/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer * Copyright (C) 2007 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.util; import java.util.*; import jalview.datamodel.*; public class DBRefUtils { /** * Utilities for handling DBRef objects and their collections. */ /** * * @param dbrefs Vector of DBRef objects to search * @param sources String[] array of source DBRef IDs to retrieve * @return Vector */ public static DBRefEntry[] selectRefs(DBRefEntry[] dbrefs, String[] sources) { if (dbrefs == null) { return null; } if (sources == null) { return dbrefs; } Hashtable srcs = new Hashtable(); Vector res = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { srcs.put(new String(sources[i]), new Integer(i)); } for (int i = 0, j = dbrefs.length; i < j; i++) { if (srcs.containsKey(dbrefs[i].getSource())) { res.addElement(dbrefs[i]); } } if (res.size() > 0) { DBRefEntry[] reply = new DBRefEntry[res.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { reply[i] = (DBRefEntry) res.elementAt(i); } return reply; } res = null; // there are probable memory leaks in the hashtable! return null; } /** * isDasCoordinateSystem * * @param string String * @param dBRefEntry DBRefEntry * @return boolean true if Source DBRefEntry is compatible with DAS CoordinateSystem name */ public static Hashtable DasCoordinateSystemsLookup = null; public static boolean isDasCoordinateSystem(String string, DBRefEntry dBRefEntry) { if (DasCoordinateSystemsLookup == null) { // Initialise DasCoordinateSystemsLookup = new Hashtable(); DasCoordinateSystemsLookup.put("pdbresnum", jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.PDB); DasCoordinateSystemsLookup.put("uniprot", jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.UNIPROT); DasCoordinateSystemsLookup.put("EMBL", jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.EMBL); //DasCoordinateSystemsLookup.put("EMBL", // jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.EMBLCDS); } String coordsys = (String) DasCoordinateSystemsLookup.get(string. toLowerCase()); if (coordsys != null) { return coordsys.equals(dBRefEntry.getSource()); } return false; } public static Hashtable CanonicalSourceNameLookup=null; /** * look up source in an internal list of database reference sources * and return the canonical jalview name for the source, or the original * string if it has no canonical form. * @param source * @return canonical jalview source (one of jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.*) or original source */ public static String getCanonicalName(String source) { if (CanonicalSourceNameLookup==null) { CanonicalSourceNameLookup = new Hashtable(); CanonicalSourceNameLookup.put("uniprotkb/swiss-prot", jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.UNIPROT); CanonicalSourceNameLookup.put("uniprotkb/trembl", jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.UNIPROT); CanonicalSourceNameLookup.put("pdb", jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.PDB); } String canonical = (String) CanonicalSourceNameLookup.get(source. toLowerCase()); if (canonical==null) { return source; } return canonical; } /** * find RefEntry corresponding to a particular pattern * the equals method of each entry is used, from String attributes right down to Mapping attributes. * @param ref Set of references to search * @param entry pattern to collect - null any entry for wildcard match * @return */ public static DBRefEntry[] searchRefs(DBRefEntry[] ref, DBRefEntry entry) { return searchRefs(ref, entry, matchDbAndIdAndEitherMapOrEquivalentMapList); } public static DBRefEntry[] searchRefs(DBRefEntry[] ref, DBRefEntry entry, DbRefComp comparator) { if (ref==null || entry==null) return null; Vector rfs = new Vector(); for (int i=0; i0) { DBRefEntry[] rf = new DBRefEntry[rfs.size()]; rfs.copyInto(rf); return rf; } return null; } public interface DbRefComp { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb); } public static DbRefComp matchNonNullonA = new DbRefComp() { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb) { if (refa.getSource()==null || refb.getSource().equals(refa.getSource())) { if (refa.getVersion()==null || refb.getVersion().equals(refa.getVersion())) { if (refa.getAccessionId()==null || refb.getAccessionId().equals(refa.getAccessionId())) { if (refa.getMap()==null || (refb.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap().equals(refa.getMap()))) { return true; } } } } return false; } }; /** * either field is null or field matches for all of source, version, accession id and map. */ public static DbRefComp matchEitherNonNull = new DbRefComp() { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb) { if ((refa.getSource()==null || refb.getSource()==null) || refb.getSource().equals(refa.getSource())) { if ((refa.getVersion()==null || refb.getVersion()==null) || refb.getVersion().equals(refa.getVersion())) { if ((refa.getAccessionId()==null || refb.getAccessionId()==null) || refb.getAccessionId().equals(refa.getAccessionId())) { if ((refa.getMap()==null || refb.getMap()==null) || (refb.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap().equals(refa.getMap()))) { return true; } } } } return false; } }; /** * accession ID and DB must be identical. Version is ignored. Map is either not defined or is a match (or is compatible?) */ public static DbRefComp matchDbAndIdAndEitherMap = new DbRefComp() { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb) { if (refa.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource().equals(refa.getSource())) { // We dont care about version //if ((refa.getVersion()==null || refb.getVersion()==null) // || refb.getVersion().equals(refa.getVersion())) //{ if (refa.getAccessionId()!=null && refb.getAccessionId()!=null || refb.getAccessionId().equals(refa.getAccessionId())) { if ((refa.getMap()==null || refb.getMap()==null) || (refa.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap().equals(refa.getMap()))) { return true; } } } return false; } }; /** * accession ID and DB must be identical. Version is ignored. * No map on either or map but no maplist on either or maplist of map on a is the complement of maplist of map on b. */ public static DbRefComp matchDbAndIdAndComplementaryMapList = new DbRefComp() { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb) { if (refa.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource().equals(refa.getSource())) { // We dont care about version //if ((refa.getVersion()==null || refb.getVersion()==null) // || refb.getVersion().equals(refa.getVersion())) //{ if (refa.getAccessionId()!=null && refb.getAccessionId()!=null || refb.getAccessionId().equals(refa.getAccessionId())) { if ((refa.getMap()==null && refb.getMap()==null) || (refa.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap()!=null)) if ((refb.getMap().getMap()==null && refa.getMap().getMap()==null) || (refb.getMap().getMap()!=null && refa.getMap().getMap()!=null && refb.getMap().getMap().getInverse().equals(refa.getMap().getMap()))) { return true; } } } return false; } }; /** * accession ID and DB must be identical. Version is ignored. * No map on both or or map but no maplist on either or maplist of map on a is equivalent to the maplist of map on b. */ public static DbRefComp matchDbAndIdAndEquivalentMapList = new DbRefComp() { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb) { if (refa.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource().equals(refa.getSource())) { // We dont care about version //if ((refa.getVersion()==null || refb.getVersion()==null) // || refb.getVersion().equals(refa.getVersion())) //{ if (refa.getAccessionId()!=null && refb.getAccessionId()!=null || refb.getAccessionId().equals(refa.getAccessionId())) { if (refa.getMap()==null && refb.getMap()==null) { return true; } if (refa.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap()!=null && ((refb.getMap().getMap()==null && refa.getMap().getMap()==null) || (refb.getMap().getMap()!=null && refa.getMap().getMap()!=null && refb.getMap().getMap().equals(refa.getMap().getMap())))) { return true; } } } return false; } }; /** * accession ID and DB must be identical. Version is ignored. * No map on either or map but no maplist on either or maplist of map on a is equivalent to the maplist of map on b. */ public static DbRefComp matchDbAndIdAndEitherMapOrEquivalentMapList = new DbRefComp() { public boolean matches(DBRefEntry refa, DBRefEntry refb) { if (refa.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource()!=null && refb.getSource().equals(refa.getSource())) { // We dont care about version //if ((refa.getVersion()==null || refb.getVersion()==null) // || refb.getVersion().equals(refa.getVersion())) //{ if (refa.getAccessionId()!=null && refb.getAccessionId()!=null && refb.getAccessionId().equals(refa.getAccessionId())) { if (refa.getMap()==null || refb.getMap()==null) { return true; } if ((refa.getMap()!=null && refb.getMap()!=null) && (refb.getMap().getMap()==null && refa.getMap().getMap()==null) || (refb.getMap().getMap()!=null && refa.getMap().getMap()!=null && refb.getMap().getMap().equals(refa.getMap().getMap()))) { return true; } } } return false; } }; }