/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8.2) * Copyright (C) 2014 The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.viewmodel; import jalview.analysis.Conservation; import jalview.api.AlignCalcManagerI; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.api.AlignmentViewPanel; import jalview.api.FeaturesDisplayedI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentView; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection; import jalview.datamodel.Sequence; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceCollectionI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.schemes.Blosum62ColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.ColourSchemeI; import jalview.schemes.PIDColourScheme; import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties; import jalview.viewmodel.seqfeatures.FeaturesDisplayed; import jalview.workers.AlignCalcManager; import jalview.workers.ConsensusThread; import jalview.workers.StrucConsensusThread; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; /** * base class holding visualization and analysis attributes and common logic for * an active alignment view displayed in the GUI * * @author jimp * */ public abstract class AlignmentViewport implements AlignViewportI { /** * alignment displayed in the viewport. Please use get/setter */ protected AlignmentI alignment; protected String sequenceSetID; /** * probably unused indicator that view is of a dataset rather than an * alignment */ protected boolean isDataset = false; private Map hiddenRepSequences; protected ColumnSelection colSel = new ColumnSelection(); public boolean autoCalculateConsensus = true; protected boolean autoCalculateStrucConsensus = true; protected boolean ignoreGapsInConsensusCalculation = false; protected ColourSchemeI globalColourScheme = null; /** * gui state - changes to colour scheme propagated to all groups */ private boolean colourAppliesToAllGroups; /** * @param value * indicating if subsequent colourscheme changes will be propagated * to all groups */ public void setColourAppliesToAllGroups(boolean b) { colourAppliesToAllGroups = b; } /** * * * @return flag indicating if colourchanges propagated to all groups */ public boolean getColourAppliesToAllGroups() { return colourAppliesToAllGroups; } boolean abovePIDThreshold = false; /** * GUI state * * @return true if percent identity threshold is applied to shading */ public boolean getAbovePIDThreshold() { return abovePIDThreshold; } /** * GUI state * * * @param b * indicate if percent identity threshold is applied to shading */ public void setAbovePIDThreshold(boolean b) { abovePIDThreshold = b; } int threshold; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param thresh * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setThreshold(int thresh) { threshold = thresh; } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ public int getThreshold() { return threshold; } int increment; /** * * @param inc * set the scalar for bleaching colourschemes according to degree of * conservation */ public void setIncrement(int inc) { increment = inc; } /** * GUI State * * @return get scalar for bleaching colourschemes by conservation */ public int getIncrement() { return increment; } boolean conservationColourSelected = false; /** * GUI state * * @return true if conservation based shading is enabled */ public boolean getConservationSelected() { return conservationColourSelected; } /** * GUI state * * @param b * enable conservation based shading */ public void setConservationSelected(boolean b) { conservationColourSelected = b; } @Override public void setGlobalColourScheme(ColourSchemeI cs) { // TODO: logic refactored from AlignFrame changeColour - // autorecalc stuff should be changed to rely on the worker system // check to see if we should implement a changeColour(cs) method rather than // put th logic in here // - means that caller decides if they want to just modify state and defer // calculation till later or to do all calculations in thread. // via changecolour globalColourScheme = cs; boolean recalc = false; if (cs != null) { cs.setConservationApplied(recalc = getConservationSelected()); if (getAbovePIDThreshold() || cs instanceof PIDColourScheme || cs instanceof Blosum62ColourScheme) { recalc = true; cs.setThreshold(threshold, ignoreGapsInConsensusCalculation); } else { cs.setThreshold(0, ignoreGapsInConsensusCalculation); } if (recalc) { cs.setConsensus(hconsensus); cs.setConservation(hconservation); } cs.alignmentChanged(alignment, hiddenRepSequences); } if (getColourAppliesToAllGroups()) { for (SequenceGroup sg : getAlignment().getGroups()) { if (cs == null) { sg.cs = null; continue; } sg.cs = cs.applyTo(sg, getHiddenRepSequences()); sg.setConsPercGaps(ConsPercGaps); if (getAbovePIDThreshold() || cs instanceof PIDColourScheme || cs instanceof Blosum62ColourScheme) { sg.cs.setThreshold(threshold, getIgnoreGapsConsensus()); recalc = true; } else { sg.cs.setThreshold(0, getIgnoreGapsConsensus()); } if (getConservationSelected()) { sg.cs.setConservationApplied(true); recalc = true; } else { sg.cs.setConservation(null); // sg.cs.setThreshold(0, getIgnoreGapsConsensus()); } if (recalc) { sg.recalcConservation(); } else { sg.cs.alignmentChanged(sg, hiddenRepSequences); } } } } @Override public ColourSchemeI getGlobalColourScheme() { return globalColourScheme; } protected AlignmentAnnotation consensus; protected AlignmentAnnotation strucConsensus; protected AlignmentAnnotation conservation; protected AlignmentAnnotation quality; protected AlignmentAnnotation[] groupConsensus; protected AlignmentAnnotation[] groupConservation; /** * results of alignment consensus analysis for visible portion of view */ protected Hashtable[] hconsensus = null; /** * results of secondary structure base pair consensus for visible portion of * view */ protected Hashtable[] hStrucConsensus = null; protected Conservation hconservation = null; @Override public void setConservation(Conservation cons) { hconservation = cons; } /** * percentage gaps allowed in a column before all amino acid properties should * be considered unconserved */ int ConsPercGaps = 25; // JBPNote : This should be a scalable property! @Override public int getConsPercGaps() { return ConsPercGaps; } @Override public void setSequenceConsensusHash(Hashtable[] hconsensus) { this.hconsensus = hconsensus; } @Override public Hashtable[] getSequenceConsensusHash() { return hconsensus; } @Override public Hashtable[] getRnaStructureConsensusHash() { return hStrucConsensus; } @Override public void setRnaStructureConsensusHash(Hashtable[] hStrucConsensus) { this.hStrucConsensus = hStrucConsensus; } @Override public AlignmentAnnotation getAlignmentQualityAnnot() { return quality; } @Override public AlignmentAnnotation getAlignmentConservationAnnotation() { return conservation; } @Override public AlignmentAnnotation getAlignmentConsensusAnnotation() { return consensus; } @Override public AlignmentAnnotation getAlignmentStrucConsensusAnnotation() { return strucConsensus; } protected AlignCalcManagerI calculator = new AlignCalcManager(); /** * trigger update of conservation annotation */ public void updateConservation(final AlignmentViewPanel ap) { // see note in mantis : issue number 8585 if (alignment.isNucleotide() || conservation == null || !autoCalculateConsensus) { return; } if (calculator .getRegisteredWorkersOfClass(jalview.workers.ConservationThread.class) == null) { calculator.registerWorker(new jalview.workers.ConservationThread( this, ap)); } } /** * trigger update of consensus annotation */ public void updateConsensus(final AlignmentViewPanel ap) { // see note in mantis : issue number 8585 if (consensus == null || !autoCalculateConsensus) { return; } if (calculator.getRegisteredWorkersOfClass(ConsensusThread.class) == null) { calculator.registerWorker(new ConsensusThread(this, ap)); } } // --------START Structure Conservation public void updateStrucConsensus(final AlignmentViewPanel ap) { if (autoCalculateStrucConsensus && strucConsensus == null && alignment.isNucleotide() && alignment.hasRNAStructure()) { // secondary structure has been added - so init the consensus line initRNAStructure(); } // see note in mantis : issue number 8585 if (strucConsensus == null || !autoCalculateStrucConsensus) { return; } if (calculator.getRegisteredWorkersOfClass(StrucConsensusThread.class) == null) { calculator.registerWorker(new StrucConsensusThread(this, ap)); } } public boolean isCalcInProgress() { return calculator.isWorking(); } @Override public boolean isCalculationInProgress( AlignmentAnnotation alignmentAnnotation) { if (!alignmentAnnotation.autoCalculated) return false; if (calculator.workingInvolvedWith(alignmentAnnotation)) { // System.err.println("grey out ("+alignmentAnnotation.label+")"); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isClosed() { // TODO: check that this isClosed is only true after panel is closed, not // before it is fully constructed. return alignment == null; } @Override public AlignCalcManagerI getCalcManager() { return calculator; } /** * should conservation rows be shown for groups */ protected boolean showGroupConservation = false; /** * should consensus rows be shown for groups */ protected boolean showGroupConsensus = false; /** * should consensus profile be rendered by default */ protected boolean showSequenceLogo = false; /** * should consensus profile be rendered normalised to row height */ protected boolean normaliseSequenceLogo = false; /** * should consensus histograms be rendered by default */ protected boolean showConsensusHistogram = true; /** * @return the showConsensusProfile */ @Override public boolean isShowSequenceLogo() { return showSequenceLogo; } /** * @param showSequenceLogo * the new value */ public void setShowSequenceLogo(boolean showSequenceLogo) { if (showSequenceLogo != this.showSequenceLogo) { // TODO: decouple settings setting from calculation when refactoring // annotation update method from alignframe to viewport this.showSequenceLogo = showSequenceLogo; calculator.updateAnnotationFor(ConsensusThread.class); calculator.updateAnnotationFor(StrucConsensusThread.class); } this.showSequenceLogo = showSequenceLogo; } /** * @param showConsensusHistogram * the showConsensusHistogram to set */ public void setShowConsensusHistogram(boolean showConsensusHistogram) { this.showConsensusHistogram = showConsensusHistogram; } /** * @return the showGroupConservation */ public boolean isShowGroupConservation() { return showGroupConservation; } /** * @param showGroupConservation * the showGroupConservation to set */ public void setShowGroupConservation(boolean showGroupConservation) { this.showGroupConservation = showGroupConservation; } /** * @return the showGroupConsensus */ public boolean isShowGroupConsensus() { return showGroupConsensus; } /** * @param showGroupConsensus * the showGroupConsensus to set */ public void setShowGroupConsensus(boolean showGroupConsensus) { this.showGroupConsensus = showGroupConsensus; } /** * * @return flag to indicate if the consensus histogram should be rendered by * default */ @Override public boolean isShowConsensusHistogram() { return this.showConsensusHistogram; } /** * show non-conserved residues only */ protected boolean showUnconserved = false; /** * when set, updateAlignment will always ensure sequences are of equal length */ private boolean padGaps = false; /** * when set, alignment should be reordered according to a newly opened tree */ public boolean sortByTree = false; public boolean getShowUnconserved() { return showUnconserved; } public void setShowUnconserved(boolean showunconserved) { showUnconserved = showunconserved; } /** * @param showNonconserved * the showUnconserved to set */ public void setShowunconserved(boolean displayNonconserved) { this.showUnconserved = displayNonconserved; } /** * * * @return null or the currently selected sequence region */ @Override public SequenceGroup getSelectionGroup() { return selectionGroup; } /** * Set the selection group for this window. * * @param sg * - group holding references to sequences in this alignment view * */ @Override public void setSelectionGroup(SequenceGroup sg) { selectionGroup = sg; } public void setHiddenColumns(ColumnSelection colsel) { this.colSel = colsel; if (colSel.getHiddenColumns() != null) { hasHiddenColumns = true; } } @Override public ColumnSelection getColumnSelection() { return colSel; } public void setColumnSelection(ColumnSelection colSel) { this.colSel = colSel; } /** * * @return */ @Override public Map getHiddenRepSequences() { return hiddenRepSequences; } @Override public void setHiddenRepSequences( Map hiddenRepSequences) { this.hiddenRepSequences = hiddenRepSequences; } protected boolean hasHiddenColumns = false; public void updateHiddenColumns() { hasHiddenColumns = colSel.getHiddenColumns() != null; } protected boolean hasHiddenRows = false; public boolean hasHiddenRows() { return hasHiddenRows; } protected SequenceGroup selectionGroup; public void setSequenceSetId(String newid) { if (sequenceSetID != null) { System.err .println("Warning - overwriting a sequenceSetId for a viewport!"); } sequenceSetID = new String(newid); } @Override public String getSequenceSetId() { if (sequenceSetID == null) { sequenceSetID = alignment.hashCode() + ""; } return sequenceSetID; } /** * unique viewId for synchronizing state (e.g. with stored Jalview Project) * */ protected String viewId = null; public String getViewId() { if (viewId == null) { viewId = this.getSequenceSetId() + "." + this.hashCode() + ""; } return viewId; } public void setIgnoreGapsConsensus(boolean b, AlignmentViewPanel ap) { ignoreGapsInConsensusCalculation = b; if (ap != null) { updateConsensus(ap); if (globalColourScheme != null) { globalColourScheme.setThreshold(globalColourScheme.getThreshold(), ignoreGapsInConsensusCalculation); } } } private long sgrouphash = -1, colselhash = -1; /** * checks current SelectionGroup against record of last hash value, and * updates record. * * @param b * update the record of last hash value * * @return true if SelectionGroup changed since last call (when b is true) */ public boolean isSelectionGroupChanged(boolean b) { int hc = (selectionGroup == null || selectionGroup.getSize() == 0) ? -1 : selectionGroup.hashCode(); if (hc != -1 && hc != sgrouphash) { if (b) { sgrouphash = hc; } return true; } return false; } /** * checks current colsel against record of last hash value, and optionally * updates record. * * @param b * update the record of last hash value * @return true if colsel changed since last call (when b is true) */ public boolean isColSelChanged(boolean b) { int hc = (colSel == null || colSel.size() == 0) ? -1 : colSel .hashCode(); if (hc != -1 && hc != colselhash) { if (b) { colselhash = hc; } return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean getIgnoreGapsConsensus() { return ignoreGapsInConsensusCalculation; } // / property change stuff // JBPNote Prolly only need this in the applet version. private final java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport( this); protected boolean showConservation = true; protected boolean showQuality = true; protected boolean showConsensus = true; Hashtable sequenceColours; /** * Property change listener for changes in alignment * * @param listener * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void addPropertyChangeListener( java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param listener * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void removePropertyChangeListener( java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * Property change listener for changes in alignment * * @param prop * DOCUMENT ME! * @param oldvalue * DOCUMENT ME! * @param newvalue * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void firePropertyChange(String prop, Object oldvalue, Object newvalue) { changeSupport.firePropertyChange(prop, oldvalue, newvalue); } // common hide/show column stuff public void hideSelectedColumns() { if (colSel.size() < 1) { return; } colSel.hideSelectedColumns(); setSelectionGroup(null); hasHiddenColumns = true; } public void hideColumns(int start, int end) { if (start == end) { colSel.hideColumns(start); } else { colSel.hideColumns(start, end); } hasHiddenColumns = true; } public void showColumn(int col) { colSel.revealHiddenColumns(col); if (colSel.getHiddenColumns() == null) { hasHiddenColumns = false; } } public void showAllHiddenColumns() { colSel.revealAllHiddenColumns(); hasHiddenColumns = false; } // common hide/show seq stuff public void showAllHiddenSeqs() { if (alignment.getHiddenSequences().getSize() > 0) { if (selectionGroup == null) { selectionGroup = new SequenceGroup(); selectionGroup.setEndRes(alignment.getWidth() - 1); } Vector tmp = alignment.getHiddenSequences().showAll( hiddenRepSequences); for (int t = 0; t < tmp.size(); t++) { selectionGroup.addSequence((SequenceI) tmp.elementAt(t), false); } hasHiddenRows = false; hiddenRepSequences = null; firePropertyChange("alignment", null, alignment.getSequences()); // used to set hasHiddenRows/hiddenRepSequences here, after the property // changed event sendSelection(); } } public void showSequence(int index) { Vector tmp = alignment.getHiddenSequences().showSequence(index, hiddenRepSequences); if (tmp.size() > 0) { if (selectionGroup == null) { selectionGroup = new SequenceGroup(); selectionGroup.setEndRes(alignment.getWidth() - 1); } for (int t = 0; t < tmp.size(); t++) { selectionGroup.addSequence((SequenceI) tmp.elementAt(t), false); } // JBPNote: refactor: only update flag if we modified visiblity (used to // do this regardless) if (alignment.getHiddenSequences().getSize() < 1) { hasHiddenRows = false; } firePropertyChange("alignment", null, alignment.getSequences()); sendSelection(); } } public void hideAllSelectedSeqs() { if (selectionGroup == null || selectionGroup.getSize() < 1) { return; } SequenceI[] seqs = selectionGroup.getSequencesInOrder(alignment); hideSequence(seqs); setSelectionGroup(null); } public void hideSequence(SequenceI[] seq) { if (seq != null) { for (int i = 0; i < seq.length; i++) { alignment.getHiddenSequences().hideSequence(seq[i]); } hasHiddenRows = true; firePropertyChange("alignment", null, alignment.getSequences()); } } public void hideRepSequences(SequenceI repSequence, SequenceGroup sg) { int sSize = sg.getSize(); if (sSize < 2) { return; } if (hiddenRepSequences == null) { hiddenRepSequences = new Hashtable(); } hiddenRepSequences.put(repSequence, sg); // Hide all sequences except the repSequence SequenceI[] seqs = new SequenceI[sSize - 1]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sSize; i++) { if (sg.getSequenceAt(i) != repSequence) { if (index == sSize - 1) { return; } seqs[index++] = sg.getSequenceAt(i); } } sg.setSeqrep(repSequence); // note: not done in 2.7applet sg.setHidereps(true); // note: not done in 2.7applet hideSequence(seqs); } public boolean isHiddenRepSequence(SequenceI seq) { return hiddenRepSequences != null && hiddenRepSequences.containsKey(seq); } public SequenceGroup getRepresentedSequences(SequenceI seq) { return (SequenceGroup) (hiddenRepSequences == null ? null : hiddenRepSequences.get(seq)); } public int adjustForHiddenSeqs(int alignmentIndex) { return alignment.getHiddenSequences().adjustForHiddenSeqs( alignmentIndex); } // Selection manipulation /** * broadcast selection to any interested parties */ public abstract void sendSelection(); public void invertColumnSelection() { colSel.invertColumnSelection(0, alignment.getWidth()); } /** * This method returns an array of new SequenceI objects derived from the * whole alignment or just the current selection with start and end points * adjusted * * @note if you need references to the actual SequenceI objects in the * alignment or currently selected then use getSequenceSelection() * @return selection as new sequenceI objects */ public SequenceI[] getSelectionAsNewSequence() { SequenceI[] sequences; // JBPNote: Need to test jalviewLite.getSelectedSequencesAsAlignmentFrom - // this was the only caller in the applet for this method // JBPNote: in applet, this method returned references to the alignment // sequences, and it did not honour the presence/absence of annotation // attached to the alignment (probably!) if (selectionGroup == null || selectionGroup.getSize() == 0) { sequences = alignment.getSequencesArray(); AlignmentAnnotation[] annots = alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation(); for (int i = 0; i < sequences.length; i++) { sequences[i] = new Sequence(sequences[i], annots); // construct new // sequence with // subset of visible // annotation } } else { sequences = selectionGroup.getSelectionAsNewSequences(alignment); } return sequences; } /** * get the currently selected sequence objects or all the sequences in the * alignment. * * @return array of references to sequence objects */ @Override public SequenceI[] getSequenceSelection() { SequenceI[] sequences = null; if (selectionGroup != null) { sequences = selectionGroup.getSequencesInOrder(alignment); } if (sequences == null) { sequences = alignment.getSequencesArray(); } return sequences; } /** * This method returns the visible alignment as text, as seen on the GUI, ie * if columns are hidden they will not be returned in the result. Use this for * calculating trees, PCA, redundancy etc on views which contain hidden * columns. * * @return String[] */ @Override public jalview.datamodel.CigarArray getViewAsCigars( boolean selectedRegionOnly) { return new jalview.datamodel.CigarArray(alignment, (hasHiddenColumns ? colSel : null), (selectedRegionOnly ? selectionGroup : null)); } /** * return a compact representation of the current alignment selection to pass * to an analysis function * * @param selectedOnly * boolean true to just return the selected view * @return AlignmentView */ @Override public jalview.datamodel.AlignmentView getAlignmentView( boolean selectedOnly) { return getAlignmentView(selectedOnly, false); } /** * return a compact representation of the current alignment selection to pass * to an analysis function * * @param selectedOnly * boolean true to just return the selected view * @param markGroups * boolean true to annotate the alignment view with groups on the * alignment (and intersecting with selected region if selectedOnly * is true) * @return AlignmentView */ @Override public jalview.datamodel.AlignmentView getAlignmentView( boolean selectedOnly, boolean markGroups) { return new AlignmentView(alignment, colSel, selectionGroup, hasHiddenColumns, selectedOnly, markGroups); } /** * This method returns the visible alignment as text, as seen on the GUI, ie * if columns are hidden they will not be returned in the result. Use this for * calculating trees, PCA, redundancy etc on views which contain hidden * columns. * * @return String[] */ @Override public String[] getViewAsString(boolean selectedRegionOnly) { String[] selection = null; SequenceI[] seqs = null; int i, iSize; int start = 0, end = 0; if (selectedRegionOnly && selectionGroup != null) { iSize = selectionGroup.getSize(); seqs = selectionGroup.getSequencesInOrder(alignment); start = selectionGroup.getStartRes(); end = selectionGroup.getEndRes() + 1; } else { iSize = alignment.getHeight(); seqs = alignment.getSequencesArray(); end = alignment.getWidth(); } selection = new String[iSize]; if (hasHiddenColumns) { selection = colSel.getVisibleSequenceStrings(start, end, seqs); } else { for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { selection[i] = seqs[i].getSequenceAsString(start, end); } } return selection; } /** * return visible region boundaries within given column range * * @param min * first column (inclusive, from 0) * @param max * last column (exclusive) * @return int[][] range of {start,end} visible positions */ public int[][] getVisibleRegionBoundaries(int min, int max) { Vector regions = new Vector(); int start = min; int end = max; do { if (hasHiddenColumns) { if (start == 0) { start = colSel.adjustForHiddenColumns(start); } end = colSel.getHiddenBoundaryRight(start); if (start == end) { end = max; } if (end > max) { end = max; } } regions.addElement(new int[] { start, end }); if (hasHiddenColumns) { start = colSel.adjustForHiddenColumns(end); start = colSel.getHiddenBoundaryLeft(start) + 1; } } while (end < max); int[][] startEnd = new int[regions.size()][2]; regions.copyInto(startEnd); return startEnd; } /** * @return the padGaps */ public boolean isPadGaps() { return padGaps; } /** * @param padGaps * the padGaps to set */ public void setPadGaps(boolean padGaps) { this.padGaps = padGaps; } /** * apply any post-edit constraints and trigger any calculations needed after * an edit has been performed on the alignment * * @param ap */ public void alignmentChanged(AlignmentViewPanel ap) { if (isPadGaps()) { alignment.padGaps(); } if (autoCalculateConsensus) { updateConsensus(ap); } if (hconsensus != null && autoCalculateConsensus) { updateConservation(ap); } if (autoCalculateStrucConsensus) { updateStrucConsensus(ap); } // Reset endRes of groups if beyond alignment width int alWidth = alignment.getWidth(); List groups = alignment.getGroups(); if (groups != null) { for (SequenceGroup sg : groups) { if (sg.getEndRes() > alWidth) { sg.setEndRes(alWidth - 1); } } } if (selectionGroup != null && selectionGroup.getEndRes() > alWidth) { selectionGroup.setEndRes(alWidth - 1); } resetAllColourSchemes(); calculator.restartWorkers(); // alignment.adjustSequenceAnnotations(); } /** * reset scope and do calculations for all applied colourschemes on alignment */ void resetAllColourSchemes() { ColourSchemeI cs = globalColourScheme; if (cs != null) { cs.alignmentChanged(alignment, hiddenRepSequences); cs.setConsensus(hconsensus); if (cs.conservationApplied()) { cs.setConservation(Conservation.calculateConservation("All", ResidueProperties.propHash, 3, alignment.getSequences(), 0, alignment.getWidth(), false, getConsPercGaps(), false)); } } for (SequenceGroup sg : alignment.getGroups()) { if (sg.cs != null) { sg.cs.alignmentChanged(sg, hiddenRepSequences); } sg.recalcConservation(); } } protected void initAutoAnnotation() { // TODO: add menu option action that nulls or creates consensus object // depending on if the user wants to see the annotation or not in a // specific alignment if (hconsensus == null && !isDataset) { if (!alignment.isNucleotide()) { initConservation(); initQuality(); } else { initRNAStructure(); } initConsensus(); } } private void initConsensus() { consensus = new AlignmentAnnotation("Consensus", "PID", new Annotation[1], 0f, 100f, AlignmentAnnotation.BAR_GRAPH); consensus.hasText = true; consensus.autoCalculated = true; if (showConsensus) { alignment.addAnnotation(consensus); } } private void initConservation() { if (showConservation) { if (conservation == null) { conservation = new AlignmentAnnotation("Conservation", "Conservation of total alignment less than " + getConsPercGaps() + "% gaps", new Annotation[1], 0f, 11f, AlignmentAnnotation.BAR_GRAPH); conservation.hasText = true; conservation.autoCalculated = true; alignment.addAnnotation(conservation); } } } private void initQuality() { if (showQuality) { if (quality == null) { quality = new AlignmentAnnotation("Quality", "Alignment Quality based on Blosum62 scores", new Annotation[1], 0f, 11f, AlignmentAnnotation.BAR_GRAPH); quality.hasText = true; quality.autoCalculated = true; alignment.addAnnotation(quality); } } } private void initRNAStructure() { if (alignment.hasRNAStructure() && strucConsensus == null) { strucConsensus = new AlignmentAnnotation("StrucConsensus", "PID", new Annotation[1], 0f, 100f, AlignmentAnnotation.BAR_GRAPH); strucConsensus.hasText = true; strucConsensus.autoCalculated = true; if (showConsensus) { alignment.addAnnotation(strucConsensus); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see jalview.api.AlignViewportI#calcPanelHeight() */ public int calcPanelHeight() { // setHeight of panels AlignmentAnnotation[] aa = getAlignment().getAlignmentAnnotation(); int height = 0; int charHeight = getCharHeight(); if (aa != null) { BitSet graphgrp = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < aa.length; i++) { if (aa[i] == null) { System.err.println("Null annotation row: ignoring."); continue; } if (!aa[i].visible) { continue; } if (aa[i].graphGroup > -1) { if (graphgrp.get(aa[i].graphGroup)) { continue; } else { graphgrp.set(aa[i].graphGroup); } } aa[i].height = 0; if (aa[i].hasText) { aa[i].height += charHeight; } if (aa[i].hasIcons) { aa[i].height += 16; } if (aa[i].graph > 0) { aa[i].height += aa[i].graphHeight; } if (aa[i].height == 0) { aa[i].height = 20; } height += aa[i].height; } } if (height == 0) { // set minimum height = 20; } return height; } @Override public void updateGroupAnnotationSettings(boolean applyGlobalSettings, boolean preserveNewGroupSettings) { boolean updateCalcs = false; boolean conv = isShowGroupConservation(); boolean cons = isShowGroupConsensus(); boolean showprf = isShowSequenceLogo(); boolean showConsHist = isShowConsensusHistogram(); boolean normLogo = isNormaliseSequenceLogo(); /** * TODO reorder the annotation rows according to group/sequence ordering on * alignment */ boolean sortg = true; // remove old automatic annotation // add any new annotation // intersect alignment annotation with alignment groups AlignmentAnnotation[] aan = alignment.getAlignmentAnnotation(); List oldrfs = new ArrayList(); if (aan != null) { for (int an = 0; an < aan.length; an++) { if (aan[an].autoCalculated && aan[an].groupRef != null) { oldrfs.add(aan[an].groupRef); alignment.deleteAnnotation(aan[an], false); } } } if (alignment.getGroups() != null) { for (SequenceGroup sg : alignment.getGroups()) { updateCalcs = false; if (applyGlobalSettings || (!preserveNewGroupSettings && !oldrfs.contains(sg))) { // set defaults for this group's conservation/consensus sg.setshowSequenceLogo(showprf); sg.setShowConsensusHistogram(showConsHist); sg.setNormaliseSequenceLogo(normLogo); } if (conv) { updateCalcs = true; alignment.addAnnotation(sg.getConservationRow(), 0); } if (cons) { updateCalcs = true; alignment.addAnnotation(sg.getConsensus(), 0); } // refresh the annotation rows if (updateCalcs) { sg.recalcConservation(); } } } oldrfs.clear(); } @Override public Color getSequenceColour(SequenceI seq) { Color sqc = Color.white; if (sequenceColours != null) { sqc = (Color) sequenceColours.get(seq); if (sqc == null) { sqc = Color.white; } } return sqc; } @Override public void setSequenceColour(SequenceI seq, Color col) { if (sequenceColours == null) { sequenceColours = new Hashtable(); } if (col == null) { sequenceColours.remove(seq); } else { sequenceColours.put(seq, col); } } @Override public void updateSequenceIdColours() { if (sequenceColours == null) { sequenceColours = new Hashtable(); } for (SequenceGroup sg : alignment.getGroups()) { if (sg.idColour != null) { for (SequenceI s : sg.getSequences(getHiddenRepSequences())) { sequenceColours.put(s, sg.idColour); } } } } @Override public void clearSequenceColours() { sequenceColours = null; }; FeaturesDisplayedI featuresDisplayed = null; @Override public FeaturesDisplayedI getFeaturesDisplayed() { return featuresDisplayed; } public void setFeaturesDisplayed(FeaturesDisplayedI featuresDisplayedI) { featuresDisplayed = featuresDisplayedI; } public boolean areFeaturesDisplayed() { return featuresDisplayed != null && featuresDisplayed.getRegisterdFeaturesCount()>0; } /** * display setting for showing/hiding sequence features on alignment view */ boolean showSequenceFeatures = false; /** * set the flag * * @param b * features are displayed if true */ @Override public void setShowSequenceFeatures(boolean b) { showSequenceFeatures = b; } @Override public boolean isShowSequenceFeatures() { return showSequenceFeatures; } boolean showSeqFeaturesHeight; public void setShowSequenceFeaturesHeight(boolean selected) { showSeqFeaturesHeight = selected; } public boolean isShowSequenceFeaturesHeight() { return showSeqFeaturesHeight; } }