/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import jalview.analysis.AlignmentSorter; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.bin.Console; import jalview.commands.CommandI; import jalview.commands.EditCommand; import jalview.commands.EditCommand.Action; import jalview.commands.EditCommand.Edit; import jalview.commands.OrderCommand; import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame; import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame.SequenceToSequenceMapping; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentOrder; import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection; import jalview.datamodel.HiddenColumns; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultMatchI; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResults; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultsI; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; /** * Helper methods for manipulations involving sequence mappings. * * @author gmcarstairs * */ public final class MappingUtils { /** * Helper method to map a CUT or PASTE command. * * @param edit * the original command * @param undo * if true, the command is to be undone * @param targetSeqs * the mapped sequences to apply the mapped command to * @param result * the mapped EditCommand to add to * @param mappings */ protected static void mapCutOrPaste(Edit edit, boolean undo, List targetSeqs, EditCommand result, List mappings) { Action action = edit.getAction(); if (undo) { action = action.getUndoAction(); } // TODO write this Console.error("MappingUtils.mapCutOrPaste not yet implemented"); } /** * Returns a new EditCommand representing the given command as mapped to the * given sequences. If there is no mapping, returns null. * * @param command * @param undo * @param mapTo * @param gapChar * @param mappings * @return */ public static EditCommand mapEditCommand(EditCommand command, boolean undo, final AlignmentI mapTo, char gapChar, List mappings) { /* * For now, only support mapping from protein edits to cDna */ if (!mapTo.isNucleotide()) { return null; } /* * Cache a copy of the target sequences so we can mimic successive edits on * them. This lets us compute mappings for all edits in the set. */ Map targetCopies = new HashMap<>(); for (SequenceI seq : mapTo.getSequences()) { SequenceI ds = seq.getDatasetSequence(); if (ds != null) { final SequenceI copy = new Sequence(seq); copy.setDatasetSequence(ds); targetCopies.put(ds, copy); } } /* * Compute 'source' sequences as they were before applying edits: */ Map originalSequences = command.priorState(undo); EditCommand result = new EditCommand(); Iterator edits = command.getEditIterator(!undo); while (edits.hasNext()) { Edit edit = edits.next(); if (edit.getAction() == Action.CUT || edit.getAction() == Action.PASTE) { mapCutOrPaste(edit, undo, mapTo.getSequences(), result, mappings); } else if (edit.getAction() == Action.INSERT_GAP || edit.getAction() == Action.DELETE_GAP) { mapInsertOrDelete(edit, undo, originalSequences, mapTo.getSequences(), targetCopies, gapChar, result, mappings); } } return result.getSize() > 0 ? result : null; } /** * Helper method to map an edit command to insert or delete gaps. * * @param edit * the original command * @param undo * if true, the action is to undo the command * @param originalSequences * the sequences the command acted on * @param targetSeqs * @param targetCopies * @param gapChar * @param result * the new EditCommand to add mapped commands to * @param mappings */ protected static void mapInsertOrDelete(Edit edit, boolean undo, Map originalSequences, final List targetSeqs, Map targetCopies, char gapChar, EditCommand result, List mappings) { Action action = edit.getAction(); /* * Invert sense of action if an Undo. */ if (undo) { action = action.getUndoAction(); } final int count = edit.getNumber(); final int editPos = edit.getPosition(); for (SequenceI seq : edit.getSequences()) { /* * Get residue position at (or to right of) edit location. Note we use our * 'copy' of the sequence before editing for this. */ SequenceI ds = seq.getDatasetSequence(); if (ds == null) { continue; } final SequenceI actedOn = originalSequences.get(ds); final int seqpos = actedOn.findPosition(editPos); /* * Determine all mappings from this position to mapped sequences. */ SearchResultsI sr = buildSearchResults(seq, seqpos, mappings); if (!sr.isEmpty()) { for (SequenceI targetSeq : targetSeqs) { ds = targetSeq.getDatasetSequence(); if (ds == null) { continue; } SequenceI copyTarget = targetCopies.get(ds); final int[] match = sr.getResults(copyTarget, 0, copyTarget.getLength()); if (match != null) { final int ratio = 3; // TODO: compute this - how? final int mappedCount = count * ratio; /* * Shift Delete start position left, as it acts on positions to its * right. */ int mappedEditPos = action == Action.DELETE_GAP ? match[0] - mappedCount : match[0]; Edit e = result.new Edit(action, new SequenceI[] { targetSeq }, mappedEditPos, mappedCount, gapChar); result.addEdit(e); /* * and 'apply' the edit to our copy of its target sequence */ if (action == Action.INSERT_GAP) { copyTarget.setSequence(new String( StringUtils.insertCharAt(copyTarget.getSequence(), mappedEditPos, mappedCount, gapChar))); } else if (action == Action.DELETE_GAP) { copyTarget.setSequence(new String( StringUtils.deleteChars(copyTarget.getSequence(), mappedEditPos, mappedEditPos + mappedCount))); } } } } /* * and 'apply' the edit to our copy of its source sequence */ if (action == Action.INSERT_GAP) { actedOn.setSequence(new String(StringUtils.insertCharAt( actedOn.getSequence(), editPos, count, gapChar))); } else if (action == Action.DELETE_GAP) { actedOn.setSequence(new String(StringUtils.deleteChars( actedOn.getSequence(), editPos, editPos + count))); } } } /** * Returns a SearchResults object describing the mapped region corresponding * to the specified sequence position. * * @param seq * @param index * @param seqmappings * @return */ public static SearchResultsI buildSearchResults(SequenceI seq, int index, List seqmappings) { SearchResultsI results = new SearchResults(); addSearchResults(results, seq, index, seqmappings); return results; } /** * Adds entries to a SearchResults object describing the mapped region * corresponding to the specified sequence position. * * @param results * @param seq * @param index * @param seqmappings */ public static void addSearchResults(SearchResultsI results, SequenceI seq, int index, List seqmappings) { if (index >= seq.getStart() && index <= seq.getEnd()) { for (AlignedCodonFrame acf : seqmappings) { acf.markMappedRegion(seq, index, results); } } } /** * Returns a (possibly empty) SequenceGroup containing any sequences in the * mapped viewport corresponding to the given group in the source viewport. * * @param sg * @param mapFrom * @param mapTo * @return */ public static SequenceGroup mapSequenceGroup(final SequenceGroup sg, final AlignViewportI mapFrom, final AlignViewportI mapTo) { /* * Note the SequenceGroup holds aligned sequences, the mappings hold dataset * sequences. */ boolean targetIsNucleotide = mapTo.isNucleotide(); AlignViewportI protein = targetIsNucleotide ? mapFrom : mapTo; List codonFrames = protein.getAlignment() .getCodonFrames(); /* * Copy group name, colours etc, but not sequences or sequence colour scheme */ SequenceGroup mappedGroup = new SequenceGroup(sg); mappedGroup.setColourScheme(mapTo.getGlobalColourScheme()); mappedGroup.clear(); int minStartCol = -1; int maxEndCol = -1; final int selectionStartRes = sg.getStartRes(); final int selectionEndRes = sg.getEndRes(); for (SequenceI selected : sg.getSequences()) { /* * Find the widest range of non-gapped positions in the selection range */ int firstUngappedPos = selectionStartRes; while (firstUngappedPos <= selectionEndRes && Comparison.isGap(selected.getCharAt(firstUngappedPos))) { firstUngappedPos++; } /* * If this sequence is only gaps in the selected range, skip it */ if (firstUngappedPos > selectionEndRes) { continue; } int lastUngappedPos = selectionEndRes; while (lastUngappedPos >= selectionStartRes && Comparison.isGap(selected.getCharAt(lastUngappedPos))) { lastUngappedPos--; } /* * Find the selected start/end residue positions in sequence */ int startResiduePos = selected.findPosition(firstUngappedPos); int endResiduePos = selected.findPosition(lastUngappedPos); for (SequenceI seq : mapTo.getAlignment().getSequences()) { int mappedStartResidue = 0; int mappedEndResidue = 0; for (AlignedCodonFrame acf : codonFrames) { // rather than use acf.getCoveringMapping() we iterate through all // mappings to make sure all CDS are selected for a protein for (SequenceToSequenceMapping map : acf.getMappings()) { if (map.covers(selected) && map.covers(seq)) { /* * Found a sequence mapping. Locate the start/end mapped residues. */ List mapping = Arrays .asList(new AlignedCodonFrame[] { acf }); // locate start SearchResultsI sr = buildSearchResults(selected, startResiduePos, mapping); for (SearchResultMatchI m : sr.getResults()) { mappedStartResidue = m.getStart(); mappedEndResidue = m.getEnd(); } // locate end - allowing for adjustment of start range sr = buildSearchResults(selected, endResiduePos, mapping); for (SearchResultMatchI m : sr.getResults()) { mappedStartResidue = Math.min(mappedStartResidue, m.getStart()); mappedEndResidue = Math.max(mappedEndResidue, m.getEnd()); } /* * Find the mapped aligned columns, save the range. Note findIndex * returns a base 1 position, SequenceGroup uses base 0 */ int mappedStartCol = seq.findIndex(mappedStartResidue) - 1; minStartCol = minStartCol == -1 ? mappedStartCol : Math.min(minStartCol, mappedStartCol); int mappedEndCol = seq.findIndex(mappedEndResidue) - 1; maxEndCol = maxEndCol == -1 ? mappedEndCol : Math.max(maxEndCol, mappedEndCol); mappedGroup.addSequence(seq, false); break; } } } } } mappedGroup.setStartRes(minStartCol < 0 ? 0 : minStartCol); mappedGroup.setEndRes(maxEndCol < 0 ? 0 : maxEndCol); return mappedGroup; } /** * Returns an OrderCommand equivalent to the given one, but acting on mapped * sequences as described by the mappings, or null if no mapping can be made. * * @param command * the original order command * @param undo * if true, the action is to undo the sort * @param mapTo * the alignment we are mapping to * @param mappings * the mappings available * @return */ public static CommandI mapOrderCommand(OrderCommand command, boolean undo, AlignmentI mapTo, List mappings) { SequenceI[] sortOrder = command.getSequenceOrder(undo); List mappedOrder = new ArrayList<>(); int j = 0; /* * Assumption: we are only interested in a cDNA/protein mapping; refactor in * future if we want to support sorting (c)dna as (c)dna or protein as * protein */ boolean mappingToNucleotide = mapTo.isNucleotide(); for (SequenceI seq : sortOrder) { for (AlignedCodonFrame acf : mappings) { for (SequenceI seq2 : mapTo.getSequences()) { /* * the corresponding peptide / CDS is the one for which there is * a complete ('covering') mapping to 'seq' */ SequenceI peptide = mappingToNucleotide ? seq2 : seq; SequenceI cds = mappingToNucleotide ? seq : seq2; SequenceToSequenceMapping s2s = acf.getCoveringMapping(cds, peptide); if (s2s != null) { mappedOrder.add(seq2); j++; break; } } } } /* * Return null if no mappings made. */ if (j == 0) { return null; } /* * Add any unmapped sequences on the end of the sort in their original * ordering. */ if (j < mapTo.getHeight()) { for (SequenceI seq : mapTo.getSequences()) { if (!mappedOrder.contains(seq)) { mappedOrder.add(seq); } } } /* * Have to sort the sequences before constructing the OrderCommand - which * then resorts them?!? */ final SequenceI[] mappedOrderArray = mappedOrder .toArray(new SequenceI[mappedOrder.size()]); SequenceI[] oldOrder = mapTo.getSequencesArray(); AlignmentSorter.sortBy(mapTo, new AlignmentOrder(mappedOrderArray)); final OrderCommand result = new OrderCommand(command.getDescription(), oldOrder, mapTo); return result; } /** * Returns a ColumnSelection in the 'mapTo' view which corresponds to the * given selection in the 'mapFrom' view. We assume one is nucleotide, the * other is protein (and holds the mappings from codons to protein residues). * * @param colsel * @param mapFrom * @param mapTo * @return */ public static void mapColumnSelection(ColumnSelection colsel, HiddenColumns hiddencols, AlignViewportI mapFrom, AlignViewportI mapTo, ColumnSelection newColSel, HiddenColumns newHidden) { boolean targetIsNucleotide = mapTo.isNucleotide(); AlignViewportI protein = targetIsNucleotide ? mapFrom : mapTo; List codonFrames = protein.getAlignment() .getCodonFrames(); if (colsel == null) { return; } char fromGapChar = mapFrom.getAlignment().getGapCharacter(); /* * For each mapped column, find the range of columns that residues in that * column map to. */ List fromSequences = mapFrom.getAlignment().getSequences(); List toSequences = mapTo.getAlignment().getSequences(); for (Integer sel : colsel.getSelected()) { mapColumn(sel.intValue(), codonFrames, newColSel, fromSequences, toSequences, fromGapChar); } Iterator regions = hiddencols.iterator(); while (regions.hasNext()) { mapHiddenColumns(regions.next(), codonFrames, newHidden, fromSequences, toSequences, fromGapChar); } return; } /** * Helper method that maps a [start, end] hidden column range to its mapped * equivalent * * @param hidden * @param mappings * @param mappedColumns * @param fromSequences * @param toSequences * @param fromGapChar */ protected static void mapHiddenColumns(int[] hidden, List mappings, HiddenColumns mappedColumns, List fromSequences, List toSequences, char fromGapChar) { for (int col = hidden[0]; col <= hidden[1]; col++) { int[] mappedTo = findMappedColumns(col, mappings, fromSequences, toSequences, fromGapChar); /* * Add the range of hidden columns to the mapped selection (converting * base 1 to base 0). */ if (mappedTo != null) { mappedColumns.hideColumns(mappedTo[0] - 1, mappedTo[1] - 1); } } } /** * Helper method to map one column selection * * @param col * the column number (base 0) * @param mappings * the sequence mappings * @param mappedColumns * the mapped column selections to add to * @param fromSequences * @param toSequences * @param fromGapChar */ protected static void mapColumn(int col, List mappings, ColumnSelection mappedColumns, List fromSequences, List toSequences, char fromGapChar) { int[] mappedTo = findMappedColumns(col, mappings, fromSequences, toSequences, fromGapChar); /* * Add the range of mapped columns to the mapped selection (converting * base 1 to base 0). Note that this may include intron-only regions which * lie between the start and end ranges of the selection. */ if (mappedTo != null) { for (int i = mappedTo[0]; i <= mappedTo[1]; i++) { mappedColumns.addElement(i - 1); } } } /** * Helper method to find the range of columns mapped to from one column. * Returns the maximal range of columns mapped to from all sequences in the * source column, or null if no mappings were found. * * @param col * @param mappings * @param fromSequences * @param toSequences * @param fromGapChar * @return */ public static int[] findMappedColumns(int col, List mappings, List fromSequences, List toSequences, char fromGapChar) { int[] mappedTo = new int[] { Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE }; boolean found = false; /* * For each sequence in the 'from' alignment */ for (SequenceI fromSeq : fromSequences) { /* * Ignore gaps (unmapped anyway) */ if (fromSeq.getCharAt(col) == fromGapChar) { continue; } /* * Get the residue position and find the mapped position. */ int residuePos = fromSeq.findPosition(col); SearchResultsI sr = buildSearchResults(fromSeq, residuePos, mappings); for (SearchResultMatchI m : sr.getResults()) { int mappedStartResidue = m.getStart(); int mappedEndResidue = m.getEnd(); SequenceI mappedSeq = m.getSequence(); /* * Locate the aligned sequence whose dataset is mappedSeq. TODO a * datamodel that can do this efficiently. */ for (SequenceI toSeq : toSequences) { if (toSeq.getDatasetSequence() == mappedSeq && mappedStartResidue >= toSeq.getStart() && mappedEndResidue <= toSeq.getEnd()) { int mappedStartCol = toSeq.findIndex(mappedStartResidue); int mappedEndCol = toSeq.findIndex(mappedEndResidue); mappedTo[0] = Math.min(mappedTo[0], mappedStartCol); mappedTo[1] = Math.max(mappedTo[1], mappedEndCol); found = true; break; // note: remove break if we ever want to map one to many sequences } } } } return found ? mappedTo : null; } /** * Returns the mapped codon or codons for a given aligned sequence column * position (base 0). * * @param seq * an aligned peptide sequence * @param col * an aligned column position (base 0) * @param mappings * a set of codon mappings * @return the bases of the mapped codon(s) in the cDNA dataset sequence(s), * or an empty list if none found */ public static List findCodonsFor(SequenceI seq, int col, List mappings) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); int dsPos = seq.findPosition(col); for (AlignedCodonFrame mapping : mappings) { if (mapping.involvesSequence(seq)) { List codons = mapping .getMappedCodons(seq.getDatasetSequence(), dsPos); if (codons != null) { result.addAll(codons); } } } return result; } /** * Converts a series of [start, end] range pairs into an array of individual * positions. This also caters for 'reverse strand' (start > end) cases. * * @param ranges * @return */ public static int[] flattenRanges(int[] ranges) { /* * Count how many positions altogether */ int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length - 1; i += 2) { count += Math.abs(ranges[i + 1] - ranges[i]) + 1; } int[] result = new int[count]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length - 1; i += 2) { int from = ranges[i]; final int to = ranges[i + 1]; int step = from <= to ? 1 : -1; do { result[k++] = from; from += step; } while (from != to + step); } return result; } /** * Returns a list of any mappings that are from or to the given (aligned or * dataset) sequence. * * @param sequence * @param mappings * @return */ public static List findMappingsForSequence( SequenceI sequence, List mappings) { return findMappingsForSequenceAndOthers(sequence, mappings, null); } /** * Returns a list of any mappings that are from or to the given (aligned or * dataset) sequence, optionally limited to mappings involving one of a given * list of sequences. * * @param sequence * @param mappings * @param filterList * @return */ public static List findMappingsForSequenceAndOthers( SequenceI sequence, List mappings, List filterList) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sequence == null || mappings == null) { return result; } for (AlignedCodonFrame mapping : mappings) { if (mapping.involvesSequence(sequence)) { if (filterList != null) { for (SequenceI otherseq : filterList) { SequenceI otherDataset = otherseq.getDatasetSequence(); if (otherseq == sequence || otherseq == sequence.getDatasetSequence() || (otherDataset != null && (otherDataset == sequence || otherDataset == sequence .getDatasetSequence()))) { // skip sequences in subset which directly relate to sequence continue; } if (mapping.involvesSequence(otherseq)) { // selected a mapping contained in subselect alignment result.add(mapping); break; } } } else { result.add(mapping); } } } return result; } /** * Returns the total length of the supplied ranges, which may be as single * [start, end] or multiple [start, end, start, end ...] * * @param ranges * @return */ public static int getLength(List ranges) { if (ranges == null) { return 0; } int length = 0; for (int[] range : ranges) { if (range.length % 2 != 0) { Console.error( "Error unbalance start/end ranges: " + ranges.toString()); return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < range.length - 1; i += 2) { length += Math.abs(range[i + 1] - range[i]) + 1; } } return length; } /** * Answers true if any range includes the given value * * @param ranges * @param value * @return */ public static boolean contains(List ranges, int value) { if (ranges == null) { return false; } for (int[] range : ranges) { if (range[1] >= range[0] && value >= range[0] && value <= range[1]) { /* * value within ascending range */ return true; } if (range[1] < range[0] && value <= range[0] && value >= range[1]) { /* * value within descending range */ return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes a specified number of positions from the start of a ranges list. * For example, could be used to adjust cds ranges to allow for an incomplete * start codon. Subranges are removed completely, or their start positions * adjusted, until the required number of positions has been removed from the * range. Reverse strand ranges are supported. The input array is not * modified. * * @param removeCount * @param ranges * an array of [start, end, start, end...] positions * @return a new array with the first removeCount positions removed */ public static int[] removeStartPositions(int removeCount, final int[] ranges) { if (removeCount <= 0) { return ranges; } int[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(ranges, ranges.length); int sxpos = -1; int cdspos = 0; for (int x = 0; x < copy.length && sxpos == -1; x += 2) { cdspos += Math.abs(copy[x + 1] - copy[x]) + 1; if (removeCount < cdspos) { /* * we have removed enough, time to finish */ sxpos = x; /* * increment start of first exon, or decrement if reverse strand */ if (copy[x] <= copy[x + 1]) { copy[x] = copy[x + 1] - cdspos + removeCount + 1; } else { copy[x] = copy[x + 1] + cdspos - removeCount - 1; } break; } } if (sxpos > 0) { /* * we dropped at least one entire sub-range - compact the array */ int[] nxon = new int[copy.length - sxpos]; System.arraycopy(copy, sxpos, nxon, 0, copy.length - sxpos); return nxon; } return copy; } /** * Answers true if range's start-end positions include those of queryRange, * where either range might be in reverse direction, else false * * @param range * a start-end range * @param queryRange * a candidate subrange of range (start2-end2) * @return */ public static boolean rangeContains(int[] range, int[] queryRange) { if (range == null || queryRange == null || range.length != 2 || queryRange.length != 2) { /* * invalid arguments */ return false; } int min = Math.min(range[0], range[1]); int max = Math.max(range[0], range[1]); return (min <= queryRange[0] && max >= queryRange[0] && min <= queryRange[1] && max >= queryRange[1]); } /** * Removes the specified number of positions from the given ranges. Provided * to allow a stop codon to be stripped from a CDS sequence so that it matches * the peptide translation length. * * @param positions * @param ranges * a list of (single) [start, end] ranges * @return */ public static void removeEndPositions(int positions, List ranges) { int toRemove = positions; Iterator it = new ReverseListIterator<>(ranges); while (toRemove > 0) { int[] endRange = it.next(); if (endRange.length != 2) { /* * not coded for [start1, end1, start2, end2, ...] */ Console.error( "MappingUtils.removeEndPositions doesn't handle multiple ranges"); return; } int length = endRange[1] - endRange[0] + 1; if (length <= 0) { /* * not coded for a reverse strand range (end < start) */ Console.error( "MappingUtils.removeEndPositions doesn't handle reverse strand"); return; } if (length > toRemove) { endRange[1] -= toRemove; toRemove = 0; } else { toRemove -= length; it.remove(); } } } /** * Converts a list of {@code start-end} ranges to a single array of * {@code start1, end1, start2, ... } ranges * * @param ranges * @return */ public static int[] rangeListToArray(List ranges) { int rangeCount = ranges.size(); int[] result = new int[rangeCount * 2]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) { int[] range = ranges.get(i); result[j++] = range[0]; result[j++] = range[1]; } return result; } /* * Returns the maximal start-end positions in the given (ordered) list of * ranges which is overlapped by the given begin-end range, or null if there * is no overlap. * *
   * Examples:
   *   if ranges is {[4, 8], [10, 12], [16, 19]}
   * then
   *   findOverlap(ranges, 1, 20) == [4, 19]
   *   findOverlap(ranges, 6, 11) == [6, 11]
   *   findOverlap(ranges, 9, 15) == [10, 12]
   *   findOverlap(ranges, 13, 15) == null
* * @param ranges * @param begin * @param end * @return */ protected static int[] findOverlap(List ranges, final int begin, final int end) { boolean foundStart = false; int from = 0; int to = 0; /* * traverse the ranges to find the first position (if any) >= begin, * and the last position (if any) <= end */ for (int[] range : ranges) { if (!foundStart) { if (range[0] >= begin) { /* * first range that starts with, or follows, begin */ foundStart = true; from = Math.max(range[0], begin); } else if (range[1] >= begin) { /* * first range that contains begin */ foundStart = true; from = begin; } } if (range[0] <= end) { to = Math.min(end, range[1]); } } return foundStart && to >= from ? new int[] { from, to } : null; } }