/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class IdentifyFile { public FileFormatI identify(File file, DataSourceType sourceType) throws FileFormatException { String emessage = "UNIDENTIFIED FILE PARSING ERROR"; FileParse parser = null; try { parser = new FileParse(file, sourceType); if (parser.isValid()) { return identify(parser); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error whilst identifying " + file); e.printStackTrace(System.err); emessage = e.getMessage(); } if (parser != null) { throw new FileFormatException(parser.errormessage); } throw new FileFormatException(emessage); } /** * Identify a datasource's file content. * * @note Do not use this method for stream sources - create a FileParse object * instead. * * @param file * @param sourceType * @return * @throws FileFormatException */ public FileFormatI identify(String file, DataSourceType sourceType) throws FileFormatException { String emessage = "UNIDENTIFIED FILE PARSING ERROR"; FileParse parser = null; try { parser = new FileParse(file, sourceType); if (parser.isValid()) { return identify(parser); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error whilst identifying " + file); e.printStackTrace(System.err); emessage = e.getMessage(); } if (parser != null) { throw new FileFormatException(parser.errormessage); } throw new FileFormatException(emessage); } public FileFormatI identify(FileParse source) throws FileFormatException { return identify(source, true); // preserves original behaviour prior to version 2.3 } public FileFormatI identify(AlignmentFileReaderI file, boolean closeSource) throws IOException { FileParse fp = new FileParse(file.getInFile(), file.getDataSourceType()); return identify(fp, closeSource); } /** * Identify contents of source, closing it or resetting source to start * afterwards. * * @param source * @param closeSource * @return (best guess at) file format * @throws FileFormatException */ public FileFormatI identify(FileParse source, boolean closeSource) throws FileFormatException { FileFormatI reply = FileFormat.Pfam; String data; int bytesRead = 0; int trimmedLength = 0; boolean lineswereskipped = false; boolean isBinary = false; // true if length is non-zero and non-printable // characters are encountered try { if (!closeSource) { source.mark(); } boolean aaIndexHeaderRead = false; while ((data = source.nextLine()) != null) { bytesRead += data.length(); trimmedLength += data.trim().length(); if (!lineswereskipped) { for (int i = 0; !isBinary && i < data.length(); i++) { char c = data.charAt(i); isBinary = (c < 32 && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != 5 && c != 27); // nominal binary character filter // excluding CR, LF, tab,DEL and ^E // for certain blast ids } } if (isBinary) { // jar files are special - since they contain all sorts of random // characters. if (source.inFile != null) { String fileStr = source.inFile.getName(); // possibly a Jalview archive. if (fileStr.lastIndexOf(".jar") > -1 || fileStr.lastIndexOf(".zip") > -1) { reply = FileFormat.Jalview; } } if (!lineswereskipped && data.startsWith("PK")) { reply = FileFormat.Jalview; // archive. break; } } data = data.toUpperCase(); if (data.startsWith(ScoreMatrixFile.SCOREMATRIX)) { reply = FileFormat.ScoreMatrix; break; } if (data.startsWith("H ") && !aaIndexHeaderRead) { aaIndexHeaderRead = true; } if (data.startsWith("D ") && aaIndexHeaderRead) { reply = FileFormat.ScoreMatrix; break; } if (data.startsWith("##GFF-VERSION")) { // GFF - possibly embedded in a Jalview features file! reply = FileFormat.Features; break; } if (looksLikeFeatureData(data)) { reply = FileFormat.Features; break; } if (data.indexOf("# STOCKHOLM") > -1) { reply = FileFormat.Stockholm; break; } if (data.indexOf("_ENTRY.ID") > -1 || data.indexOf("_AUDIT_AUTHOR.NAME") > -1 || data.indexOf("_ATOM_SITE.") > -1) { reply = FileFormat.MMCif; break; } // if (data.indexOf(">") > -1) if (data.startsWith(">")) { // FASTA, PIR file or BLC file boolean checkPIR = false, starterm = false; if ((data.indexOf(">P1;") > -1) || (data.indexOf(">DL;") > -1)) { // watch for PIR file attributes checkPIR = true; reply = FileFormat.PIR; } // could also be BLC file, read next line to confirm data = source.nextLine(); if (data.indexOf(">") > -1) { reply = FileFormat.BLC; } else { // Is this a single line BLC file? String data1 = source.nextLine(); String data2 = source.nextLine(); int c1; if (checkPIR) { starterm = (data1 != null && data1.indexOf("*") > -1) || (data2 != null && data2.indexOf("*") > -1); } if (data2 != null && (c1 = data.indexOf("*")) > -1) { if (c1 == 0 && c1 == data2.indexOf("*")) { reply = FileFormat.BLC; } else { reply = FileFormat.Fasta; // possibly a bad choice - may be // recognised as // PIR } // otherwise can still possibly be a PIR file } else { reply = FileFormat.Fasta; // TODO : AMSA File is indicated if there is annotation in the // FASTA file - but FASTA will automatically generate this at the // mo. if (!checkPIR) { break; } } } // final check for PIR content. require // >P1;title\n\nterminated sequence to occur at least once. // TODO the PIR/fasta ambiguity may be the use case that is needed to // have // a 'Parse as type XXX' parameter for the applet/application. if (checkPIR) { String dta = null; if (!starterm) { do { try { dta = source.nextLine(); } catch (IOException ex) { } if (dta != null && dta.indexOf("*") > -1) { starterm = true; } } while (dta != null && !starterm); } if (starterm) { reply = FileFormat.PIR; break; } else { reply = FileFormat.Fasta; // probably a bad choice! } } // read as a FASTA (probably) break; } if (data.indexOf("{\"") > -1) { reply = FileFormat.Json; break; } int lessThan = data.indexOf("<"); if ((lessThan > -1)) // possible Markup Language data i.e HTML, // RNAML, XML { String upper = data.toUpperCase(); if (upper.substring(lessThan).startsWith(" -1) { reply = FileFormat.Pileup; break; } if ((data.indexOf("//") == 0) || ((data.indexOf("!!") > -1) && (data .indexOf("!!") < data.indexOf("_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT ")))) { reply = FileFormat.MSF; break; } else if (data.indexOf("CLUSTAL") > -1) { reply = FileFormat.Clustal; break; } else if (data.indexOf("HEADER") == 0 || data.indexOf("ATOM") == 0) { reply = FileFormat.PDB; break; } else if (data.matches("\\s*\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s*")) { reply = FileFormat.Phylip; break; } else { if (!lineswereskipped && looksLikeJnetData(data)) { reply = FileFormat.Jnet; break; } } lineswereskipped = true; // this means there was some junk before any // key file signature } if (closeSource) { source.close(); } else { source.reset(bytesRead); // so the file can be parsed from the mark } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("File Identification failed!\n" + ex); throw new FileFormatException(source.errormessage); } if (trimmedLength == 0) { System.err.println( "File Identification failed! - Empty file was read."); throw new FileFormatException("EMPTY DATA FILE"); } System.out.println("File format identified as " + reply.toString()); return reply; } /** * Returns true if the data appears to be Jnet concise annotation format * * @param data * @return */ protected boolean looksLikeJnetData(String data) { char firstChar = data.charAt(0); int colonPos = data.indexOf(":"); int commaPos = data.indexOf(","); boolean isJnet = firstChar != '*' && firstChar != ' ' && colonPos > -1 && commaPos > -1 && colonPos < commaPos; // && data.indexOf(",") [ ...]"); } } }