package jalview.renderer; import jalview.analysis.AAFrequency; import jalview.analysis.StructureFrequency; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.font.LineMetrics; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.ImageObserver; import java.util.Hashtable; import com.stevesoft.pat.Regex; public class AnnotationRenderer { public AnnotationRenderer() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public void drawStemAnnot(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation row, int lastSSX, int x, int y, int iconOffset, int startRes, int column, boolean validRes, boolean validEnd) { g.setColor(STEM_COLOUR); int sCol = (lastSSX / charWidth) + startRes; int x1 = lastSSX; int x2 = (x * charWidth); Regex closeparen = new Regex("(\\))"); String dc = (column == 0 || row.annotations[column - 1] == null) ? "" : row.annotations[column - 1].displayCharacter; boolean diffupstream = sCol == 0 || row.annotations[sCol - 1] == null || !dc.equals(row.annotations[sCol - 1].displayCharacter); boolean diffdownstream = !validRes || !validEnd || row.annotations[column] == null || !dc.equals(row.annotations[column].displayCharacter); // System.out.println("Column "+column+" diff up: "+diffupstream+" down:"+diffdownstream); // If a closing base pair half of the stem, display a backward arrow if (column > 0 && { if (diffupstream) // if (validRes && column>1 && row.annotations[column-2]!=null && // dc.equals(row.annotations[column-2].displayCharacter)) { g.fillPolygon(new int[] { lastSSX + 5, lastSSX + 5, lastSSX }, new int[] { y + iconOffset, y + 14 + iconOffset, y + 8 + iconOffset }, 3); x1 += 5; } if (diffdownstream) { x2 -= 1; } } else { // display a forward arrow if (diffdownstream) { g.fillPolygon(new int[] { x2 - 5, x2 - 5, x2 }, new int[] { y + iconOffset, y + 14 + iconOffset, y + 8 + iconOffset }, 3); x2 -= 5; } if (diffupstream) { x1 += 1; } } // draw arrow body g.fillRect(x1, y + 4 + iconOffset, x2 - x1, 7); } private int charWidth, endRes, charHeight; private boolean validCharWidth, hasHiddenColumns; private FontMetrics fm; private boolean MAC = new jalview.util.Platform().isAMac(); boolean av_renderHistogram = true, av_renderProfile = true, av_normaliseProfile = false; ColourSchemeI profcolour = null; private ColumnSelection columnSelection; private Hashtable[] hconsensus; private Hashtable[] hStrucConsensus; private boolean av_ignoreGapsConsensus; /** * attributes set from AwtRenderPanelI */ /** * old image used when data is currently being calculated and cannot be * rendered */ private Image fadedImage; /** * panel being rendered into */ private ImageObserver annotationPanel; /** * width of image to render in panel */ private int imgWidth; // public void updateFromAnnotationPanel(FontMetrics annotFM, AlignViewportI // av) public void updateFromAwtRenderPanel(AwtRenderPanelI annotPanel, AlignViewportI av) { fm = annotPanel.getFontMetrics(); annotationPanel = annotPanel; fadedImage = annotPanel.getFadedImage(); imgWidth = annotPanel.getFadedImageWidth(); updateFromAlignViewport(av); } public void updateFromAlignViewport(AlignViewportI av) { charWidth = av.getCharWidth(); endRes = av.getEndRes(); charHeight = av.getCharHeight(); hasHiddenColumns = av.hasHiddenColumns(); validCharWidth = av.isValidCharWidth(); av_renderHistogram = av.isShowConsensusHistogram(); av_renderProfile = av.isShowSequenceLogo(); av_normaliseProfile = av.isNormaliseSequenceLogo(); profcolour = av.getGlobalColourScheme(); if (profcolour == null) { // Set the default colour for sequence logo if the alignnent has no // colourscheme set profcolour = av.getAlignment().isNucleotide() ? new jalview.schemes.NucleotideColourScheme() : new jalview.schemes.ZappoColourScheme(); } columnSelection = av.getColumnSelection(); hconsensus = av.getSequenceConsensusHash();// hconsensus; hStrucConsensus = av.getRnaStructureConsensusHash(); // hStrucConsensus; av_ignoreGapsConsensus = av.getIgnoreGapsConsensus(); } public int[] getProfileFor(AlignmentAnnotation aa, int column) { // TODO : consider refactoring the global alignment calculation // properties/rendering attributes as a global 'alignment group' which holds // all vis settings for the alignment as a whole rather than a subset // if (aa.autoCalculated && aa.label.startsWith("Consensus")) { if (aa.groupRef != null && aa.groupRef.consensusData != null && aa.groupRef.isShowSequenceLogo()) { return AAFrequency.extractProfile( aa.groupRef.consensusData[column], aa.groupRef.getIgnoreGapsConsensus()); } // TODO extend annotation row to enable dynamic and static profile data to // be stored if (aa.groupRef == null && aa.sequenceRef == null && av_renderProfile) { return AAFrequency.extractProfile(hconsensus[column], av_ignoreGapsConsensus); } } else { if (aa.autoCalculated && aa.label.startsWith("StrucConsensus")) { // TODO implement group structure consensus /* * if (aa.groupRef != null && aa.groupRef.consensusData != null && * aa.groupRef.isShowSequenceLogo()) { //TODO check what happens for * group selections return StructureFrequency.extractProfile( * aa.groupRef.consensusData[column], aa.groupRef * .getIgnoreGapsConsensus()); } */ // TODO extend annotation row to enable dynamic and static profile data // to // be stored if (aa.groupRef == null && aa.sequenceRef == null && av_renderProfile && hStrucConsensus != null && hStrucConsensus.length > column) { return StructureFrequency.extractProfile(hStrucConsensus[column], av_ignoreGapsConsensus); } } } return null; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param annotationPanel * TODO * @param g * DOCUMENT ME! * @param startRes * DOCUMENT ME! * @param endRes * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void drawComponent(AwtRenderPanelI annotPanel, AlignViewportI av, Graphics g, int activeRow, int startRes, int endRes) { // NOTES: // AnnotationPanel needs to implement: ImageObserver, access to // AlignViewport updateFromAwtRenderPanel(annotPanel, av); fm = g.getFontMetrics(); AlignmentAnnotation[] aa = av.getAlignment().getAlignmentAnnotation(); int x = 0, y = 0; int column = 0; char lastSS; int lastSSX; int iconOffset = 0; boolean validRes = false; boolean validEnd = false; boolean labelAllCols = false; boolean centreColLabels, centreColLabelsDef = av .getCentreColumnLabels(); boolean scaleColLabel = false; boolean[] graphGroupDrawn = new boolean[aa.length]; int charOffset = 0; // offset for a label float fmWidth, fmScaling = 1f; // scaling for a label to fit it into a // column. Font ofont = g.getFont(); // \u03B2 \u03B1 for (int i = 0; i < aa.length; i++) { AlignmentAnnotation row = aa[i]; if (!row.visible) { continue; } centreColLabels = row.centreColLabels || centreColLabelsDef; labelAllCols = row.showAllColLabels; scaleColLabel = row.scaleColLabel; lastSS = ' '; lastSSX = 0; if (row.graph > 0) { if (row.graphGroup > -1 && graphGroupDrawn[row.graphGroup]) { continue; } // this is so that we draw the characters below the graph y += row.height; if (row.hasText) { iconOffset = charHeight - fm.getDescent(); y -= charHeight; } } else if (row.hasText) { iconOffset = charHeight - fm.getDescent(); } else { iconOffset = 0; } if (aa[i].autoCalculated && av.isCalculationInProgress(aa[i])) { y += charHeight; g.drawImage(fadedImage, 0, y - row.height, imgWidth, y, 0, y - row.height, imgWidth, y, annotationPanel); g.setColor(; // g.drawString("Calculating "+aa[i].label+"....",20, y-row.height/2); continue; } /* * else if (annotationPanel.av.updatingConservation && * aa[i].label.equals("Conservation")) { * * y += charHeight; g.drawImage(annotationPanel.fadedImage, 0, y - * row.height, annotationPanel.imgWidth, y, 0, y - row.height, * annotationPanel.imgWidth, y, annotationPanel); * * g.setColor(; // * g.drawString("Calculating Conservation.....",20, y-row.height/2); * * continue; } else if (annotationPanel.av.updatingConservation && * aa[i].label.equals("Quality")) { * * y += charHeight; g.drawImage(annotationPanel.fadedImage, 0, y - * row.height, annotationPanel.imgWidth, y, 0, y - row.height, * annotationPanel.imgWidth, y, annotationPanel); g.setColor(; * // / g.drawString("Calculating Quality....",20, y-row.height/2); * * continue; } */ // first pass sets up state for drawing continuation from left-hand column // of startRes x = (startRes == 0) ? 0 : -1; while (x < endRes - startRes) { if (hasHiddenColumns) { column = columnSelection.adjustForHiddenColumns(startRes + x); if (column > row.annotations.length - 1) { break; } } else { column = startRes + x; } if ((row.annotations == null) || (row.annotations.length <= column) || (row.annotations[column] == null)) { validRes = false; } else { validRes = true; } if (x > -1) { if (activeRow == i) { g.setColor(; if (columnSelection != null) { for (int n = 0; n < columnSelection.size(); n++) { int v = columnSelection.columnAt(n); if (v == column) { g.fillRect(x * charWidth, y, charWidth, charHeight); } } } } if (!row.isValidStruc()) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect((int) row.getInvalidStrucPos() * charWidth, y, charWidth, charHeight); } if (validCharWidth && validRes && row.annotations[column].displayCharacter != null && (row.annotations[column].displayCharacter.length() > 0)) { if (centreColLabels || scaleColLabel) { fmWidth = (float) fm.charsWidth( row.annotations[column].displayCharacter .toCharArray(), 0, row.annotations[column].displayCharacter.length()); if (scaleColLabel) { // justify the label and scale to fit in column if (fmWidth > charWidth) { // scale only if the current font isn't already small enough fmScaling = charWidth; fmScaling /= fmWidth; g.setFont(ofont.deriveFont(AffineTransform .getScaleInstance(fmScaling, 1.0))); // and update the label's width to reflect the scaling. fmWidth = charWidth; } } } else { fmWidth = (float) fm .charWidth(row.annotations[column].displayCharacter .charAt(0)); } charOffset = (int) ((charWidth - fmWidth) / 2f); if (row.annotations[column].colour == null) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(row.annotations[column].colour); if (column == 0 || row.graph > 0) { g.drawString(row.annotations[column].displayCharacter, (x * charWidth) + charOffset, y + iconOffset); } else if (row.annotations[column - 1] == null || (labelAllCols || !row.annotations[column].displayCharacter .equals(row.annotations[column - 1].displayCharacter) || (row.annotations[column].displayCharacter .length() < 2 && row.annotations[column].secondaryStructure == ' '))) { g.drawString(row.annotations[column].displayCharacter, x * charWidth + charOffset, y + iconOffset); } g.setFont(ofont); } } if (row.hasIcons) { char ss = validRes ? row.annotations[column].secondaryStructure : ' '; if (ss == 'S') { // distinguish between forward/backward base-pairing if (row.annotations[column].displayCharacter.indexOf(')') > -1) { ss = 's'; } } if (!validRes || (ss != lastSS)) { if (x > -1) { switch (lastSS) { case 'H': drawHelixAnnot(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; case 'E': drawSheetAnnot(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; case 'S': // Stem case for RNA secondary structure case 's': // and opposite direction drawStemAnnot(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; default: g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillRect(lastSSX, y + 6 + iconOffset, (x * charWidth) - lastSSX, 2); break; } } if (validRes) { lastSS = ss; } else { lastSS = ' '; } if (x > -1) { lastSSX = (x * charWidth); } } } column++; x++; } if (column >= row.annotations.length) { column = row.annotations.length - 1; validEnd = false; } else { validEnd = true; } if ((row.annotations == null) || (row.annotations.length <= column) || (row.annotations[column] == null)) { validRes = false; } else { validRes = true; } // x ++; if (row.hasIcons) { switch (lastSS) { case 'H': drawHelixAnnot(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; case 'E': drawSheetAnnot(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; case 's': case 'S': // Stem case for RNA secondary structure drawStemAnnot(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; default: drawGlyphLine(g, row, lastSSX, x, y, iconOffset, startRes, column, validRes, validEnd); break; } } if (row.graph > 0 && row.graphHeight > 0) { if (row.graph == AlignmentAnnotation.LINE_GRAPH) { if (row.graphGroup > -1 && !graphGroupDrawn[row.graphGroup]) { float groupmax = -999999, groupmin = 9999999; for (int gg = 0; gg < aa.length; gg++) { if (aa[gg].graphGroup != row.graphGroup) { continue; } if (aa[gg] != row) { aa[gg].visible = false; } if (aa[gg].graphMax > groupmax) { groupmax = aa[gg].graphMax; } if (aa[gg].graphMin < groupmin) { groupmin = aa[gg].graphMin; } } for (int gg = 0; gg < aa.length; gg++) { if (aa[gg].graphGroup == row.graphGroup) { drawLineGraph(g, aa[gg], startRes, endRes, y, groupmin, groupmax, row.graphHeight); } } graphGroupDrawn[row.graphGroup] = true; } else { drawLineGraph(g, row, startRes, endRes, y, row.graphMin, row.graphMax, row.graphHeight); } } else if (row.graph == AlignmentAnnotation.BAR_GRAPH) { drawBarGraph(g, row, startRes, endRes, row.graphMin, row.graphMax, y); } } if (row.graph > 0 && row.hasText) { y += charHeight; } if (row.graph == 0) { y += aa[i].height; } } } private Color GLYPHLINE_COLOR = Color.gray; private Color SHEET_COLOUR =; private Color HELIX_COLOUR =; private Color STEM_COLOUR =; public void drawGlyphLine(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation row, int lastSSX, int x, int y, int iconOffset, int startRes, int column, boolean validRes, boolean validEnd) { g.setColor(GLYPHLINE_COLOR); g.fillRect(lastSSX, y + 6 + iconOffset, (x * charWidth) - lastSSX, 2); } public void drawSheetAnnot(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation row, int lastSSX, int x, int y, int iconOffset, int startRes, int column, boolean validRes, boolean validEnd) { g.setColor(SHEET_COLOUR); if (!validEnd || !validRes || row.annotations[column] == null || row.annotations[column].secondaryStructure != 'E') { g.fillRect(lastSSX, y + 4 + iconOffset, (x * charWidth) - lastSSX - 4, 7); g.fillPolygon(new int[] { (x * charWidth) - 4, (x * charWidth) - 4, (x * charWidth) }, new int[] { y + iconOffset, y + 14 + iconOffset, y + 7 + iconOffset }, 3); } else { g.fillRect(lastSSX, y + 4 + iconOffset, (x + 1) * charWidth - lastSSX, 7); } } public void drawHelixAnnot(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation row, int lastSSX, int x, int y, int iconOffset, int startRes, int column, boolean validRes, boolean validEnd) { g.setColor(HELIX_COLOUR); int sCol = (lastSSX / charWidth) + startRes; int x1 = lastSSX; int x2 = (x * charWidth); if (MAC) { int ofs = charWidth / 2; // Off by 1 offset when drawing rects and ovals // to offscreen image on the MAC g.fillRoundRect(lastSSX, y + 4 + iconOffset, x2 - x1, 8, 8, 8); if (sCol == 0 || row.annotations[sCol - 1] == null || row.annotations[sCol - 1].secondaryStructure != 'H') { } else { // g.setColor(; g.fillRoundRect(lastSSX, y + 4 + iconOffset, x2 - x1 - ofs + 1, 8, 0, 0); } if (!validRes || row.annotations[column] == null || row.annotations[column].secondaryStructure != 'H') { } else { // g.setColor(Color.magenta); g.fillRoundRect(lastSSX + ofs, y + 4 + iconOffset, x2 - x1 - ofs + 1, 8, 0, 0); } return; } if (sCol == 0 || row.annotations[sCol - 1] == null || row.annotations[sCol - 1].secondaryStructure != 'H') { g.fillArc(lastSSX, y + 4 + iconOffset, charWidth, 8, 90, 180); x1 += charWidth / 2; } if (!validRes || row.annotations[column] == null || row.annotations[column].secondaryStructure != 'H') { g.fillArc((x * charWidth) - charWidth, y + 4 + iconOffset, charWidth, 8, 270, 180); x2 -= charWidth / 2; } g.fillRect(x1, y + 4 + iconOffset, x2 - x1, 8); } public void drawLineGraph(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation aa, int sRes, int eRes, int y, float min, float max, int graphHeight) { if (sRes > aa.annotations.length) { return; } int x = 0; // Adjustment for fastpaint to left if (eRes < endRes) { eRes++; } eRes = Math.min(eRes, aa.annotations.length); if (sRes == 0) { x++; } int y1 = y, y2 = y; float range = max - min; // //Draw origin if (min < 0) { y2 = y - (int) ((0 - min / range) * graphHeight); } g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawLine(x - charWidth, y2, (eRes - sRes + 1) * charWidth, y2); eRes = Math.min(eRes, aa.annotations.length); int column; int aaMax = aa.annotations.length - 1; while (x < eRes - sRes) { column = sRes + x; if (hasHiddenColumns) { column = columnSelection.adjustForHiddenColumns(column); } if (column > aaMax) { break; } if (aa.annotations[column] == null || aa.annotations[column - 1] == null) { x++; continue; } if (aa.annotations[column].colour == null) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(aa.annotations[column].colour); y1 = y - (int) (((aa.annotations[column - 1].value - min) / range) * graphHeight); y2 = y - (int) (((aa.annotations[column].value - min) / range) * graphHeight); g.drawLine(x * charWidth - charWidth / 2, y1, x * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y2); x++; } if (aa.threshold != null) { g.setColor(aa.threshold.colour); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[] { 5f, 3f }, 0f)); y2 = (int) (y - ((aa.threshold.value - min) / range) * graphHeight); g.drawLine(0, y2, (eRes - sRes) * charWidth, y2); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke()); } } public void drawBarGraph(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation aa, int sRes, int eRes, float min, float max, int y) { if (sRes > aa.annotations.length) { return; } Font ofont = g.getFont(); eRes = Math.min(eRes, aa.annotations.length); int x = 0, y1 = y, y2 = y; float range = max - min; if (min < 0) { y2 = y - (int) ((0 - min / (range)) * aa.graphHeight); } g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawLine(x, y2, (eRes - sRes) * charWidth, y2); int column; int aaMax = aa.annotations.length - 1; boolean renderHistogram = true, renderProfile = true, normaliseProfile = false; // if (aa.autoCalculated && aa.label.startsWith("Consensus")) { // TODO: generalise this to have render styles for consensus/profile data if (aa.groupRef != null) { renderHistogram = aa.groupRef.isShowConsensusHistogram(); renderProfile = aa.groupRef.isShowSequenceLogo(); normaliseProfile = aa.groupRef.isNormaliseSequenceLogo(); } else { renderHistogram = av_renderHistogram; renderProfile = av_renderProfile; normaliseProfile = av_normaliseProfile; } } while (x < eRes - sRes) { column = sRes + x; if (hasHiddenColumns) { column = columnSelection.adjustForHiddenColumns(column); } if (column > aaMax) { break; } if (aa.annotations[column] == null) { x++; continue; } if (aa.annotations[column].colour == null) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(aa.annotations[column].colour); y1 = y - (int) (((aa.annotations[column].value - min) / (range)) * aa.graphHeight); if (renderHistogram) { if (y1 - y2 > 0) { g.fillRect(x * charWidth, y2, charWidth, y1 - y2); } else { g.fillRect(x * charWidth, y1, charWidth, y2 - y1); } } // draw profile if available if (renderProfile && aa.annotations[column].value != 0) { int profl[] = getProfileFor(aa, column); // just try to draw the logo if profl is not null if (profl != null && profl[1] != 0) { float ht = normaliseProfile ? y - aa.graphHeight : y1; double htn = normaliseProfile ? aa.graphHeight : (y2 - y1);// aa.graphHeight; double hght; float wdth; double ht2 = 0; char[] dc; /** * profl.length == 74 indicates that the profile of a secondary * structure conservation row was accesed. Therefore dc gets length 2, * to have space for a basepair instead of just a single nucleotide */ if (profl.length == 74) { dc = new char[2]; } else { dc = new char[1]; } LineMetrics lm = g.getFontMetrics(ofont).getLineMetrics("Q", g); double scale = 1f / (normaliseProfile ? profl[1] : 100f); float ofontHeight = 1f / lm.getAscent();// magnify to fill box double scl = 0.0; for (int c = 2; c < profl[0];) { dc[0] = (char) profl[c++]; if (aa.label.startsWith("StrucConsensus")) { dc[1] = (char) profl[c++]; } wdth = charWidth; wdth /= (float) fm.charsWidth(dc, 0, dc.length); ht += scl; { scl = ((double) htn) * scale * ((double) profl[c++]); lm = ofont.getLineMetrics(dc, 0, 1, g.getFontMetrics() .getFontRenderContext()); g.setFont(ofont.deriveFont(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance( wdth, scl / lm.getAscent()))); lm = g.getFontMetrics().getLineMetrics(dc, 0, 1, g); // Debug - render boxes around characters // g.setColor(; // g.drawRect(x*av.charWidth, (int)ht, av.charWidth, // (int)(scl)); // g.setColor(profcolour.findColour(dc[0]).darker()); g.setColor(profcolour.findColour(dc[0], column,null)); hght = (ht + (scl - lm.getDescent() - lm.getBaselineOffsets()[lm .getBaselineIndex()])); g.drawChars(dc, 0, dc.length, x * charWidth, (int) hght); } } g.setFont(ofont); } } x++; } if (aa.threshold != null) { g.setColor(aa.threshold.colour); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[] { 5f, 3f }, 0f)); y2 = (int) (y - ((aa.threshold.value - min) / range) * aa.graphHeight); g.drawLine(0, y2, (eRes - sRes) * charWidth, y2); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke()); } } // used by overview window public void drawGraph(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation aa, int width, int y, int sRes, int eRes) { eRes = Math.min(eRes, aa.annotations.length); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, y); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 180)); int x = 0, height; for (int j = sRes; j < eRes; j++) { if (aa.annotations[j] != null) { if (aa.annotations[j].colour == null) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(aa.annotations[j].colour); height = (int) ((aa.annotations[j].value / aa.graphMax) * y); if (height > y) { height = y; } g.fillRect(x, y - height, charWidth, height); } x += charWidth; } } }