/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.schemes; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.AnnotatedCollectionI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.GraphLine; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceCollectionI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Map; public class AnnotationColourGradient extends FollowerColourScheme { /** * map positional scores to transparency rather than colour */ boolean positionToTransparency = true; /** * compute shade based on annotation row score */ boolean perLineScore = true; public static final int NO_THRESHOLD = -1; public static final int BELOW_THRESHOLD = 0; public static final int ABOVE_THRESHOLD = 1; public AlignmentAnnotation annotation; int aboveAnnotationThreshold = -1; public boolean thresholdIsMinMax = false; GraphLine annotationThreshold; float r1, g1, b1, rr, gg, bb; private boolean predefinedColours = false; private boolean seqAssociated = false; /** * false if the scheme was constructed without a minColour and maxColour used * to decide if existing colours should be taken from annotation elements when * they exist */ private boolean noGradient = false; IdentityHashMap seqannot = null; @Override public ColourSchemeI applyTo(AnnotatedCollectionI sg, Map hiddenRepSequences) { AnnotationColourGradient acg = new AnnotationColourGradient(annotation, colourScheme, aboveAnnotationThreshold); acg.thresholdIsMinMax = thresholdIsMinMax; acg.annotationThreshold = (annotationThreshold == null) ? null : new GraphLine(annotationThreshold); acg.r1 = r1; acg.g1 = g1; acg.b1 = b1; acg.rr = rr; acg.gg = gg; acg.bb = bb; acg.predefinedColours = predefinedColours; acg.seqAssociated = seqAssociated; acg.noGradient = noGradient; acg.positionToTransparency = positionToTransparency; acg.perLineScore = perLineScore; return acg; } /** * Creates a new AnnotationColourGradient object. */ public AnnotationColourGradient(AlignmentAnnotation annotation, ColourSchemeI originalColour, int aboveThreshold) { if (originalColour instanceof AnnotationColourGradient) { colourScheme = ((AnnotationColourGradient) originalColour).colourScheme; } else { colourScheme = originalColour; } this.annotation = annotation; aboveAnnotationThreshold = aboveThreshold; if (aboveThreshold != NO_THRESHOLD && annotation.threshold != null) { annotationThreshold = annotation.threshold; } // clear values so we don't get weird black bands... r1 = 254; g1 = 254; b1 = 254; rr = 0; gg = 0; bb = 0; noGradient = true; checkLimits(); } /** * Creates a new AnnotationColourGradient object. */ public AnnotationColourGradient(AlignmentAnnotation annotation, Color minColour, Color maxColour, int aboveThreshold) { this.annotation = annotation; aboveAnnotationThreshold = aboveThreshold; if (aboveThreshold != NO_THRESHOLD && annotation.threshold != null) { annotationThreshold = annotation.threshold; } r1 = minColour.getRed(); g1 = minColour.getGreen(); b1 = minColour.getBlue(); rr = maxColour.getRed() - r1; gg = maxColour.getGreen() - g1; bb = maxColour.getBlue() - b1; noGradient = false; checkLimits(); } private void checkLimits() { aamax = annotation.graphMax; aamin = annotation.graphMin; if (annotation.isRNA()) { // reset colour palette ColourSchemeProperty.resetRnaHelicesShading(); ColourSchemeProperty.initRnaHelicesShading(1 + (int) aamax); } } @Override public void alignmentChanged(AnnotatedCollectionI alignment, Map hiddenReps) { super.alignmentChanged(alignment, hiddenReps); if (seqAssociated && annotation.getCalcId() != null) { if (seqannot != null) { seqannot.clear(); } else { seqannot = new IdentityHashMap(); } // resolve the context containing all the annotation for the sequence AnnotatedCollectionI alcontext = alignment instanceof AlignmentI ? alignment : alignment.getContext(); boolean f = true, sf = true, rna = false; long plcount = 0, ancount = 0; for (AlignmentAnnotation alan : alcontext.findAnnotation(annotation .getCalcId())) { if (alan.sequenceRef != null && (alan.label != null && annotation != null && alan.label .equals(annotation.label))) { ancount++; if (!rna && alan.isRNA()) { rna = true; } seqannot.put(alan.sequenceRef, alan); if (f || alan.graphMax > aamax) { aamax = alan.graphMax; } if (f || alan.graphMin < aamin) { aamin = alan.graphMin; } f = false; if (alan.score == alan.score) { if (sf || alan.score < plmin) { plmin = alan.score; } if (sf || alan.score > plmax) { plmax = alan.score; } sf = false; plcount++; } } } if (plcount > 0 && plcount == ancount) { perLineScore = plcount == ancount; aamax=plmax; } if (rna) { ColourSchemeProperty.initRnaHelicesShading(1 + (int) aamax); } } } /** * positional annotation max/min */ double aamin = 0.0, aamax = 0.0; /** * per line score max/min */ double plmin = Double.NaN, plmax = Double.NaN; public String getAnnotation() { return annotation.label; } public int getAboveThreshold() { return aboveAnnotationThreshold; } public float getAnnotationThreshold() { if (annotationThreshold == null) { return 0; } else { return annotationThreshold.value; } } public Color getMinColour() { return new Color((int) r1, (int) g1, (int) b1); } public Color getMaxColour() { return new Color((int) (r1 + rr), (int) (g1 + gg), (int) (b1 + bb)); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param n * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ @Override public Color findColour(char c) { return Color.red; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param n * DOCUMENT ME! * @param j * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ @Override public Color findColour(char c, int j, SequenceI seq) { Color currentColour = Color.white; AlignmentAnnotation annotation = (seqAssociated && seqannot != null ? seqannot .get(seq) : this.annotation); if (annotation == null) { return currentColour; } if ((threshold == 0) || aboveThreshold(c, j)) { if (annotation.annotations != null && j < annotation.annotations.length && annotation.annotations[j] != null && !jalview.util.Comparison.isGap(c)) { Annotation aj = annotation.annotations[j]; // 'use original colours' => colourScheme != null // -> look up colour to be used // predefined colours => preconfigured shading // -> only use original colours reference if thresholding enabled & // minmax exists // annotation.hasIcons => null or black colours replaced with glyph // colours // -> reuse original colours if present // -> if thresholding enabled then return colour on non-whitespace glyph if (aboveAnnotationThreshold == NO_THRESHOLD || (annotationThreshold != null && (aboveAnnotationThreshold == ABOVE_THRESHOLD ? aj.value >= annotationThreshold.value : aj.value <= annotationThreshold.value))) { if (predefinedColours && aj.colour != null && !aj.colour.equals(Color.black)) { currentColour = aj.colour; } else if (annotation.hasIcons && annotation.graph == AlignmentAnnotation.NO_GRAPH) { if (aj.secondaryStructure > ' ' && aj.secondaryStructure != '.' && aj.secondaryStructure != '-') { if (colourScheme != null) { currentColour = colourScheme.findColour(c, j, seq); } else { if (annotation.isRNA()) { currentColour = ColourSchemeProperty.rnaHelices[(int) aj.value]; } else { currentColour = annotation.annotations[j].secondaryStructure == 'H' ? jalview.renderer.AnnotationRenderer.HELIX_COLOUR : annotation.annotations[j].secondaryStructure == 'E' ? jalview.renderer.AnnotationRenderer.SHEET_COLOUR : jalview.renderer.AnnotationRenderer.STEM_COLOUR; } } } else { // return Color.white; } } else if (noGradient) { if (colourScheme != null) { currentColour = colourScheme.findColour(c, j, seq); } else { if (aj.colour != null) { currentColour = aj.colour; } } } else { currentColour = shadeCalculation(annotation, j); } } if (conservationColouring) { currentColour = applyConservation(currentColour, j); } } } return currentColour; } private Color shadeCalculation(AlignmentAnnotation annotation, int j) { // calculate a shade float range = 1f; if (thresholdIsMinMax && annotation.threshold != null && aboveAnnotationThreshold == ABOVE_THRESHOLD && annotation.annotations[j].value >= annotation.threshold.value) { range = (annotation.annotations[j].value - annotation.threshold.value) / (annotation.graphMax - annotation.threshold.value); } else if (thresholdIsMinMax && annotation.threshold != null && aboveAnnotationThreshold == BELOW_THRESHOLD && annotation.annotations[j].value >= annotation.graphMin) { range = (annotation.annotations[j].value - annotation.graphMin) / (annotation.threshold.value - annotation.graphMin); } else { if (annotation.graphMax != annotation.graphMin) { range = (annotation.annotations[j].value - annotation.graphMin) / (annotation.graphMax - annotation.graphMin); } else { range = 0f; } } // midtr sets the ceiling for bleaching out the shading int trans = 0, midtr = 239; if (perLineScore) { trans = (int) ((1f - range) * midtr); range = (float) ((annotation.score - plmin) / (plmax - aamin)); } int dr = (int) (rr * range + r1), dg = (int) (gg * range + g1), db = (int) (bb * range + b1); if (annotation.score == annotation.score && positionToTransparency) { return new Color(Math.min(dr + trans, midtr), Math.min(dg + trans, midtr), Math.min(db + trans, midtr)); } else { return new Color(dr, dg, db); } } public boolean isPredefinedColours() { return predefinedColours; } public void setPredefinedColours(boolean predefinedColours) { this.predefinedColours = predefinedColours; } public boolean isSeqAssociated() { return seqAssociated; } public void setSeqAssociated(boolean sassoc) { seqAssociated = sassoc; } }