package; import java.util.*; import jalview.analysis.*; import jalview.bin.*; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.datamodel.Alignment; import jalview.gui.*; import*; import jalview.util.*; import vamsas.objects.simple.JpredResult; class JPredThread extends WSThread implements WSClientI { // TODO: put mapping between JPredJob input and input data here - JNetAnnotation adding is done after result parsing. class JPredJob extends WSThread.WSJob { // TODO: make JPredJob deal only with what was sent to and received from a JNet service int[] predMap = null; // mapping from sequence(i) to the original sequence(predMap[i]) being predicted on vamsas.objects.simple.Sequence sequence; vamsas.objects.simple.Msfalignment msa; java.util.Hashtable SequenceInfo = null; int msaIndex = 0; // the position of the original sequence in the array of Sequences in the input object that this job holds a prediction for /** * * @return true if getResultSet will return a valid alignment and prediction result. */ public boolean hasResults() { if (subjobComplete && result != null && result.isFinished() && ( (JpredResult) result).getPredfile() != null && ( (JpredResult) result).getAligfile() != null) { return true; } return false; } boolean hasValidInput() { if (sequence != null) { return true; } return false; } /** * * @return null or Object[] { annotated alignment for this prediction, ColumnSelection for this prediction} or null if no results available. * @throws Exception */ public Object[] getResultSet() throws Exception { if (result == null || !result.isFinished()) { return null; } Alignment al = null; ColumnSelection alcsel = null; int FirstSeq = -1; // the position of the query sequence in Alignment al JpredResult result = (JpredResult)this.result; jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Parsing output from JNet job."); // JPredFile prediction = new JPredFile("C:/JalviewX/files/jpred.txt", "File"); prediction = new getPredfile(), "Paste"); SequenceI[] preds = prediction.getSeqsAsArray(); jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Got prediction profile."); if ( (this.msa != null) && (result.getAligfile() != null)) { jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Getting associated alignment."); // we ignore the returned alignment if we only predicted on a single sequence String format = new getAligfile(), "Paste"); if ( { SequenceI sqs[]; if (predMap != null) { Object[] alandcolsel = input.getAlignmentAndColumnSelection( getGapChar()); sqs = (SequenceI[]) alandcolsel[0]; al = new Alignment(sqs); alcsel = (ColumnSelection) alandcolsel[1]; } else { al = new FormatAdapter().readFile(result.getAligfile(), "Paste", format); sqs = new SequenceI[al.getHeight()]; for (int i = 0, j = al.getHeight(); i < j; i++) { sqs[i] = al.getSequenceAt(i); } if (!jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils.deuniquify( (Hashtable) SequenceInfo, sqs)) { throw (new Exception( "Couldn't recover sequence properties for alignment.")); } } FirstSeq = 0; al.setDataset(null);, al, FirstSeq, false, predMap); } else { throw (new Exception( "Unknown format " + format + " for file : \n" + result.getAligfile())); } } else { al = new Alignment(preds); FirstSeq = prediction.getQuerySeqPosition(); if (predMap != null) { char gc = getGapChar(); SequenceI[] sqs = (SequenceI[]) ( (java.lang.Object[]) input. getAlignmentAndColumnSelection(gc))[ 0]; if (this.msaIndex >= sqs.length) { throw new Error("Implementation Error! Invalid msaIndex for JPredJob on parent MSA input object!"); } ///// //Uses RemoveGapsCommand ///// new jalview.commands.RemoveGapsCommand("Remove Gaps", new SequenceI[] {sqs[msaIndex]}, currentView); SequenceI profileseq = al.getSequenceAt(FirstSeq); profileseq.setSequence(sqs[msaIndex].getSequenceAsString()); } if (!jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils.SeqCharacterUnhash( al.getSequenceAt(FirstSeq), SequenceInfo)) { throw (new Exception( "Couldn't recover sequence properties for JNet Query sequence!")); } else { al.setDataset(null);, al, FirstSeq, true, predMap); SequenceI profileseq = al.getSequenceAt(0); // this includes any gaps. alignToProfileSeq(al, profileseq); if (predMap != null) { // Adjust input view for gaps // propagate insertions into profile alcsel = propagateInsertions(profileseq, al, input); } } } return new Object[] { al, alcsel}; // , FirstSeq, noMsa}; } /** * Given an alignment where all other sequences except profileseq are aligned to the ungapped profileseq, insert gaps in the other sequences to realign them with the residues in profileseq * @param al * @param profileseq */ private void alignToProfileSeq(Alignment al, SequenceI profileseq) { char gc = al.getGapCharacter(); int[] gapMap = profileseq.gapMap(); // insert gaps into profile for (int lp = 0, r = 0; r < gapMap.length; r++) { if (gapMap[r] - lp > 1) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int s = 0, ns = gapMap[r] - lp; s < ns; s++) { sb.append(gc); } for (int s = 1, ns = al.getHeight(); s < ns; s++) { String sq = al.getSequenceAt(s).getSequenceAsString(); int diff = gapMap[r] - sq.length(); if (diff > 0) { // pad gaps sq = sq + sb; while ( (diff = gapMap[r] - sq.length()) > 0) { sq = sq + ( (diff >= sb.length()) ? sb.toString() : sb.substring(0, diff)); } al.getSequenceAt(s).setSequence(sq); } else { al.getSequenceAt(s).setSequence(sq.substring(0, gapMap[r]) + sb.toString() + sq.substring(gapMap[r])); } } } lp = gapMap[r]; } } /** * Add gaps into the sequences aligned to profileseq under the given AlignmentView * @param profileseq * @param al * @param input */ private ColumnSelection propagateInsertions(SequenceI profileseq, Alignment al, AlignmentView input) { char gc = al.getGapCharacter(); Object[] alandcolsel = input.getAlignmentAndColumnSelection(gc); ColumnSelection nview = (ColumnSelection) alandcolsel[1]; SequenceI origseq; nview.pruneDeletions(ShiftList.parseMap( (origseq = ( (SequenceI[]) alandcolsel[0])[0]).gapMap())); // recover original prediction sequence's mapping to view. int[] viscontigs = nview.getVisibleContigs(0, profileseq.getLength()); int spos = 0; int offset = 0; // input.pruneDeletions(ShiftList.parseMap(((SequenceI[]) alandcolsel[0])[0].gapMap())) // add profile to visible contigs for (int v = 0; v < viscontigs.length; v += 2) { if (viscontigs[v] > spos) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int s = 0, ns = viscontigs[v] - spos; s < ns; s++) { sb.append(gc); } for (int s = 0, ns = al.getHeight(); s < ns; s++) { SequenceI sqobj = al.getSequenceAt(s); if (sqobj != profileseq) { String sq = al.getSequenceAt(s).getSequenceAsString(); if (sq.length() <= spos + offset) { // pad sequence int diff = spos + offset - sq.length() - 1; if (diff > 0) { // pad gaps sq = sq + sb; while ( (diff = spos + offset - sq.length() - 1) > 0) { sq = sq + ( (diff >= sb.length()) ? sb.toString() : sb.substring(0, diff)); } } sq += sb.toString(); } else { al.getSequenceAt(s).setSequence(sq.substring(0, spos + offset) + sb.toString() + sq.substring(spos + offset)); } } } //offset+=sb.length(); } spos = viscontigs[v + 1] + 1; } if ( (offset + spos) < profileseq.getLength()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int s = 0, ns = profileseq.getLength() - spos - offset; s < ns; s++) { sb.append(gc); } for (int s = 1, ns = al.getHeight(); s < ns; s++) { String sq = al.getSequenceAt(s).getSequenceAsString(); // pad sequence int diff = origseq.getLength() - sq.length(); while (diff > 0) { sq = sq + ( (diff >= sb.length()) ? sb.toString() : sb.substring(0, diff)); diff = origseq.getLength() - sq.length(); } } } return nview; } public JPredJob(Hashtable SequenceInfo, SequenceI seq, int[] delMap) { super(); this.predMap = delMap; String sq = AlignSeq.extractGaps(Comparison.GapChars, seq.getSequenceAsString()); if (sq.length() >= 20) { this.SequenceInfo = SequenceInfo; sequence = new vamsas.objects.simple.Sequence(); sequence.setId(seq.getName()); sequence.setSeq(sq); } } public JPredJob(Hashtable SequenceInfo, SequenceI[] msf, int[] delMap) { this(SequenceInfo, msf[0], delMap); if (sequence != null) { if (msf.length > 1) { msa = new vamsas.objects.simple.Msfalignment(); pileup = new; msa.setMsf(pileup.print(msf)); } } } } ext.vamsas.Jpred server; String altitle = ""; JPredThread(WebserviceInfo wsinfo, String altitle, ext.vamsas.Jpred server, String wsurl, AlignmentView alview, AlignFrame alframe) { super(alframe, wsinfo, alview, wsurl); this.altitle = altitle; this.server = server; } JPredThread(WebserviceInfo wsinfo, String altitle, ext.vamsas.Jpred server, String wsurl, Hashtable SequenceInfo, SequenceI seq, int[] delMap, AlignmentView alview, AlignFrame alframe) { this(wsinfo, altitle, server, wsurl, alview, alframe); JPredJob job = new JPredJob(SequenceInfo, seq, delMap); if (job.hasValidInput()) { OutputHeader = wsInfo.getProgressText(); jobs = new WSJob[] { job}; job.jobnum = 0; } } JPredThread(WebserviceInfo wsinfo, String altitle, ext.vamsas.Jpred server, Hashtable SequenceInfo, SequenceI[] msf, int[] delMap, AlignmentView alview, AlignFrame alframe, String wsurl) { this(wsinfo, altitle, server, wsurl, alview, alframe); JPredJob job = new JPredJob(SequenceInfo, msf, delMap); if (job.hasValidInput()) { jobs = new WSJob[] { job}; OutputHeader = wsInfo.getProgressText(); job.jobnum = 0; } } void StartJob(WSJob j) { if (! (j instanceof JPredJob)) { throw new Error("Implementation error - StartJob(JpredJob) called on " + j.getClass()); } try { JPredJob job = (JPredJob) j; if (job.msa != null) { job.jobId = server.predictOnMsa(job.msa); } else if (job.sequence != null) { job.jobId = server.predict(job.sequence); // debug like : job.jobId = "/jobs/www-jpred/jp_Yatat29";// } if (job.jobId != null) { if (job.jobId.startsWith("Broken")) { job.result = (vamsas.objects.simple.Result)new JpredResult(); job.result.setInvalid(true); job.result.setStatus("Submission " + job.jobId); throw new Exception(job.jobId); } else { job.submitted = true; job.subjobComplete = false; + " Job Id '" + job.jobId + "'"); } } else { throw new Exception("Server timed out - try again later\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { // kill the whole job. wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); if (e.getMessage().indexOf("Exception") > -1) { wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); wsInfo.setProgressText(j.jobnum, "Failed to submit the prediction. (Just close the window)\n" + "It is most likely that there is a problem with the server.\n"); System.err.println( "JPredWS Client: Failed to submit the prediction. Quite possibly because of a server error - see below)\n" + e.getMessage() + "\n"); jalview.bin.Cache.log.warn("Server Exception", e); } else { wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); // JBPNote - this could be a popup informing the user of the problem. wsInfo.appendProgressText(j.jobnum, "Failed to submit the prediction:\n" + e.getMessage() + wsInfo.getProgressText()); jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Failed Submission of job " + j.jobnum, e); } j.allowedServerExceptions = -1; j.subjobComplete = true; } } void parseResult() { int results = 0; // number of result sets received JobStateSummary finalState = new JobStateSummary(); try { for (int j = 0; j < jobs.length; j++) { finalState.updateJobPanelState(wsInfo, OutputHeader, jobs[j]); if (jobs[j].submitted && jobs[j].subjobComplete && jobs[j].hasResults()) { results++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Cache.log.error("Unexpected exception when processing results for " + altitle, ex); wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); } if (results > 0) { wsInfo.showResultsNewFrame .addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { displayResults(true); } }); wsInfo.mergeResults .addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { displayResults(false); } }); wsInfo.setResultsReady(); } else { wsInfo.setFinishedNoResults(); } } void displayResults(boolean newWindow) { // TODO: cope with multiple subjobs. if (jobs != null) { Object[] res = null; boolean msa = false; for (int jn = 0; jn < jobs.length; jn++) { Object[] jobres = null; JPredJob j = (JPredJob) jobs[jn]; if (j.hasResults()) { // hack - we only deal with all single seuqence predictions or all profile predictions msa = (j.msa != null) ? true : msa; try { jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Parsing output of job " + jn); jobres = j.getResultSet(); jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Finished parsing output."); if (jobs.length == 1) { res = jobres; } else { // do merge with other job results throw new Error( "Multiple JNet subjob merging not yet implemented."); } } catch (Exception e) { jalview.bin.Cache.log.error( "JNet Client: JPred Annotation Parse Error", e); wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); wsInfo.appendProgressText(j.jobnum, OutputHeader + "\n" + j.result.getStatus() + "\nInvalid JNet job result data!\n" + e.getMessage()); j.result.setBroken(true); } } } if (res != null) { if (newWindow) { AlignFrame af; if (input == null) { if (res[1] != null) { af = new AlignFrame( (Alignment) res[0], (ColumnSelection) res[1], AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } else { af = new AlignFrame( (Alignment) res[0], AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } } else { /*java.lang.Object[] alandcolsel = input.getAlignmentAndColumnSelection(alignFrame.getViewport().getGapCharacter()); if (((SequenceI[])alandcolsel[0])[0].getLength()!=res.getWidth()) { if (msa) { throw new Error("Implementation Error! ColumnSelection from input alignment will not map to result alignment!"); } } if (!msa) { // update hidden regions to account for loss of gaps in profile. - if any // gapMap returns insert list, interpreted as delete list by pruneDeletions //((ColumnSelection) alandcolsel[1]).pruneDeletions(ShiftList.parseMap(((SequenceI[]) alandcolsel[0])[0].gapMap())); }*/ af = new AlignFrame( (Alignment) res[0], (ColumnSelection) res[1], AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } Desktop.addInternalFrame(af, altitle, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_WIDTH, AlignFrame.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } else {"Append results onto existing alignment."); } } } } void pollJob(WSJob job) throws Exception { job.result = server.getresult(job.jobId); } public boolean isCancellable() { return false; } public void cancelJob() { throw new Error("Implementation error!"); } public boolean canMergeResults() { return false; } }