/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Development Version 2.4.1) * Copyright (C) 2009 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.ws; import jalview.analysis.AlignSeq; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry; import jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceFeature; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.CutAndPasteTransfer; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import jalview.gui.IProgressIndicator; import jalview.gui.OOMWarning; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.biojava.dasobert.dasregistry.DasSource; import uk.ac.ebi.picr.model.UPEntry; /** * Implements a runnable for validating a sequence against external databases * and then propagating references and features onto the sequence(s) * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class DBRefFetcher implements Runnable { SequenceI[] dataset; IProgressIndicator af; CutAndPasteTransfer output = new CutAndPasteTransfer(); StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean running = false; /** * picr client instance */ uk.ac.ebi.www.picr.AccessionMappingService.AccessionMapperInterface picrClient = null; // /This will be a collection of Vectors of sequenceI refs. // The key will be the seq name or accession id of the seq Hashtable seqRefs; String[] dbSources; SequenceFetcher sfetcher; public DBRefFetcher() { } /** * Creates a new SequenceFeatureFetcher object and fetches from the * currently selected set of databases. * * @param seqs * fetch references for these sequences * @param af * the parent alignframe for progress bar monitoring. */ public DBRefFetcher(SequenceI[] seqs, AlignFrame af) { this(seqs, af, null); } /** * Creates a new SequenceFeatureFetcher object and fetches from the * currently selected set of databases. * * @param seqs * fetch references for these sequences * @param af * the parent alignframe for progress bar monitoring. * @param sources array of database source strings to query references from */ public DBRefFetcher(SequenceI[] seqs, AlignFrame af, String[] sources) { this.af = af; SequenceI[] ds = new SequenceI[seqs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < seqs.length; i++) { if (seqs[i].getDatasetSequence() != null) ds[i] = seqs[i].getDatasetSequence(); else ds[i] = seqs[i]; } this.dataset = ds; // TODO Jalview 2.5 lots of this code should be in the gui package! sfetcher = jalview.gui.SequenceFetcher.getSequenceFetcherSingleton(af); if (sources==null) { // af.featureSettings_actionPerformed(null); String[] defdb=null,otherdb = sfetcher.getDbInstances(jalview.ws.dbsources.DasSequenceSource.class); Vector selsources = new Vector(), dasselsrc= (af.featureSettings!=null) ? af.featureSettings.getSelectedSources() : new jalview.gui.DasSourceBrowser().getSelectedSources(); Enumeration en = dasselsrc.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { DasSource src = (DasSource) en.nextElement(); selsources.addElement(src.getNickname()); } int osel = 0; for (int o=0;otherdb!=null && o0) { String[] newsrc = new String[dbSources.length+otherdb.length]; System.arraycopy(dbSources, 0, newsrc,0,dbSources.length); System.arraycopy(otherdb, 0, newsrc,dbSources.length, otherdb.length); dbSources = newsrc; } } /** * start the fetcher thread * * @param waitTillFinished * true to block until the fetcher has finished */ public void fetchDBRefs(boolean waitTillFinished) { Thread thread = new Thread(this); thread.start(); running = true; if (waitTillFinished) { while (running) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } /** * The sequence will be added to a vector of sequences belonging to key which * could be either seq name or dbref id * * @param seq * SequenceI * @param key * String */ void addSeqId(SequenceI seq, String key) { key = key.toUpperCase(); Vector seqs; if (seqRefs.containsKey(key)) { seqs = (Vector) seqRefs.get(key); if (seqs != null && !seqs.contains(seq)) { seqs.addElement(seq); } else if (seqs == null) { seqs = new Vector(); seqs.addElement(seq); } } else { seqs = new Vector(); seqs.addElement(seq); } seqRefs.put(key, seqs); } /** * DOCUMENT ME! */ public void run() { if (dbSources == null) { throw new Error("Implementation error. Must initialise dbSources"); } running = true; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); af.setProgressBar("Fetching db refs", startTime); try { picrClient = new uk.ac.ebi.www.picr.AccessionMappingService.AccessionMapperServiceLocator().getAccessionMapperPort(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Couldn't locate PICR service instance.\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } int db = 0; Vector sdataset = new Vector(); for (int s = 0; s < dataset.length; s++) { sdataset.addElement(dataset[s]); } while (sdataset.size() > 0 && db < dbSources.length) { int maxqlen = 1; // default number of queries made to at one time System.err.println("Verifying against " + dbSources[db]); jalview.ws.seqfetcher.DbSourceProxy dbsource = sfetcher .getSourceProxy(dbSources[db]); if (dbsource == null) { System.err.println("No proxy for " + dbSources[db]); db++; continue; } if (dbsource.getDbSourceProperties() .containsKey(DBRefSource.MULTIACC)) { maxqlen = ((Integer) dbsource.getDbSourceProperties().get( DBRefSource.MULTIACC)).intValue(); } else { maxqlen = 1; } // iterate through db for each remaining un-verified sequence SequenceI[] currSeqs = new SequenceI[sdataset.size()]; sdataset.copyInto(currSeqs);// seqs that are to be validated against // dbSources[db] Vector queries = new Vector(); // generated queries curSeq seqRefs = new Hashtable(); int seqIndex = 0; while (queries.size() > 0 || seqIndex < currSeqs.length) { if (queries.size() > 0) { // Still queries to make for current seqIndex StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer(""); int numq=0,nqSize = (maxqlen > queries.size()) ? queries.size() : maxqlen; while (queries.size()>0 && numq < nqSize) { String query = (String) queries.elementAt(0); if (dbsource.isValidReference(query)) { queryString.append((numq == 0) ? "" : dbsource .getAccessionSeparator()); queryString.append(query); numq++; } // remove the extracted query string queries.removeElementAt(0); } // make the queries and process the response AlignmentI retrieved = null; try { if (jalview.bin.Cache.log.isDebugEnabled()) { jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Querying "+dbsource.getDbName()+" with : '"+queryString.toString()+"'"); } retrieved = dbsource.getSequenceRecords(queryString.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError err) { new OOMWarning("retrieving database references (" + queryString.toString() + ")", err); } if (retrieved != null) { transferReferences(sdataset, dbSources[db], retrieved); } } else { // make some more strings for use as queries for (int i = 0; (seqIndex < dataset.length) && (i < 50); seqIndex++, i++) { SequenceI sequence = dataset[seqIndex]; DBRefEntry[] uprefs = jalview.util.DBRefUtils.selectRefs( sequence.getDBRef(), new String[] { dbSources[db] }); // jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource.UNIPROT // }); // check for existing dbrefs to use if (uprefs != null && uprefs.length>0) { for (int j = 0; j < uprefs.length; j++) { addSeqId(sequence, uprefs[j].getAccessionId()); queries .addElement(uprefs[j].getAccessionId() .toUpperCase()); } } else { // generate queries from sequence ID string StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sequence.getName(), "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); UPEntry[] presp = null; try { presp=picrClient.getUPIForAccession(token, null, picrClient.getMappedDatabaseNames(), null, true); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception with Picr for '"+token+"'\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (presp!=null && presp.length>0) { for (int id=0;id 0) { output .setText("Your sequences have been verified against known sequence databases. Some of the ids have been\n" + "altered, most likely the start/end residue will have been updated.\n" + "Save your alignment to maintain the updated id.\n\n" + sbuffer.toString()); Desktop.addInternalFrame(output, "Sequence names updated ", 600, 300); // The above is the dataset, we must now find out the index // of the viewed sequence } af.setProgressBar("DBRef search completed", startTime); // promptBeforeBlast(); running = false; } /** * Verify local sequences in seqRefs against the retrieved sequence database * records. * */ void transferReferences(Vector sdataset, String dbSource, AlignmentI retrievedAl) // File // file) { if (retrievedAl == null || retrievedAl.getHeight() == 0) { return; } SequenceI[] retrieved = retrievedAl.getSequencesArray(); SequenceI sequence = null; // Vector entries = new Uniprot().getUniprotEntries(file); int i, iSize = retrieved.length; // entries == null ? 0 : entries.size(); // UniprotEntry entry; for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { SequenceI entry = retrieved[i]; // (UniprotEntry) entries.elementAt(i); // Work out which sequences this sequence matches, // taking into account all accessionIds and names in the file Vector sequenceMatches = new Vector(); // look for corresponding accession ids DBRefEntry[] entryRefs = jalview.util.DBRefUtils.selectRefs(entry .getDBRef(), new String[] { dbSource }); for (int j = 0; j < entryRefs.length; j++) { String accessionId = entryRefs[j].getAccessionId(); // .getAccession().elementAt(j).toString(); // match up on accessionId if (seqRefs.containsKey(accessionId.toUpperCase())) { Vector seqs = (Vector) seqRefs.get(accessionId); for (int jj = 0; jj < seqs.size(); jj++) { sequence = (SequenceI) seqs.elementAt(jj); if (!sequenceMatches.contains(sequence)) { sequenceMatches.addElement(sequence); } } } } if (sequenceMatches.size() == 0) { // failed to match directly on accessionId==query so just compare all // sequences to entry Enumeration e = seqRefs.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Vector sqs = (Vector) seqRefs.get(e.nextElement()); if (sqs != null && sqs.size() > 0) { Enumeration sqe = sqs.elements(); while (sqe.hasMoreElements()) { sequenceMatches.addElement(sqe.nextElement()); } } } } // look for corresponding names // this is uniprot specific ? // could be useful to extend this so we try to find any 'significant' // information in common between two sequence objects. /* * DBRefEntry[] entryRefs = * jalview.util.DBRefUtils.selectRefs(entry.getDBRef(), new String[] { * dbSource }); for (int j = 0; j < entry.getName().size(); j++) { String * name = entry.getName().elementAt(j).toString(); if * (seqRefs.containsKey(name)) { Vector seqs = (Vector) seqRefs.get(name); * for (int jj = 0; jj < seqs.size(); jj++) { sequence = (SequenceI) * seqs.elementAt(jj); if (!sequenceMatches.contains(sequence)) { * sequenceMatches.addElement(sequence); } } } } */ // sequenceMatches now contains the set of all sequences associated with // the returned db record String entrySeq = entry.getSequenceAsString().toUpperCase(); for (int m = 0; m < sequenceMatches.size(); m++) { sequence = (SequenceI) sequenceMatches.elementAt(m); // only update start and end positions and shift features if there are // no existing references // TODO: test for legacy where uniprot or EMBL refs exist but no // mappings are made (but content matches retrieved set) boolean updateRefFrame = sequence.getDBRef() == null || sequence.getDBRef().length == 0; // verify sequence against the entry sequence String nonGapped = AlignSeq.extractGaps("-. ", sequence.getSequenceAsString()).toUpperCase(); int absStart = entrySeq.indexOf(nonGapped); int mapStart = entry.getStart(); jalview.datamodel.Mapping mp; if (absStart == -1) { // Is local sequence contained in dataset sequence? absStart = nonGapped.indexOf(entrySeq); if (absStart == -1) { // verification failed. sbuffer.append(sequence.getName() + " SEQUENCE NOT %100 MATCH \n"); continue; } sbuffer.append(sequence.getName() + " HAS " + absStart + " PREFIXED RESIDUES COMPARED TO " + dbSource + "\n"); // // + " - ANY SEQUENCE FEATURES" // + " HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY \n"); // absStart = 0; // create valid mapping between matching region of local sequence and // the mapped sequence mp = new Mapping(null, new int[] { sequence.getStart() + absStart, sequence.getStart() + absStart + entrySeq.length() - 1 }, new int[] { entry.getStart(), entry.getStart() + entrySeq.length() - 1 }, 1, 1); updateRefFrame = false; // mapping is based on current start/end so // don't modify start and end } else { // update start and end of local sequence to place it in entry's // reference frame. // apply identity map map from whole of local sequence to matching // region of database // sequence mp = null; // Mapping.getIdentityMap(); // new Mapping(null, // new int[] { absStart+sequence.getStart(), // absStart+sequence.getStart()+entrySeq.length()-1}, // new int[] { entry.getStart(), entry.getEnd() }, 1, 1); // relocate local features for updated start if (updateRefFrame && sequence.getSequenceFeatures() != null) { SequenceFeature[] sf = sequence.getSequenceFeatures(); int start = sequence.getStart(); int end = sequence.getEnd(); int startShift = 1 - absStart - start; // how much the features are // to be shifted by for (int sfi = 0; sfi < sf.length; sfi++) { if (sf[sfi].getBegin() >= start && sf[sfi].getEnd() <= end) { // shift feature along by absstart sf[sfi].setBegin(sf[sfi].getBegin() + startShift); sf[sfi].setEnd(sf[sfi].getEnd() + startShift); } } } } System.out.println("Adding dbrefs to " + sequence.getName() + " from " + dbSource + " sequence : " + entry.getName()); sequence.transferAnnotation(entry, mp); // unknownSequences.remove(sequence); int absEnd = absStart + nonGapped.length(); absStart += 1; if (updateRefFrame) { // finally, update local sequence reference frame if we're allowed sequence.setStart(absStart); sequence.setEnd(absEnd); } // and remove it from the rest // TODO: decide if we should remove annotated sequence from set sdataset.remove(sequence); // TODO: should we make a note of sequences that have received new DB ids, so we can query all enabled DAS servers for them ? } } } }