package jalview.renderer;
import jalview.analysis.Conservation;
import jalview.api.ViewStyleI;
import jalview.datamodel.AnnotatedCollectionI;
import jalview.datamodel.ProfileI;
import jalview.datamodel.ProfilesI;
import jalview.datamodel.SequenceCollectionI;
import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI;
import jalview.util.ColorUtils;
import jalview.util.Comparison;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Map;
* A class that computes the colouring of an alignment (or subgroup). Currently
* the factors that may influence residue colouring are
* - the colour scheme that provides a colour for each aligned residue
* - any threshold for colour, based on percentage identity with consensus
* - any graduation based on conservation of physico-chemical properties
* @author gmcarstairs
public class ResidueShader implements ResidueShaderI
private static final int INITIAL_CONSERVATION = 30;
* the colour scheme that gives the colour of each residue
* before applying any conservation or PID shading
private ColourSchemeI colourScheme;
* the consensus data for each column
private ProfilesI consensus;
* if true, apply shading of colour by conservation
private boolean conservationColouring;
* the physico-chemical property conservation scores for columns, with values
* 0-9, '+' (all properties conserved), '*' (residue fully conserved) or '-' (gap)
* (may be null if colour by conservation is not selected)
private char[] conservation;
* minimum percentage identity for colour to be applied;
* if above zero, residue must match consensus (or joint consensus)
* and column have >= pidThreshold identity with the residue
private int pidThreshold;
* if true, ignore gaps in percentage identity calculation
private boolean ignoreGaps;
* setting of the By Conservation slider
private int conservationIncrement = INITIAL_CONSERVATION;
public ResidueShader(ColourSchemeI cs)
colourScheme = cs;
* Default constructor
public ResidueShader()
* Constructor given view style settings
* @param viewStyle
public ResidueShader(ViewStyleI viewStyle)
// TODO remove duplicated storing of conservation / pid thresholds?
// setThreshold(viewStyle.getThreshold());
* Copy constructor
public ResidueShader(ResidueShader rs)
this.colourScheme = rs.colourScheme;
this.consensus = rs.consensus;
this.conservation = rs.conservation;
this.conservationColouring = rs.conservationColouring;
this.conservationIncrement = rs.conservationIncrement;
this.ignoreGaps = rs.ignoreGaps;
this.pidThreshold = rs.pidThreshold;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#setConsensus(jalview.datamodel.ProfilesI)
public void setConsensus(ProfilesI cons)
consensus = cons;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#conservationApplied()
public boolean conservationApplied()
return conservationColouring;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#setConservationApplied(boolean)
public void setConservationApplied(boolean conservationApplied)
conservationColouring = conservationApplied;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#setConservation(jalview.analysis.Conservation)
public void setConservation(Conservation cons)
if (cons == null)
conservationColouring = false;
conservation = null;
conservationColouring = true;
conservation = cons.getConsSequence().getSequenceAsString()
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#alignmentChanged(jalview.datamodel.AnnotatedCollectionI,
* java.util.Map)
public void alignmentChanged(AnnotatedCollectionI alignment,
Map hiddenReps)
if (colourScheme != null)
colourScheme.alignmentChanged(alignment, hiddenReps);
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#setThreshold(int, boolean)
public void setThreshold(int consensusThreshold, boolean ignoreGaps)
pidThreshold = consensusThreshold;
this.ignoreGaps = ignoreGaps;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#setConservationInc(int)
public void setConservationInc(int i)
conservationIncrement = i;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#getConservationInc()
public int getConservationInc()
return conservationIncrement;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#getThreshold()
public int getThreshold()
return pidThreshold;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#findColour(char, int,
* jalview.datamodel.SequenceI)
public Color findColour(char symbol, int position, SequenceI seq)
* get 'base' colour
ProfileI profile = consensus == null ? null : consensus.get(position);
String modalResidue = profile == null ? null : profile
float pid = profile == null ? 0f : profile
Color colour = colourScheme == null ? Color.white : colourScheme
.findColour(symbol, position, seq, modalResidue, pid);
* apply PID threshold and consensus fading if in force
colour = adjustColour(symbol, position, colour);
return colour;
* Adjusts colour by applying thresholding or conservation shading, if in
* force. That is
* - if there is a threshold set for colouring, and the residue doesn't
* match the consensus (or a joint consensus) residue, or the consensus score
* is not above the threshold, then the colour is set to white
* - if conservation colouring is selected, the colour is faded by an amount
* depending on the conservation score for the column, and the conservation
* colour threshold
* @param symbol
* @param column
* @param colour
* @return
protected Color adjustColour(char symbol, int column, Color colour)
if (!aboveThreshold(symbol, column))
colour = Color.white;
if (conservationColouring)
colour = applyConservation(colour, column);
return colour;
* Answers true if there is a consensus profile for the specified column, and
* the given residue matches the consensus (or joint consensus) residue for
* the column, and the percentage identity for the profile is equal to or
* greater than the current threshold; else answers false. The percentage
* calculation depends on whether or not we are ignoring gapped sequences.
* @param residue
* @param column
* (index into consensus profiles)
* @return
* @see #setThreshold(int, boolean)
protected boolean aboveThreshold(char residue, int column)
if (pidThreshold == 0)
return true;
if ('a' <= residue && residue <= 'z')
// Faster than toUpperCase
residue -= ('a' - 'A');
if (consensus == null)
return false;
ProfileI profile = consensus.get(column);
* test whether this is the consensus (or joint consensus) residue
if (profile != null
&& profile.getModalResidue().contains(String.valueOf(residue)))
if (profile.getPercentageIdentity(ignoreGaps) >= pidThreshold)
return true;
return false;
* Applies a combination of column conservation score, and conservation
* percentage slider, to 'bleach' out the residue colours towards white.
* If a column is fully conserved (identical residues, conservation score 11,
* shown as *), or all 10 physico-chemical properties are conserved
* (conservation score 10, shown as +), then the colour is left unchanged.
* Otherwise a 'bleaching' factor is computed and applied to the colour. This
* is designed to fade colours for scores of 0-9 completely to white at slider
* positions ranging from 18% - 100% respectively.
* @param currentColour
* @param column
* @return bleached (or unmodified) colour
protected Color applyConservation(Color currentColour, int column)
if (conservation == null || conservation.length <= column)
return currentColour;
char conservationScore = conservation[column];
* if residues are fully conserved (* or 11), or all properties
* are conserved (+ or 10), leave colour unchanged
if (conservationScore == '*' || conservationScore == '+'
|| conservationScore == (char) 10
|| conservationScore == (char) 11)
return currentColour;
if (Comparison.isGap(conservationScore))
return Color.white;
* convert score 0-9 to a bleaching factor 1.1 - 0.2
float bleachFactor = (11 - (conservationScore - '0')) / 10f;
* scale this up by 0-5 (percentage slider / 20)
* as a result, scores of: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* fade to white at slider value: 18 20 22 25 29 33 40 50 67 100%
bleachFactor *= (conservationIncrement / 20f);
return ColorUtils.bleachColour(currentColour, bleachFactor);
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#getColourScheme()
public ColourSchemeI getColourScheme()
return this.colourScheme;
* @see jalview.renderer.ResidueShaderI#setColourScheme(jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI)
public void setColourScheme(ColourSchemeI cs)
colourScheme = cs;