/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.5) * Copyright (C) 2010 J Procter, AM Waterhouse, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see . */ package jalview.schemabinding.version2; //---------------------------------/ //- Imported classes and packages -/ //---------------------------------/ import org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller; /** * Class Annotation. * * @version $Revision$ $Date$ */ public class Annotation implements java.io.Serializable { // --------------------------/ // - Class/Member Variables -/ // --------------------------/ /** * Field _graph. */ private boolean _graph; /** * keeps track of state for field: _graph */ private boolean _has_graph; /** * Field _graphType. */ private int _graphType; /** * keeps track of state for field: _graphType */ private boolean _has_graphType; /** * Field _sequenceRef. */ private java.lang.String _sequenceRef; /** * Field _groupRef. */ private java.lang.String _groupRef; /** * Field _graphColour. */ private int _graphColour; /** * keeps track of state for field: _graphColour */ private boolean _has_graphColour; /** * Field _graphGroup. */ private int _graphGroup; /** * keeps track of state for field: _graphGroup */ private boolean _has_graphGroup; /** * Field _id. */ private java.lang.String _id; /** * Field _scoreOnly. */ private boolean _scoreOnly = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _scoreOnly */ private boolean _has_scoreOnly; /** * Field _score. */ private double _score; /** * keeps track of state for field: _score */ private boolean _has_score; /** * Field _visible. */ private boolean _visible; /** * keeps track of state for field: _visible */ private boolean _has_visible; /** * Field _centreColLabels. */ private boolean _centreColLabels; /** * keeps track of state for field: _centreColLabels */ private boolean _has_centreColLabels; /** * Field _scaleColLabels. */ private boolean _scaleColLabels; /** * keeps track of state for field: _scaleColLabels */ private boolean _has_scaleColLabels; /** * Field _showAllColLabels. */ private boolean _showAllColLabels; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showAllColLabels */ private boolean _has_showAllColLabels; /** * is an autocalculated annotation row */ private boolean _autoCalculated = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _autoCalculated */ private boolean _has_autoCalculated; /** * Field _annotationElementList. */ private java.util.Vector _annotationElementList; /** * Field _label. */ private java.lang.String _label; /** * Field _description. */ private java.lang.String _description; /** * Field _thresholdLine. */ private jalview.schemabinding.version2.ThresholdLine _thresholdLine; // ----------------/ // - Constructors -/ // ----------------/ public Annotation() { super(); this._annotationElementList = new java.util.Vector(); } // -----------/ // - Methods -/ // -----------/ /** * * * @param vAnnotationElement * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException * if the index given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void addAnnotationElement( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement vAnnotationElement) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { this._annotationElementList.addElement(vAnnotationElement); } /** * * * @param index * @param vAnnotationElement * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException * if the index given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void addAnnotationElement( final int index, final jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement vAnnotationElement) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { this._annotationElementList.add(index, vAnnotationElement); } /** */ public void deleteAutoCalculated() { this._has_autoCalculated = false; } /** */ public void deleteCentreColLabels() { this._has_centreColLabels = false; } /** */ public void deleteGraph() { this._has_graph = false; } /** */ public void deleteGraphColour() { this._has_graphColour = false; } /** */ public void deleteGraphGroup() { this._has_graphGroup = false; } /** */ public void deleteGraphType() { this._has_graphType = false; } /** */ public void deleteScaleColLabels() { this._has_scaleColLabels = false; } /** */ public void deleteScore() { this._has_score = false; } /** */ public void deleteScoreOnly() { this._has_scoreOnly = false; } /** */ public void deleteShowAllColLabels() { this._has_showAllColLabels = false; } /** */ public void deleteVisible() { this._has_visible = false; } /** * Method enumerateAnnotationElement. * * @return an Enumeration over all * jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement elements */ public java.util.Enumeration enumerateAnnotationElement() { return this._annotationElementList.elements(); } /** * Method getAnnotationElement. * * @param index * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException * if the index given is outside the bounds of the collection * @return the value of the jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement * at the given index */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement getAnnotationElement( final int index) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { // check bounds for index if (index < 0 || index >= this._annotationElementList.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "getAnnotationElement: Index value '" + index + "' not in range [0.." + (this._annotationElementList.size() - 1) + "]"); } return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement) _annotationElementList .get(index); } /** * Method getAnnotationElement.Returns the contents of the collection in an * Array. *

* Note: Just in case the collection contents are changing in another thread, * we pass a 0-length Array of the correct type into the API call. This way we * know that the Array returned is of exactly the correct length. * * @return this collection as an Array */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement[] getAnnotationElement() { jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement[] array = new jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement[0]; return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement[]) this._annotationElementList .toArray(array); } /** * Method getAnnotationElementCount. * * @return the size of this collection */ public int getAnnotationElementCount() { return this._annotationElementList.size(); } /** * Returns the value of field 'autoCalculated'. The field 'autoCalculated' has * the following description: is an autocalculated annotation row * * @return the value of field 'AutoCalculated'. */ public boolean getAutoCalculated() { return this._autoCalculated; } /** * Returns the value of field 'centreColLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'CentreColLabels'. */ public boolean getCentreColLabels() { return this._centreColLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'description'. * * @return the value of field 'Description'. */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { return this._description; } /** * Returns the value of field 'graph'. * * @return the value of field 'Graph'. */ public boolean getGraph() { return this._graph; } /** * Returns the value of field 'graphColour'. * * @return the value of field 'GraphColour'. */ public int getGraphColour() { return this._graphColour; } /** * Returns the value of field 'graphGroup'. * * @return the value of field 'GraphGroup'. */ public int getGraphGroup() { return this._graphGroup; } /** * Returns the value of field 'graphType'. * * @return the value of field 'GraphType'. */ public int getGraphType() { return this._graphType; } /** * Returns the value of field 'groupRef'. * * @return the value of field 'GroupRef'. */ public java.lang.String getGroupRef() { return this._groupRef; } /** * Returns the value of field 'id'. * * @return the value of field 'Id'. */ public java.lang.String getId() { return this._id; } /** * Returns the value of field 'label'. * * @return the value of field 'Label'. */ public java.lang.String getLabel() { return this._label; } /** * Returns the value of field 'scaleColLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'ScaleColLabels'. */ public boolean getScaleColLabels() { return this._scaleColLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'score'. * * @return the value of field 'Score'. */ public double getScore() { return this._score; } /** * Returns the value of field 'scoreOnly'. * * @return the value of field 'ScoreOnly'. */ public boolean getScoreOnly() { return this._scoreOnly; } /** * Returns the value of field 'sequenceRef'. * * @return the value of field 'SequenceRef'. */ public java.lang.String getSequenceRef() { return this._sequenceRef; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showAllColLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowAllColLabels'. */ public boolean getShowAllColLabels() { return this._showAllColLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'thresholdLine'. * * @return the value of field 'ThresholdLine'. */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.ThresholdLine getThresholdLine() { return this._thresholdLine; } /** * Returns the value of field 'visible'. * * @return the value of field 'Visible'. */ public boolean getVisible() { return this._visible; } /** * Method hasAutoCalculated. * * @return true if at least one AutoCalculated has been added */ public boolean hasAutoCalculated() { return this._has_autoCalculated; } /** * Method hasCentreColLabels. * * @return true if at least one CentreColLabels has been added */ public boolean hasCentreColLabels() { return this._has_centreColLabels; } /** * Method hasGraph. * * @return true if at least one Graph has been added */ public boolean hasGraph() { return this._has_graph; } /** * Method hasGraphColour. * * @return true if at least one GraphColour has been added */ public boolean hasGraphColour() { return this._has_graphColour; } /** * Method hasGraphGroup. * * @return true if at least one GraphGroup has been added */ public boolean hasGraphGroup() { return this._has_graphGroup; } /** * Method hasGraphType. * * @return true if at least one GraphType has been added */ public boolean hasGraphType() { return this._has_graphType; } /** * Method hasScaleColLabels. * * @return true if at least one ScaleColLabels has been added */ public boolean hasScaleColLabels() { return this._has_scaleColLabels; } /** * Method hasScore. * * @return true if at least one Score has been added */ public boolean hasScore() { return this._has_score; } /** * Method hasScoreOnly. * * @return true if at least one ScoreOnly has been added */ public boolean hasScoreOnly() { return this._has_scoreOnly; } /** * Method hasShowAllColLabels. * * @return true if at least one ShowAllColLabels has been added */ public boolean hasShowAllColLabels() { return this._has_showAllColLabels; } /** * Method hasVisible. * * @return true if at least one Visible has been added */ public boolean hasVisible() { return this._has_visible; } /** * Returns the value of field 'autoCalculated'. The field 'autoCalculated' has * the following description: is an autocalculated annotation row * * @return the value of field 'AutoCalculated'. */ public boolean isAutoCalculated() { return this._autoCalculated; } /** * Returns the value of field 'centreColLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'CentreColLabels'. */ public boolean isCentreColLabels() { return this._centreColLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'graph'. * * @return the value of field 'Graph'. */ public boolean isGraph() { return this._graph; } /** * Returns the value of field 'scaleColLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'ScaleColLabels'. */ public boolean isScaleColLabels() { return this._scaleColLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'scoreOnly'. * * @return the value of field 'ScoreOnly'. */ public boolean isScoreOnly() { return this._scoreOnly; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showAllColLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowAllColLabels'. */ public boolean isShowAllColLabels() { return this._showAllColLabels; } /** * Method isValid. * * @return true if this object is valid according to the schema */ public boolean isValid() { try { validate(); } catch (org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException vex) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the value of field 'visible'. * * @return the value of field 'Visible'. */ public boolean isVisible() { return this._visible; } /** * * * @param out * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException * if object is null or if any SAXException is thrown during * marshaling * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException * if this object is an invalid instance according to the schema */ public void marshal(final java.io.Writer out) throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { Marshaller.marshal(this, out); } /** * * * @param handler * @throws java.io.IOException * if an IOException occurs during marshaling * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException * if this object is an invalid instance according to the schema * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException * if object is null or if any SAXException is thrown during * marshaling */ public void marshal(final org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler) throws java.io.IOException, org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { Marshaller.marshal(this, handler); } /** */ public void removeAllAnnotationElement() { this._annotationElementList.clear(); } /** * Method removeAnnotationElement. * * @param vAnnotationElement * @return true if the object was removed from the collection. */ public boolean removeAnnotationElement( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement vAnnotationElement) { boolean removed = _annotationElementList.remove(vAnnotationElement); return removed; } /** * Method removeAnnotationElementAt. * * @param index * @return the element removed from the collection */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement removeAnnotationElementAt( final int index) { java.lang.Object obj = this._annotationElementList.remove(index); return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement) obj; } /** * * * @param index * @param vAnnotationElement * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException * if the index given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void setAnnotationElement( final int index, final jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement vAnnotationElement) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { // check bounds for index if (index < 0 || index >= this._annotationElementList.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "setAnnotationElement: Index value '" + index + "' not in range [0.." + (this._annotationElementList.size() - 1) + "]"); } this._annotationElementList.set(index, vAnnotationElement); } /** * * * @param vAnnotationElementArray */ public void setAnnotationElement( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationElement[] vAnnotationElementArray) { // -- copy array _annotationElementList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < vAnnotationElementArray.length; i++) { this._annotationElementList.add(vAnnotationElementArray[i]); } } /** * Sets the value of field 'autoCalculated'. The field 'autoCalculated' has * the following description: is an autocalculated annotation row * * @param autoCalculated * the value of field 'autoCalculated'. */ public void setAutoCalculated(final boolean autoCalculated) { this._autoCalculated = autoCalculated; this._has_autoCalculated = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'centreColLabels'. * * @param centreColLabels * the value of field 'centreColLabels'. */ public void setCentreColLabels(final boolean centreColLabels) { this._centreColLabels = centreColLabels; this._has_centreColLabels = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'description'. * * @param description * the value of field 'description'. */ public void setDescription(final java.lang.String description) { this._description = description; } /** * Sets the value of field 'graph'. * * @param graph * the value of field 'graph'. */ public void setGraph(final boolean graph) { this._graph = graph; this._has_graph = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'graphColour'. * * @param graphColour * the value of field 'graphColour'. */ public void setGraphColour(final int graphColour) { this._graphColour = graphColour; this._has_graphColour = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'graphGroup'. * * @param graphGroup * the value of field 'graphGroup'. */ public void setGraphGroup(final int graphGroup) { this._graphGroup = graphGroup; this._has_graphGroup = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'graphType'. * * @param graphType * the value of field 'graphType'. */ public void setGraphType(final int graphType) { this._graphType = graphType; this._has_graphType = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'groupRef'. * * @param groupRef * the value of field 'groupRef'. */ public void setGroupRef(final java.lang.String groupRef) { this._groupRef = groupRef; } /** * Sets the value of field 'id'. * * @param id * the value of field 'id'. */ public void setId(final java.lang.String id) { this._id = id; } /** * Sets the value of field 'label'. * * @param label * the value of field 'label'. */ public void setLabel(final java.lang.String label) { this._label = label; } /** * Sets the value of field 'scaleColLabels'. * * @param scaleColLabels * the value of field 'scaleColLabels'. */ public void setScaleColLabels(final boolean scaleColLabels) { this._scaleColLabels = scaleColLabels; this._has_scaleColLabels = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'score'. * * @param score * the value of field 'score'. */ public void setScore(final double score) { this._score = score; this._has_score = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'scoreOnly'. * * @param scoreOnly * the value of field 'scoreOnly'. */ public void setScoreOnly(final boolean scoreOnly) { this._scoreOnly = scoreOnly; this._has_scoreOnly = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'sequenceRef'. * * @param sequenceRef * the value of field 'sequenceRef'. */ public void setSequenceRef(final java.lang.String sequenceRef) { this._sequenceRef = sequenceRef; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showAllColLabels'. * * @param showAllColLabels * the value of field 'showAllColLabels' */ public void setShowAllColLabels(final boolean showAllColLabels) { this._showAllColLabels = showAllColLabels; this._has_showAllColLabels = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'thresholdLine'. * * @param thresholdLine * the value of field 'thresholdLine'. */ public void setThresholdLine( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.ThresholdLine thresholdLine) { this._thresholdLine = thresholdLine; } /** * Sets the value of field 'visible'. * * @param visible * the value of field 'visible'. */ public void setVisible(final boolean visible) { this._visible = visible; this._has_visible = true; } /** * Method unmarshal. * * @param reader * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException * if object is null or if any SAXException is thrown during * marshaling * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException * if this object is an invalid instance according to the schema * @return the unmarshaled jalview.schemabinding.version2.Annotation */ public static jalview.schemabinding.version2.Annotation unmarshal( final java.io.Reader reader) throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.Annotation) Unmarshaller .unmarshal(jalview.schemabinding.version2.Annotation.class, reader); } /** * * * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException * if this object is an invalid instance according to the schema */ public void validate() throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { org.exolab.castor.xml.Validator validator = new org.exolab.castor.xml.Validator(); validator.validate(this); } }