package; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import jalview.datamodel.ContactListI; import jalview.datamodel.ContactListImpl; import jalview.datamodel.ContactListProviderI; import jalview.datamodel.GroupSet; import jalview.datamodel.GroupSetI; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.util.MapList; import; public abstract class MappableContactMatrix> implements MappableContactMatrixI { SequenceI refSeq = null; MapList toSeq = null; /** * the length that refSeq is expected to be (excluding gaps, of course) */ int length; @Override public boolean hasReferenceSeq() { return (refSeq != null); } @Override public SequenceI getReferenceSeq() { return refSeq; } /** * container for groups - defined on matrix columns */ GroupSet grps = new GroupSet(); @Override public GroupSetI getGroupSet() { return grps; }; @Override public void setGroupSet(GroupSet makeGroups) { grps = makeGroups; } @Override public MapList getMapFor(SequenceI mapSeq) { if (refSeq != null) { while (mapSeq != refSeq && mapSeq.getDatasetSequence() != null) { mapSeq = mapSeq.getDatasetSequence(); } if (mapSeq != refSeq) { return null; } } else { if (mapSeq != null) { // our MapList does not concern this seq return null; } } return toSeq; } /** * set the reference sequence and construct the mapping between the start-end * positions of given sequence and row/columns of contact matrix * * @param _refSeq */ public void setRefSeq(SequenceI _refSeq) { refSeq = _refSeq; while (refSeq.getDatasetSequence() != null) { refSeq = refSeq.getDatasetSequence(); } length = _refSeq.getEnd() - _refSeq.getStart() + 1; // if (length!=refSeq.getLength() || _refSeq.getStart()!=1) { toSeq = new MapList( new int[] { _refSeq.getStart(), _refSeq.getEnd() }, new int[] { 0, length - 1 }, 1, 1); } } public T liftOver(SequenceI newRefSeq, Mapping sp2sq) { if (sp2sq.getMappedWidth() != sp2sq.getWidth()) { // TODO: employ getWord/MappedWord to transfer annotation between cDNA and // Protein reference frames throw new Error( "liftOver currently not implemented for transfer of annotation between different types of seqeunce"); } boolean mapIsTo = (sp2sq != null) ? (sp2sq.getTo() == refSeq) : false; /** * map from matrix to toSeq's coordinate frame */ int[] refMap = toSeq.locateInFrom(0, length - 1); ArrayList newFromMap = new ArrayList(); int last = -1; for (int i = 0; i < refMap.length; i += 2) { /* * for each contiguous range in toSeq, locate corresponding range in sequence mapped to toSeq by sp2sq */ int[] sp2map = mapIsTo ? sp2sq.getMap().locateInFrom(refMap[i], refMap[i + 1]) : sp2sq.getMap().locateInTo(refMap[i], refMap[i + 1]); if (sp2map == null) { continue; } for (int spm = 0; spm < sp2map.length; spm += 2) { if (last > -1) { if (sp2map[spm] != last + 1) { newFromMap.add(sp2map[spm]); } else { newFromMap.remove(newFromMap.size() - 1); } } else { newFromMap.add(sp2map[spm]); } last = sp2map[spm + 1]; newFromMap.add(last); } } if ((newFromMap.size() % 2) != 0) { // should have had an even number of int ranges! throw new Error("PAEMatrix liftover failed."); } int fromIntMap[] = new int[newFromMap.size()]; int ipos = 0; for (Integer i : newFromMap) { fromIntMap[ipos++] = i; } MapList newFromMapList = new MapList(fromIntMap, new int[] { 0, length - 1 }, 1, 1); T newCM = newMappableContactMatrix(newRefSeq, newFromMapList); return newCM; } protected abstract T newMappableContactMatrix(SequenceI newRefSeq, MapList newFromMapList); @Override public int[] getMappedPositionsFor(final SequenceI localFrame, final int column) { return getMappedPositionsFor(localFrame, column, column); } @Override public int[] getMappedPositionsFor(final SequenceI localFrame, int from, int to) { if (localFrame == null) { throw new Error("Unimplemented when no local sequence given."); } SequenceI lf = localFrame, uf = refSeq; // check that localFrame is derived from refSeq // just look for dataset sequences and check they are the same. // in future we could use DBRefMappings/whatever. while (lf.getDatasetSequence() != null || uf.getDatasetSequence() != null) { if (lf.getDatasetSequence() != null) { lf = lf.getDatasetSequence(); } if (uf.getDatasetSequence() != null) { uf = uf.getDatasetSequence(); } } if (lf != uf) { // could try harder to find a mapping throw new Error("This Matrix associated with '" + refSeq.getName() + "' is not mappable for the given localFrame sequence. (" + localFrame.getName() + ")"); } // now look up from-to matrix columns in toSeq frame if (toSeq == null) { // no mapping - so we assume 1:1 return new int[] { from, to }; } // from-to are matrix columns // first locate on reference sequence int[] mappedPositions = toSeq.locateInFrom(from, to); if (mappedPositions==null) { return null; } // and now map to localFrame // from-to columns on the associated sequence should be // i. restricted to positions in localFrame // ii. // int s = -1, e = -1; // for (int p = 0; p < mappedPositions.length; p++) // { // if (s == -1 && mappedPositions[p] >= localFrame.getStart()) // { // s = p; // remember first position within local frame // } // if (e == -1 || mappedPositions[p] <= localFrame.getEnd()) // { // // update end pointer // e = p; // // compute local map // mappedPositions[p] = localFrame.findIndex(mappedPositions[p]); // } // } // int[] _trimmed = new int[e - s + 1]; // return _trimmed; return mappedPositions; } @Override public ContactListI getMappableContactList(final SequenceI localFrame, final int column) { final int _column; final int _lcolumn; if (localFrame == null) { throw new Error("Unimplemented when no local sequence given."); } // return a ContactListI for column // column is index into localFrame // 1. map column to corresponding column in matrix final MappableContactMatrix us = this; _lcolumn = localFrame.findPosition(column); if (toSeq != null) { SequenceI lf = localFrame, uf = refSeq; // just look for dataset sequences and check they are the same. // in future we could use DBRefMappings/whatever. while (lf.getDatasetSequence() != null || uf.getDatasetSequence() != null) { if (lf.getDatasetSequence() != null) { lf = lf.getDatasetSequence(); } if (uf.getDatasetSequence() != null) { uf = uf.getDatasetSequence(); } } if (lf != uf) { // could try harder to find a mapping throw new Error("This Matrix associated with '" + refSeq.getName() + "' is not mappable for the given localFrame sequence. (" + localFrame.getName() + ")"); } // check the mapping to see if localFrame _lcolumn exists int[] word = toSeq.locateInTo(_lcolumn, _lcolumn); if (word == null) { return null; } _column = word[0]; } else { // no mapping _column = _lcolumn; } // TODO - remove ? this may be a redundant check if (_column < 0 || ((toSeq != null && _column > toSeq.getToHighest()) || (toSeq == null && getHeight() <= _column))) { return null; } // 2. resolve ranges in matrix corresponding to range in localFrame final int[] matrixRange = toSeq == null ? new int[] { localFrame.getStart(), localFrame.getEnd() } : toSeq.locateInTo(localFrame.getStart(), localFrame.getEnd()); int h = 0; for (int p = 0; p < matrixRange.length; p += 2) { h += 1 + Math.abs(matrixRange[p + 1] - matrixRange[p]); } final int rangeHeight = h; // 3. Construct ContactListImpl instance for just those segments. return new ContactListImpl(new ContactListProviderI() { public int getColumn() { return column; } @Override public int getPosition() { return _column; } @Override public int getContactHeight() { return rangeHeight; } @Override public double getContactAt(int mcolumn) { if (mcolumn < 0 || mcolumn >= rangeHeight) { return -1; } return getElementAt(_column, locateInRange(mcolumn)); // this code maps from mcolumn to localFrame - but that isn't what's // needed // int loccolumn = localFrame.findPosition(mcolumn); // int[] lcolumn=(toSeq==null) ? new int[] {mcolumn} : // toSeq.locateInTo(loccolumn,loccolumn); // if (lcolumn==null || lcolumn[0] < 0 || lcolumn[0] >= rangeHeight) // { // return -1; // } // return getElementAt(_column,lcolumn[0]); } @Override public int[] getMappedPositionsFor(int cStart, int cEnd) { if (!hasReferenceSeq()) { return ContactListProviderI.super.getMappedPositionsFor(cStart, cEnd); } // map into segment of matrix being shown int realCstart = locateInRange(cStart); int realCend = locateInRange(cEnd); // TODO account for discontinuities in the mapping int[] mappedPositions = toSeq.locateInFrom(realCstart, realCend); if (mappedPositions != null) { int s = -1, e = -1; for (int p = 0; p < mappedPositions.length; p++) { if (s == -1 && mappedPositions[p] >= localFrame.getStart()) { s = p; // remember first position within local frame } if (e == -1 || mappedPositions[p] <= localFrame.getEnd()) { // update end pointer e = p; // compute local map mappedPositions[p] = localFrame.findIndex(mappedPositions[p]); } } } return mappedPositions; } /** * @return the mcolumn'th position in the matrixRange window on the matrix */ private int locateInRange(int mcolumn) { int h = 0, p = 0; while (h < mcolumn && p + 2 < matrixRange.length) { h += 1 + Math.abs(matrixRange[p + 1] - matrixRange[p]); p += 2; } return matrixRange[p] + mcolumn - h; } @Override public Color getColourForGroup() { BitSet gp = us.getGroupsFor(_column); Color col = us.getColourForGroup(gp); return col; } }); } /** * get a specific element of the contact matrix in its data-local coordinates * rather than the mapped frame. Implementations are allowed to throw * RunTimeExceptions if _column/i are out of bounds * * @param _column * @param i * @return */ protected abstract double getElementAt(int _column, int i); }