/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer * Copyright (C) 2005 AM Waterhouse, J Procter, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package jalview.ws; import ext.vamsas.*; import jalview.analysis.AlignSeq; import jalview.datamodel.*; import jalview.gui.*; import org.apache.axis.client.*; import vamsas.objects.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; public class MsaWSClient extends WSClient { /** * server is a WSDL2Java generated stub for an archetypal MsaWSI service. */ ext.vamsas.MuscleWS server; public MsaWSClient(String MsaWSName, String altitle, SequenceI[] msa, boolean submitGaps, boolean preserveOrder) { if (setWebService(MsaWSName) == false) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Desktop.desktop, "The Multiple Sequence Alignment Service named " + MsaWSName + " is unknown", "Internal Jalview Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } wsInfo = new jalview.gui.WebserviceInfo(WebServiceJobTitle, WebServiceReference); if (!locateWebService()) { return; } wsInfo.setProgressText(((submitGaps) ? "Re-alignment" : "Alignment") + " of " + altitle + "\nJob details\n"); MsaWSThread musclethread = new MsaWSThread(WebServiceName + " alignment of " + altitle, msa, submitGaps, preserveOrder); wsInfo.setthisService(musclethread); musclethread.start(); } // JBPNote Nasty object-global state setting methods shouldn't be allowed private boolean setWebService(String MsaWSName) { if (MsaWServices.info.containsKey(MsaWSName)) { WebServiceName = MsaWSName; String[] wsinfo = (String[]) MsaWServices.info.get(MsaWSName); WsURL = wsinfo[0]; WebServiceJobTitle = wsinfo[1]; WebServiceReference = wsinfo[2]; return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean locateWebService() { // TODO: MuscleWS transmuted to generic MsaWS client MuscleWSServiceLocator loc = new MuscleWSServiceLocator(); // Default try { this.server = (MuscleWS) loc.getMuscleWS(new java.net.URL(WsURL)); ((MuscleWSSoapBindingStub) this.server).setTimeout(60000); // One minute timeout } catch (Exception ex) { wsInfo.setProgressText("Serious! " + WebServiceName + " Service location failed\nfor URL :" + WsURL + "\n" + ex.getMessage()); wsInfo.setStatus(wsInfo.ERROR); ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } loc.getEngine().setOption("axis", "1"); return true; } protected class MsaWSThread extends Thread implements WSClientI { String ServiceName = WebServiceName; String OutputHeader; vamsas.objects.simple.MsaResult result = null; vamsas.objects.simple.SequenceSet seqs = new vamsas.objects.simple.SequenceSet(); Hashtable SeqNames = null; boolean submitGaps = false; // and always store and recover sequence order boolean preserveOrder = true; // and always store and recover sequence order String jobId; String alTitle; // name which will be used to form new alignment window. int allowedServerExceptions = 3; // thread dies if too many exceptions. boolean jobComplete = false; MsaWSThread(String title, SequenceI[] msa, boolean subgaps, boolean presorder) { alTitle = title; submitGaps = subgaps; preserveOrder = presorder; OutputHeader = wsInfo.getProgressText(); SeqNames = new Hashtable(); vamsas.objects.simple.Sequence[] seqarray = new vamsas.objects.simple.Sequence[msa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < msa.length; i++) { String newname = jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils.unique_name(i); // uniquify as we go // TODO: JBPNote: this is a ubiquitous transformation - set of jalview seq objects to vamsas sequences with name preservation SeqNames.put(newname, jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils.SeqCharacterHash(msa[i])); seqarray[i] = new vamsas.objects.simple.Sequence(); seqarray[i].setId(newname); seqarray[i].setSeq((submitGaps) ? msa[i].getSequence() : AlignSeq.extractGaps( jalview.util.Comparison.GapChars, msa[i].getSequence())); } this.seqs = new vamsas.objects.simple.SequenceSet(); this.seqs.setSeqs(seqarray); } public boolean isCancellable() { return true; } public void cancelJob() { if ((jobId != null) && !jobId.equals("") && !jobComplete) { String cancelledMessage = ""; try { vamsas.objects.simple.WsJobId cancelledJob = server.cancel(jobId); if (cancelledJob.getStatus() == 2) { // CANCELLED_JOB cancelledMessage = "Job cancelled."; wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_CANCELLED_OK); jobComplete = true; jobsRunning--; result = null; } else if (cancelledJob.getStatus() == 3) { // VALID UNSTOPPABLE JOB cancelledMessage += "Server cannot cancel this job. just close the window.\n"; } if (cancelledJob.getJobId() != null) { cancelledMessage += ("[" + cancelledJob.getJobId() + "]"); } cancelledMessage += "\n"; } catch (Exception exc) { cancelledMessage += ("\nProblems cancelling the job : Exception received...\n" + exc + "\n"); exc.printStackTrace(); } wsInfo.setProgressText(OutputHeader + cancelledMessage + "\n"); } else { if (!jobComplete) { wsInfo.setProgressText(OutputHeader + "Server cannot cancel this job because it has not been submitted properly. just close the window.\n"); } } } public void run() { StartJob(); while (!jobComplete && (allowedServerExceptions > 0)) { try { if ((result = server.getResult(jobId)) == null) { throw (new Exception( "Timed out when communicating with server\nTry again later.\n")); } if (result.isRunning()) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_RUNNING); } else if (result.isQueued()) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_QUEUING); } if (result.isFinished()) { parseResult(); jobComplete = true; jobsRunning--; } else { if (result.getStatus() != null) { wsInfo.setProgressText(OutputHeader + "\n" + result.getStatus()); } if (!(result.isJobFailed() || result.isServerError())) { Thread.sleep(5000); // System.out.println("I'm alive "+seqid+" "+jobid); } else { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { allowedServerExceptions--; wsInfo.appendProgressText("\n" + ServiceName + " Server exception!\n" + ex.getMessage()); System.err.println(ServiceName + " Server exception: " + ex.getMessage()); // ex.printStackTrace(); JBPNote Debug try { if (allowedServerExceptions > 0) { Thread.sleep(5000); } } catch (InterruptedException ex1) { } } } if (allowedServerExceptions == 0) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); } else { if (!((result != null) && (result.isJobFailed() || result.isServerError()))) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_OK); } else { if (result.isFailed()) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); } if (result.isServerError()) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); } } } } void StartJob() { try { vamsas.objects.simple.WsJobId jobsubmit = server.align(seqs); if ((jobsubmit != null) && (jobsubmit.getStatus() == 1)) { jobId = jobsubmit.getJobId(); System.out.println(WsURL + " Job Id '" + jobId + "'"); } else { if (jobsubmit == null) { throw new Exception("Server at " + WsURL + " returned null object, it probably cannot be contacted. Try again later ?"); } throw new Exception(jobsubmit.getJobId()); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: JBPNote catch timeout or other fault types explicitly // For unexpected errors System.err.println(WebServiceName + "Client: Failed to submit the sequences for alignment (probably a server side problem)\n" + "When contacting Server:"+WsURL + "\n" + e.toString() + "\n"); this.allowedServerExceptions = 0; wsInfo.setStatus(wsInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); wsInfo.appendProgressText("Failed to submit sequences for alignment.\n" + "It is most likely that there is a problem with the server.\n" + "Just close the window\n"); // e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: JBPNote DEBUG } } private void addFloatAnnotations(Alignment al, int[] gapmap, Vector values, String Symname, String Visname, float min, float max, int winLength) { Annotation[] annotations = new Annotation[al.getWidth()]; for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++) { float value = Float.parseFloat(values.get(j).toString()); annotations[gapmap[j]] = new Annotation("", value + "", ' ', value); } al.addAnnotation(new AlignmentAnnotation(Symname, Visname, annotations, min, max, winLength)); } private jalview.datamodel.Sequence[] getVamsasAlignment( vamsas.objects.simple.Alignment valign) { vamsas.objects.simple.Sequence[] seqs = valign.getSeqs().getSeqs(); jalview.datamodel.Sequence[] msa = new jalview.datamodel.Sequence[seqs.length]; for (int i = 0, j = seqs.length; i < j; i++) msa[i] = new jalview.datamodel.Sequence(seqs[i].getId(), seqs[i].getSeq()); return msa; } void parseResult() { SequenceI[] seqs = null; try { // OutputHeader = output.getText(); if (result.isFailed()) { OutputHeader += "Job failed.\n"; } if (result.getStatus() != null) { OutputHeader += ("\n" + result.getStatus()); } if (result.getMsa() != null) { OutputHeader += "\nAlignment Object Method Notes\n"; String[] lines = result.getMsa().getMethod(); for (int line = 0; line < lines.length; line++) OutputHeader += (lines[line] + "\n"); // JBPNote The returned files from a webservice could be hidden behind icons in the monitor window that, when clicked, pop up their corresponding data seqs = getVamsasAlignment(result.getMsa()); } wsInfo.setProgressText(OutputHeader); if (seqs != null) { AlignmentOrder msaorder = new AlignmentOrder(seqs); if (preserveOrder) { jalview.analysis.AlignmentSorter.recoverOrder(seqs); } jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils.deuniquify(SeqNames, seqs); Alignment al = new Alignment(seqs); // TODO: JBPNote Should also rename the query sequence sometime... AlignFrame af = new AlignFrame(al); af.addSortByOrderMenuItem(ServiceName + " Ordering", msaorder); Desktop.addInternalFrame(af, alTitle, AlignFrame.NEW_WINDOW_WIDTH, AlignFrame.NEW_WINDOW_HEIGHT); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }