/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.renderer; import jalview.api.AlignmentColsCollectionI; import jalview.api.AlignmentRowsCollectionI; import jalview.api.AlignmentViewPanel; import jalview.api.RendererListenerI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.renderer.seqfeatures.FeatureColourFinder; import jalview.renderer.seqfeatures.FeatureRenderer; import jalview.util.Platform; import jalview.viewmodel.OverviewDimensions; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.Timer; public class OverviewRenderer { // transparency of hidden cols/seqs overlay private final float TRANSPARENCY = 0.5f; public static final String UPDATE = "OverviewUpdate"; private static final int MAX_PROGRESS = 100; private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this); private FeatureColourFinder finder; // image to render on private BufferedImage miniMe; // raw number of pixels to allocate to each column private float pixelsPerCol; // raw number of pixels to allocate to each row private float pixelsPerSeq; // height in pixels of graph private int graphHeight; // flag to indicate whether to halt drawing private volatile boolean redraw = false; // reference to alignment, needed to get sequence groups private AlignmentI al; private ResidueShaderI shader; private OverviewResColourFinder resColFinder; private boolean showProgress; private AlignmentViewPanel panel; public OverviewRenderer(AlignmentViewPanel panel, FeatureRenderer fr, OverviewDimensions od, AlignmentI alignment, ResidueShaderI resshader, OverviewResColourFinder colFinder) { this(panel, fr, od, alignment, resshader, colFinder, true); } public OverviewRenderer(AlignmentViewPanel panel, jalview.api.FeatureRenderer fr, OverviewDimensions od, AlignmentI alignment, ResidueShaderI resshader, OverviewResColourFinder colFinder, boolean showProgress) { this.panel = panel; finder = new FeatureColourFinder(fr); resColFinder = colFinder; al = alignment; shader = resshader; pixelsPerCol = od.getPixelsPerCol(); pixelsPerSeq = od.getPixelsPerSeq(); graphHeight = od.getGraphHeight(); miniMe = new BufferedImage(od.getWidth(), od.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); this.showProgress = showProgress; } final static int STATE_INIT = 0; final static int STATE_NEXT = 1; final static int STATE_DONE = 2; int state; boolean isJS = Platform.isJS(); Timer timer; int delay = (isJS ? 1 : 0); int seqIndex; int pixelRow; private Integer row; void mainLoop() { while (!redraw) { switch (state) { case STATE_INIT: seqIndex = 0; pixelRow = 0; state = STATE_NEXT; continue; case STATE_NEXT: if (iter.hasNext()) { nextRow(); } else { state = STATE_DONE; } break; case STATE_DONE: done(); return; } if (delay > 0) { jsloop(); return; } } done(); } private void jsloop() { if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(delay, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { mainLoop(); } }); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } else { timer.restart(); } } private void nextRow() { row = iter.next(); // System.out.println("OR row " + r); // get details of this alignment row SequenceI seq = rows.getSequence(row); // rate limiting step when rendering overview for lots of groups SequenceGroup[] allGroups = al.findAllGroups(seq); // calculate where this row extends to in pixels int endRow = Math.min(Math.round((++seqIndex) * pixelsPerSeq), h); for (int pixelCol = 0, colIndex = 0, c = bscol .nextSetBit(0); c >= 0; c = bscol.nextSetBit(c + 1)) { if (redraw) { break; } // calculate where this column extends to in pixels int endCol = Math.min(Math.round((++colIndex) * pixelsPerCol), w); // don't do expensive colour determination if we're not going to use it // NB this is important to avoid performance issues in the overview // panel if (pixelCol < endCol) { // System.out.println("OR pc ec " + pixelCol + " " + endCol); int rgb = getColumnColourFromSequence(allGroups, seq, c); // fill in the appropriate number of pixels for (int row = pixelRow; row < endRow; ++row) { for (int col = pixelCol; col < endCol; ++col) { // BH 2019.07.27 was: // // miniMe.setRGB(col, row, rgbcolor); // // but just directly writing to the int[] pixel buffer // is three times faster by my experimentation pixels[row * w + col] = rgb; ndone++; } } // } pixelCol = endCol; // store last update value if (showProgress) { lastUpdate = sendProgressUpdate(endCol * (endRow - 1 - pixelRow), totalPixels, lastRowUpdate, lastUpdate); } } } if (pixelRow < endRow) { pixelRow = endRow; // store row offset and last update value if (showProgress) { // BH 2019.07.29 was (old) endRow + 1 (now endRow), but should be // pixelRow + 1, surely lastRowUpdate = sendProgressUpdate(endRow, alignmentHeight, 0, lastUpdate); lastUpdate = lastRowUpdate; } } } private void done() { Platform.timeCheck( "overviewrender " + ndone + " pixels row:" + row + " redraw:" + redraw, Platform.TIME_MARK); overlayHiddenRegions(rows, cols); if (showProgress) { // final update to progress bar if present if (redraw) { // aborted in Java // BH was pixelRow - 1, but that could go negative sendProgressUpdate(pixelRow, alignmentHeight, 0, 0); } else { // sendProgressUpdate(alignmentHeight, miniMe.getHeight(), 0, 0); sendProgressUpdate(1, 1, 0, 0); } } panel.overviewDone(miniMe); } int ndone = 0; private AlignmentRowsCollectionI rows; private AlignmentColsCollectionI cols; Iterator iter; int alignmentHeight; int totalPixels; int lastRowUpdate; int lastUpdate; int[] pixels; BitSet bscol = new BitSet(); int w, h; /** * Draw alignment rows and columns onto an image * * @param rit * Iterator over rows to be drawn * @param cit * Iterator over columns to be drawn * @return image containing the drawing */ public BufferedImage draw(AlignmentRowsCollectionI rows, AlignmentColsCollectionI cols) { this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; iter = rows.iterator(); w = miniMe.getWidth(); h = miniMe.getHeight(); alignmentHeight = h - graphHeight; totalPixels = w * alignmentHeight; lastRowUpdate = 0; lastUpdate = 0; if (showProgress) { changeSupport.firePropertyChange(UPDATE, -1, 0); } WritableRaster raster = miniMe.getRaster(); DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt) raster.getDataBuffer(); Platform.timeCheck(null, Platform.TIME_MARK); pixels = db.getBankData()[0]; bscol.clear(); for (int c : cols) { bscol.set(c); } state = STATE_INIT; mainLoop(); return miniMe; } /* * Calculate progress update value and fire event * @param rowOffset number of rows to offset calculation by * @return new rowOffset - return value only to be used when at end of a row */ private int sendProgressUpdate(int position, int maximum, int rowOffset, int lastUpdate) { int newUpdate = rowOffset + Math.round(MAX_PROGRESS * ((float) position / maximum)); if (newUpdate > lastUpdate) { changeSupport.firePropertyChange(UPDATE, rowOffset, newUpdate); return newUpdate; } return newUpdate; } /* * Find the RGB value of the colour of a sequence at a specified column position * * @param seq * sequence to get colour for * @param lastcol * column position to get colour for * @return colour of sequence at this position, as RGB */ int getColumnColourFromSequence(SequenceGroup[] allGroups, SequenceI seq, int icol) { return (seq == null || icol >= seq.getLength() ? resColFinder.GAP_COLOUR : resColFinder.getResidueColour(true, shader, allGroups, seq, icol, finder)).getRGB(); } /** * Overlay the hidden regions on the overview image * * @param rows * collection of rows the overview is built over * @param cols * collection of columns the overview is built over */ private void overlayHiddenRegions(AlignmentRowsCollectionI rows, AlignmentColsCollectionI cols) { if (cols.hasHidden() || rows.hasHidden()) { BufferedImage mask = buildHiddenImage(rows, cols, miniMe.getWidth(), miniMe.getHeight()); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) miniMe.getGraphics(); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, TRANSPARENCY)); g.drawImage(mask, 0, 0, miniMe.getWidth(), miniMe.getHeight(), null); g.dispose(); } } /** * Build a masking image of hidden columns and rows to be applied on top of * the main overview image. * * @param rows * collection of rows the overview is built over * @param cols * collection of columns the overview is built over * @param width * width of overview in pixels * @param height * height of overview in pixels * @return BufferedImage containing mask of hidden regions */ private BufferedImage buildHiddenImage(AlignmentRowsCollectionI rows, AlignmentColsCollectionI cols, int width, int height) { // new masking image BufferedImage hiddenImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Color hidden = resColFinder.getHiddenColour(); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) hiddenImage.getGraphics(); // set background to transparent // g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Clear); // g2d.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // set next colour to opaque g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); if (cols.hasHidden()) { int colIndex = 0; int pixelCol = 0; for (int alignmentCol : cols) { if (redraw) { break; } // calculate where this column extends to in pixels int endCol = Math.min(Math.round((++colIndex) * pixelsPerCol), width); // endCol is one more than old endCol if (pixelCol < endCol) { // determine the colour based on the sequence and column position if (cols.isHidden(alignmentCol)) { g2d.setColor(hidden); g2d.fillRect(pixelCol, 0, endCol - pixelCol, height); } pixelCol = endCol; } } } if (rows.hasHidden()) { int seqIndex = 0; int pixelRow = 0; for (int alignmentRow : rows) { if (redraw) { break; } // calculate where this row extends to in pixels int endRow = Math.min(Math.round((++seqIndex) * pixelsPerSeq), height); // get details of this alignment row if (rows.isHidden(alignmentRow)) { g2d.setColor(hidden); g2d.fillRect(0, pixelRow, width, endRow - 1 - pixelRow); } pixelRow = endRow; } } g2d.dispose(); return hiddenImage; } /** * Draw the alignment annotation in the overview panel * * @param g * the graphics object to draw on * @param anno * alignment annotation information * @param y * y-position for the annotation graph * @param cols * the collection of columns used in the overview panel */ public void drawGraph(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation anno, int y, AlignmentColsCollectionI cols) { Annotation[] annotations = anno.annotations; float max = anno.graphMax; g.setColor(Color.white); int width = miniMe.getWidth(); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, y); int colIndex = 0; int pixelCol = 0; for (int icol : cols) { if (redraw) { if (showProgress) { changeSupport.firePropertyChange(UPDATE, MAX_PROGRESS - 1, 0); } break; } if (icol >= annotations.length) { break; // no more annotations to draw here } int endCol = Math.min(Math.round((++colIndex) * pixelsPerCol), width); Annotation ann = annotations[icol]; if (ann != null) { Color color = ann.colour; g.setColor(color == null ? Color.black : color); int height = Math.min(y, (int) ((ann.value / max) * y)); g.fillRect(pixelCol, y - height, endCol - pixelCol, height); } pixelCol = endCol; } if (showProgress) { changeSupport.firePropertyChange(UPDATE, MAX_PROGRESS - 1, MAX_PROGRESS); } } /** * Allows redraw flag to be set * * @param b * value to set redraw to: true = redraw is occurring, false = no * redraw */ public void setRedraw(boolean b) { synchronized (this) { redraw = b; } } public void addPropertyChangeListener(RendererListenerI listener) { changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(RendererListenerI listener) { changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } }