortedGroups = new ArrayList(visibleFeatureGroups); sortedGroups.remove(null); Collections.sort(sortedGroups); sortedGroups.add(null); boolean foundSome = false; /* * first output any non-positional features */ if (includeNonPositional) { for (int i = 0; i < sequences.length; i++) { String sequenceName = sequences[i].getName(); for (SequenceFeature feature : sequences[i].getFeatures() .getNonPositionalFeatures()) { foundSome = true; out.append(formatJalviewFeature(sequenceName, feature)); } } } for (String group : sortedGroups) { if (group != null) { out.append(newline); out.append("STARTGROUP").append(TAB); out.append(group); out.append(newline); } /* * output positional features within groups */ for (int i = 0; i < sequences.length; i++) { String sequenceName = sequences[i].getName(); List features = new ArrayList(); if (types.length > 0) { features.addAll(sequences[i].getFeatures().getFeaturesForGroup( true, group, types)); } for (SequenceFeature sequenceFeature : features) { foundSome = true; out.append(formatJalviewFeature(sequenceName, sequenceFeature)); } } if (group != null) { out.append("ENDGROUP").append(TAB); out.append(group); out.append(newline); } } return foundSome ? out.toString() : "No Features Visible"; } /** * @param out * @param sequenceName * @param sequenceFeature */ protected String formatJalviewFeature( String sequenceName, SequenceFeature sequenceFeature) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(64); if (sequenceFeature.description == null || sequenceFeature.description.equals("")) { out.append(sequenceFeature.type).append(TAB); } else { if (sequenceFeature.links != null && sequenceFeature.getDescription().indexOf("") == -1) { out.append(""); } out.append(sequenceFeature.description); if (sequenceFeature.links != null) { for (int l = 0; l < sequenceFeature.links.size(); l++) { String label = sequenceFeature.links.elementAt(l); String href = label.substring(label.indexOf("|") + 1); label = label.substring(0, label.indexOf("|")); if (sequenceFeature.description.indexOf(href) == -1) { out.append(" " + label + ""); } } if (sequenceFeature.getDescription().indexOf("") == -1) { out.append(""); } } out.append(TAB); } out.append(sequenceName); out.append("\t-1\t"); out.append(sequenceFeature.begin); out.append(TAB); out.append(sequenceFeature.end); out.append(TAB); out.append(sequenceFeature.type); if (!Float.isNaN(sequenceFeature.score)) { out.append(TAB); out.append(sequenceFeature.score); } out.append(newline); return out.toString(); } /** * Parse method that is called when a GFF file is dragged to the desktop */ @Override public void parse() { AlignViewportI av = getViewport(); if (av != null) { if (av.getAlignment() != null) { dataset = av.getAlignment().getDataset(); } if (dataset == null) { // working in the applet context ? dataset = av.getAlignment(); } } else { dataset = new Alignment(new SequenceI[] {}); } Map featureColours = new HashMap(); boolean parseResult = parse(dataset, featureColours, false, true); if (!parseResult) { // pass error up somehow } if (av != null) { // update viewport with the dataset data ? } else { setSeqs(dataset.getSequencesArray()); } } /** * Implementation of unused abstract method * * @return error message */ @Override public String print(SequenceI[] sqs, boolean jvsuffix) { System.out.println("Use printGffFormat() or printJalviewFormat()"); return null; } /** * Returns features output in GFF2 format * * @param sequences * the sequences whose features are to be output * @param visible * a map whose keys are the type names of visible features * @param visibleFeatureGroups * @param includeNonPositionalFeatures * @return */ public String printGffFormat(SequenceI[] sequences, Map visible, List visibleFeatureGroups, boolean includeNonPositionalFeatures) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(256); out.append(String.format("%s %d\n", GFF_VERSION, gffVersion == 0 ? 2 : gffVersion)); if (!includeNonPositionalFeatures && (visible == null || visible.isEmpty())) { return out.toString(); } String[] types = visible == null ? new String[0] : visible.keySet() .toArray( new String[visible.keySet().size()]); for (SequenceI seq : sequences) { List features = new ArrayList(); if (includeNonPositionalFeatures) { features.addAll(seq.getFeatures().getNonPositionalFeatures()); } if (visible != null && !visible.isEmpty()) { features.addAll(seq.getFeatures().getPositionalFeatures(types)); } for (SequenceFeature sf : features) { String source = sf.featureGroup; if (!sf.isNonPositional() && source != null && !visibleFeatureGroups.contains(source)) { // group is not visible continue; } if (source == null) { source = sf.getDescription(); } out.append(seq.getName()); out.append(TAB); out.append(source); out.append(TAB); out.append(sf.type); out.append(TAB); out.append(sf.begin); out.append(TAB); out.append(sf.end); out.append(TAB); out.append(sf.score); out.append(TAB); int strand = sf.getStrand(); out.append(strand == 1 ? "+" : (strand == -1 ? "-" : ".")); out.append(TAB); String phase = sf.getPhase(); out.append(phase == null ? "." : phase); // miscellaneous key-values (GFF column 9) String attributes = sf.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { out.append(TAB).append(attributes); } out.append(newline); } } return out.toString(); } /** * Returns a mapping given list of one or more Align descriptors (exonerate * format) * * @param alignedRegions * a list of "Align fromStart toStart fromCount" * @param mapIsFromCdna * if true, 'from' is dna, else 'from' is protein * @param strand * either 1 (forward) or -1 (reverse) * @return * @throws IOException */ protected MapList constructCodonMappingFromAlign( List alignedRegions, boolean mapIsFromCdna, int strand) throws IOException { if (strand == 0) { throw new IOException( "Invalid strand for a codon mapping (cannot be 0)"); } int regions = alignedRegions.size(); // arrays to hold [start, end] for each aligned region int[] fromRanges = new int[regions * 2]; // from dna int[] toRanges = new int[regions * 2]; // to protein int fromRangesIndex = 0; int toRangesIndex = 0; for (String range : alignedRegions) { /* * Align mapFromStart mapToStart mapFromCount * e.g. if mapIsFromCdna * Align 11270 143 120 * means: * 120 bases from pos 11270 align to pos 143 in peptide * if !mapIsFromCdna this would instead be * Align 143 11270 40 */ String[] tokens = range.split(" "); if (tokens.length != 3) { throw new IOException("Wrong number of fields for Align"); } int fromStart = 0; int toStart = 0; int fromCount = 0; try { fromStart = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]); toStart = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); fromCount = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException("Invalid number in Align field: " + nfe.getMessage()); } /* * Jalview always models from dna to protein, so adjust values if the * GFF mapping is from protein to dna */ if (!mapIsFromCdna) { fromCount *= 3; int temp = fromStart; fromStart = toStart; toStart = temp; } fromRanges[fromRangesIndex++] = fromStart; fromRanges[fromRangesIndex++] = fromStart + strand * (fromCount - 1); /* * If a codon has an intron gap, there will be contiguous 'toRanges'; * this is handled for us by the MapList constructor. * (It is not clear that exonerate ever generates this case) */ toRanges[toRangesIndex++] = toStart; toRanges[toRangesIndex++] = toStart + (fromCount - 1) / 3; } return new MapList(fromRanges, toRanges, 3, 1); } /** * Parse a GFF format feature. This may include creating a 'dummy' sequence to * hold the feature, or for its mapped sequence, or both, to be resolved * either later in the GFF file (##FASTA section), or when the user loads * additional sequences. * * @param gffColumns * @param alignment * @param relaxedIdMatching * @param newseqs * @return */ protected SequenceI parseGff(String[] gffColumns, AlignmentI alignment, boolean relaxedIdMatching, List newseqs) { /* * GFF: seqid source type start end score strand phase [attributes] */ if (gffColumns.length < 5) { System.err.println("Ignoring GFF feature line with too few columns (" + gffColumns.length + ")"); return null; } /* * locate referenced sequence in alignment _or_ * as a forward or external reference (SequenceDummy) */ String seqId = gffColumns[0]; SequenceI seq = findSequence(seqId, alignment, newseqs, relaxedIdMatching); SequenceFeature sf = null; GffHelperI helper = GffHelperFactory.getHelper(gffColumns); if (helper != null) { try { sf = helper.processGff(seq, gffColumns, alignment, newseqs, relaxedIdMatching); if (sf != null) { seq.addSequenceFeature(sf); while ((seq = alignment.findName(seq, seqId, true)) != null) { seq.addSequenceFeature(new SequenceFeature(sf)); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("GFF parsing failed with: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } return seq; } /** * Process the 'column 9' data of the GFF file. This is less formally defined, * and its interpretation will vary depending on the tool that has generated * it. * * @param attributes * @param sf */ protected void processGffColumnNine(String attributes, SequenceFeature sf) { sf.setAttributes(attributes); /* * Parse attributes in column 9 and add them to the sequence feature's * 'otherData' table; use Note as a best proxy for description */ char nameValueSeparator = gffVersion == 3 ? '=' : ' '; // TODO check we don't break GFF2 values which include commas here Map> nameValues = GffHelperBase .parseNameValuePairs(attributes, ";", nameValueSeparator, ","); for (Entry> attr : nameValues.entrySet()) { String values = StringUtils.listToDelimitedString(attr.getValue(), "; "); sf.setValue(attr.getKey(), values); if (NOTE.equals(attr.getKey())) { sf.setDescription(values); } } } /** * After encountering ##fasta in a GFF3 file, process the remainder of the * file as FAST sequence data. Any placeholder sequences created during * feature parsing are updated with the actual sequences. * * @param align * @param newseqs * @throws IOException */ protected void processAsFasta(AlignmentI align, List newseqs) throws IOException { try { mark(); } catch (IOException q) { } FastaFile parser = new FastaFile(this); List includedseqs = parser.getSeqs(); SequenceIdMatcher smatcher = new SequenceIdMatcher(newseqs); /* * iterate over includedseqs, and replacing matching ones with newseqs * sequences. Generic iterator not used here because we modify * includedseqs as we go */ for (int p = 0, pSize = includedseqs.size(); p < pSize; p++) { // search for any dummy seqs that this sequence can be used to update SequenceI includedSeq = includedseqs.get(p); SequenceI dummyseq = smatcher.findIdMatch(includedSeq); if (dummyseq != null && dummyseq instanceof SequenceDummy) { // probably have the pattern wrong // idea is that a flyweight proxy for a sequence ID can be created for // 1. stable reference creation // 2. addition of annotation // 3. future replacement by a real sequence // current pattern is to create SequenceDummy objects - a convenience // constructor for a Sequence. // problem is that when promoted to a real sequence, all references // need to be updated somehow. We avoid that by keeping the same object. ((SequenceDummy) dummyseq).become(includedSeq); dummyseq.createDatasetSequence(); /* * Update mappings so they are now to the dataset sequence */ for (AlignedCodonFrame mapping : align.getCodonFrames()) { mapping.updateToDataset(dummyseq); } /* * replace parsed sequence with the realised forward reference */ includedseqs.set(p, dummyseq); /* * and remove from the newseqs list */ newseqs.remove(dummyseq); } } /* * finally add sequences to the dataset */ for (SequenceI seq : includedseqs) { // experimental: mapping-based 'alignment' to query sequence AlignmentUtils.alignSequenceAs(seq, align, String.valueOf(align.getGapCharacter()), false, true); // rename sequences if GFF handler requested this // TODO a more elegant way e.g. gffHelper.postProcess(newseqs) ? List sfs = seq.getFeatures().getPositionalFeatures(); if (!sfs.isEmpty()) { String newName = (String) sfs.get(0).getValue( GffHelperI.RENAME_TOKEN); if (newName != null) { seq.setName(newName); } } align.addSequence(seq); } } /** * Process a ## directive * * @param line * @param gffProps * @param align * @param newseqs * @throws IOException */ protected void processGffPragma(String line, Map gffProps, AlignmentI align, List newseqs) throws IOException { line = line.trim(); if ("###".equals(line)) { // close off any open 'forward references' return; } String[] tokens = line.substring(2).split(" "); String pragma = tokens[0]; String value = tokens.length == 1 ? null : tokens[1]; if ("gff-version".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { if (value != null) { try { // value may be e.g. "3.1.2" gffVersion = Integer.parseInt(value.split("\\.")[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } } } else if ("sequence-region".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { // could capture if wanted here } else if ("feature-ontology".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { // should resolve against the specified feature ontology URI } else if ("attribute-ontology".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { // URI of attribute ontology - not currently used in GFF3 } else if ("source-ontology".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { // URI of source ontology - not currently used in GFF3 } else if ("species-build".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { // save URI of specific NCBI taxon version of annotations gffProps.put("species-build", value); } else if ("fasta".equalsIgnoreCase(pragma)) { // process the rest of the file as a fasta file and replace any dummy // sequence IDs processAsFasta(align, newseqs); } else { System.err.println("Ignoring unknown pragma: " + line); } } }