* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* A simple way of bijectively mapping a non-contiguous linear range to another
* non-contiguous linear range.
* Use at your own risk!
* TODO: efficient implementation of private posMap method
* TODO: test/ensure that sense of from and to ratio start position is conserved
* (codon start position recovery)
public class MapList
* Subregions (base 1) described as { [start1, end1], [start2, end2], ...}
private List fromShifts = new ArrayList();
* Same format as fromShifts, for the 'mapped to' sequence
private List toShifts = new ArrayList();
* number of steps in fromShifts to one toRatio unit
private int fromRatio;
* number of steps in toShifts to one fromRatio
private int toRatio;
* lowest and highest value in the from Map
private int fromLowest;
private int fromHighest;
* lowest and highest value in the to Map
private int toLowest;
private int toHighest;
* Two MapList objects are equal if they are the same object, or they both
* have populated shift ranges and all values are the same.
public boolean equals(Object o)
// TODO should also override hashCode to ensure equal objects have equal
// hashcodes
if (o == null || !(o instanceof MapList))
return false;
MapList obj = (MapList) o;
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (obj.fromRatio != fromRatio || obj.toRatio != toRatio
|| obj.fromShifts == null || obj.toShifts == null)
return false;
return Arrays
.deepEquals(fromShifts.toArray(), obj.fromShifts.toArray())
&& Arrays
.deepEquals(toShifts.toArray(), obj.toShifts.toArray());
* Returns the 'from' ranges as {[start1, end1], [start2, end2], ...}
* @return
public List getFromRanges()
return fromShifts;
* Returns the 'to' ranges as {[start1, end1], [start2, end2], ...}
* @return
public List getToRanges()
return toShifts;
* Flattens a list of [start, end] into a single [start1, end1, start2,
* end2,...] array.
* @param shifts
* @return
protected static int[] getRanges(List shifts)
int[] rnges = new int[2 * shifts.size()];
int i = 0;
for (int[] r : shifts)
rnges[i++] = r[0];
rnges[i++] = r[1];
return rnges;
* @return length of mapped phrase in from
public int getFromRatio()
return fromRatio;
* @return length of mapped phrase in to
public int getToRatio()
return toRatio;
public int getFromLowest()
return fromLowest;
public int getFromHighest()
return fromHighest;
public int getToLowest()
return toLowest;
public int getToHighest()
return toHighest;
* Constructor.
* @param from
* contiguous regions as [start1, end1, start2, end2, ...]
* @param to
* same format as 'from'
* @param fromRatio
* phrase length in 'from' (e.g. 3 for dna)
* @param toRatio
* phrase length in 'to' (e.g. 1 for protein)
public MapList(int from[], int to[], int fromRatio, int toRatio)
this.fromRatio = fromRatio;
this.toRatio = toRatio;
fromLowest = from[0];
fromHighest = from[1];
for (int i = 0; i < from.length; i += 2)
fromLowest = Math.min(fromLowest, from[i]);
fromHighest = Math.max(fromHighest, from[i + 1]);
fromShifts.add(new int[]
{ from[i], from[i + 1] });
toLowest = to[0];
toHighest = to[1];
for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i += 2)
toLowest = Math.min(toLowest, to[i]);
toHighest = Math.max(toHighest, to[i + 1]);
toShifts.add(new int[]
{ to[i], to[i + 1] });
* Copy constructor. Creates an identical mapping.
* @param map
public MapList(MapList map)
// TODO not used - remove?
this.fromLowest = map.fromLowest;
this.fromHighest = map.fromHighest;
this.toLowest = map.toLowest;
this.toHighest = map.toHighest;
this.fromRatio = map.fromRatio;
this.toRatio = map.toRatio;
if (map.fromShifts != null)
for (int[] r : map.fromShifts)
fromShifts.add(new int[]
{ r[0], r[1] });
if (map.toShifts != null)
for (int[] r : map.toShifts)
toShifts.add(new int[]
{ r[0], r[1] });
* Constructor given ranges as lists of [start, end] positions
* @param fromRange
* @param toRange
* @param fromRatio
* @param toRatio
public MapList(List fromRange, List toRange,
int fromRatio, int toRatio)
this.fromShifts = fromRange;
this.toShifts = toRange;
this.fromRatio = fromRatio;
this.toRatio = toRatio;
fromLowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
fromHighest = 0;
for (int[] range : fromRange) {
fromLowest = Math.min(fromLowest, range[0]);
fromHighest = Math.max(fromHighest, range[1]);
toLowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
toHighest = 0;
for (int[] range : toRange)
toLowest = Math.min(toLowest, range[0]);
toHighest = Math.max(toHighest, range[1]);
* get all mapped positions from 'from' to 'to'
* @return int[][] { int[] { fromStart, fromFinish, toStart, toFinish }, int
* [fromFinish-fromStart+2] { toStart..toFinish mappings}}
protected int[][] makeFromMap()
// TODO not used - remove??
return posMap(fromShifts, fromRatio, toShifts, toRatio);
* get all mapped positions from 'to' to 'from'
* @return int[to position]=position mapped in from
protected int[][] makeToMap()
// TODO not used - remove??
return posMap(toShifts, toRatio, fromShifts, fromRatio);
* construct an int map for intervals in intVals
* @param shiftTo
* @return int[] { from, to pos in range }, int[range.to-range.from+1]
* returning mapped position
private int[][] posMap(List shiftTo, int ratio,
List shiftFrom,
int toRatio)
// TODO not used - remove??
int iv = 0, ivSize = shiftTo.size();
if (iv >= ivSize)
return null;
int[] intv = shiftTo.get(iv++);
int from = intv[0], to = intv[1];
if (from > to)
from = intv[1];
to = intv[0];
while (iv < ivSize)
intv = shiftTo.get(iv++);
if (intv[0] < from)
from = intv[0];
if (intv[1] < from)
from = intv[1];
if (intv[0] > to)
to = intv[0];
if (intv[1] > to)
to = intv[1];
int tF = 0, tT = 0;
int mp[][] = new int[to - from + 2][];
for (int i = 0; i < mp.length; i++)
int[] m = shift(i + from, shiftTo, ratio, shiftFrom, toRatio);
if (m != null)
if (i == 0)
tF = tT = m[0];
if (m[0] < tF)
tF = m[0];
if (m[0] > tT)
tT = m[0];
mp[i] = m;
int[][] map = new int[][]
{ new int[]
{ from, to, tF, tT }, new int[to - from + 2] };
map[0][2] = tF;
map[0][3] = tT;
for (int i = 0; i < mp.length; i++)
if (mp[i] != null)
map[1][i] = mp[i][0] - tF;
map[1][i] = -1; // indicates an out of range mapping
return map;
* addShift
* @param pos
* start position for shift (in original reference frame)
* @param shift
* length of shift
* public void addShift(int pos, int shift) { int sidx = 0; int[]
* rshift=null; while (sidx shiftTo, int fromRatio,
List shiftFrom, int toRatio)
// TODO: javadoc; tests
int[] fromCount = countPos(shiftTo, pos);
if (fromCount == null)
return null;
int fromRemainder = (fromCount[0] - 1) % fromRatio;
int toCount = 1 + (((fromCount[0] - 1) / fromRatio) * toRatio);
int[] toPos = countToPos(shiftFrom, toCount);
if (toPos == null)
return null; // throw new Error("Bad Mapping!");
// System.out.println(fromCount[0]+" "+fromCount[1]+" "+toCount);
return new int[]
{ toPos[0], fromRemainder, toPos[1] };
* count how many positions pos is along the series of intervals.
* @param shiftTo
* @param pos
* @return number of positions or null if pos is not within intervals
protected static int[] countPos(List shiftTo, int pos)
int count = 0, intv[], iv = 0, ivSize = shiftTo.size();
while (iv < ivSize)
intv = shiftTo.get(iv++);
if (intv[0] <= intv[1])
if (pos >= intv[0] && pos <= intv[1])
return new int[]
{ count + pos - intv[0] + 1, +1 };
count += intv[1] - intv[0] + 1;
if (pos >= intv[1] && pos <= intv[0])
return new int[]
{ count + intv[0] - pos + 1, -1 };
count += intv[0] - intv[1] + 1;
return null;
* count out pos positions into a series of intervals and return the position
* @param shiftFrom
* @param pos
* @return position pos in interval set
protected static int[] countToPos(List shiftFrom, int pos)
int count = 0, diff = 0, iv = 0, ivSize = shiftFrom.size();
int[] intv =
{ 0, 0 };
while (iv < ivSize)
intv = shiftFrom.get(iv++);
diff = intv[1] - intv[0];
if (diff >= 0)
if (pos <= count + 1 + diff)
return new int[]
{ pos - count - 1 + intv[0], +1 };
count += 1 + diff;
if (pos <= count + 1 - diff)
return new int[]
{ intv[0] - (pos - count - 1), -1 };
count += 1 - diff;
return null;// (diff<0) ? (intv[1]-1) : (intv[0]+1);
* find series of intervals mapping from start-end in the From map.
* @param start
* position mapped 'to'
* @param end
* position mapped 'to'
* @return series of [start, end] ranges in sequence mapped 'from'
public int[] locateInFrom(int start, int end)
// inefficient implementation
int fromStart[] = shiftTo(start);
// needs to be inclusive of end of symbol position
int fromEnd[] = shiftTo(end);
return getIntervals(fromShifts, fromStart, fromEnd, fromRatio);
* find series of intervals mapping from start-end in the to map.
* @param start
* position mapped 'from'
* @param end
* position mapped 'from'
* @return series of [start, end] ranges in sequence mapped 'to'
public int[] locateInTo(int start, int end)
int toStart[] = shiftFrom(start);
int toEnd[] = shiftFrom(end);
return getIntervals(toShifts, toStart, toEnd, toRatio);
* like shift - except returns the intervals in the given vector of shifts
* which were spanned in traversing fromStart to fromEnd
* @param shiftFrom
* @param fromStart
* @param fromEnd
* @param fromRatio2
* @return series of from,to intervals from from first position of starting
* region to final position of ending region inclusive
protected static int[] getIntervals(List shiftFrom,
int[] fromStart,
int[] fromEnd, int fromRatio2)
if (fromStart == null || fromEnd == null)
return null;
int startpos, endpos;
startpos = fromStart[0]; // first position in fromStart
endpos = fromEnd[0]; // last position in fromEnd
int endindx = (fromRatio2 - 1); // additional positions to get to last
// position from endpos
int intv = 0, intvSize = shiftFrom.size();
int iv[], i = 0, fs = -1, fe_s = -1, fe = -1; // containing intervals
// search intervals to locate ones containing startpos and count endindx
// positions on from endpos
while (intv < intvSize && (fs == -1 || fe == -1))
iv = shiftFrom.get(intv++);
if (fe_s > -1)
endpos = iv[0]; // start counting from beginning of interval
endindx--; // inclusive of endpos
if (iv[0] <= iv[1])
if (fs == -1 && startpos >= iv[0] && startpos <= iv[1])
fs = i;
if (endpos >= iv[0] && endpos <= iv[1])
if (fe_s == -1)
fe_s = i;
if (fe_s != -1)
if (endpos + endindx <= iv[1])
fe = i;
endpos = endpos + endindx; // end of end token is within this
// interval
endindx -= iv[1] - endpos; // skip all this interval too
if (fs == -1 && startpos <= iv[0] && startpos >= iv[1])
fs = i;
if (endpos <= iv[0] && endpos >= iv[1])
if (fe_s == -1)
fe_s = i;
if (fe_s != -1)
if (endpos - endindx >= iv[1])
fe = i;
endpos = endpos - endindx; // end of end token is within this
// interval
endindx -= endpos - iv[1]; // skip all this interval too
if (fs == fe && fe == -1)
return null;
List ranges = new ArrayList();
if (fs <= fe)
intv = fs;
i = fs;
// truncate initial interval
iv = shiftFrom.get(intv++);
iv = new int[]
{ iv[0], iv[1] };// clone
if (i == fs)
iv[0] = startpos;
while (i != fe)
ranges.add(iv); // add initial range
iv = shiftFrom.get(intv++); // get next interval
iv = new int[]
{ iv[0], iv[1] };// clone
if (i == fe)
iv[1] = endpos;
ranges.add(iv); // add only - or final range
// walk from end of interval.
i = shiftFrom.size() - 1;
while (i > fs)
iv = shiftFrom.get(i);
iv = new int[]
{ iv[1], iv[0] };// reverse and clone
// truncate initial interval
if (i == fs)
iv[0] = startpos;
while (--i != fe)
{ // fix apparent logic bug when fe==-1
ranges.add(iv); // add (truncated) reversed interval
iv = shiftFrom.get(i);
iv = new int[]
{ iv[1], iv[0] }; // reverse and clone
if (i == fe)
// interval is already reversed
iv[1] = endpos;
ranges.add(iv); // add only - or final range
// create array of start end intervals.
int[] range = null;
if (ranges != null && ranges.size() > 0)
range = new int[ranges.size() * 2];
intv = 0;
intvSize = ranges.size();
i = 0;
while (intv < intvSize)
iv = ranges.get(intv);
range[i++] = iv[0];
range[i++] = iv[1];
ranges.set(intv++, null); // remove
return range;
* get the 'initial' position of mpos in To
* @param mpos
* position in from
* @return position of first word in to reference frame
public int getToPosition(int mpos)
// TODO not used - remove??
int[] mp = shiftTo(mpos);
if (mp != null)
return mp[0];
return mpos;
* get range of positions in To frame for the mpos word in From
* @param mpos
* position in From
* @return null or int[] first position in To for mpos, last position in to
* for Mpos
public int[] getToWord(int mpos)
int[] mp = shiftTo(mpos);
if (mp != null)
return new int[]
{ mp[0], mp[0] + mp[2] * (getFromRatio() - 1) };
return null;
* get From position in the associated reference frame for position pos in the
* associated sequence.
* @param pos
* @return
public int getMappedPosition(int pos)
// TODO not used - remove??
int[] mp = shiftFrom(pos);
if (mp != null)
return mp[0];
return pos;
public int[] getMappedWord(int pos)
// TODO not used - remove??
int[] mp = shiftFrom(pos);
if (mp != null)
return new int[]
{ mp[0], mp[0] + mp[2] * (getToRatio() - 1) };
return null;
* @return a MapList whose From range is this maplist's To Range, and vice
* versa
public MapList getInverse()
return new MapList(getToRanges(), getFromRanges(), getToRatio(),
* test for containment rather than equivalence to another mapping
* @param map
* to be tested for containment
* @return true if local or mapped range map contains or is contained by this
* mapping
public boolean containsEither(boolean local, MapList map)
// TODO not used - remove?
if (local)
return ((getFromLowest() >= map.getFromLowest() && getFromHighest() <= map
.getFromHighest()) || (getFromLowest() <= map.getFromLowest() && getFromHighest() >= map
return ((getToLowest() >= map.getToLowest() && getToHighest() <= map
.getToHighest()) || (getToLowest() <= map.getToLowest() && getToHighest() >= map
* String representation - for debugging, not guaranteed not to change
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
sb.append("From (").append(fromRatio).append(":").append(toRatio)
.append(") [");
for (int[] shift : fromShifts)
sb.append(" ").append(Arrays.toString(shift));
sb.append(" ] To [");
for (int[] shift : toShifts)
sb.append(" ").append(Arrays.toString(shift));
sb.append(" ]");
return sb.toString();