/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.renderer.seqfeatures; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.api.FeatureColourI; import jalview.datamodel.Range; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.util.Comparison; import jalview.viewmodel.seqfeatures.FeatureRendererModel; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.util.List; public class FeatureRenderer extends FeatureRendererModel { private static final AlphaComposite NO_TRANSPARENCY = AlphaComposite .getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f); /** * Constructor given a viewport * * @param viewport */ public FeatureRenderer(AlignViewportI viewport) { this.av = viewport; } /** * Renders the sequence using the given feature colour between the given start * and end columns. Returns true if at least one column is drawn, else false * (the feature range does not overlap the start and end positions). * * @param g * @param seq * @param featureStart * @param featureEnd * @param featureColour * @param start * @param end * @param y1 * @param colourOnly * @return */ boolean renderFeature(Graphics g, SequenceI seq, int featureStart, int featureEnd, Color featureColour, int start, int end, int y1, boolean colourOnly) { int charHeight = av.getCharHeight(); int charWidth = av.getCharWidth(); boolean validCharWidth = av.isValidCharWidth(); if (featureStart > end || featureEnd < start) { return false; } if (featureStart < start) { featureStart = start; } if (featureEnd >= end) { featureEnd = end; } int pady = (y1 + charHeight) - charHeight / 5; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); for (int i = featureStart; i <= featureEnd; i++) { char s = seq.getCharAt(i); if (Comparison.isGap(s)) { continue; } g.setColor(featureColour); g.fillRect((i - start) * charWidth, y1, charWidth, charHeight); if (colourOnly || !validCharWidth) { continue; } g.setColor(Color.white); int charOffset = (charWidth - fm.charWidth(s)) / 2; g.drawString(String.valueOf(s), charOffset + (charWidth * (i - start)), pady); } return true; } /** * Renders the sequence using the given SCORE feature colour between the given * start and end columns. Returns true if at least one column is drawn, else * false (the feature range does not overlap the start and end positions). * * @param g * @param seq * @param fstart * @param fend * @param featureColour * @param start * @param end * @param y1 * @param bs * @param colourOnly * @return */ boolean renderScoreFeature(Graphics g, SequenceI seq, int fstart, int fend, Color featureColour, int start, int end, int y1, byte[] bs, boolean colourOnly) { if (fstart > end || fend < start) { return false; } if (fstart < start) { // fix for if the feature we have starts before the sequence start, fstart = start; // but the feature end is still valid!! } if (fend >= end) { fend = end; } int charHeight = av.getCharHeight(); int pady = (y1 + charHeight) - charHeight / 5; int ystrt = 0, yend = charHeight; if (bs[0] != 0) { // signed - zero is always middle of residue line. if (bs[1] < 128) { yend = charHeight * (128 - bs[1]) / 512; ystrt = charHeight - yend / 2; } else { ystrt = charHeight / 2; yend = charHeight * (bs[1] - 128) / 512; } } else { yend = charHeight * bs[1] / 255; ystrt = charHeight - yend; } FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int charWidth = av.getCharWidth(); for (int i = fstart; i <= fend; i++) { char s = seq.getCharAt(i); if (Comparison.isGap(s)) { continue; } g.setColor(featureColour); int x = (i - start) * charWidth; g.drawRect(x, y1, charWidth, charHeight); g.fillRect(x, y1 + ystrt, charWidth, yend); if (colourOnly || !av.isValidCharWidth()) { continue; } g.setColor(Color.black); int charOffset = (charWidth - fm.charWidth(s)) / 2; g.drawString(String.valueOf(s), charOffset + (charWidth * (i - start)), pady); } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Color findFeatureColour(SequenceI seq, int column, Graphics g) { if (!av.isShowSequenceFeatures()) { return null; } // column is 'base 1' but getCharAt is an array index (ie from 0) if (Comparison.isGap(seq.getCharAt(column - 1))) { /* * returning null allows the colour scheme to provide gap colour * - normally white, but can be customised */ return null; } Color renderedColour = null; if (transparency == 1.0f) { /* * simple case - just find the topmost rendered visible feature colour */ renderedColour = findFeatureColour(seq, column); } else { /* * transparency case - draw all visible features in render order to * build up a composite colour on the graphics context */ renderedColour = drawSequence(g, seq, column, column, 0, true); } return renderedColour; } /** * Draws the sequence features on the graphics context, or just determines the * colour that would be drawn (if flag colourOnly is true). Returns the last * colour drawn (which may not be the effective colour if transparency * applies), or null if no feature is drawn in the range given. * * @param g * the graphics context to draw on (may be null if colourOnly==true) * @param seq * @param start * start column * @param end * end column * @param y1 * vertical offset at which to draw on the graphics * @param colourOnly * if true, only do enough to determine the colour for the position, * do not draw the character * @return */ public synchronized Color drawSequence(final Graphics g, final SequenceI seq, int start, int end, int y1, boolean colourOnly) { /* * if columns are all gapped, or sequence has no features, nothing to do */ Range visiblePositions = seq.findPositions(start+1, end+1); if (visiblePositions == null || !seq.getFeatures().hasFeatures()) { return null; } updateFeatures(); if (transparency != 1f && g != null) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, transparency)); } Color drawnColour = null; /* * iterate over features in ordering of their rendering (last is on top) */ for (int renderIndex = 0; renderIndex < renderOrder.length; renderIndex++) { String type = renderOrder[renderIndex]; if (!showFeatureOfType(type)) { continue; } FeatureColourI fc = getFeatureStyle(type); List overlaps = seq.getFeatures().findFeatures( visiblePositions.getBegin(), visiblePositions.getEnd(), type); filterFeaturesForDisplay(overlaps, fc); for (SequenceFeature sf : overlaps) { Color featureColour = fc.getColour(sf); if (featureColour == null) { // score feature outwith threshold for colouring continue; } /* * if feature starts/ends outside the visible range, * restrict to visible positions (or if a contact feature, * to a single position) */ int visibleStart = sf.getBegin(); if (visibleStart < visiblePositions.getBegin()) { visibleStart = sf.isContactFeature() ? sf.getEnd() : visiblePositions.getBegin(); } int visibleEnd = sf.getEnd(); if (visibleEnd > visiblePositions.getEnd()) { visibleEnd = sf.isContactFeature() ? sf.getBegin() : visiblePositions.getEnd(); } int featureStartCol = seq.findIndex(visibleStart); int featureEndCol = sf.begin == sf.end ? featureStartCol : seq .findIndex(visibleEnd); // Color featureColour = getColour(sequenceFeature); boolean isContactFeature = sf.isContactFeature(); if (isContactFeature) { boolean drawn = renderFeature(g, seq, featureStartCol - 1, featureStartCol - 1, featureColour, start, end, y1, colourOnly); drawn |= renderFeature(g, seq, featureEndCol - 1, featureEndCol - 1, featureColour, start, end, y1, colourOnly); if (drawn) { drawnColour = featureColour; } } else { /* * showing feature score by height of colour * is not implemented as a selectable option * if (av.isShowSequenceFeaturesHeight() && !Float.isNaN(sequenceFeature.score)) { boolean drawn = renderScoreFeature(g, seq, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeature.begin) - 1, seq.findIndex(sequenceFeature.end) - 1, featureColour, start, end, y1, normaliseScore(sequenceFeature), colourOnly); if (drawn) { drawnColour = featureColour; } } else { */ boolean drawn = renderFeature(g, seq, featureStartCol - 1, featureEndCol - 1, featureColour, start, end, y1, colourOnly); if (drawn) { drawnColour = featureColour; } /*}*/ } } } if (transparency != 1.0f && g != null) { /* * reset transparency */ Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setComposite(NO_TRANSPARENCY); } return drawnColour; } /** * Called when alignment in associated view has new/modified features to * discover and display. * */ @Override public void featuresAdded() { findAllFeatures(); } /** * Returns the sequence feature colour rendered at the given column position, * or null if none found. The feature of highest render order (i.e. on top) is * found, subject to both feature type and feature group being visible, and * its colour returned. This method is suitable when no feature transparency * applied (only the topmost visible feature colour is rendered). *

* Note this method does not check for a gap in the column so would return the * colour for features enclosing a gapped column. Check for gap before calling * if different behaviour is wanted. * * @param seq * @param column * (1..) * @return */ Color findFeatureColour(SequenceI seq, int column) { /* * check for new feature added while processing */ updateFeatures(); /* * inspect features in reverse renderOrder (the last in the array is * displayed on top) until we find one that is rendered at the position */ for (int renderIndex = renderOrder.length - 1; renderIndex >= 0; renderIndex--) { String type = renderOrder[renderIndex]; if (!showFeatureOfType(type)) { continue; } List overlaps = seq.findFeatures(column, column, type); for (SequenceFeature sequenceFeature : overlaps) { if (!featureGroupNotShown(sequenceFeature)) { Color col = getColour(sequenceFeature); if (col != null) { return col; } } } } /* * no displayed feature found at position */ return null; } }