/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.1) * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.util.UrlLink; /** * generate HTML reports for a sequence * * @author jimp */ public class SequenceAnnotationReport { final String linkImageURL; public SequenceAnnotationReport(String linkImageURL) { this.linkImageURL = linkImageURL; } /** * appends the features at rpos to the given stringbuffer ready for display in * a tooltip * * @param tooltipText2 * @param linkImageURL * @param rpos * @param features * TODO refactor to Jalview 'utilities' somehow. */ public void appendFeatures(final StringBuffer tooltipText2, int rpos, SequenceFeature[] features) { appendFeatures(tooltipText2, rpos, features, null); } public void appendFeatures(final StringBuffer tooltipText2, int rpos, SequenceFeature[] features, Hashtable minmax) { String tmpString; if (features != null) { for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { if (features[i].getType().equals("disulfide bond")) { if (features[i].getBegin() == rpos || features[i].getEnd() == rpos) { if (tooltipText2.length() > 6) { tooltipText2.append("
"); } tooltipText2.append("disulfide bond " + features[i].getBegin() + ":" + features[i].getEnd()); } } else { if (tooltipText2.length() > 6) { tooltipText2.append("
"); } // TODO: remove this hack to display link only features boolean linkOnly = features[i].getValue("linkonly") != null; if (!linkOnly) { tooltipText2.append(features[i].getType() + " "); if (rpos != 0) { // we are marking a positional feature tooltipText2.append(features[i].begin); } if (features[i].begin != features[i].end) { tooltipText2.append(" " + features[i].end); } if (features[i].getDescription() != null && !features[i].description.equals(features[i] .getType())) { tmpString = features[i].getDescription(); String tmp2up = tmpString.toUpperCase(); int startTag = tmp2up.indexOf(""); if (startTag > -1) { tmpString = tmpString.substring(startTag + 6); tmp2up = tmp2up.substring(startTag + 6); } int endTag = tmp2up.indexOf(""); if (endTag > -1) { tmpString = tmpString.substring(0, endTag); tmp2up = tmp2up.substring(0, endTag); } endTag = tmp2up.indexOf(""); if (endTag > -1) { tmpString = tmpString.substring(0, endTag); } if (startTag > -1) { tooltipText2.append("; " + tmpString); } else { if (tmpString.indexOf("<") > -1 || tmpString.indexOf(">") > -1) { // The description does not specify html is to // be used, so we must remove < > symbols tmpString = tmpString.replaceAll("<", "<"); tmpString = tmpString.replaceAll(">", ">"); tooltipText2.append("; "); tooltipText2.append(tmpString); } else { tooltipText2.append("; " + tmpString); } } } // check score should be shown if (features[i].getScore() != Float.NaN) { float[][] rng = (minmax == null) ? null : ((float[][]) minmax .get(features[i].getType())); if (rng != null && rng[0] != null && rng[0][0] != rng[0][1]) { tooltipText2.append(" Score=" + features[i].getScore()); } } if (features[i].getValue("status") != null) { String status = features[i].getValue("status").toString(); if (status.length() > 0) { tooltipText2.append("; (" + features[i].getValue("status") + ")"); } } } } if (features[i].links != null) { if (linkImageURL != null) { tooltipText2.append(" "); } else { for (String urlstring : (Vector) features[i].links) { try { for (String[] urllink : createLinksFrom(null, urlstring)) { tooltipText2.append("
" + (urllink[0].toLowerCase().equals( urllink[1].toLowerCase()) ? urllink[0] : (urllink[0] + ":" + urllink[1])) + "
"); } } catch (Exception x) { System.err.println("problem when creating links from " + urlstring); x.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } /** * * @param seq * @param link * @return String[][] { String[] { link target, link label, dynamic component * inserted (if any), url }} */ public String[][] createLinksFrom(SequenceI seq, String link) { ArrayList urlSets = new ArrayList(); ArrayList uniques = new ArrayList(); UrlLink urlLink = new UrlLink(link); if (!urlLink.isValid()) { System.err.println(urlLink.getInvalidMessage()); return null; } final String target = urlLink.getTarget(); // link.substring(0, // link.indexOf("|")); final String label = urlLink.getLabel(); if (seq != null && urlLink.isDynamic()) { // collect matching db-refs DBRefEntry[] dbr = jalview.util.DBRefUtils.selectRefs(seq.getDBRef(), new String[] { target }); // collect id string too String id = seq.getName(); String descr = seq.getDescription(); if (descr != null && descr.length() < 1) { descr = null; } if (dbr != null) { for (int r = 0; r < dbr.length; r++) { if (id != null && dbr[r].getAccessionId().equals(id)) { // suppress duplicate link creation for the bare sequence ID // string with this link id = null; } // create Bare ID link for this RUL String[] urls = urlLink.makeUrls(dbr[r].getAccessionId(), true); if (urls != null) { for (int u = 0; u < urls.length; u += 2) { String unq = urls[u] + "|" + urls[u + 1]; if (!uniques.contains(unq)) { urlSets.add(new String[] { target, label, urls[u], urls[u + 1] }); uniques.add(unq); } } } } } if (id != null) { // create Bare ID link for this RUL String[] urls = urlLink.makeUrls(id, true); if (urls != null) { for (int u = 0; u < urls.length; u += 2) { String unq = urls[u] + "|" + urls[u + 1]; if (!uniques.contains(unq)) { urlSets.add(new String[] { target, label, urls[u], urls[u + 1] }); uniques.add(unq); } } } } if (descr != null && urlLink.getRegexReplace() != null) { // create link for this URL from description only if regex matches String[] urls = urlLink.makeUrls(descr, true); if (urls != null) { for (int u = 0; u < urls.length; u += 2) { String unq = urls[u] + "|" + urls[u + 1]; if (!uniques.contains(unq)) { urlSets.add(new String[] { target, label, urls[u], urls[u + 1] }); uniques.add(unq); } } } } } else { String unq = label + "|" + urlLink.getUrl_prefix(); if (!uniques.contains(unq)) { uniques.add(unq); // Add a non-dynamic link urlSets.add(new String[] { target, label, null, urlLink.getUrl_prefix() }); } } return urlSets.toArray(new String[][] {}); } public void createSequenceAnnotationReport(final StringBuffer tip, SequenceI sequence, boolean showDbRefs, boolean showNpFeats, Hashtable minmax) { createSequenceAnnotationReport(tip, sequence, showDbRefs, showNpFeats, true, minmax); } public void createSequenceAnnotationReport(final StringBuffer tip, SequenceI sequence, boolean showDbRefs, boolean showNpFeats, boolean tableWrap, Hashtable minmax) { String tmp; tip.append(""); int maxWidth = 0; if (sequence.getDescription() != null) { tmp = sequence.getDescription(); tip.append("
" + tmp); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, tmp.length()); } SequenceI ds = sequence; while (ds.getDatasetSequence() != null) { ds = ds.getDatasetSequence(); } DBRefEntry[] dbrefs = ds.getDBRef(); if (showDbRefs && dbrefs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dbrefs.length; i++) { tip.append("
"); tmp = dbrefs[i].getSource() + " " + dbrefs[i].getAccessionId(); tip.append(tmp); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, tmp.length()); } } // ADD NON POSITIONAL SEQUENCE INFO SequenceFeature[] features = ds.getSequenceFeatures(); SequenceFeature[] tfeat = new SequenceFeature[1]; if (showNpFeats && features != null) { for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { if (features[i].begin == 0 && features[i].end == 0) { int sz = -tip.length(); tfeat[0] = features[i]; appendFeatures(tip, 0, tfeat, minmax); sz += tip.length(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, sz); } } } if (tableWrap && maxWidth > 60) { tip.insert(0, "
"); tip.append("
"); } } }