/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.7) * Copyright (C) 2011 J Procter, AM Waterhouse, J Engelhardt, LM Lui, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see . */ package jalview.io; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionFileFormatOrSyntax; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionLoadingFailed; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionPermissionDenied; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionUnmatchedClosingParentheses; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.util.*; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class MSFfile extends AlignFile { /** * Creates a new MSFfile object. */ public MSFfile() { } /** * Creates a new MSFfile object. * * @param inFile * DOCUMENT ME! * @param type * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws IOException * DOCUMENT ME! * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws ExceptionFileFormatOrSyntax * @throws ExceptionLoadingFailed * @throws ExceptionPermissionDenied * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExceptionUnmatchedClosingParentheses */ public MSFfile(String inFile, String type) throws IOException, ExceptionFileFormatOrSyntax, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, ExceptionPermissionDenied, ExceptionLoadingFailed, InterruptedException, ExceptionUnmatchedClosingParentheses { super(inFile, type); } public MSFfile(FileParse source) throws IOException, ExceptionFileFormatOrSyntax, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, ExceptionPermissionDenied, ExceptionLoadingFailed, InterruptedException, ExceptionUnmatchedClosingParentheses { super(source); } { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } /** * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void parse() throws IOException { int i = 0; boolean seqFlag = false; String key = new String(); Vector headers = new Vector(); Hashtable seqhash = new Hashtable(); String line; try { while ((line = nextLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(line); while (str.hasMoreTokens()) { String inStr = str.nextToken(); // If line has header information add to the headers vector if (inStr.indexOf("Name:") != -1) { key = str.nextToken(); headers.addElement(key); } // if line has // set SeqFlag to 1 so we know sequences are coming if (inStr.indexOf("//") != -1) { seqFlag = true; } // Process lines as sequence lines if seqFlag is set if ((inStr.indexOf("//") == -1) && (seqFlag == true)) { // seqeunce id is the first field key = inStr; StringBuffer tempseq; // Get sequence from hash if it exists if (seqhash.containsKey(key)) { tempseq = (StringBuffer) seqhash.get(key); } else { tempseq = new StringBuffer(); seqhash.put(key, tempseq); } // loop through the rest of the words while (str.hasMoreTokens()) { // append the word to the sequence tempseq.append(str.nextToken()); } } } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Exception parsing MSFFile " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } this.noSeqs = headers.size(); // Add sequences to the hash for (i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) { if (seqhash.get(headers.elementAt(i)) != null) { String head = headers.elementAt(i).toString(); String seq = seqhash.get(head).toString(); if (maxLength < head.length()) { maxLength = head.length(); } // Replace ~ with a sensible gap character seq = seq.replace('~', '-'); Sequence newSeq = parseId(head); newSeq.setSequence(seq); seqs.addElement(newSeq); } else { System.err.println("MSFFile Parser: Can't find sequence for " + headers.elementAt(i)); } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param seq * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public int checkSum(String seq) { int check = 0; String sequence = seq.toUpperCase(); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length(); i++) { try { int value = sequence.charAt(i); if (value != -1) { check += (i % 57 + 1) * value; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception during MSF Checksum calculation"); e.printStackTrace(); } } return check % 10000; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param s * DOCUMENT ME! * @param is_NA * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public String print(SequenceI[] seqs) { boolean is_NA = jalview.util.Comparison.isNucleotide(seqs); SequenceI[] s = new SequenceI[seqs.length]; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer("!!" + (is_NA ? "NA" : "AA") + "_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT 1.0"); // TODO: JBPNote : Jalview doesn't remember NA or AA yet. out.append(newline); out.append(newline); int max = 0; int maxid = 0; int i = 0; while ((i < seqs.length) && (seqs[i] != null)) { // Replace all internal gaps with . and external spaces with ~ s[i] = new Sequence(seqs[i].getName(), seqs[i].getSequenceAsString() .replace('-', '.'), seqs[i].getStart(),seqs[i].getEnd()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(s[i].getSequence()); for (int ii = 0; ii < sb.length(); ii++) { if (sb.charAt(ii) == '.') { sb.setCharAt(ii, '~'); } else { break; } } for (int ii = sb.length() - 1; ii > 0; ii--) { if (sb.charAt(ii) == '.') { sb.setCharAt(ii, '~'); } else { break; } } s[i].setSequence(sb.toString()); if (s[i].getSequence().length > max) { max = s[i].getSequence().length; } i++; } Format maxLenpad = new Format("%" + (new String("" + max)).length() + "d"); Format maxChkpad = new Format("%" + (new String("1" + max)).length() + "d"); i = 0; int bigChecksum = 0; int[] checksums = new int[s.length]; while (i < s.length) { checksums[i] = checkSum(s[i].getSequenceAsString()); bigChecksum += checksums[i]; i++; } long maxNB = 0; out.append(" MSF: " + s[0].getSequence().length + " Type: " + (is_NA ? "N" : "P") + " Check: " + (bigChecksum % 10000) + " .."); out.append(newline); out.append(newline); out.append(newline); String[] nameBlock = new String[s.length]; String[] idBlock = new String[s.length]; i = 0; while ((i < s.length) && (s[i] != null)) { nameBlock[i] = new String(" Name: " + printId(s[i]) + " "); idBlock[i] = new String("Len: " + maxLenpad.form(s[i].getSequence().length) + " Check: " + maxChkpad.form(checksums[i]) + " Weight: 1.00"+newline); if (s[i].getName().length() > maxid) { maxid = s[i].getName().length(); } if (nameBlock[i].length() > maxNB) { maxNB = nameBlock[i].length(); } i++; } if (maxid < 10) { maxid = 10; } if (maxNB < 15) { maxNB = 15; } Format nbFormat = new Format("%-" + maxNB + "s"); for (i = 0; (i < s.length) && (s[i] != null); i++) { out.append(nbFormat.form(nameBlock[i]) + idBlock[i]); } maxid++; out.append(newline); out.append(newline);out.append("//"); out.append(newline); out.append(newline); int len = 50; int nochunks = (max / len) + 1; if ((max % len) == 0) { nochunks--; } for (i = 0; i < nochunks; i++) { int j = 0; while ((j < s.length) && (s[j] != null)) { String name = printId(s[j]); out.append(new Format("%-" + maxid + "s").form(name + " ")); for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { int start = (i * 50) + (k * 10); int end = start + 10; if ((end < s[j].getSequence().length) && (start < s[j].getSequence().length)) { out.append(s[j].getSequence(start, end)); if (k < 4) { out.append(" "); } else { out.append(newline); } } else { if (start < s[j].getSequence().length) { out.append(s[j].getSequenceAsString().substring(start)); out.append(newline); } else { if (k == 0) { out.append(newline); } } } } j++; } out.append(newline); } return out.toString(); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public String print() { return print(getSeqsAsArray()); } }