/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Development Version 2.4.1) * Copyright (C) 2009 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.schemes; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import java.awt.Color; /** * Value and/or thresholded colour scale used for colouring by annotation and feature score * @author JimP * */ public class GraduatedColor { int thresholdState = AnnotationColourGradient.NO_THRESHOLD; // or ABOVE_THRESHOLD or BELOW_THRESHOLD float lr,lg,lb,dr,dg,db; /** * linear scaling parameters, base, minimum colour threshold, range of linear scale from lower to upper */ float base,range,thrsh; /** * when true, colour from u to u-d rather than u to u+d */ boolean tolow=false; /** * when false, min/max range has been manually set so should not be dynamically adjusted. */ boolean autoScale = true; /** * construct a graduatedColor object from simple parameters * @param low * @param high * @param min * @param max * color low->high from min->max */ public GraduatedColor(Color low,Color high, float min,float max) { thrsh = Float.NaN; tolow = min>=max; lr = low.getRed()/255f; lg = low.getGreen()/255f; lb = low.getBlue()/255f; dr = (high.getRed()/255f)-lr; dg = (high.getGreen()/255f)-lg; db = (high.getBlue()/255f)-lb; if (tolow) { base = max; range = min-max; } else { base = min; range = max-min; } } public GraduatedColor(GraduatedColor oldcs) { lr = oldcs.lr; lg = oldcs.lg; lb = oldcs.lb; dr = oldcs.dr; dg = oldcs.dg; db = oldcs.db; base = oldcs.base; range = oldcs.range; tolow = oldcs.tolow; thresholdState = oldcs.thresholdState; thrsh = oldcs.thrsh; autoScale = oldcs.autoScale; colourByLabel = oldcs.colourByLabel; } /** * make a new gradient from an old one with a different scale range * @param oldcs * @param min * @param max */ public GraduatedColor(GraduatedColor oldcs, float min, float max) { this(oldcs); updateBounds(min, max); } public Color getMinColor() { return new Color(lr,lg,lb); } public Color getMaxColor() { return new Color(lr+dr,lg+dg,lb+db); } /** * * @return true if original min/max scale was from high to low */ public boolean getTolow() { return tolow; } public void setTolow(boolean tolower) { tolow = tolower; } public boolean isColored(SequenceFeature feature) { float val = feature.getScore(); if (val==Float.NaN) { return true; } if (this.thresholdState==AnnotationColourGradient.NO_THRESHOLD) { return true; } if (this.thrsh==Float.NaN) { return true; } boolean rtn = thresholdState==AnnotationColourGradient.ABOVE_THRESHOLD; if (val<=thrsh) { return !rtn; // ? !tolow : tolow; } else { return rtn; // ? tolow : !tolow; } } /** * default implementor of a getColourFromString method. * TODO: abstract an interface enabling pluggable colour from string */ private UserColourScheme ucs = null; private boolean colourByLabel=false; /** * * @return true if colourByLabel style is set */ public boolean isColourByLabel() { return colourByLabel; } /** * @param colourByLabel the colourByLabel to set */ public void setColourByLabel(boolean colourByLabel) { this.colourByLabel = colourByLabel; } public Color findColor(SequenceFeature feature) { if (colourByLabel) { //TODO: allow user defined feature label colourschemes. Colour space is {type,regex,%anytype%}x{description string, regex, keyword} if (ucs==null) { ucs = new UserColourScheme(); } return ucs.createColourFromName(feature.getDescription()); } if (range==0.0) { return getMaxColor(); } float scr = feature.getScore(); if (scr==Float.NaN) { return getMinColor(); } float scl = (scr-base)/range; if (tolow) { scl = -scl; } if (scl<0f) { scl = 0f; } if (scl>1f) { scl = 1f; } return new Color(lr+scl*dr,lg+scl*dg,lb+scl*db); } public void setThresh(float value) { thrsh = value; } public float getThresh() { return thrsh; } public void setThreshType(int aboveThreshold) { thresholdState = aboveThreshold; } public int getThreshType() { return thresholdState; } public float getMax() { // regenerate the original values passed in to the constructor return (tolow) ? base : (base + range); } public float getMin() { // regenerate the original value passed in to the constructor return (tolow) ? (base+range) : base; } public boolean isAutoScale() { return autoScale; } public void setAutoScaled(boolean autoscale) { autoScale = autoscale; } /** * update the base and range appropriatly for the given minmax range * @param a float[] {min,max} array containing minmax range for the associated score values */ public void updateBounds(float min,float max) { if (max