/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io.gff; import jalview.analysis.SequenceIdMatcher; import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.MappingType; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceDummy; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.util.MapList; import jalview.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * Base class with common functionality for flavours of GFF handler (GFF2 or * GFF3) */ public abstract class GffHelperBase implements GffHelperI { protected static final String COMMA = ","; protected static final String EQUALS = "="; protected static final String NOTE = "Note"; /* * GFF columns 1-9 (zero-indexed): */ protected static final int SEQID_COL = 0; protected static final int SOURCE_COL = 1; protected static final int TYPE_COL = 2; protected static final int START_COL = 3; protected static final int END_COL = 4; protected static final int SCORE_COL = 5; protected static final int STRAND_COL = 6; protected static final int PHASE_COL = 7; protected static final int ATTRIBUTES_COL = 8; private AlignmentI lastmatchedAl = null; private SequenceIdMatcher matcher = null; /** * Constructs and returns a mapping, or null if data appear invalid * * @param fromStart * @param fromEnd * @param toStart * @param toEnd * @param mappingType * type of mapping (e.g. protein to nucleotide) * @return */ protected MapList constructMappingFromAlign(int fromStart, int fromEnd, int toStart, int toEnd, MappingType mappingType) { int[] from = new int[] { fromStart, fromEnd }; int[] to = new int[] { toStart, toEnd }; /* * Jalview always models from dna to protein, so switch values if the * GFF mapping is from protein to dna */ if (mappingType == MappingType.PeptideToNucleotide) { int[] temp = from; from = to; to = temp; mappingType = mappingType.getInverse(); } int fromRatio = mappingType.getFromRatio(); int toRatio = mappingType.getToRatio(); /* * sanity check that mapped residue counts match * TODO understand why PASA generates such cases... */ if (!trimMapping(from, to, fromRatio, toRatio)) { System.err.println("Ignoring mapping from " + Arrays.toString(from) + " to " + Arrays.toString(to) + " as counts don't match!"); return null; } /* * If a codon has an intron gap, there will be contiguous 'toRanges'; * this is handled for us by the MapList constructor. * (It is not clear that exonerate ever generates this case) */ return new MapList(from, to, fromRatio, toRatio); } /** * Checks that the 'from' and 'to' ranges have equivalent lengths. If not, * tries to trim the end of the longer so they do. Returns true if the * mappings could be made equivalent, else false. Note the range array values * may be modified by this method. * * @param from * @param to * @param fromRatio * @param toRatio * @return */ protected static boolean trimMapping(int[] from, int[] to, int fromRatio, int toRatio) { int fromLength = Math.abs(from[1] - from[0]) + 1; int toLength = Math.abs(to[1] - to[0]) + 1; int fromOverlap = fromLength * toRatio - toLength * fromRatio; if (fromOverlap == 0) { return true; } if (fromOverlap > 0 && fromOverlap % toRatio == 0) { /* * restrict from range to make them match up * it's kind of arbitrary which end we truncate - here it is the end */ System.err.print( "Truncating mapping from " + Arrays.toString(from) + " to "); if (from[1] > from[0]) { from[1] -= fromOverlap / toRatio; } else { from[1] += fromOverlap / toRatio; } System.err.println(Arrays.toString(from)); return true; } else if (fromOverlap < 0 && fromOverlap % fromRatio == 0) { fromOverlap = -fromOverlap; // > 0 /* * restrict to range to make them match up */ System.err.print( "Truncating mapping to " + Arrays.toString(to) + " to "); if (to[1] > to[0]) { to[1] -= fromOverlap / fromRatio; } else { to[1] += fromOverlap / fromRatio; } System.err.println(Arrays.toString(to)); return true; } /* * Couldn't truncate to an exact match.. */ return false; } /** * Returns a sequence matching the given id, as follows * * * @param seqId * @param align * @param newseqs * @param relaxedIdMatching * * @return */ protected SequenceI findSequence(String seqId, AlignmentI align, List newseqs, boolean relaxedIdMatching) { if (seqId == null) { return null; } SequenceI match = null; if (relaxedIdMatching) { if (lastmatchedAl != align) { lastmatchedAl = align; matcher = new SequenceIdMatcher(align.getSequencesArray()); if (newseqs != null) { matcher.addAll(newseqs); } } match = matcher.findIdMatch(seqId); } else { match = align.findName(seqId, true); if (match == null && newseqs != null) { for (SequenceI m : newseqs) { if (seqId.equals(m.getName())) { return m; } } } } if (match == null && newseqs != null) { match = new SequenceDummy(seqId); if (relaxedIdMatching) { matcher.addAll(Arrays.asList(new SequenceI[] { match })); } // add dummy sequence to the newseqs list newseqs.add(match); } return match; } /** * Parses the input line to a map of name / value(s) pairs. For example the * line * *
   * Notes=Fe-S;Method=manual curation, prediction; source = Pfam; Notes = Metal
* * if parsed with delimiter=";" and separators {' ', '='}
* would return a map with { Notes={Fe=S, Metal}, Method={manual curation, * prediction}, source={Pfam}}
* * This method supports parsing of either GFF2 format (which uses space ' ' as * the name/value delimiter, and allows multiple occurrences of the same * name), or GFF3 format (which uses '=' as the name/value delimiter, and * strictly does not allow repeat occurrences of the same name - but does * allow a comma-separated list of values). *

* Returns a (possibly empty) map of lists of values by attribute name. * * @param text * @param namesDelimiter * the major delimiter between name-value pairs * @param nameValueSeparator * separator used between name and value * @param valuesDelimiter * delimits a list of more than one value * @return */ public static Map> parseNameValuePairs(String text, String namesDelimiter, char nameValueSeparator, String valuesDelimiter) { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); if (text == null || text.trim().length() == 0) { return map; } /* * split by major delimiter (; for GFF3) */ for (String nameValuePair : text.trim().split(namesDelimiter)) { nameValuePair = nameValuePair.trim(); if (nameValuePair.length() == 0) { continue; } /* * find name/value separator (= for GFF3) */ int sepPos = nameValuePair.indexOf(nameValueSeparator); if (sepPos == -1) { // no name=value found continue; } String name = nameValuePair.substring(0, sepPos).trim(); String values = nameValuePair.substring(sepPos + 1).trim(); if (values.isEmpty()) { continue; } List vals = map.get(name); if (vals == null) { vals = new ArrayList<>(); map.put(name, vals); } /* * if 'values' contains more name/value separators, parse as a map * (nested sub-attribute values) */ if (values.indexOf(nameValueSeparator) != -1) { vals.add(values); } else { for (String val : values.split(valuesDelimiter)) { vals.add(val); } } } return map; } /** * Constructs a SequenceFeature from the GFF column data. Subclasses may wish * to call this method then adjust the SequenceFeature depending on the * particular usage of different tools that generate GFF. * * @param gff * @param attributes * @return */ protected SequenceFeature buildSequenceFeature(String[] gff, Map> attributes) { return buildSequenceFeature(gff, TYPE_COL, gff[SOURCE_COL], attributes); } /** * @param gff * @param typeColumn * @param group * @param attributes * @return */ protected SequenceFeature buildSequenceFeature(String[] gff, int typeColumn, String group, Map> attributes) { try { int start = Integer.parseInt(gff[START_COL]); int end = Integer.parseInt(gff[END_COL]); /* * default 'score' is 0 rather than Float.NaN - see JAL-2554 */ float score = 0f; try { score = Float.parseFloat(gff[SCORE_COL]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // e.g. '.' - leave as zero } SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature(gff[typeColumn], gff[SOURCE_COL], start, end, score, group); sf.setStrand(gff[STRAND_COL]); sf.setPhase(gff[PHASE_COL]); if (attributes != null) { /* * Add attributes in column 9 to the sequence feature's * 'otherData' table; use Note as a best proxy for description; * decode any encoded comma, equals, semi-colon as per GFF3 spec */ for (Entry> attr : attributes.entrySet()) { String key = attr.getKey(); List values = attr.getValue(); if (values.size() == 1 && values.get(0).contains(EQUALS)) { /* * 'value' is actually nested subattributes as x=a,y=b,z=c */ Map valueMap = parseAttributeMap(values.get(0)); sf.setValue(key, valueMap); } else { String csvValues = StringUtils.listToDelimitedString(values, COMMA); csvValues = StringUtils.urlDecode(csvValues, GFF_ENCODABLE); sf.setValue(key, csvValues); if (NOTE.equals(key)) { sf.setDescription(csvValues); } } } } return sf; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("Invalid number in gff: " + nfe.getMessage()); return null; } } /** * Parses a (GFF3 format) list of comma-separated key=value pairs into a Map * of {@code key, * value}
* An input string like {@code a=b,c,d=e,f=g,h} is parsed to * *

   * a = "b,c"
   * d = "e"
   * f = "g,h"
* * @param s * * @return */ protected static Map parseAttributeMap(String s) { Map map = new HashMap<>(); String[] fields = s.split(EQUALS); int i = 0; while (i < fields.length - 1) { boolean lastPair = i == fields.length - 2; String before = fields[i]; String after = fields[i + 1]; /* * if 'key' looks like a,b,c then the last token is the * key */ String theKey = before.contains(COMMA) ? before.substring(before.lastIndexOf(COMMA) + 1) : before; /* * if 'value' looks like a,b,c then all but the last token is the value, * unless this is the last field (no more = to follow), in which case * all of it makes up the value */ String theValue = after.contains(COMMA) && !lastPair ? after.substring(0, after.lastIndexOf(COMMA)) : after; map.put(StringUtils.urlDecode(theKey, GFF_ENCODABLE), StringUtils.urlDecode(theValue, GFF_ENCODABLE)); i += 1; } return map; } /** * Returns any existing mapping held on the alignment between the given * dataset sequences, or a new one if none found. This is a convenience method * to facilitate processing multiple GFF lines that make up a single 'spliced' * mapping, by extending the first mapping as the others are read. * * @param align * @param fromSeq * @param toSeq * @return */ protected AlignedCodonFrame getMapping(AlignmentI align, SequenceI fromSeq, SequenceI toSeq) { AlignedCodonFrame acf = align.getMapping(fromSeq, toSeq); if (acf == null) { acf = new AlignedCodonFrame(); } return acf; } }