/* * This class was automatically generated with * Castor 1.1, using an XML * Schema. * $Id$ */ package jalview.schemabinding.version2; //---------------------------------/ //- Imported classes and packages -/ //---------------------------------/ import org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller; /** * Class Viewport. * * @version $Revision$ $Date$ */ public class Viewport implements java.io.Serializable { //--------------------------/ //- Class/Member Variables -/ //--------------------------/ /** * Field _conservationSelected. */ private boolean _conservationSelected; /** * keeps track of state for field: _conservationSelected */ private boolean _has_conservationSelected; /** * Field _pidSelected. */ private boolean _pidSelected; /** * keeps track of state for field: _pidSelected */ private boolean _has_pidSelected; /** * Field _bgColour. */ private java.lang.String _bgColour; /** * Field _consThreshold. */ private int _consThreshold; /** * keeps track of state for field: _consThreshold */ private boolean _has_consThreshold; /** * Field _pidThreshold. */ private int _pidThreshold; /** * keeps track of state for field: _pidThreshold */ private boolean _has_pidThreshold; /** * Field _title. */ private java.lang.String _title; /** * Field _showFullId. */ private boolean _showFullId; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showFullId */ private boolean _has_showFullId; /** * Field _rightAlignIds. */ private boolean _rightAlignIds; /** * keeps track of state for field: _rightAlignIds */ private boolean _has_rightAlignIds; /** * Field _showText. */ private boolean _showText; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showText */ private boolean _has_showText; /** * Field _showColourText. */ private boolean _showColourText; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showColourText */ private boolean _has_showColourText; /** * Field _showUnconserved. */ private boolean _showUnconserved = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showUnconserved */ private boolean _has_showUnconserved; /** * Field _showBoxes. */ private boolean _showBoxes; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showBoxes */ private boolean _has_showBoxes; /** * Field _wrapAlignment. */ private boolean _wrapAlignment; /** * keeps track of state for field: _wrapAlignment */ private boolean _has_wrapAlignment; /** * Field _renderGaps. */ private boolean _renderGaps; /** * keeps track of state for field: _renderGaps */ private boolean _has_renderGaps; /** * Field _showSequenceFeatures. */ private boolean _showSequenceFeatures; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showSequenceFeatures */ private boolean _has_showSequenceFeatures; /** * Field _showNPfeatureTooltip. */ private boolean _showNPfeatureTooltip; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showNPfeatureTooltip */ private boolean _has_showNPfeatureTooltip; /** * Field _showDbRefTooltip. */ private boolean _showDbRefTooltip; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showDbRefTooltip */ private boolean _has_showDbRefTooltip; /** * Field _followHighlight. */ private boolean _followHighlight = true; /** * keeps track of state for field: _followHighlight */ private boolean _has_followHighlight; /** * Field _followSelection. */ private boolean _followSelection = true; /** * keeps track of state for field: _followSelection */ private boolean _has_followSelection; /** * Field _showAnnotation. */ private boolean _showAnnotation; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showAnnotation */ private boolean _has_showAnnotation; /** * Field _centreColumnLabels. */ private boolean _centreColumnLabels = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _centreColumnLabels */ private boolean _has_centreColumnLabels; /** * Field _showGroupConservation. */ private boolean _showGroupConservation = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showGroupConservation */ private boolean _has_showGroupConservation; /** * Field _showGroupConsensus. */ private boolean _showGroupConsensus = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showGroupConsensus */ private boolean _has_showGroupConsensus; /** * Field _showConsensusHistogram. */ private boolean _showConsensusHistogram = true; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showConsensusHistogram */ private boolean _has_showConsensusHistogram; /** * Field _showSequenceLogo. */ private boolean _showSequenceLogo = false; /** * keeps track of state for field: _showSequenceLogo */ private boolean _has_showSequenceLogo; /** * Field _ignoreGapsinConsensus. */ private boolean _ignoreGapsinConsensus = true; /** * keeps track of state for field: _ignoreGapsinConsensus */ private boolean _has_ignoreGapsinConsensus; /** * Field _startRes. */ private int _startRes; /** * keeps track of state for field: _startRes */ private boolean _has_startRes; /** * Field _startSeq. */ private int _startSeq; /** * keeps track of state for field: _startSeq */ private boolean _has_startSeq; /** * Field _fontName. */ private java.lang.String _fontName; /** * Field _fontSize. */ private int _fontSize; /** * keeps track of state for field: _fontSize */ private boolean _has_fontSize; /** * Field _fontStyle. */ private int _fontStyle; /** * keeps track of state for field: _fontStyle */ private boolean _has_fontStyle; /** * Field _viewName. */ private java.lang.String _viewName; /** * Field _sequenceSetId. */ private java.lang.String _sequenceSetId; /** * Field _gatheredViews. */ private boolean _gatheredViews; /** * keeps track of state for field: _gatheredViews */ private boolean _has_gatheredViews; /** * Field _textCol1. */ private int _textCol1; /** * keeps track of state for field: _textCol1 */ private boolean _has_textCol1; /** * Field _textCol2. */ private int _textCol2; /** * keeps track of state for field: _textCol2 */ private boolean _has_textCol2; /** * Field _textColThreshold. */ private int _textColThreshold; /** * keeps track of state for field: _textColThreshold */ private boolean _has_textColThreshold; /** * unique id used by jalview to * synchronize between stored and * instantiated views * */ private java.lang.String _id; /** * Field _width. */ private int _width; /** * keeps track of state for field: _width */ private boolean _has_width; /** * Field _height. */ private int _height; /** * keeps track of state for field: _height */ private boolean _has_height; /** * Field _xpos. */ private int _xpos; /** * keeps track of state for field: _xpos */ private boolean _has_xpos; /** * Field _ypos. */ private int _ypos; /** * keeps track of state for field: _ypos */ private boolean _has_ypos; /** * Field _annotationColours. */ private jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationColours _annotationColours; /** * Field _hiddenColumnsList. */ private java.util.Vector _hiddenColumnsList; /** * Field _calcIdParamList. */ private java.util.Vector _calcIdParamList; //----------------/ //- Constructors -/ //----------------/ public Viewport() { super(); this._hiddenColumnsList = new java.util.Vector(); this._calcIdParamList = new java.util.Vector(); } //-----------/ //- Methods -/ //-----------/ /** * * * @param vCalcIdParam * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void addCalcIdParam( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam vCalcIdParam) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { this._calcIdParamList.addElement(vCalcIdParam); } /** * * * @param index * @param vCalcIdParam * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void addCalcIdParam( final int index, final jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam vCalcIdParam) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { this._calcIdParamList.add(index, vCalcIdParam); } /** * * * @param vHiddenColumns * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void addHiddenColumns( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns vHiddenColumns) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { this._hiddenColumnsList.addElement(vHiddenColumns); } /** * * * @param index * @param vHiddenColumns * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void addHiddenColumns( final int index, final jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns vHiddenColumns) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { this._hiddenColumnsList.add(index, vHiddenColumns); } /** */ public void deleteCentreColumnLabels( ) { this._has_centreColumnLabels= false; } /** */ public void deleteConsThreshold( ) { this._has_consThreshold= false; } /** */ public void deleteConservationSelected( ) { this._has_conservationSelected= false; } /** */ public void deleteFollowHighlight( ) { this._has_followHighlight= false; } /** */ public void deleteFollowSelection( ) { this._has_followSelection= false; } /** */ public void deleteFontSize( ) { this._has_fontSize= false; } /** */ public void deleteFontStyle( ) { this._has_fontStyle= false; } /** */ public void deleteGatheredViews( ) { this._has_gatheredViews= false; } /** */ public void deleteHeight( ) { this._has_height= false; } /** */ public void deleteIgnoreGapsinConsensus( ) { this._has_ignoreGapsinConsensus= false; } /** */ public void deletePidSelected( ) { this._has_pidSelected= false; } /** */ public void deletePidThreshold( ) { this._has_pidThreshold= false; } /** */ public void deleteRenderGaps( ) { this._has_renderGaps= false; } /** */ public void deleteRightAlignIds( ) { this._has_rightAlignIds= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowAnnotation( ) { this._has_showAnnotation= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowBoxes( ) { this._has_showBoxes= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowColourText( ) { this._has_showColourText= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowConsensusHistogram( ) { this._has_showConsensusHistogram= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowDbRefTooltip( ) { this._has_showDbRefTooltip= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowFullId( ) { this._has_showFullId= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowGroupConsensus( ) { this._has_showGroupConsensus= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowGroupConservation( ) { this._has_showGroupConservation= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowNPfeatureTooltip( ) { this._has_showNPfeatureTooltip= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowSequenceFeatures( ) { this._has_showSequenceFeatures= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowSequenceLogo( ) { this._has_showSequenceLogo= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowText( ) { this._has_showText= false; } /** */ public void deleteShowUnconserved( ) { this._has_showUnconserved= false; } /** */ public void deleteStartRes( ) { this._has_startRes= false; } /** */ public void deleteStartSeq( ) { this._has_startSeq= false; } /** */ public void deleteTextCol1( ) { this._has_textCol1= false; } /** */ public void deleteTextCol2( ) { this._has_textCol2= false; } /** */ public void deleteTextColThreshold( ) { this._has_textColThreshold= false; } /** */ public void deleteWidth( ) { this._has_width= false; } /** */ public void deleteWrapAlignment( ) { this._has_wrapAlignment= false; } /** */ public void deleteXpos( ) { this._has_xpos= false; } /** */ public void deleteYpos( ) { this._has_ypos= false; } /** * Method enumerateCalcIdParam. * * @return an Enumeration over all * jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam elements */ public java.util.Enumeration enumerateCalcIdParam( ) { return this._calcIdParamList.elements(); } /** * Method enumerateHiddenColumns. * * @return an Enumeration over all * jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns elements */ public java.util.Enumeration enumerateHiddenColumns( ) { return this._hiddenColumnsList.elements(); } /** * Returns the value of field 'annotationColours'. * * @return the value of field 'AnnotationColours'. */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationColours getAnnotationColours( ) { return this._annotationColours; } /** * Returns the value of field 'bgColour'. * * @return the value of field 'BgColour'. */ public java.lang.String getBgColour( ) { return this._bgColour; } /** * Method getCalcIdParam. * * @param index * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection * @return the value of the * jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam at the given index */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam getCalcIdParam( final int index) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { // check bounds for index if (index < 0 || index >= this._calcIdParamList.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("getCalcIdParam: Index value '" + index + "' not in range [0.." + (this._calcIdParamList.size() - 1) + "]"); } return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam) _calcIdParamList.get(index); } /** * Method getCalcIdParam.Returns the contents of the collection * in an Array.

Note: Just in case the collection contents * are changing in another thread, we pass a 0-length Array of * the correct type into the API call. This way we know * that the Array returned is of exactly the correct length. * * @return this collection as an Array */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam[] getCalcIdParam( ) { jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam[] array = new jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam[0]; return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam[]) this._calcIdParamList.toArray(array); } /** * Method getCalcIdParamCount. * * @return the size of this collection */ public int getCalcIdParamCount( ) { return this._calcIdParamList.size(); } /** * Returns the value of field 'centreColumnLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'CentreColumnLabels'. */ public boolean getCentreColumnLabels( ) { return this._centreColumnLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'consThreshold'. * * @return the value of field 'ConsThreshold'. */ public int getConsThreshold( ) { return this._consThreshold; } /** * Returns the value of field 'conservationSelected'. * * @return the value of field 'ConservationSelected'. */ public boolean getConservationSelected( ) { return this._conservationSelected; } /** * Returns the value of field 'followHighlight'. * * @return the value of field 'FollowHighlight'. */ public boolean getFollowHighlight( ) { return this._followHighlight; } /** * Returns the value of field 'followSelection'. * * @return the value of field 'FollowSelection'. */ public boolean getFollowSelection( ) { return this._followSelection; } /** * Returns the value of field 'fontName'. * * @return the value of field 'FontName'. */ public java.lang.String getFontName( ) { return this._fontName; } /** * Returns the value of field 'fontSize'. * * @return the value of field 'FontSize'. */ public int getFontSize( ) { return this._fontSize; } /** * Returns the value of field 'fontStyle'. * * @return the value of field 'FontStyle'. */ public int getFontStyle( ) { return this._fontStyle; } /** * Returns the value of field 'gatheredViews'. * * @return the value of field 'GatheredViews'. */ public boolean getGatheredViews( ) { return this._gatheredViews; } /** * Returns the value of field 'height'. * * @return the value of field 'Height'. */ public int getHeight( ) { return this._height; } /** * Method getHiddenColumns. * * @param index * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection * @return the value of the * jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns at the given * index */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns getHiddenColumns( final int index) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { // check bounds for index if (index < 0 || index >= this._hiddenColumnsList.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("getHiddenColumns: Index value '" + index + "' not in range [0.." + (this._hiddenColumnsList.size() - 1) + "]"); } return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns) _hiddenColumnsList.get(index); } /** * Method getHiddenColumns.Returns the contents of the * collection in an Array.

Note: Just in case the * collection contents are changing in another thread, we pass * a 0-length Array of the correct type into the API call. * This way we know that the Array returned is of * exactly the correct length. * * @return this collection as an Array */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns[] getHiddenColumns( ) { jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns[] array = new jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns[0]; return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns[]) this._hiddenColumnsList.toArray(array); } /** * Method getHiddenColumnsCount. * * @return the size of this collection */ public int getHiddenColumnsCount( ) { return this._hiddenColumnsList.size(); } /** * Returns the value of field 'id'. The field 'id' has the * following description: unique id used by jalview to * synchronize between stored and * instantiated views * * * @return the value of field 'Id'. */ public java.lang.String getId( ) { return this._id; } /** * Returns the value of field 'ignoreGapsinConsensus'. * * @return the value of field 'IgnoreGapsinConsensus'. */ public boolean getIgnoreGapsinConsensus( ) { return this._ignoreGapsinConsensus; } /** * Returns the value of field 'pidSelected'. * * @return the value of field 'PidSelected'. */ public boolean getPidSelected( ) { return this._pidSelected; } /** * Returns the value of field 'pidThreshold'. * * @return the value of field 'PidThreshold'. */ public int getPidThreshold( ) { return this._pidThreshold; } /** * Returns the value of field 'renderGaps'. * * @return the value of field 'RenderGaps'. */ public boolean getRenderGaps( ) { return this._renderGaps; } /** * Returns the value of field 'rightAlignIds'. * * @return the value of field 'RightAlignIds'. */ public boolean getRightAlignIds( ) { return this._rightAlignIds; } /** * Returns the value of field 'sequenceSetId'. * * @return the value of field 'SequenceSetId'. */ public java.lang.String getSequenceSetId( ) { return this._sequenceSetId; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showAnnotation'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowAnnotation'. */ public boolean getShowAnnotation( ) { return this._showAnnotation; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showBoxes'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowBoxes'. */ public boolean getShowBoxes( ) { return this._showBoxes; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showColourText'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowColourText'. */ public boolean getShowColourText( ) { return this._showColourText; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showConsensusHistogram'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowConsensusHistogram'. */ public boolean getShowConsensusHistogram( ) { return this._showConsensusHistogram; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showDbRefTooltip'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowDbRefTooltip'. */ public boolean getShowDbRefTooltip( ) { return this._showDbRefTooltip; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showFullId'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowFullId'. */ public boolean getShowFullId( ) { return this._showFullId; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showGroupConsensus'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowGroupConsensus'. */ public boolean getShowGroupConsensus( ) { return this._showGroupConsensus; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showGroupConservation'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowGroupConservation'. */ public boolean getShowGroupConservation( ) { return this._showGroupConservation; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showNPfeatureTooltip'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowNPfeatureTooltip'. */ public boolean getShowNPfeatureTooltip( ) { return this._showNPfeatureTooltip; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showSequenceFeatures'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowSequenceFeatures'. */ public boolean getShowSequenceFeatures( ) { return this._showSequenceFeatures; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showSequenceLogo'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowSequenceLogo'. */ public boolean getShowSequenceLogo( ) { return this._showSequenceLogo; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showText'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowText'. */ public boolean getShowText( ) { return this._showText; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showUnconserved'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowUnconserved'. */ public boolean getShowUnconserved( ) { return this._showUnconserved; } /** * Returns the value of field 'startRes'. * * @return the value of field 'StartRes'. */ public int getStartRes( ) { return this._startRes; } /** * Returns the value of field 'startSeq'. * * @return the value of field 'StartSeq'. */ public int getStartSeq( ) { return this._startSeq; } /** * Returns the value of field 'textCol1'. * * @return the value of field 'TextCol1'. */ public int getTextCol1( ) { return this._textCol1; } /** * Returns the value of field 'textCol2'. * * @return the value of field 'TextCol2'. */ public int getTextCol2( ) { return this._textCol2; } /** * Returns the value of field 'textColThreshold'. * * @return the value of field 'TextColThreshold'. */ public int getTextColThreshold( ) { return this._textColThreshold; } /** * Returns the value of field 'title'. * * @return the value of field 'Title'. */ public java.lang.String getTitle( ) { return this._title; } /** * Returns the value of field 'viewName'. * * @return the value of field 'ViewName'. */ public java.lang.String getViewName( ) { return this._viewName; } /** * Returns the value of field 'width'. * * @return the value of field 'Width'. */ public int getWidth( ) { return this._width; } /** * Returns the value of field 'wrapAlignment'. * * @return the value of field 'WrapAlignment'. */ public boolean getWrapAlignment( ) { return this._wrapAlignment; } /** * Returns the value of field 'xpos'. * * @return the value of field 'Xpos'. */ public int getXpos( ) { return this._xpos; } /** * Returns the value of field 'ypos'. * * @return the value of field 'Ypos'. */ public int getYpos( ) { return this._ypos; } /** * Method hasCentreColumnLabels. * * @return true if at least one CentreColumnLabels has been adde */ public boolean hasCentreColumnLabels( ) { return this._has_centreColumnLabels; } /** * Method hasConsThreshold. * * @return true if at least one ConsThreshold has been added */ public boolean hasConsThreshold( ) { return this._has_consThreshold; } /** * Method hasConservationSelected. * * @return true if at least one ConservationSelected has been * added */ public boolean hasConservationSelected( ) { return this._has_conservationSelected; } /** * Method hasFollowHighlight. * * @return true if at least one FollowHighlight has been added */ public boolean hasFollowHighlight( ) { return this._has_followHighlight; } /** * Method hasFollowSelection. * * @return true if at least one FollowSelection has been added */ public boolean hasFollowSelection( ) { return this._has_followSelection; } /** * Method hasFontSize. * * @return true if at least one FontSize has been added */ public boolean hasFontSize( ) { return this._has_fontSize; } /** * Method hasFontStyle. * * @return true if at least one FontStyle has been added */ public boolean hasFontStyle( ) { return this._has_fontStyle; } /** * Method hasGatheredViews. * * @return true if at least one GatheredViews has been added */ public boolean hasGatheredViews( ) { return this._has_gatheredViews; } /** * Method hasHeight. * * @return true if at least one Height has been added */ public boolean hasHeight( ) { return this._has_height; } /** * Method hasIgnoreGapsinConsensus. * * @return true if at least one IgnoreGapsinConsensus has been * added */ public boolean hasIgnoreGapsinConsensus( ) { return this._has_ignoreGapsinConsensus; } /** * Method hasPidSelected. * * @return true if at least one PidSelected has been added */ public boolean hasPidSelected( ) { return this._has_pidSelected; } /** * Method hasPidThreshold. * * @return true if at least one PidThreshold has been added */ public boolean hasPidThreshold( ) { return this._has_pidThreshold; } /** * Method hasRenderGaps. * * @return true if at least one RenderGaps has been added */ public boolean hasRenderGaps( ) { return this._has_renderGaps; } /** * Method hasRightAlignIds. * * @return true if at least one RightAlignIds has been added */ public boolean hasRightAlignIds( ) { return this._has_rightAlignIds; } /** * Method hasShowAnnotation. * * @return true if at least one ShowAnnotation has been added */ public boolean hasShowAnnotation( ) { return this._has_showAnnotation; } /** * Method hasShowBoxes. * * @return true if at least one ShowBoxes has been added */ public boolean hasShowBoxes( ) { return this._has_showBoxes; } /** * Method hasShowColourText. * * @return true if at least one ShowColourText has been added */ public boolean hasShowColourText( ) { return this._has_showColourText; } /** * Method hasShowConsensusHistogram. * * @return true if at least one ShowConsensusHistogram has been * added */ public boolean hasShowConsensusHistogram( ) { return this._has_showConsensusHistogram; } /** * Method hasShowDbRefTooltip. * * @return true if at least one ShowDbRefTooltip has been added */ public boolean hasShowDbRefTooltip( ) { return this._has_showDbRefTooltip; } /** * Method hasShowFullId. * * @return true if at least one ShowFullId has been added */ public boolean hasShowFullId( ) { return this._has_showFullId; } /** * Method hasShowGroupConsensus. * * @return true if at least one ShowGroupConsensus has been adde */ public boolean hasShowGroupConsensus( ) { return this._has_showGroupConsensus; } /** * Method hasShowGroupConservation. * * @return true if at least one ShowGroupConservation has been * added */ public boolean hasShowGroupConservation( ) { return this._has_showGroupConservation; } /** * Method hasShowNPfeatureTooltip. * * @return true if at least one ShowNPfeatureTooltip has been * added */ public boolean hasShowNPfeatureTooltip( ) { return this._has_showNPfeatureTooltip; } /** * Method hasShowSequenceFeatures. * * @return true if at least one ShowSequenceFeatures has been * added */ public boolean hasShowSequenceFeatures( ) { return this._has_showSequenceFeatures; } /** * Method hasShowSequenceLogo. * * @return true if at least one ShowSequenceLogo has been added */ public boolean hasShowSequenceLogo( ) { return this._has_showSequenceLogo; } /** * Method hasShowText. * * @return true if at least one ShowText has been added */ public boolean hasShowText( ) { return this._has_showText; } /** * Method hasShowUnconserved. * * @return true if at least one ShowUnconserved has been added */ public boolean hasShowUnconserved( ) { return this._has_showUnconserved; } /** * Method hasStartRes. * * @return true if at least one StartRes has been added */ public boolean hasStartRes( ) { return this._has_startRes; } /** * Method hasStartSeq. * * @return true if at least one StartSeq has been added */ public boolean hasStartSeq( ) { return this._has_startSeq; } /** * Method hasTextCol1. * * @return true if at least one TextCol1 has been added */ public boolean hasTextCol1( ) { return this._has_textCol1; } /** * Method hasTextCol2. * * @return true if at least one TextCol2 has been added */ public boolean hasTextCol2( ) { return this._has_textCol2; } /** * Method hasTextColThreshold. * * @return true if at least one TextColThreshold has been added */ public boolean hasTextColThreshold( ) { return this._has_textColThreshold; } /** * Method hasWidth. * * @return true if at least one Width has been added */ public boolean hasWidth( ) { return this._has_width; } /** * Method hasWrapAlignment. * * @return true if at least one WrapAlignment has been added */ public boolean hasWrapAlignment( ) { return this._has_wrapAlignment; } /** * Method hasXpos. * * @return true if at least one Xpos has been added */ public boolean hasXpos( ) { return this._has_xpos; } /** * Method hasYpos. * * @return true if at least one Ypos has been added */ public boolean hasYpos( ) { return this._has_ypos; } /** * Returns the value of field 'centreColumnLabels'. * * @return the value of field 'CentreColumnLabels'. */ public boolean isCentreColumnLabels( ) { return this._centreColumnLabels; } /** * Returns the value of field 'conservationSelected'. * * @return the value of field 'ConservationSelected'. */ public boolean isConservationSelected( ) { return this._conservationSelected; } /** * Returns the value of field 'followHighlight'. * * @return the value of field 'FollowHighlight'. */ public boolean isFollowHighlight( ) { return this._followHighlight; } /** * Returns the value of field 'followSelection'. * * @return the value of field 'FollowSelection'. */ public boolean isFollowSelection( ) { return this._followSelection; } /** * Returns the value of field 'gatheredViews'. * * @return the value of field 'GatheredViews'. */ public boolean isGatheredViews( ) { return this._gatheredViews; } /** * Returns the value of field 'ignoreGapsinConsensus'. * * @return the value of field 'IgnoreGapsinConsensus'. */ public boolean isIgnoreGapsinConsensus( ) { return this._ignoreGapsinConsensus; } /** * Returns the value of field 'pidSelected'. * * @return the value of field 'PidSelected'. */ public boolean isPidSelected( ) { return this._pidSelected; } /** * Returns the value of field 'renderGaps'. * * @return the value of field 'RenderGaps'. */ public boolean isRenderGaps( ) { return this._renderGaps; } /** * Returns the value of field 'rightAlignIds'. * * @return the value of field 'RightAlignIds'. */ public boolean isRightAlignIds( ) { return this._rightAlignIds; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showAnnotation'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowAnnotation'. */ public boolean isShowAnnotation( ) { return this._showAnnotation; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showBoxes'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowBoxes'. */ public boolean isShowBoxes( ) { return this._showBoxes; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showColourText'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowColourText'. */ public boolean isShowColourText( ) { return this._showColourText; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showConsensusHistogram'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowConsensusHistogram'. */ public boolean isShowConsensusHistogram( ) { return this._showConsensusHistogram; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showDbRefTooltip'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowDbRefTooltip'. */ public boolean isShowDbRefTooltip( ) { return this._showDbRefTooltip; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showFullId'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowFullId'. */ public boolean isShowFullId( ) { return this._showFullId; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showGroupConsensus'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowGroupConsensus'. */ public boolean isShowGroupConsensus( ) { return this._showGroupConsensus; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showGroupConservation'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowGroupConservation'. */ public boolean isShowGroupConservation( ) { return this._showGroupConservation; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showNPfeatureTooltip'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowNPfeatureTooltip'. */ public boolean isShowNPfeatureTooltip( ) { return this._showNPfeatureTooltip; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showSequenceFeatures'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowSequenceFeatures'. */ public boolean isShowSequenceFeatures( ) { return this._showSequenceFeatures; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showSequenceLogo'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowSequenceLogo'. */ public boolean isShowSequenceLogo( ) { return this._showSequenceLogo; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showText'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowText'. */ public boolean isShowText( ) { return this._showText; } /** * Returns the value of field 'showUnconserved'. * * @return the value of field 'ShowUnconserved'. */ public boolean isShowUnconserved( ) { return this._showUnconserved; } /** * Method isValid. * * @return true if this object is valid according to the schema */ public boolean isValid( ) { try { validate(); } catch (org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException vex) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the value of field 'wrapAlignment'. * * @return the value of field 'WrapAlignment'. */ public boolean isWrapAlignment( ) { return this._wrapAlignment; } /** * * * @param out * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException if object is * null or if any SAXException is thrown during marshaling * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if this * object is an invalid instance according to the schema */ public void marshal( final java.io.Writer out) throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { Marshaller.marshal(this, out); } /** * * * @param handler * @throws java.io.IOException if an IOException occurs during * marshaling * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if this * object is an invalid instance according to the schema * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException if object is * null or if any SAXException is thrown during marshaling */ public void marshal( final org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler) throws java.io.IOException, org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { Marshaller.marshal(this, handler); } /** */ public void removeAllCalcIdParam( ) { this._calcIdParamList.clear(); } /** */ public void removeAllHiddenColumns( ) { this._hiddenColumnsList.clear(); } /** * Method removeCalcIdParam. * * @param vCalcIdParam * @return true if the object was removed from the collection. */ public boolean removeCalcIdParam( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam vCalcIdParam) { boolean removed = _calcIdParamList.remove(vCalcIdParam); return removed; } /** * Method removeCalcIdParamAt. * * @param index * @return the element removed from the collection */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam removeCalcIdParamAt( final int index) { java.lang.Object obj = this._calcIdParamList.remove(index); return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam) obj; } /** * Method removeHiddenColumns. * * @param vHiddenColumns * @return true if the object was removed from the collection. */ public boolean removeHiddenColumns( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns vHiddenColumns) { boolean removed = _hiddenColumnsList.remove(vHiddenColumns); return removed; } /** * Method removeHiddenColumnsAt. * * @param index * @return the element removed from the collection */ public jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns removeHiddenColumnsAt( final int index) { java.lang.Object obj = this._hiddenColumnsList.remove(index); return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns) obj; } /** * Sets the value of field 'annotationColours'. * * @param annotationColours the value of field * 'annotationColours'. */ public void setAnnotationColours( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.AnnotationColours annotationColours) { this._annotationColours = annotationColours; } /** * Sets the value of field 'bgColour'. * * @param bgColour the value of field 'bgColour'. */ public void setBgColour( final java.lang.String bgColour) { this._bgColour = bgColour; } /** * * * @param index * @param vCalcIdParam * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void setCalcIdParam( final int index, final jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam vCalcIdParam) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { // check bounds for index if (index < 0 || index >= this._calcIdParamList.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("setCalcIdParam: Index value '" + index + "' not in range [0.." + (this._calcIdParamList.size() - 1) + "]"); } this._calcIdParamList.set(index, vCalcIdParam); } /** * * * @param vCalcIdParamArray */ public void setCalcIdParam( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.CalcIdParam[] vCalcIdParamArray) { //-- copy array _calcIdParamList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < vCalcIdParamArray.length; i++) { this._calcIdParamList.add(vCalcIdParamArray[i]); } } /** * Sets the value of field 'centreColumnLabels'. * * @param centreColumnLabels the value of field * 'centreColumnLabels'. */ public void setCentreColumnLabels( final boolean centreColumnLabels) { this._centreColumnLabels = centreColumnLabels; this._has_centreColumnLabels = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'consThreshold'. * * @param consThreshold the value of field 'consThreshold'. */ public void setConsThreshold( final int consThreshold) { this._consThreshold = consThreshold; this._has_consThreshold = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'conservationSelected'. * * @param conservationSelected the value of field * 'conservationSelected'. */ public void setConservationSelected( final boolean conservationSelected) { this._conservationSelected = conservationSelected; this._has_conservationSelected = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'followHighlight'. * * @param followHighlight the value of field 'followHighlight'. */ public void setFollowHighlight( final boolean followHighlight) { this._followHighlight = followHighlight; this._has_followHighlight = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'followSelection'. * * @param followSelection the value of field 'followSelection'. */ public void setFollowSelection( final boolean followSelection) { this._followSelection = followSelection; this._has_followSelection = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'fontName'. * * @param fontName the value of field 'fontName'. */ public void setFontName( final java.lang.String fontName) { this._fontName = fontName; } /** * Sets the value of field 'fontSize'. * * @param fontSize the value of field 'fontSize'. */ public void setFontSize( final int fontSize) { this._fontSize = fontSize; this._has_fontSize = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'fontStyle'. * * @param fontStyle the value of field 'fontStyle'. */ public void setFontStyle( final int fontStyle) { this._fontStyle = fontStyle; this._has_fontStyle = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'gatheredViews'. * * @param gatheredViews the value of field 'gatheredViews'. */ public void setGatheredViews( final boolean gatheredViews) { this._gatheredViews = gatheredViews; this._has_gatheredViews = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'height'. * * @param height the value of field 'height'. */ public void setHeight( final int height) { this._height = height; this._has_height = true; } /** * * * @param index * @param vHiddenColumns * @throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index * given is outside the bounds of the collection */ public void setHiddenColumns( final int index, final jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns vHiddenColumns) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException { // check bounds for index if (index < 0 || index >= this._hiddenColumnsList.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("setHiddenColumns: Index value '" + index + "' not in range [0.." + (this._hiddenColumnsList.size() - 1) + "]"); } this._hiddenColumnsList.set(index, vHiddenColumns); } /** * * * @param vHiddenColumnsArray */ public void setHiddenColumns( final jalview.schemabinding.version2.HiddenColumns[] vHiddenColumnsArray) { //-- copy array _hiddenColumnsList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < vHiddenColumnsArray.length; i++) { this._hiddenColumnsList.add(vHiddenColumnsArray[i]); } } /** * Sets the value of field 'id'. The field 'id' has the * following description: unique id used by jalview to * synchronize between stored and * instantiated views * * * @param id the value of field 'id'. */ public void setId( final java.lang.String id) { this._id = id; } /** * Sets the value of field 'ignoreGapsinConsensus'. * * @param ignoreGapsinConsensus the value of field * 'ignoreGapsinConsensus'. */ public void setIgnoreGapsinConsensus( final boolean ignoreGapsinConsensus) { this._ignoreGapsinConsensus = ignoreGapsinConsensus; this._has_ignoreGapsinConsensus = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'pidSelected'. * * @param pidSelected the value of field 'pidSelected'. */ public void setPidSelected( final boolean pidSelected) { this._pidSelected = pidSelected; this._has_pidSelected = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'pidThreshold'. * * @param pidThreshold the value of field 'pidThreshold'. */ public void setPidThreshold( final int pidThreshold) { this._pidThreshold = pidThreshold; this._has_pidThreshold = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'renderGaps'. * * @param renderGaps the value of field 'renderGaps'. */ public void setRenderGaps( final boolean renderGaps) { this._renderGaps = renderGaps; this._has_renderGaps = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'rightAlignIds'. * * @param rightAlignIds the value of field 'rightAlignIds'. */ public void setRightAlignIds( final boolean rightAlignIds) { this._rightAlignIds = rightAlignIds; this._has_rightAlignIds = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'sequenceSetId'. * * @param sequenceSetId the value of field 'sequenceSetId'. */ public void setSequenceSetId( final java.lang.String sequenceSetId) { this._sequenceSetId = sequenceSetId; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showAnnotation'. * * @param showAnnotation the value of field 'showAnnotation'. */ public void setShowAnnotation( final boolean showAnnotation) { this._showAnnotation = showAnnotation; this._has_showAnnotation = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showBoxes'. * * @param showBoxes the value of field 'showBoxes'. */ public void setShowBoxes( final boolean showBoxes) { this._showBoxes = showBoxes; this._has_showBoxes = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showColourText'. * * @param showColourText the value of field 'showColourText'. */ public void setShowColourText( final boolean showColourText) { this._showColourText = showColourText; this._has_showColourText = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showConsensusHistogram'. * * @param showConsensusHistogram the value of field * 'showConsensusHistogram'. */ public void setShowConsensusHistogram( final boolean showConsensusHistogram) { this._showConsensusHistogram = showConsensusHistogram; this._has_showConsensusHistogram = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showDbRefTooltip'. * * @param showDbRefTooltip the value of field 'showDbRefTooltip' */ public void setShowDbRefTooltip( final boolean showDbRefTooltip) { this._showDbRefTooltip = showDbRefTooltip; this._has_showDbRefTooltip = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showFullId'. * * @param showFullId the value of field 'showFullId'. */ public void setShowFullId( final boolean showFullId) { this._showFullId = showFullId; this._has_showFullId = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showGroupConsensus'. * * @param showGroupConsensus the value of field * 'showGroupConsensus'. */ public void setShowGroupConsensus( final boolean showGroupConsensus) { this._showGroupConsensus = showGroupConsensus; this._has_showGroupConsensus = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showGroupConservation'. * * @param showGroupConservation the value of field * 'showGroupConservation'. */ public void setShowGroupConservation( final boolean showGroupConservation) { this._showGroupConservation = showGroupConservation; this._has_showGroupConservation = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showNPfeatureTooltip'. * * @param showNPfeatureTooltip the value of field * 'showNPfeatureTooltip'. */ public void setShowNPfeatureTooltip( final boolean showNPfeatureTooltip) { this._showNPfeatureTooltip = showNPfeatureTooltip; this._has_showNPfeatureTooltip = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showSequenceFeatures'. * * @param showSequenceFeatures the value of field * 'showSequenceFeatures'. */ public void setShowSequenceFeatures( final boolean showSequenceFeatures) { this._showSequenceFeatures = showSequenceFeatures; this._has_showSequenceFeatures = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showSequenceLogo'. * * @param showSequenceLogo the value of field 'showSequenceLogo' */ public void setShowSequenceLogo( final boolean showSequenceLogo) { this._showSequenceLogo = showSequenceLogo; this._has_showSequenceLogo = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showText'. * * @param showText the value of field 'showText'. */ public void setShowText( final boolean showText) { this._showText = showText; this._has_showText = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'showUnconserved'. * * @param showUnconserved the value of field 'showUnconserved'. */ public void setShowUnconserved( final boolean showUnconserved) { this._showUnconserved = showUnconserved; this._has_showUnconserved = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'startRes'. * * @param startRes the value of field 'startRes'. */ public void setStartRes( final int startRes) { this._startRes = startRes; this._has_startRes = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'startSeq'. * * @param startSeq the value of field 'startSeq'. */ public void setStartSeq( final int startSeq) { this._startSeq = startSeq; this._has_startSeq = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'textCol1'. * * @param textCol1 the value of field 'textCol1'. */ public void setTextCol1( final int textCol1) { this._textCol1 = textCol1; this._has_textCol1 = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'textCol2'. * * @param textCol2 the value of field 'textCol2'. */ public void setTextCol2( final int textCol2) { this._textCol2 = textCol2; this._has_textCol2 = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'textColThreshold'. * * @param textColThreshold the value of field 'textColThreshold' */ public void setTextColThreshold( final int textColThreshold) { this._textColThreshold = textColThreshold; this._has_textColThreshold = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'title'. * * @param title the value of field 'title'. */ public void setTitle( final java.lang.String title) { this._title = title; } /** * Sets the value of field 'viewName'. * * @param viewName the value of field 'viewName'. */ public void setViewName( final java.lang.String viewName) { this._viewName = viewName; } /** * Sets the value of field 'width'. * * @param width the value of field 'width'. */ public void setWidth( final int width) { this._width = width; this._has_width = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'wrapAlignment'. * * @param wrapAlignment the value of field 'wrapAlignment'. */ public void setWrapAlignment( final boolean wrapAlignment) { this._wrapAlignment = wrapAlignment; this._has_wrapAlignment = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'xpos'. * * @param xpos the value of field 'xpos'. */ public void setXpos( final int xpos) { this._xpos = xpos; this._has_xpos = true; } /** * Sets the value of field 'ypos'. * * @param ypos the value of field 'ypos'. */ public void setYpos( final int ypos) { this._ypos = ypos; this._has_ypos = true; } /** * Method unmarshal. * * @param reader * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException if object is * null or if any SAXException is thrown during marshaling * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if this * object is an invalid instance according to the schema * @return the unmarshaled * jalview.schemabinding.version2.Viewport */ public static jalview.schemabinding.version2.Viewport unmarshal( final java.io.Reader reader) throws org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException, org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { return (jalview.schemabinding.version2.Viewport) Unmarshaller.unmarshal(jalview.schemabinding.version2.Viewport.class, reader); } /** * * * @throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException if this * object is an invalid instance according to the schema */ public void validate( ) throws org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException { org.exolab.castor.xml.Validator validator = new org.exolab.castor.xml.Validator(); validator.validate(this); } }