/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$) * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jalview. If not, see . * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. */ package jalview.viewmodel.seqfeatures; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.api.FeatureColourI; import jalview.api.FeaturesDisplayedI; import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.MappedFeatures; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultMatchI; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResults; import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultsI; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureMatcherSetI; import jalview.datamodel.features.SequenceFeatures; import jalview.renderer.seqfeatures.FeatureRenderer; import jalview.schemes.FeatureColour; import jalview.util.ColorUtils; import java.awt.Color; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public abstract class FeatureRendererModel implements jalview.api.FeatureRenderer { /* * a data bean to hold one row of feature settings from the gui */ public static class FeatureSettingsBean { public final String featureType; public final FeatureColourI featureColour; public final FeatureMatcherSetI filter; public final Boolean show; public FeatureSettingsBean(String type, FeatureColourI colour, FeatureMatcherSetI theFilter, Boolean isShown) { featureType = type; featureColour = colour; filter = theFilter; show = isShown; } } /* * global transparency for feature */ protected float transparency = 1.0f; /* * colour scheme for each feature type */ protected Map featureColours = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /* * visibility flag for each feature group */ protected Map featureGroups = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /* * filters for each feature type */ protected Map featureFilters = new HashMap<>(); protected String[] renderOrder; Map featureOrder = null; protected AlignViewportI av; private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this); @Override public AlignViewportI getViewport() { return av; } public FeatureRendererSettings getSettings() { return new FeatureRendererSettings(this); } public void transferSettings(FeatureRendererSettings fr) { this.renderOrder = fr.renderOrder; this.featureGroups = fr.featureGroups; this.featureColours = fr.featureColours; this.transparency = fr.transparency; this.featureOrder = fr.featureOrder; } /** * update from another feature renderer * * @param fr * settings to copy */ public void transferSettings(jalview.api.FeatureRenderer _fr) { FeatureRenderer fr = (FeatureRenderer) _fr; FeatureRendererSettings frs = new FeatureRendererSettings(fr); this.renderOrder = frs.renderOrder; this.featureGroups = frs.featureGroups; this.featureColours = frs.featureColours; this.featureFilters = frs.featureFilters; this.transparency = frs.transparency; this.featureOrder = frs.featureOrder; if (av != null && av != fr.getViewport()) { // copy over the displayed feature settings if (_fr.getFeaturesDisplayed() != null) { FeaturesDisplayedI fd = getFeaturesDisplayed(); if (fd == null) { setFeaturesDisplayedFrom(_fr.getFeaturesDisplayed()); } else { synchronized (fd) { fd.clear(); for (String type : _fr.getFeaturesDisplayed() .getVisibleFeatures()) { fd.setVisible(type); } } } } } } public void setFeaturesDisplayedFrom(FeaturesDisplayedI featuresDisplayed) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(new FeaturesDisplayed(featuresDisplayed)); } @Override public void setVisible(String featureType) { FeaturesDisplayedI fdi = av.getFeaturesDisplayed(); if (fdi == null) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(fdi = new FeaturesDisplayed()); } if (!fdi.isRegistered(featureType)) { pushFeatureType(Arrays.asList(new String[] { featureType })); } fdi.setVisible(featureType); } @Override public void setAllVisible(List featureTypes) { FeaturesDisplayedI fdi = av.getFeaturesDisplayed(); if (fdi == null) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(fdi = new FeaturesDisplayed()); } List nft = new ArrayList<>(); for (String featureType : featureTypes) { if (!fdi.isRegistered(featureType)) { nft.add(featureType); } } if (nft.size() > 0) { pushFeatureType(nft); } fdi.setAllVisible(featureTypes); } /** * push a set of new types onto the render order stack. Note - this is a * direct mechanism rather than the one employed in updateRenderOrder * * @param types */ private void pushFeatureType(List types) { int ts = types.size(); String neworder[] = new String[(renderOrder == null ? 0 : renderOrder.length) + ts]; types.toArray(neworder); if (renderOrder != null) { System.arraycopy(neworder, 0, neworder, renderOrder.length, ts); System.arraycopy(renderOrder, 0, neworder, 0, renderOrder.length); } renderOrder = neworder; } protected Map minmax = new Hashtable<>(); public Map getMinMax() { return minmax; } /** * normalise a score against the max/min bounds for the feature type. * * @param sequenceFeature * @return byte[] { signed, normalised signed (-127 to 127) or unsigned * (0-255) value. */ protected final byte[] normaliseScore(SequenceFeature sequenceFeature) { float[] mm = minmax.get(sequenceFeature.type)[0]; final byte[] r = new byte[] { 0, (byte) 255 }; if (mm != null) { if (r[0] != 0 || mm[0] < 0.0) { r[0] = 1; r[1] = (byte) ((int) 128.0 + 127.0 * (sequenceFeature.score / mm[1])); } else { r[1] = (byte) ((int) 255.0 * (sequenceFeature.score / mm[1])); } } return r; } boolean newFeatureAdded = false; boolean findingFeatures = false; protected boolean updateFeatures() { if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null || renderOrder == null || newFeatureAdded) { findAllFeatures(); if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed().getVisibleFeatureCount() < 1) { return false; } } // TODO: decide if we should check for the visible feature count first return true; } /** * search the alignment for all new features, give them a colour and display * them. Then fires a PropertyChangeEvent on the changeSupport object. * */ protected void findAllFeatures() { synchronized (firing) { if (firing.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { firing = Boolean.TRUE; findAllFeatures(true); // add all new features as visible notifyFeaturesChanged(); firing = Boolean.FALSE; } } } @Override public void notifyFeaturesChanged() { changeSupport.firePropertyChange("changeSupport", null, null); } @Override public List findFeaturesAtColumn(SequenceI sequence, int column) { /* * include features at the position provided their feature type is * displayed, and feature group is null or marked for display */ List result = new ArrayList<>(); if (!av.areFeaturesDisplayed() || getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { return result; } Set visibleFeatures = getFeaturesDisplayed() .getVisibleFeatures(); String[] visibleTypes = visibleFeatures .toArray(new String[visibleFeatures.size()]); List features = sequence.findFeatures(column, column, visibleTypes); /* * include features unless they are hidden (have no colour), based on * feature group visibility, or a filter or colour threshold */ for (SequenceFeature sf : features) { if (getColour(sf) != null) { result.add(sf); } } return result; } /** * Searches alignment for all features and updates colours * * @param newMadeVisible * if true newly added feature types will be rendered immediately * TODO: check to see if this method should actually be proxied so * repaint events can be propagated by the renderer code */ @Override public synchronized void findAllFeatures(boolean newMadeVisible) { newFeatureAdded = false; if (findingFeatures) { newFeatureAdded = true; return; } findingFeatures = true; if (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { av.setFeaturesDisplayed(new FeaturesDisplayed()); } FeaturesDisplayedI featuresDisplayed = av.getFeaturesDisplayed(); Set oldfeatures = new HashSet<>(); if (renderOrder != null) { for (int i = 0; i < renderOrder.length; i++) { if (renderOrder[i] != null) { oldfeatures.add(renderOrder[i]); } } } AlignmentI alignment = av.getAlignment(); List allfeatures = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getHeight(); i++) { SequenceI asq = alignment.getSequenceAt(i); for (String group : asq.getFeatures().getFeatureGroups(true)) { boolean groupDisplayed = true; if (group != null) { if (featureGroups.containsKey(group)) { groupDisplayed = featureGroups.get(group); } else { groupDisplayed = newMadeVisible; featureGroups.put(group, groupDisplayed); } } if (groupDisplayed) { Set types = asq.getFeatures().getFeatureTypesForGroups( true, group); for (String type : types) { if (!allfeatures.contains(type)) // or use HashSet and no test? { allfeatures.add(type); } updateMinMax(asq, type, true); // todo: for all features? } } } } // uncomment to add new features in alphebetical order (but JAL-2575) // Collections.sort(allfeatures, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); if (newMadeVisible) { for (String type : allfeatures) { if (!oldfeatures.contains(type)) { featuresDisplayed.setVisible(type); setOrder(type, 0); } } } updateRenderOrder(allfeatures); findingFeatures = false; } /** * Updates the global (alignment) min and max values for a feature type from * the score for a sequence, if the score is not NaN. Values are stored * separately for positional and non-positional features. * * @param seq * @param featureType * @param positional */ protected void updateMinMax(SequenceI seq, String featureType, boolean positional) { float min = seq.getFeatures().getMinimumScore(featureType, positional); if (Float.isNaN(min)) { return; } float max = seq.getFeatures().getMaximumScore(featureType, positional); /* * stored values are * { {positionalMin, positionalMax}, {nonPositionalMin, nonPositionalMax} } */ if (minmax == null) { minmax = new Hashtable<>(); } synchronized (minmax) { float[][] mm = minmax.get(featureType); int index = positional ? 0 : 1; if (mm == null) { mm = new float[][] { null, null }; minmax.put(featureType, mm); } if (mm[index] == null) { mm[index] = new float[] { min, max }; } else { mm[index][0] = Math.min(mm[index][0], min); mm[index][1] = Math.max(mm[index][1], max); } } } protected Boolean firing = Boolean.FALSE; /** * replaces the current renderOrder with the unordered features in * allfeatures. The ordering of any types in both renderOrder and allfeatures * is preserved, and all new feature types are rendered on top of the existing * types, in the order given by getOrder or the order given in allFeatures. * Note. this operates directly on the featureOrder hash for efficiency. TODO: * eliminate the float storage for computing/recalling the persistent ordering * New Cability: updates min/max for colourscheme range if its dynamic * * @param allFeatures */ private void updateRenderOrder(List allFeatures) { List allfeatures = new ArrayList<>(allFeatures); String[] oldRender = renderOrder; renderOrder = new String[allfeatures.size()]; boolean initOrders = (featureOrder == null); int opos = 0; if (oldRender != null && oldRender.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < oldRender.length; j++) { if (oldRender[j] != null) { if (initOrders) { setOrder(oldRender[j], (1 - (1 + (float) j) / oldRender.length)); } if (allfeatures.contains(oldRender[j])) { renderOrder[opos++] = oldRender[j]; // existing features always // appear below new features allfeatures.remove(oldRender[j]); if (minmax != null) { float[][] mmrange = minmax.get(oldRender[j]); if (mmrange != null) { FeatureColourI fc = featureColours.get(oldRender[j]); if (fc != null && !fc.isSimpleColour() && fc.isAutoScaled() && !fc.isColourByAttribute()) { fc.updateBounds(mmrange[0][0], mmrange[0][1]); } } } } } } } if (allfeatures.size() == 0) { // no new features - leave order unchanged. return; } int i = allfeatures.size() - 1; int iSize = i; boolean sort = false; String[] newf = new String[allfeatures.size()]; float[] sortOrder = new float[allfeatures.size()]; for (String newfeat : allfeatures) { newf[i] = newfeat; if (minmax != null) { // update from new features minmax if necessary float[][] mmrange = minmax.get(newf[i]); if (mmrange != null) { FeatureColourI fc = featureColours.get(newf[i]); if (fc != null && !fc.isSimpleColour() && fc.isAutoScaled() && !fc.isColourByAttribute()) { fc.updateBounds(mmrange[0][0], mmrange[0][1]); } } } if (initOrders || !featureOrder.containsKey(newf[i])) { int denom = initOrders ? allfeatures.size() : featureOrder.size(); // new unordered feature - compute persistent ordering at head of // existing features. setOrder(newf[i], i / (float) denom); } // set order from newly found feature from persisted ordering. sortOrder[i] = 2 - featureOrder.get(newf[i]).floatValue(); if (i < iSize) { // only sort if we need to sort = sort || sortOrder[i] > sortOrder[i + 1]; } i--; } if (iSize > 1 && sort) { jalview.util.QuickSort.sort(sortOrder, newf); } sortOrder = null; System.arraycopy(newf, 0, renderOrder, opos, newf.length); } /** * get a feature style object for the given type string. Creates a * java.awt.Color for a featureType with no existing colourscheme. * * @param featureType * @return */ @Override public FeatureColourI getFeatureStyle(String featureType) { FeatureColourI fc = featureColours.get(featureType); if (fc == null) { Color col = ColorUtils.createColourFromName(featureType); fc = new FeatureColour(col); featureColours.put(featureType, fc); } return fc; } @Override public Color getColour(SequenceFeature feature) { FeatureColourI fc = getFeatureStyle(feature.getType()); return getColor(feature, fc); } /** * Answers true if the feature type is currently selected to be displayed, * else false * * @param type * @return */ protected boolean showFeatureOfType(String type) { return type == null ? false : (av.getFeaturesDisplayed() == null ? true : av.getFeaturesDisplayed().isVisible(type)); } @Override public void setColour(String featureType, FeatureColourI col) { featureColours.put(featureType, col); } @Override public void setTransparency(float value) { transparency = value; } @Override public float getTransparency() { return transparency; } /** * analogous to colour - store a normalized ordering for all feature types in * this rendering context. * * @param type * Feature type string * @param position * normalized priority - 0 means always appears on top, 1 means * always last. */ public float setOrder(String type, float position) { if (featureOrder == null) { featureOrder = new Hashtable<>(); } featureOrder.put(type, Float.valueOf(position)); return position; } /** * get the global priority (0 (top) to 1 (bottom)) * * @param type * @return [0,1] or -1 for a type without a priority */ public float getOrder(String type) { if (featureOrder != null) { if (featureOrder.containsKey(type)) { return featureOrder.get(type).floatValue(); } } return -1; } @Override public Map getFeatureColours() { return featureColours; } /** * Replace current ordering with new ordering * * @param data * an array of { Type, Colour, Filter, Boolean } * @return true if any visible features have been reordered, else false */ public boolean setFeaturePriority(FeatureSettingsBean[] data) { return setFeaturePriority(data, true); } /** * Sets the priority order for features, with the highest priority (displayed on * top) at the start of the data array * * @param data * an array of { Type, Colour, Filter, Boolean } * @param visibleNew * when true current featureDisplay list will be cleared * @return true if any visible features have been reordered or recoloured, else * false (i.e. no need to repaint) */ public boolean setFeaturePriority(FeatureSettingsBean[] data, boolean visibleNew) { /* * note visible feature ordering and colours before update */ List visibleFeatures = getDisplayedFeatureTypes(); Map visibleColours = new HashMap<>( getFeatureColours()); FeaturesDisplayedI av_featuresdisplayed = null; if (visibleNew) { if ((av_featuresdisplayed = av.getFeaturesDisplayed()) != null) { av.getFeaturesDisplayed().clear(); } else { av.setFeaturesDisplayed( av_featuresdisplayed = new FeaturesDisplayed()); } } else { av_featuresdisplayed = av.getFeaturesDisplayed(); } if (data == null) { return false; } // The feature table will display high priority // features at the top, but these are the ones // we need to render last, so invert the data renderOrder = new String[data.length]; if (data.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { String type = data[i].featureType; setColour(type, data[i].featureColour); if (data[i].show) { av_featuresdisplayed.setVisible(type); } renderOrder[data.length - i - 1] = type; } } /* * get the new visible ordering and return true if it has changed * order or any colour has changed */ List reorderedVisibleFeatures = getDisplayedFeatureTypes(); if (!visibleFeatures.equals(reorderedVisibleFeatures)) { /* * the list of ordered visible features has changed */ return true; } /* * return true if any feature colour has changed */ for (String feature : visibleFeatures) { if (visibleColours.get(feature) != getFeatureStyle(feature)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param listener * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport#addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) */ public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * @param listener * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport#removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) */ public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } public Set getAllFeatureColours() { return featureColours.keySet(); } public void clearRenderOrder() { renderOrder = null; } public boolean hasRenderOrder() { return renderOrder != null; } /** * Returns feature types in ordering of rendering, where last means on top */ public List getRenderOrder() { if (renderOrder == null) { return Arrays.asList(new String[] {}); } return Arrays.asList(renderOrder); } public int getFeatureGroupsSize() { return featureGroups != null ? 0 : featureGroups.size(); } @Override public List getFeatureGroups() { // conflict between applet and desktop - featureGroups returns the map in // the desktop featureRenderer return (featureGroups == null) ? Arrays.asList(new String[0]) : Arrays.asList(featureGroups.keySet().toArray(new String[0])); } public boolean checkGroupVisibility(String group, boolean newGroupsVisible) { if (featureGroups == null) { // then an exception happens next.. } if (featureGroups.containsKey(group)) { return featureGroups.get(group).booleanValue(); } if (newGroupsVisible) { featureGroups.put(group, Boolean.valueOf(true)); return true; } return false; } /** * get visible or invisible groups * * @param visible * true to return visible groups, false to return hidden ones. * @return list of groups */ @Override public List getGroups(boolean visible) { if (featureGroups != null) { List gp = new ArrayList<>(); for (String grp : featureGroups.keySet()) { Boolean state = featureGroups.get(grp); if (state.booleanValue() == visible) { gp.add(grp); } } return gp; } return null; } @Override public void setGroupVisibility(String group, boolean visible) { featureGroups.put(group, Boolean.valueOf(visible)); } @Override public void setGroupVisibility(List toset, boolean visible) { if (toset != null && toset.size() > 0 && featureGroups != null) { boolean rdrw = false; for (String gst : toset) { Boolean st = featureGroups.get(gst); featureGroups.put(gst, Boolean.valueOf(visible)); if (st != null) { rdrw = rdrw || (visible != st.booleanValue()); } } if (rdrw) { // set local flag indicating redraw needed ? } } } @Override public Map getDisplayedFeatureCols() { Map fcols = new Hashtable<>(); if (getViewport().getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { return fcols; } Set features = getViewport().getFeaturesDisplayed() .getVisibleFeatures(); for (String feature : features) { fcols.put(feature, getFeatureStyle(feature)); } return fcols; } @Override public FeaturesDisplayedI getFeaturesDisplayed() { return av.getFeaturesDisplayed(); } /** * Returns a (possibly empty) list of visible feature types, in render order * (last is on top) */ @Override public List getDisplayedFeatureTypes() { List typ = getRenderOrder(); List displayed = new ArrayList<>(); FeaturesDisplayedI feature_disp = av.getFeaturesDisplayed(); if (feature_disp != null) { synchronized (feature_disp) { for (String type : typ) { if (feature_disp.isVisible(type)) { displayed.add(type); } } } } return displayed; } @Override public List getDisplayedFeatureGroups() { List _gps = new ArrayList<>(); for (String gp : getFeatureGroups()) { if (checkGroupVisibility(gp, false)) { _gps.add(gp); } } return _gps; } /** * Answers true if the feature belongs to a feature group which is not * currently displayed, else false * * @param sequenceFeature * @return */ public boolean featureGroupNotShown(final SequenceFeature sequenceFeature) { return featureGroups != null && sequenceFeature.featureGroup != null && sequenceFeature.featureGroup.length() != 0 && featureGroups.containsKey(sequenceFeature.featureGroup) && !featureGroups.get(sequenceFeature.featureGroup) .booleanValue(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List findFeaturesAtResidue(SequenceI sequence, int fromResNo, int toResNo) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); if (!av.areFeaturesDisplayed() || getFeaturesDisplayed() == null) { return result; } /* * include features at the position provided their feature type is * displayed, and feature group is null or the empty string * or marked for display */ List visibleFeatures = getDisplayedFeatureTypes(); String[] visibleTypes = visibleFeatures .toArray(new String[visibleFeatures.size()]); List features = sequence.getFeatures().findFeatures( fromResNo, toResNo, visibleTypes); for (SequenceFeature sf : features) { if (!featureGroupNotShown(sf) && getColour(sf) != null) { result.add(sf); } } return result; } /** * Removes from the list of features any whose group is not shown, or that are * visible and duplicate the location of a visible feature of the same type. * Should be used only for features of the same, simple, feature colour (which * normally implies the same feature type). No filtering is done if * transparency, or any feature filters, are in force. * * @param features */ public void filterFeaturesForDisplay(List features) { /* * don't remove 'redundant' features if * - transparency is applied (feature count affects depth of feature colour) * - filters are applied (not all features may be displayable) */ if (features.isEmpty() || transparency != 1f || !featureFilters.isEmpty()) { return; } SequenceFeatures.sortFeatures(features, true); SequenceFeature lastFeature = null; Iterator it = features.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SequenceFeature sf = it.next(); if (featureGroupNotShown(sf)) { it.remove(); continue; } /* * a feature is redundant for rendering purposes if it has the * same extent as another (so would just redraw the same colour); * (checking type and isContactFeature as a fail-safe here, although * currently they are guaranteed to match in this context) */ if (lastFeature != null && sf.getBegin() == lastFeature.getBegin() && sf.getEnd() == lastFeature.getEnd() && sf.isContactFeature() == lastFeature.isContactFeature() && sf.getType().equals(lastFeature.getType())) { it.remove(); } lastFeature = sf; } } @Override public Map getFeatureFilters() { return featureFilters; } @Override public void setFeatureFilters(Map filters) { featureFilters = filters; } @Override public FeatureMatcherSetI getFeatureFilter(String featureType) { return featureFilters.get(featureType); } @Override public void setFeatureFilter(String featureType, FeatureMatcherSetI filter) { if (filter == null || filter.isEmpty()) { featureFilters.remove(featureType); } else { featureFilters.put(featureType, filter); } } /** * Answers the colour for the feature, or null if the feature is excluded by * feature group visibility, by filters, or by colour threshold settings. This * method does not take feature visibility into account. * * @param sf * @param fc * @return */ public Color getColor(SequenceFeature sf, FeatureColourI fc) { /* * is the feature group displayed? */ if (featureGroupNotShown(sf)) { return null; } /* * does the feature pass filters? */ if (!featureMatchesFilters(sf)) { return null; } return fc.getColor(sf); } /** * Answers true if there no are filters defined for the feature type, or this * feature matches the filters. Answers false if the feature fails to match * filters. * * @param sf * @return */ protected boolean featureMatchesFilters(SequenceFeature sf) { FeatureMatcherSetI filter = featureFilters.get(sf.getType()); return filter == null ? true : filter.matches(sf); } @Override public MappedFeatures findComplementFeaturesAtResidue(SequenceI sequence, int pos) { SequenceI ds = sequence.getDatasetSequence(); if (ds == null) { ds = sequence; } final char residue = ds.getCharAt(pos - ds.getStart()); List found = new ArrayList<>(); List mappings = this.av.getAlignment() .getCodonFrame(sequence); /* * fudge: if no mapping found, check the complementary alignment * todo: only store in one place? StructureSelectionManager? */ if (mappings.isEmpty()) { mappings = this.av.getCodingComplement().getAlignment() .getCodonFrame(sequence); } /* * todo: direct lookup of CDS for peptide and vice-versa; for now, * have to search through an unordered list of mappings for a candidate */ Mapping mapping = null; SequenceI mapFrom = null; for (AlignedCodonFrame acf : mappings) { mapping = acf.getMappingForSequence(sequence); if (mapping == null || !mapping.getMap().isTripletMap()) { continue; // we are only looking for 3:1 or 1:3 mappings } SearchResultsI sr = new SearchResults(); acf.markMappedRegion(ds, pos, sr); for (SearchResultMatchI match : sr.getResults()) { int fromRes = match.getStart(); int toRes = match.getEnd(); mapFrom = match.getSequence(); List fs = findFeaturesAtResidue( match.getSequence(), fromRes, toRes); for (SequenceFeature sf : fs) { if (!found.contains(sf)) { found.add(sf); } } } /* * just take the first mapped features we find */ if (!found.isEmpty()) { break; } } if (found.isEmpty()) { return null; } /* * sort by renderorder, inefficiently */ List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String type : renderOrder) { for (SequenceFeature sf : found) { if (type.equals(sf.getType())) { result.add(sf); if (result.size() == found.size()) { return new MappedFeatures(mapping, mapFrom, pos, residue, result); } } } } return new MappedFeatures(mapping, mapFrom, pos, residue, result); } @Override public boolean isVisible(SequenceFeature feature) { if (feature == null) { return false; } if (getFeaturesDisplayed() == null || !getFeaturesDisplayed().isVisible(feature.getType())) { return false; } if (featureGroupNotShown(feature)) { return false; } FeatureColourI fc = featureColours.get(feature.getType()); if (fc != null && fc.isOutwithThreshold(feature)) { return false; } if (!featureMatchesFilters(feature)) { return false; } return true; } }