/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ // NewickFile.java // Tree I/O // http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/newick_doc.html // TODO: Implement Basic NHX tag parsing and preservation // TODO: http://evolution.genetics.wustl.edu/eddy/forester/NHX.html // TODO: Extended SequenceNodeI to hold parsed NHX strings package jalview.io; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.stevesoft.pat.Regex; import jalview.bin.Jalview; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceNode; import jalview.util.MessageManager; /** * Parse a new hanpshire style tree Caveats: NHX files are NOT supported and the * tree distances and topology are unreliable when they are parsed. TODO: on * this: NHX codes are appended in comments beginning with &&NHX. The codes are * given below (from http://www.phylosoft.org/forester/NHX.html): Element Type * Description Corresponding phyloXML element (parent element in parentheses) no * tag string name of this node/clade (MUST BE FIRST, IF ASSIGNED) * () : decimal branch length to parent node (MUST BE SECOND, IF * ASSIGNED) () :GN= string gene name () * :AC= string sequence accession () :ND= string node * identifier - if this is being used, it has to be unique within each phylogeny * () :B= decimal confidence value for parent branch * () :D= 'T', 'F', or '?' 'T' if this node represents a * duplication event - 'F' if this node represents a speciation event, '?' if * this node represents an unknown event (D= tag should be replaced by Ev= tag) * n/a :Ev=duplications>speciations>gene losses>event type>duplication type int * int int string string event (replaces the =D tag), number of duplication, * speciation, and gene loss events, type of event (transfer, fusion, root, * unknown, other, speciation_duplication_loss, unassigned) () * :E= string EC number at this node () :Fu= string * function at this node () * :DS=protein-length>from>to>support>name>from>... int int int double string * int ... domain structure at this node () :S= * string species name of the species/phylum at this node () * :T= integer taxonomy ID of the species/phylum at this node () * :W= integer width of parent branch () :C=rrr.ggg.bbb * integer.integer.integer color of parent branch () :Co= 'Y' or * 'N' collapse this node when drawing the tree (default is not to collapse) n/a * :XB= string custom data associated with a branch () :XN= * string custom data associated with a node () :O= integer * orthologous to this external node n/a :SN= integer subtree neighbors n/a :SO= * integer super orthologous (no duplications on paths) to this external node * n/a * * @author Jim Procter * @version $Revision$ */ public class NewickFile extends FileParse { SequenceNode root; private boolean HasBootstrap = false; private boolean HasDistances = false; private boolean RootHasDistance = false; // File IO Flags boolean ReplaceUnderscores = false; boolean printRootInfo = true; private Regex[] NodeSafeName = new Regex[] { new Regex().perlCode("m/[\\[,:'()]/"), // test for // requiring // quotes new Regex().perlCode("s/'/''/"), // escaping quote // characters new Regex().perlCode("s/\\/w/_/") // unqoted whitespace // transformation }; char QuoteChar = '\''; /** * Creates a new NewickFile object. * * @param inStr * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws IOException * DOCUMENT ME! */ public NewickFile(String inStr) throws IOException { super(inStr, DataSourceType.PASTE); } /** * Creates a new NewickFile object. * * @param inFile * DOCUMENT ME! * @param protocol * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws IOException * DOCUMENT ME! */ public NewickFile(String inFile, DataSourceType protocol) throws IOException { super(inFile, protocol); } public NewickFile(FileParse source) throws IOException { super(source); } /** * Creates a new NewickFile object. * * @param newtree * DOCUMENT ME! */ public NewickFile(SequenceNode newtree) { root = newtree; } /** * Creates a new NewickFile object. * * @param newtree * DOCUMENT ME! * @param bootstrap * DOCUMENT ME! */ public NewickFile(SequenceNode newtree, boolean bootstrap) { HasBootstrap = bootstrap; root = newtree; } /** * Creates a new NewickFile object. * * @param newtree * DOCUMENT ME! * @param bootstrap * DOCUMENT ME! * @param distances * DOCUMENT ME! */ public NewickFile(SequenceNode newtree, boolean bootstrap, boolean distances) { root = newtree; HasBootstrap = bootstrap; HasDistances = distances; } /** * Creates a new NewickFile object. * * @param newtree * DOCUMENT ME! * @param bootstrap * DOCUMENT ME! * @param distances * DOCUMENT ME! * @param rootdistance * DOCUMENT ME! */ public NewickFile(SequenceNode newtree, boolean bootstrap, boolean distances, boolean rootdistance) { root = newtree; HasBootstrap = bootstrap; HasDistances = distances; RootHasDistance = rootdistance; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param Error * DOCUMENT ME! * @param Er * DOCUMENT ME! * @param r * DOCUMENT ME! * @param p * DOCUMENT ME! * @param s * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ private String ErrorStringrange(String Error, String Er, int r, int p, String s) { return ((Error == null) ? "" : Error) + Er + " at position " + p + " ( " + s.substring(((p - r) < 0) ? 0 : (p - r), ((p + r) > s.length()) ? s.length() : (p + r)) + " )\n"; } // @tree annotations // These are set automatically by the reader public boolean HasBootstrap() { return HasBootstrap; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public boolean HasDistances() { return HasDistances; } public boolean HasRootDistance() { return RootHasDistance; } /** * parse the filesource as a newick file (new hampshire and/or extended) * * @throws IOException * with a line number and character position for badly formatted NH * strings */ public void parse() throws IOException { String nf; { // fill nf with complete tree file StringBuffer file = new StringBuffer(); while ((nf = nextLine()) != null) { file.append(nf); } nf = file.toString(); } root = new SequenceNode(); SequenceNode realroot = null; SequenceNode c = root; int d = -1; int cp = 0; // int flen = nf.length(); String Error = null; String nodename = null; String commentString2 = null; // comments after simple node props double DefDistance = (float) 0.001; // @param Default distance for a node - // very very small int DefBootstrap = -1; // @param Default bootstrap for a node double distance = DefDistance; int bootstrap = DefBootstrap; boolean ascending = false; // flag indicating that we are leaving the // current node Regex majorsyms = new Regex("[(\\['),;]"); int nextcp = 0; int ncp = cp; boolean parsednodename = false; while (majorsyms.searchFrom(nf, cp) && (Error == null)) { int fcp = majorsyms.matchedFrom(); char schar; switch (schar = nf.charAt(fcp)) { case '(': // ascending should not be set // New Internal node if (ascending) { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "Unexpected '('", 7, fcp, nf); continue; } d++; if (c.right() == null) { c.setRight(new SequenceNode(null, c, null, DefDistance, DefBootstrap, false)); c = (SequenceNode) c.right(); } else { if (c.left() != null) { // Dummy node for polytomy - keeps c.left free for new node SequenceNode tmpn = new SequenceNode(null, c, null, 0, 0, true); tmpn.SetChildren(c.left(), c.right()); c.setRight(tmpn); } c.setLeft(new SequenceNode(null, c, null, DefDistance, DefBootstrap, false)); c = (SequenceNode) c.left(); } if (realroot == null) { realroot = c; } nodename = null; distance = DefDistance; bootstrap = DefBootstrap; cp = fcp + 1; break; // Deal with quoted fields case '\'': Regex qnodename = new Regex("'([^']|'')+'"); if (qnodename.searchFrom(nf, fcp)) { int nl = qnodename.stringMatched().length(); nodename = new String( qnodename.stringMatched().substring(1, nl - 1)); // unpack any escaped colons Regex xpandquotes = Regex.perlCode("s/''/'/"); String widernodename = xpandquotes.replaceAll(nodename); nodename = widernodename; // jump to after end of quoted nodename nextcp = fcp + nl + 1; parsednodename = true; } else { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "Unterminated quotes for nodename", 7, fcp, nf); } break; default: if (schar == ';') { if (d != -1) { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "Wayward semicolon (depth=" + d + ")", 7, fcp, nf); } // cp advanced at the end of default } if (schar == '[') { // node string contains Comment or structured/extended NH format info /* * if ((fcp-cp>1 && nf.substring(cp,fcp).trim().length()>1)) { // will * process in remains System.err.println("skipped text: * '"+nf.substring(cp,fcp)+"'"); } */ // verify termination. Regex comment = new Regex("]"); if (comment.searchFrom(nf, fcp)) { // Skip the comment field nextcp = comment.matchedFrom() + 1; warningMessage = "Tree file contained comments which may confuse input algorithm."; break; // cp advanced at the end of default to nextcp, ncp is unchanged so // any node info can be read. } else { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "Unterminated comment", 3, fcp, nf); } } // Parse simpler field strings String fstring = nf.substring(ncp, fcp); // remove any comments before we parse the node info // TODO: test newick file with quoted square brackets in node name (is // this allowed?) while (fstring.indexOf(']') > -1) { int cstart = fstring.indexOf('['); int cend = fstring.indexOf(']'); commentString2 = fstring.substring(cstart + 1, cend); fstring = fstring.substring(0, cstart) + fstring.substring(cend + 1); } Regex uqnodename = new Regex("\\b([^' :;\\](),]+)"); Regex nbootstrap = new Regex("\\s*([0-9+]+)\\s*:"); Regex ndist = new Regex(":([-0-9Ee.+]+)"); if (!parsednodename && uqnodename.search(fstring) && ((uqnodename.matchedFrom(1) == 0) || (fstring .charAt(uqnodename.matchedFrom(1) - 1) != ':'))) // JBPNote // HACK! { if (nodename == null) { if (ReplaceUnderscores) { nodename = uqnodename.stringMatched(1).replace('_', ' '); } else { nodename = uqnodename.stringMatched(1); } } else { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "File has broken algorithm - overwritten nodename", 10, fcp, nf); } } // get comment bootstraps if (nbootstrap.search(fstring)) { if (nbootstrap.stringMatched(1) .equals(uqnodename.stringMatched(1))) { nodename = null; // no nodename here. } if (nodename == null || nodename.length() == 0 || nbootstrap.matchedFrom(1) > (uqnodename.matchedFrom(1) + uqnodename.stringMatched().length())) { try { bootstrap = (Integer.valueOf(nbootstrap.stringMatched(1))) .intValue(); HasBootstrap = true; } catch (Exception e) { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "Can't parse bootstrap value", 4, ncp + nbootstrap.matchedFrom(), nf); } } } boolean nodehasdistance = false; if (ndist.search(fstring)) { try { distance = (Double.valueOf(ndist.stringMatched(1))) .floatValue(); HasDistances = true; nodehasdistance = true; } catch (Exception e) { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "Can't parse node distance value", 7, ncp + ndist.matchedFrom(), nf); } } if (ascending) { // Write node info here c.setName(nodename); // Trees without distances still need a render distance c.dist = (HasDistances) ? distance : DefDistance; // be consistent for internal bootstrap defaults too c.setBootstrap((HasBootstrap) ? bootstrap : DefBootstrap); if (c == realroot) { RootHasDistance = nodehasdistance; // JBPNote This is really // UGLY!!! Ensure root node gets // its given distance } parseNHXNodeProps(c, commentString2); commentString2 = null; } else { // Find a place to put the leaf SequenceNode newnode = new SequenceNode(null, c, nodename, (HasDistances) ? distance : DefDistance, (HasBootstrap) ? bootstrap : DefBootstrap, false); parseNHXNodeProps(c, commentString2); commentString2 = null; if (c.right() == null) { c.setRight(newnode); } else { if (c.left() == null) { c.setLeft(newnode); } else { // Insert a dummy node for polytomy // dummy nodes have distances SequenceNode newdummy = new SequenceNode(null, c, null, (HasDistances ? 0 : DefDistance), 0, true); newdummy.SetChildren(c.left(), newnode); c.setLeft(newdummy); } } } if (ascending) { // move back up the tree from preceding closure c = c.AscendTree(); if ((d > -1) && (c == null)) { Error = ErrorStringrange(Error, "File broke algorithm: Lost place in tree (is there an extra ')' ?)", 7, fcp, nf); } } if (nf.charAt(fcp) == ')') { d--; ascending = true; } else { if (nf.charAt(fcp) == ',') { if (ascending) { ascending = false; } else { // Just advance focus, if we need to if ((c.left() != null) && (!c.left().isLeaf())) { c = (SequenceNode) c.left(); } } } } // Reset new node properties to obvious fakes nodename = null; distance = DefDistance; bootstrap = DefBootstrap; commentString2 = null; parsednodename = false; } if (nextcp == 0) { ncp = cp = fcp + 1; } else { cp = nextcp; nextcp = 0; } } if (Error != null) { throw (new IOException( MessageManager.formatMessage("exception.newfile", new String[] { Error.toString() }))); } if (root == null) { throw (new IOException( MessageManager.formatMessage("exception.newfile", new String[] { MessageManager.getString("label.no_tree_read_in") }))); } // THe next line is failing for topali trees - not sure why yet. if // (root.right()!=null && root.isDummy()) root = (SequenceNode) root.right().detach(); // remove the imaginary root. if (!RootHasDistance) { root.dist = (HasDistances) ? 0 : DefDistance; } } /** * parse NHX codes in comment strings and update NewickFile state flags for * distances and bootstraps, and add any additional properties onto the node. * * @param c * @param commentString * @param commentString2 */ private void parseNHXNodeProps(SequenceNode c, String commentString) { // TODO: store raw comment on the sequenceNode so it can be recovered when // tree is output if (commentString != null && commentString.startsWith("&&NHX")) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(commentString.substring(5), ":"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = st.nextToken(); int colpos = tok.indexOf("="); if (colpos > -1) { String code = tok.substring(0, colpos); String value = tok.substring(colpos + 1); try { // parse out code/value pairs if (code.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).equals("b")) { int v = -1; Float iv = Float.valueOf(value); v = iv.intValue(); // jalview only does integer bootstraps // currently c.setBootstrap(v); HasBootstrap = true; } // more codes here. } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "Couldn't parse code '" + code + "' = '" + value + "'"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public SequenceNode getTree() { return root; } /** * Generate a newick format tree according to internal flags for bootstraps, * distances and root distances. * * @return new hampshire tree in a single line */ public String print() { synchronized (this) { StringBuffer tf = new StringBuffer(); print(tf, root); return (tf.append(";").toString()); } } /** * * * Generate a newick format tree according to internal flags for distances and * root distances and user specificied writing of bootstraps. * * @param withbootstraps * controls if bootstrap values are explicitly written. * * @return new hampshire tree in a single line */ public String print(boolean withbootstraps) { synchronized (this) { boolean boots = this.HasBootstrap; this.HasBootstrap = withbootstraps; String rv = print(); this.HasBootstrap = boots; return rv; } } /** * * Generate newick format tree according to internal flags for writing root * node distances. * * @param withbootstraps * explicitly write bootstrap values * @param withdists * explicitly write distances * * @return new hampshire tree in a single line */ public String print(boolean withbootstraps, boolean withdists) { synchronized (this) { boolean dists = this.HasDistances; this.HasDistances = withdists; String rv = print(withbootstraps); this.HasDistances = dists; return rv; } } /** * Generate newick format tree according to user specified flags * * @param withbootstraps * explicitly write bootstrap values * @param withdists * explicitly write distances * @param printRootInfo * explicitly write root distance * * @return new hampshire tree in a single line */ public String print(boolean withbootstraps, boolean withdists, boolean printRootInfo) { synchronized (this) { boolean rootinfo = printRootInfo; this.printRootInfo = printRootInfo; String rv = print(withbootstraps, withdists); this.printRootInfo = rootinfo; return rv; } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ char getQuoteChar() { return QuoteChar; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param c * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ char setQuoteChar(char c) { char old = QuoteChar; QuoteChar = c; return old; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param name * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ private String nodeName(String name) { if (NodeSafeName[0].search(name)) { return QuoteChar + NodeSafeName[1].replaceAll(name) + QuoteChar; } else { return NodeSafeName[2].replaceAll(name); } } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param c * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ private String printNodeField(SequenceNode c) { return ((c.getName() == null) ? "" : nodeName(c.getName())) + ((HasBootstrap) ? ((c.getBootstrap() > -1) ? ((c.getName() != null ? " " : "") + c.getBootstrap()) : "") : "") + ((HasDistances) ? (":" + c.dist) : ""); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param root * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ private String printRootField(SequenceNode root) { return (printRootInfo) ? (((root.getName() == null) ? "" : nodeName(root.getName())) + ((HasBootstrap) ? ((root.getBootstrap() > -1) ? ((root.getName() != null ? " " : "") + +root.getBootstrap()) : "") : "") + ((RootHasDistance) ? (":" + root.dist) : "")) : ""; } // Non recursive call deals with root node properties public void print(StringBuffer tf, SequenceNode root) { if (root != null) { if (root.isLeaf() && printRootInfo) { tf.append(printRootField(root)); } else { if (root.isDummy()) { _print(tf, (SequenceNode) root.right()); _print(tf, (SequenceNode) root.left()); } else { tf.append("("); _print(tf, (SequenceNode) root.right()); if (root.left() != null) { tf.append(","); } _print(tf, (SequenceNode) root.left()); tf.append(")" + printRootField(root)); } } } } // Recursive call for non-root nodes public void _print(StringBuffer tf, SequenceNode c) { if (c != null) { if (c.isLeaf()) { tf.append(printNodeField(c)); } else { if (c.isDummy()) { _print(tf, (SequenceNode) c.left()); if (c.left() != null) { tf.append(","); } _print(tf, (SequenceNode) c.right()); } else { tf.append("("); _print(tf, (SequenceNode) c.right()); if (c.left() != null) { tf.append(","); } _print(tf, (SequenceNode) c.left()); tf.append(")" + printNodeField(c)); } } } } /** * * @param args * @j2sIgnore */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args == null || args.length != 1) { Jalview.exit( "Takes one argument - file name of a newick tree file.", 0); } File fn = new File(args[0]); StringBuffer newickfile = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader treefile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fn)); String l; while ((l = treefile.readLine()) != null) { newickfile.append(l); } treefile.close(); System.out.println("Read file :\n"); NewickFile trf = new NewickFile(args[0], DataSourceType.FILE); trf.parse(); System.out.println("Original file :\n"); Regex nonl = new Regex("\n+", ""); System.out.println(nonl.replaceAll(newickfile.toString()) + "\n"); System.out.println("Parsed file.\n"); System.out.println("Default output type for original input.\n"); System.out.println(trf.print()); System.out.println("Without bootstraps.\n"); System.out.println(trf.print(false)); System.out.println("Without distances.\n"); System.out.println(trf.print(true, false)); System.out.println("Without bootstraps but with distanecs.\n"); System.out.println(trf.print(false, true)); System.out.println("Without bootstraps or distanecs.\n"); System.out.println(trf.print(false, false)); System.out.println("With bootstraps and with distances.\n"); System.out.println(trf.print(true, true)); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { System.err.println("Exception\n" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } }