* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.io;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import jalview.analysis.scoremodels.ScoreMatrix;
import jalview.analysis.scoremodels.ScoreModels;
import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
* A class that can parse a file containing a substitution matrix and register
* it for use in Jalview
* Accepts 'NCBI' format (e.g.
* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Class/FieldGuide/BLOSUM62.txt), with the
* addition of a header line to provide a matrix name, e.g.
* ScoreMatrix BLOSUM62
* Also accepts 'AAindex' format (as described at
* http://www.genome.jp/aaindex/aaindex_help.html) with the minimum data
* required being
* H accession number (used as score matrix identifier in Jalview)
* D description (used for tooltip in Jalview)
* M rows = symbolList
* and the substitution scores
public class ScoreMatrixFile extends AlignFile
implements AlignmentFileReaderI
// first non-comment line identifier - also checked in IdentifyFile
public static final String SCOREMATRIX = "SCOREMATRIX";
private static final String DELIMITERS = " ,\t";
private static final String COMMENT_CHAR = "#";
private String matrixName;
* aaindex format has scores for diagonal and below only
boolean isLowerDiagonalOnly;
* ncbi format has symbols as first column on score rows
boolean hasGuideColumn;
* Constructor
* @param source
* @throws IOException
public ScoreMatrixFile(FileParse source) throws IOException
super(false, source);
public String print(SequenceI[] sqs, boolean jvsuffix)
return null;
* Parses the score matrix file, and if successful registers the matrix so it
* will be shown in Jalview menus. This method is not thread-safe (a separate
* instance of this class should be used by each thread).
public void parse() throws IOException
ScoreMatrix sm = parseMatrix();
* Parses the score matrix file and constructs a ScoreMatrix object. If an
* error is found in parsing, it is thrown as FileFormatException. Any
* warnings are written to syserr.
* @return
* @throws IOException
public ScoreMatrix parseMatrix() throws IOException
ScoreMatrix sm = null;
int lineNo = 0;
String name = null;
char[] alphabet = null;
float[][] scores = null;
int size = 0;
int row = 0;
String err = null;
String data;
isLowerDiagonalOnly = false;
while ((data = nextLine()) != null)
data = data.trim();
if (data.startsWith(COMMENT_CHAR) || data.length() == 0)
// equivalent to data.startsWithIgnoreCase(SCOREMATRIX)
if (data.regionMatches(true, 0, SCOREMATRIX, 0, SCOREMATRIX.length()))
* Parse name from ScoreMatrix
* we allow any delimiter after ScoreMatrix then take the rest of the line
if (name != null)
throw new FileFormatException(
"Error: 'ScoreMatrix' repeated in file at line "
+ lineNo);
StringTokenizer nameLine = new StringTokenizer(data, DELIMITERS);
if (nameLine.countTokens() < 2)
err = "Format error: expected 'ScoreMatrix ', found '"
+ data + "' at line " + lineNo;
throw new FileFormatException(err);
nameLine.nextToken(); // 'ScoreMatrix'
name = nameLine.nextToken(); // next field
name = data.substring(1).substring(data.substring(1).indexOf(name));
else if (data.startsWith("H ") && name == null)
* AAindex identifier
return parseAAIndexFormat(lineNo, data);
else if (name == null)
err = "Format error: 'ScoreMatrix ' should be the first non-comment line";
throw new FileFormatException(err);
* next non-comment line after ScoreMatrix should be the
* column header line with the alphabet of scored symbols
if (alphabet == null)
StringTokenizer columnHeadings = new StringTokenizer(data,
size = columnHeadings.countTokens();
alphabet = new char[size];
int col = 0;
while (columnHeadings.hasMoreTokens())
alphabet[col++] = columnHeadings.nextToken().charAt(0);
scores = new float[size][];
* too much information
if (row >= size)
err = "Unexpected extra input line in score model file: '" + data
+ "'";
throw new FileFormatException(err);
parseValues(data, lineNo, scores, row, alphabet);
* out of data - check we found enough
if (row < size)
err = String.format(
"Expected %d rows of score data in score matrix but only found %d",
size, row);
throw new FileFormatException(err);
* If we get here, then name, alphabet and scores have been parsed successfully
sm = new ScoreMatrix(name, alphabet, scores);
matrixName = name;
return sm;
* Parse input as AAIndex format, starting from the header line with the
* accession id
* @param lineNo
* @param data
* @return
* @throws IOException
protected ScoreMatrix parseAAIndexFormat(int lineNo, String data)
throws IOException
String name = data.substring(2).trim();
String description = null;
float[][] scores = null;
char[] alphabet = null;
int row = 0;
int size = 0;
while ((data = nextLine()) != null)
data = data.trim();
if (skipAAindexLine(data))
if (data.startsWith("D "))
description = data.substring(2).trim();
else if (data.startsWith("M "))
alphabet = parseAAindexRowsColumns(lineNo, data);
size = alphabet.length;
scores = new float[size][size];
else if (scores == null)
throw new FileFormatException(
"No alphabet specified in matrix file");
else if (row >= size)
throw new FileFormatException("Too many data rows in matrix file");
parseValues(data, lineNo, scores, row, alphabet);
ScoreMatrix sm = new ScoreMatrix(name, description, alphabet, scores);
matrixName = name;
return sm;
* Parse one row of score values, delimited by whitespace or commas. The line
* may optionally include the symbol from which the scores are defined. Values
* may be present for all columns, or only up to the diagonal (in which case
* upper diagonal values are set symmetrically).
* @param data
* the line to be parsed
* @param lineNo
* @param scores
* the score matrix to add data to
* @param row
* the row number / alphabet index position
* @param alphabet
* @return
* @throws exception
* if invalid, or too few, or too many values
protected void parseValues(String data, int lineNo, float[][] scores,
int row, char[] alphabet) throws FileFormatException
String err;
int size = alphabet.length;
StringTokenizer scoreLine = new StringTokenizer(data, DELIMITERS);
int tokenCount = scoreLine.countTokens();
* inspect first row to see if it includes the symbol in the first column,
* and to see if it is lower diagonal values only (i.e. just one score)
if (row == 0)
if (data.startsWith(String.valueOf(alphabet[0])))
hasGuideColumn = true;
if (tokenCount == (hasGuideColumn ? 2 : 1))
isLowerDiagonalOnly = true;
if (hasGuideColumn)
* check 'guide' symbol is the row'th letter of the alphabet
String symbol = scoreLine.nextToken();
if (symbol.length() > 1 || symbol.charAt(0) != alphabet[row])
err = String.format(
"Error parsing score matrix at line %d, expected '%s' but found '%s'",
lineNo, alphabet[row], symbol);
throw new FileFormatException(err);
tokenCount = scoreLine.countTokens(); // excluding guide symbol
* check the right number of values (lower diagonal or full format)
if (isLowerDiagonalOnly && tokenCount != row + 1)
err = String.format(
"Expected %d scores at line %d: '%s' but found %d", row + 1,
lineNo, data, tokenCount);
throw new FileFormatException(err);
if (!isLowerDiagonalOnly && tokenCount != size)
err = String.format(
"Expected %d scores at line %d: '%s' but found %d", size,
lineNo, data, scoreLine.countTokens());
throw new FileFormatException(err);
* parse and set the values, setting the symmetrical value
* as well if lower diagonal format data
scores[row] = new float[size];
int col = 0;
String value = null;
while (scoreLine.hasMoreTokens())
value = scoreLine.nextToken();
scores[row][col] = Float.valueOf(value);
if (isLowerDiagonalOnly)
scores[col][row] = scores[row][col];
} catch (NumberFormatException e)
err = String.format("Invalid score value '%s' at line %d column %d",
value, lineNo, col);
throw new FileFormatException(err);
* Parse the line in an aaindex file that looks like
* rejecting it if rows and cols do not match. Returns the string of
* characters in the row/cols alphabet.
* @param lineNo
* @param data
* @return
* @throws FileFormatException
protected char[] parseAAindexRowsColumns(int lineNo, String data)
throws FileFormatException
String err = "Unexpected aaIndex score matrix data at line " + lineNo
+ ": " + data;
String[] toks = data.split(",");
String rowsAlphabet = toks[0].split("=")[1].trim();
String colsAlphabet = toks[1].split("=")[1].trim();
if (!rowsAlphabet.equals(colsAlphabet))
throw new FileFormatException("rows != cols");
return rowsAlphabet.toCharArray();
} catch (Throwable t)
throw new FileFormatException(err + " " + t.getMessage());
* Answers true if line is one we are not interested in from AAindex format
* file
* @param data
* @return
protected boolean skipAAindexLine(String data)
if (data.startsWith(COMMENT_CHAR) || data.length() == 0)
return true;
if (data.startsWith("*") || data.startsWith("R ")
|| data.startsWith("A ") || data.startsWith("T ")
|| data.startsWith("J ") || data.startsWith("//"))
return true;
return false;
public String getMatrixName()
return matrixName;