/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.schemes; import jalview.api.FeatureColourI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import jalview.util.Format; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * A class that wraps either a simple colour or a graduated colour */ public class FeatureColour implements FeatureColourI { private static final String BAR = "|"; final private Color colour; final private Color minColour; final private Color maxColour; private boolean graduatedColour; private boolean colourByLabel; private float threshold; private float base; private float range; private boolean belowThreshold; private boolean aboveThreshold; private boolean thresholdIsMinOrMax; private boolean isHighToLow; private boolean autoScaled; final private float minRed; final private float minGreen; final private float minBlue; final private float deltaRed; final private float deltaGreen; final private float deltaBlue; /** * Parses a Jalview features file format colour descriptor * [label|][mincolour|maxcolour * |[absolute|]minvalue|maxvalue|thresholdtype|thresholdvalue] Examples: * * * @param descriptor * @return * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if not parseable */ public static FeatureColour parseJalviewFeatureColour(String descriptor) { StringTokenizer gcol = new StringTokenizer(descriptor, "|", true); float min = Float.MIN_VALUE; float max = Float.MAX_VALUE; boolean labelColour = false; String mincol = gcol.nextToken(); if (mincol == "|") { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected either 'label' or a colour specification in the line: " + descriptor); } String maxcol = null; if (mincol.toLowerCase().indexOf("label") == 0) { labelColour = true; mincol = (gcol.hasMoreTokens() ? gcol.nextToken() : null); // skip '|' mincol = (gcol.hasMoreTokens() ? gcol.nextToken() : null); } if (!labelColour && !gcol.hasMoreTokens()) { /* * only a simple colour specification - parse it */ Color colour = ColorUtils.parseColourString(descriptor); if (colour == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid colour descriptor: " + descriptor); } return new FeatureColour(colour); } /* * autoScaled == true: colours range over actual score range * autoScaled == false ('abso'): colours range over min/max range */ boolean autoScaled = true; String tok = null, minval, maxval; if (mincol != null) { // at least four more tokens if (mincol.equals("|")) { mincol = ""; } else { gcol.nextToken(); // skip next '|' } maxcol = gcol.nextToken(); if (maxcol.equals("|")) { maxcol = ""; } else { gcol.nextToken(); // skip next '|' } tok = gcol.nextToken(); gcol.nextToken(); // skip next '|' if (tok.toLowerCase().startsWith("abso")) { minval = gcol.nextToken(); gcol.nextToken(); // skip next '|' autoScaled = false; } else { minval = tok; } maxval = gcol.nextToken(); if (gcol.hasMoreTokens()) { gcol.nextToken(); // skip next '|' } try { if (minval.length() > 0) { min = new Float(minval).floatValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Couldn't parse the minimum value for graduated colour (" + descriptor + ")"); } try { if (maxval.length() > 0) { max = new Float(maxval).floatValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Couldn't parse the maximum value for graduated colour (" + descriptor + ")"); } } else { // add in some dummy min/max colours for the label-only // colourscheme. mincol = "FFFFFF"; maxcol = "000000"; } /* * construct the FeatureColour */ FeatureColour featureColour; try { Color minColour = ColorUtils.parseColourString(mincol); Color maxColour = ColorUtils.parseColourString(maxcol); featureColour = new FeatureColour(minColour, maxColour, min, max); featureColour.setColourByLabel(labelColour); featureColour.setAutoScaled(autoScaled); // add in any additional parameters String ttype = null, tval = null; if (gcol.hasMoreTokens()) { // threshold type and possibly a threshold value ttype = gcol.nextToken(); if (ttype.toLowerCase().startsWith("below")) { featureColour.setBelowThreshold(true); } else if (ttype.toLowerCase().startsWith("above")) { featureColour.setAboveThreshold(true); } else { if (!ttype.toLowerCase().startsWith("no")) { System.err.println( "Ignoring unrecognised threshold type : " + ttype); } } } if (featureColour.hasThreshold()) { try { gcol.nextToken(); tval = gcol.nextToken(); featureColour.setThreshold(new Float(tval).floatValue()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Couldn't parse threshold value as a float: (" + tval + ")"); } } if (gcol.hasMoreTokens()) { System.err.println( "Ignoring additional tokens in parameters in graduated colour specification\n"); while (gcol.hasMoreTokens()) { System.err.println("|" + gcol.nextToken()); } System.err.println("\n"); } return featureColour; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Default constructor */ public FeatureColour() { this((Color) null); } /** * Constructor given a simple colour * * @param c */ public FeatureColour(Color c) { minColour = Color.WHITE; maxColour = Color.BLACK; minRed = 0f; minGreen = 0f; minBlue = 0f; deltaRed = 0f; deltaGreen = 0f; deltaBlue = 0f; colour = c; } /** * Constructor given a colour range and a score range * * @param low * @param high * @param min * @param max */ public FeatureColour(Color low, Color high, float min, float max) { if (low == null) { low = Color.white; } if (high == null) { high = Color.black; } graduatedColour = true; colour = null; minColour = low; maxColour = high; threshold = Float.NaN; isHighToLow = min >= max; minRed = low.getRed() / 255f; minGreen = low.getGreen() / 255f; minBlue = low.getBlue() / 255f; deltaRed = (high.getRed() / 255f) - minRed; deltaGreen = (high.getGreen() / 255f) - minGreen; deltaBlue = (high.getBlue() / 255f) - minBlue; if (isHighToLow) { base = max; range = min - max; } else { base = min; range = max - min; } } /** * Copy constructor * * @param fc */ public FeatureColour(FeatureColour fc) { graduatedColour = fc.graduatedColour; colour = fc.colour; minColour = fc.minColour; maxColour = fc.maxColour; minRed = fc.minRed; minGreen = fc.minGreen; minBlue = fc.minBlue; deltaRed = fc.deltaRed; deltaGreen = fc.deltaGreen; deltaBlue = fc.deltaBlue; base = fc.base; range = fc.range; isHighToLow = fc.isHighToLow; setAboveThreshold(fc.isAboveThreshold()); setBelowThreshold(fc.isBelowThreshold()); setThreshold(fc.getThreshold()); setAutoScaled(fc.isAutoScaled()); setColourByLabel(fc.isColourByLabel()); } /** * Copy constructor with new min/max ranges * * @param fc * @param min * @param max */ public FeatureColour(FeatureColour fc, float min, float max) { this(fc); graduatedColour = true; updateBounds(min, max); } @Override public boolean isGraduatedColour() { return graduatedColour; } /** * Sets the 'graduated colour' flag. If true, also sets 'colour by label' to * false. */ void setGraduatedColour(boolean b) { graduatedColour = b; if (b) { setColourByLabel(false); } } @Override public Color getColour() { return colour; } @Override public Color getMinColour() { return minColour; } @Override public Color getMaxColour() { return maxColour; } @Override public boolean isColourByLabel() { return colourByLabel; } /** * Sets the 'colour by label' flag. If true, also sets 'graduated colour' to * false. */ @Override public void setColourByLabel(boolean b) { colourByLabel = b; if (b) { setGraduatedColour(false); } } @Override public boolean isBelowThreshold() { return belowThreshold; } @Override public void setBelowThreshold(boolean b) { belowThreshold = b; if (b) { setAboveThreshold(false); } } @Override public boolean isAboveThreshold() { return aboveThreshold; } @Override public void setAboveThreshold(boolean b) { aboveThreshold = b; if (b) { setBelowThreshold(false); } } @Override public boolean isThresholdMinMax() { return thresholdIsMinOrMax; } @Override public void setThresholdMinMax(boolean b) { thresholdIsMinOrMax = b; } @Override public float getThreshold() { return threshold; } @Override public void setThreshold(float f) { threshold = f; } @Override public boolean isAutoScaled() { return autoScaled; } @Override public void setAutoScaled(boolean b) { this.autoScaled = b; } /** * Updates the base and range appropriately for the given minmax range * * @param min * @param max */ @Override public void updateBounds(float min, float max) { if (max < min) { base = max; range = min - max; isHighToLow = true; } else { base = min; range = max - min; isHighToLow = false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param feature * @return */ @Override public Color getColor(SequenceFeature feature) { if (isSimpleColour()) { return getColour(); } /* * return null if score is outwith any threshold * (for graduated colour or colour by label) */ float scr = feature.getScore(); boolean naN = Float.isNaN(scr); if (!naN && isAboveThreshold() && scr <= threshold) { return null; } if (!naN && isBelowThreshold() && scr >= threshold) { return null; } if (isColourByLabel()) { return ColorUtils.createColourFromName(feature.getDescription()); } /* * Float.NaN is assigned minimum visible score colour */ if (naN) { return getMinColour(); } if (range == 0.0) { return getMaxColour(); } float scl = (scr - base) / range; if (isHighToLow) { scl = -scl; } if (scl < 0f) { scl = 0f; } if (scl > 1f) { scl = 1f; } return new Color(minRed + scl * deltaRed, minGreen + scl * deltaGreen, minBlue + scl * deltaBlue); } /** * Returns the maximum score of the graduated colour range * * @return */ @Override public float getMax() { // regenerate the original values passed in to the constructor return (isHighToLow) ? base : (base + range); } /** * Returns the minimum score of the graduated colour range * * @return */ @Override public float getMin() { // regenerate the original value passed in to the constructor return (isHighToLow) ? (base + range) : base; } @Override public boolean isSimpleColour() { return (!isColourByLabel() && !isGraduatedColour()); } @Override public boolean hasThreshold() { return isAboveThreshold() || isBelowThreshold(); } @Override public String toJalviewFormat(String featureType) { String colourString = null; if (isSimpleColour()) { colourString = Format.getHexString(getColour()); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); if (isColourByLabel()) { sb.append("label"); if (hasThreshold()) { sb.append(BAR).append(BAR).append(BAR); } } if (isGraduatedColour()) { sb.append(Format.getHexString(getMinColour())).append(BAR); sb.append(Format.getHexString(getMaxColour())).append(BAR); if (!isAutoScaled()) { sb.append("abso").append(BAR); } } if (hasThreshold() || isGraduatedColour()) { sb.append(getMin()).append(BAR); sb.append(getMax()).append(BAR); if (isBelowThreshold()) { sb.append("below").append(BAR).append(getThreshold()); } else if (isAboveThreshold()) { sb.append("above").append(BAR).append(getThreshold()); } else { sb.append("none"); } } colourString = sb.toString(); } return String.format("%s\t%s", featureType, colourString); } }