package; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.WebserviceInfo; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentView; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import jalview.bin.Cache; public abstract class WSThread extends Thread { /** * Generic properties for Web Service Client threads. */ AlignFrame alignFrame; WebserviceInfo wsInfo = null; AlignmentView input; boolean jobComplete = false; abstract class WSJob { /** * Generic properties for an individual job within a Web Service Client thread */ int jobnum = 0; // WebServiceInfo pane for this job String jobId; // ws job ticket boolean cancelled = false; int allowedServerExceptions = 3; // job dies if too many exceptions. boolean submitted = false; boolean subjobComplete = false; /** * * @return true if job has completed and valid results are available */ abstract boolean hasResults(); /** * * @return boolean true if job can be submitted. */ abstract boolean hasValidInput(); vamsas.objects.simple.Result result; } class JobStateSummary { int running = 0; int queuing = 0; int finished = 0; int error = 0; int serror = 0; int cancelled = 0; int results = 0; void updateJobPanelState(WebserviceInfo wsInfo, String OutputHeader, WSJob j) { if (j.result != null) { String progheader = ""; // Parse state of job[j] if (j.result.isRunning()) { running++; wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_RUNNING); } else if (j.result.isQueued()) { queuing++; wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_QUEUING); } else if (j.result.isFinished()) { finished++; j.subjobComplete = true; if (j.hasResults()) results++; wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_OK); } else if (j.result.isFailed()) { progheader += "Job failed.\n"; j.subjobComplete = true; wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); error++; } else if (j.result.isServerError()) { serror++; j.subjobComplete = true; wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); } else if (j.result.isBroken() || j.result.isFailed()) { error++; j.subjobComplete = true; wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); } // and pass on any sub-job messages to the user wsInfo.setProgressText(j.jobnum, OutputHeader); wsInfo.appendProgressText(j.jobnum, progheader); if (j.result.getStatus() != null) { wsInfo.appendProgressText(j.jobnum, j.result.getStatus()); } } else { if (j.submitted && j.subjobComplete) { if (j.allowedServerExceptions == 0) { serror++; } else if (j.result == null) { error++; } } } } } WSJob jobs[] = null; String WebServiceName = null; String OutputHeader; String WsUrl = null; abstract void pollJob(WSJob job) throws Exception; public void run() { JobStateSummary jstate=null; if (jobs==null) jobComplete=true; while (!jobComplete) { jstate = new JobStateSummary(); for (int j = 0; j < jobs.length; j++) { if (!jobs[j].submitted && jobs[j].hasValidInput()) { StartJob(jobs[j]); } if (jobs[j].submitted && !jobs[j].subjobComplete) { try { pollJob(jobs[j]); if (jobs[j].result == null) { throw (new Exception( "Timed out when communicating with server\nTry again later.\n")); } jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Job " + j + " Result state " + jobs[j].result.getState() + "(ServerError=" + jobs[j].result.isServerError() + ")"); } catch (Exception ex) { // Deal with Transaction exceptions wsInfo.appendProgressText(jobs[j].jobnum, "\n" + WebServiceName + " Server exception!\n" + ex.getMessage()); Cache.log.warn(WebServiceName + " job(" + jobs[j].jobnum + ") Server exception: " + ex.getMessage()); if (jobs[j].allowedServerExceptions > 0) { jobs[j].allowedServerExceptions--; Cache.log.debug("Sleeping after a server exception."); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex1) { } } else { Cache.log.warn("Dropping job " + j + " " + jobs[j].jobId); jobs[j].subjobComplete = true; wsInfo.setStatus(jobs[j].jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError er) { jobComplete = true; jobs[j].subjobComplete = true; jobs[j].result = null; // may contain out of date result object wsInfo.setStatus(jobs[j].jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); JOptionPane .showInternalMessageDialog( Desktop.desktop, "Out of memory handling result for job !!" + "\nSee help files for increasing Java Virtual Machine memory.", "Out of memory", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); Cache.log.error("Out of memory when retrieving Job " + j + " id:" + WsUrl + "/" + jobs[j].jobId, er); System.gc(); } } jstate.updateJobPanelState(wsInfo, OutputHeader, jobs[j]); } // Decide on overall state based on collected jobs[] states if (jstate.running > 0) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_RUNNING); } else if (jstate.queuing > 0) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_QUEUING); } else { jobComplete = true; if (jstate.finished > 0) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_OK); } else if (jstate.error > 0) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR); } else if (jstate.serror > 0) { wsInfo.setStatus(WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_SERVERERROR); } } if (!jobComplete) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Cache.log.debug("Interrupted sleep waiting for next job poll.", e); } // System.out.println("I'm alive "+alTitle); } } if (jobComplete) { parseResult(); // tidy up and make results available to user } } abstract void StartJob(WSJob job); abstract void parseResult(); }