reportedMissing = new HashSet<>();
/* Localize Java dialogs */
loc = Locale.getDefault();
// Locale.setDefault(loc);
/* Getting messages for GV */"Getting messages for lang: " + loc);
Control control = Control.getControl(Control.FORMAT_PROPERTIES);
rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("lang.Messages", loc, control);
// if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
// {
// // this might take a while, so we only do it if it will be shown
//"Language keys: " + rb.keySet()); // was FINEST
// }
} catch (Exception q)
Console.warn("Exception when initting Locale for i18n messages\n"
+ q.getMessage());
} catch (Error v)
Console.warn("Error when initting Locale for i18n messages\n"
+ v.getMessage());
* Returns the resource bundle text for the given key, or if not found, the
* key prefixed by "[missing key]"
* @param key
* @return
public static String getString(String key)
String value = "[missing key] " + key;
value = rb.getString(key);
} catch (Exception e)
String msg = "I18N missing: " + loc + "\t" + key;
logWarning(key, msg);
return value;
public static Locale getLocale()
return loc;
* Returns the resource bundle text for the given key, with tokens {@code {0},
* {1} etc replaced by the supplied parameters. If the key is not found,
* returns the key and values prefixed by "[missing key]"
* @param key
* @return
public static String formatMessage(String key, Object... params)
return MessageFormat.format(rb.getString(key), params);
} catch (Exception e)
Console.warn("I18N missing: " + loc + "\t" + key);
String value = "[missing key] " + key + "";
for (Object p : params)
value += " '" + p.toString() + "'";
return value;
* Returns the resource bundle text for the given key, with tokens {@code {0},
* {1} etc replaced by the supplied parameters. If the key is not found,
* returns the key and values prefixed by "[missing key]"
* @param key
* @return
public static String formatMessage(String key, String[] params)
return formatMessage(key, (Object[]) params);
* Returns resource bundle text given a root and a human-readable(ish) name
* that when combined might resolve to an i18n string. {@code name} is forced
* to lower case, with any spaces removed, and concatenated to {@code keyroot}
* to form a lookup key.
* If the key doesn't resolve, then {@code name} is returned.
* Use this for programmatically constructed keys that might have a human
* readable alternative used in the program (e.g. BLOSUM62 and
* label.score_blosum62).
* @param keyroot
* @param name
* @return
public static String getStringOrReturn(String keyroot, String name)
String smkey = keyroot
+ name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).replaceAll(" ", "");
name = rb.getString(smkey);
} catch (Exception x)
String msg = "I18N missing key with root " + keyroot + ": " + loc
+ "\t" + smkey;
logWarning(smkey, msg);
return name;
* Logs missing keys (each key once only per run)
* @param key
* @param msg
private static void logWarning(String key, String msg)
if (!reportedMissing.contains(key))