/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.9.0b2) * Copyright (C) 2015 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.io.vamsas; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.io.VamsasAppDatastore; import jalview.util.UrlLink; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.DataSetAnnotations; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Link; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Property; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Provenance; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.RangeAnnotation; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Score; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Seg; import uk.ac.vamsas.objects.utils.Properties; /** * @author JimP * */ public class Sequencefeature extends Rangetype { uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.DataSet dataset; uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Sequence sequence; private SequenceI dsSeq; public Sequencefeature(VamsasAppDatastore vamsasAppDatastore, SequenceFeature sequenceFeature, uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.DataSet dataset, uk.ac.vamsas.objects.core.Sequence sequence) { super(vamsasAppDatastore, sequenceFeature, DataSetAnnotations.class); this.dataset = dataset; this.sequence = sequence; doSync(); } public Sequencefeature(VamsasAppDatastore vamsasAppDatastore, DataSetAnnotations dseta, SequenceI dsSeq) { super(vamsasAppDatastore, dseta, jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature.class); this.dsSeq = dsSeq; doJvUpdate(); } @Override public void addToDocument() { DataSetAnnotations dsa = (DataSetAnnotations) vobj; jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature feature = (jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature) jvobj; dsa = (DataSetAnnotations) getDSAnnotationFromJalview( new DataSetAnnotations(), feature); if (dsa.getProvenance() == null) { dsa.setProvenance(new Provenance()); } addProvenance(dsa.getProvenance(), "created"); // JBPNote - need // to update dsa.addSeqRef(sequence); // we have just created this annotation // - so safe to use this bindjvvobj(feature, dsa); dataset.addDataSetAnnotations(dsa); } @Override public void addFromDocument() { DataSetAnnotations dsa = (DataSetAnnotations) vobj; if (dsa.getSeqRefCount() != 1) { Cache.log .warn("Not binding " + dsa.getVorbaId() + " to Sequence Feature - has multiple dataset sequence references."); return; } jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature sf = (jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature) jvobj; dsSeq.addSequenceFeature(sf = getJalviewSeqFeature(dsa)); jvobj = sf; bindjvvobj(sf, dsa); } @Override public void conflict() { log.warn("Untested sequencefeature conflict code"); DataSetAnnotations dsa = (DataSetAnnotations) vobj; jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature feature = (jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature) jvobj; jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature sf = getJalviewSeqFeature(dsa); replaceJvObjMapping(feature, sf); // switch binding of dsa from old feature // to newly created feature dsSeq.addSequenceFeature(sf); // add new imported feature addToDocument(); // and create a new feature in the document } @Override public void updateToDoc() { DataSetAnnotations dsa = (DataSetAnnotations) vobj; jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature feature = (jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature) jvobj; if (dsa.getSeqRefCount() != 1) { replaceJvObjMapping(feature, null); Cache.log .warn("Binding of annotation to jalview feature has changed. Removing binding and recreating."); doSync(); // re-verify bindings. } else { // Sync the features from Jalview long oldref = dsa.get__last_hash(); getDSAnnotationFromJalview(dsa, feature); if (oldref != dsa.hashCode()) { Cache.log .debug("Updated dataset sequence annotation from feature."); addProvenance(dsa.getProvenance(), "modified"); } } } @Override public void updateFromDoc() { DataSetAnnotations dsa = (DataSetAnnotations) vobj; jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature feature = (jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature) jvobj; if (dsa.getSeqRefCount() != 1) { // conflicting update from document - we cannot map this feature anymore. replaceJvObjMapping(feature, null); Cache.log .warn("annotation (" + dsa.getVorbaId() + " bound to jalview feature cannot be mapped. Removing binding, deleting feature, and deleting feature."); // - consider deleting the feature ? dsSeq.deleteFeature(feature); // doSync(); } else { // Sync the features to Jalview - easiest to delete and add the feature // again jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature newsf = getJalviewSeqFeature(dsa); dsSeq.deleteFeature(feature); replaceJvObjMapping(feature, newsf); dsSeq.addSequenceFeature(newsf); if (feature.otherDetails != null) { // TODO later: leave this to finalise method ? feature.otherDetails.clear(); } } } /** * correctly create/update a RangeAnnotation from a jalview sequence feature * TODO: refactor to a method in jalview.io.vamsas.RangeAnnotation class * * @param dsa * (typically DataSetAnnotations or AlignmentSequenceAnnotation) * @param feature * (the feature to be mapped from) * @return */ private RangeAnnotation getDSAnnotationFromJalview(RangeAnnotation dsa, jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature feature) { dsa.setType(feature.getType()); Seg vSeg = new Seg(); vSeg.setStart(feature.getBegin()); vSeg.setEnd(feature.getEnd()); vSeg.setInclusive(true); if (dsa.getSegCount() > 1) { Cache.log .debug("About to destroy complex annotation in vamsas document mapped to sequence feature (" + dsa.getVorbaId() + ")"); } dsa.setSeg(new Seg[] { vSeg }); dsa.setDescription(feature.getDescription()); dsa.setStatus(feature.getStatus()); if (feature.links != null && feature.links.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0, iSize = feature.links.size(); i < iSize; i++) { String link = feature.links.elementAt(i); UrlLink ulink = new UrlLink(link); if (ulink.isValid()) { // We only add static links to the document. Link vLink = new Link(); vLink.setContent(ulink.getLabel()); vLink.setHref(ulink.getTarget()); dsa.addLink(vLink); } } } dsa.setGroup(feature.getFeatureGroup()); if (!Float.isNaN(feature.getScore())) { Score fscore = new Score(); dsa.setScore(new Score[] { fscore }); fscore.setContent(feature.getScore()); fscore.setName(feature.getType()); } if (feature.otherDetails != null) { Iterator iter = feature.otherDetails.keySet().iterator(); Vector props = dsa.getPropertyAsReference(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key = iter.next(); if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("score") && !key.equalsIgnoreCase("status")) { Property nprop = new Property(); nprop.setName(key); Object vlu = feature.getValue(key); nprop.setContent(feature.getValue(key).toString()); boolean valid = false; if (vlu instanceof String) { nprop.setType(uk.ac.vamsas.objects.utils.Properties.STRINGTYPE); valid = true; } else if (vlu instanceof Integer) { valid = true; nprop.setType(uk.ac.vamsas.objects.utils.Properties.INTEGERTYPE); } else if (vlu instanceof Float) { nprop.setType(uk.ac.vamsas.objects.utils.Properties.FLOATTYPE); valid = true; } if (valid) { if (props != null) { uk.ac.vamsas.objects.utils.Properties.addOrReplace(props, nprop); } else { dsa.addProperty(nprop); } } } } } return dsa; } private SequenceFeature getJalviewSeqFeature(RangeAnnotation dseta) { int[] se = getBounds(dseta); SequenceFeature sf = new jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature( dseta.getType(), dseta.getDescription(), dseta.getStatus(), se[0], se[1], dseta.getGroup()); if (dseta.getLinkCount() > 0) { Link[] links = dseta.getLink(); for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { // TODO: use URLLink parsing/validation here. sf.addLink(links[i].getContent() + "|" + links[i].getHref()); } } if (dseta.getScoreCount() > 0) { Enumeration scr = dseta.enumerateScore(); while (scr.hasMoreElements()) { Score score = (Score) scr.nextElement(); if (score.getName().equals(sf.getType())) { sf.setScore(score.getContent()); } else { sf.setValue(score.getName(), "" + score.getContent()); } } } // other details Enumeration props = dseta.enumerateProperty(); while (props.hasMoreElements()) { Property p = (Property) props.nextElement(); Object val = null; if (Properties.isValid(p)) { if (Properties.isString(p)) { val = p.getContent(); } if (Properties.isBoolean(p)) { try { val = new Boolean(p.getContent()); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (Properties.isFloat(p)) { try { val = new Float(p.getContent()); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (Properties.isInteger(p)) { try { val = new Integer(p.getContent()); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (val != null) { sf.setValue(p.getName(), val); } } } return sf; } }