package; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Allele; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeader; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLine; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.GeneLoci; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.ext.htsjdk.VCFReader; import; import jalview.util.MapList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class VCFLoader { AlignmentI al; /** * Constructor given an alignment context * * @param alignment */ public VCFLoader(AlignmentI alignment) { al = alignment; } /** * Loads VCF on to an alignment - provided it can be related to one or more * sequence's chromosomal coordinates * * @param filePath */ public void loadVCF(String filePath) { VCFReader reader = null; try { reader = new VCFReader(filePath); VCFHeader header = reader.getFileHeader(); VCFHeaderLine ref = header .getOtherHeaderLine(VCFHeader.REFERENCE_KEY); // check if reference is wrt assembly19 (GRCh37) // todo may need to allow user to specify reference assembly? boolean isRefGrch37 = (ref != null && ref.getValue().contains( "assembly19")); int varCount = 0; int seqCount = 0; for (SequenceI seq : al.getSequences()) { int added = loadVCF(seq, reader, isRefGrch37); if (added > 0) { seqCount++; varCount += added; } } System.out.println(String.format( "Added %d VCF variants to %d sequence(s)", varCount, seqCount)); reader.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("Error processing VCF: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Tries to add overlapping variants read from a VCF file to the given * sequence, and returns the number of overlapping variants found. Note that * this requires the sequence to hold information as to its chromosomal * positions and reference, in order to be able to map the VCF variants to the * sequence. * * @param seq * @param reader * @param isVcfRefGrch37 * @return */ protected int loadVCF(SequenceI seq, VCFReader reader, boolean isVcfRefGrch37) { int count = 0; GeneLoci seqCoords = ((Sequence) seq).getGeneLoci(); if (seqCoords == null) { return 0; } /* * fudge - ensure chromosomal mapping from range is sequence start/end * (in case end == 0 when the mapping is first created) */ MapList mapping = seqCoords.getMapping(); if (mapping.getFromRanges().get(0)[1] == 0) { mapping.getFromRanges().get(0)[1] = seq.getEnd(); } List seqChromosomalContigs = mapping.getToRanges(); for (int[] range : seqChromosomalContigs) { count += addVcfVariants(seq, reader, range, isVcfRefGrch37); } return count; } /** * Queries the VCF reader for any variants that overlap the given chromosome * region of the sequence, and adds as variant features. Returns the number of * overlapping variants found. * * @param seq * @param reader * @param range * start-end range of a sequence region in its chromosomal * coordinates * @param isVcfRefGrch37 * true if the VCF is with reference to GRCh37 * @return */ protected int addVcfVariants(SequenceI seq, VCFReader reader, int[] range, boolean isVcfRefGrch37) { GeneLoci seqCoords = ((Sequence) seq).getGeneLoci(); String chromosome = seqCoords.getChromosome(); String seqRef = seqCoords.getReference(); String species = seqCoords.getSpecies(); /* * map chromosomal coordinates from GRCh38 (sequence) to * GRCh37 (VCF) if necessary */ int offset = 0; if ("GRCh38".equalsIgnoreCase(seqRef) && isVcfRefGrch37) { int[] newRange = mapReferenceRange(range, chromosome, species, "GRCh38", "GRCh37"); offset = newRange[0] - range[0]; range = newRange; } /* * query the VCF for overlaps */ int count = 0; MapList mapping = seqCoords.getMapping(); CloseableIterator variants = reader.query(chromosome, range[0], range[1]); while (variants.hasNext()) { /* * get variant location in sequence chromosomal coordinates */ VariantContext variant =; count++; int start = variant.getStart() - offset; int end = variant.getEnd() - offset; /* * get location in sequence coordinates */ int[] seqLocation = mapping.locateInFrom(start, end); int featureStart = seqLocation[0]; int featureEnd = seqLocation[1]; addVariantFeatures(seq, variant, featureStart, featureEnd); } variants.close(); return count; } /** * Inspects the VCF variant record, and adds variant features to the sequence * * @param seq * @param variant * @param featureStart * @param featureEnd */ protected void addVariantFeatures(SequenceI seq, VariantContext variant, int featureStart, int featureEnd) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(variant.getReference().getBaseString()); for (Allele allele : variant.getAlleles()) { if (!allele.isReference()) { sb.append(",").append(allele.getBaseString()); } } String alleles = sb.toString(); // e.g. G,A,C String type = SequenceOntologyI.SEQUENCE_VARIANT; SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature(type, alleles, featureStart, featureEnd, "VCF"); /* * only add 'alleles' property if a SNP, as we can * only handle SNPs when computing peptide variants */ if (variant.isSNP()) { sf.setValue("alleles", alleles); } Map atts = variant.getAttributes(); for (Entry att : atts.entrySet()) { sf.setValue(att.getKey(), att.getValue()); } seq.addSequenceFeature(sf); } /** * Call the Ensembl REST service that maps from one assembly reference's * coordinates to another's * * @param range * @param chromosome * @param species * @param fromRef * @param toRef * @return */ protected int[] mapReferenceRange(int[] range, String chromosome, String species, String fromRef, String toRef) { // TODO call //[0]..range[1]:1/toRef?content-type=application/json // and parse the JSON response // 1922632 is the difference between 37 and 38 for chromosome 17 return new int[] { range[0] - 1922632, range[1] - 1922632 }; } }