package; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.AlignmentPanel; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import compbio.metadata.Argument; public class AAConsClient extends JabawsAlignCalcWorker { public AAConsClient(Jws2Instance service, AlignFrame alignFrame, WsParamSetI preset, List paramset) { super(service, alignFrame, preset, paramset); submitGaps = true; alignedSeqs = true; nucleotidesAllowed = false; proteinAllowed = true; gapMap = new boolean[0]; initViewportParams(); } protected void initViewportParams() { ((jalview.gui.AlignViewport) alignViewport).setCalcIdSettingsFor( getCalcId(), new AAConsSettings(true, service, this.preset, (arguments != null) ? JabaParamStore .getJwsArgsfromJaba(arguments) : null), true); } @Override public void updateParameters(WsParamSetI newpreset, java.util.List newarguments) { super.updateParameters(newpreset, newarguments); initViewportParams(); }; public String getServiceActionText() { return "calculating Amino acid consensus using AACons service"; } /** * update the consensus annotation from the sequence profile data using * current visualization settings. */ public void updateResultAnnotation(boolean immediate) { if (immediate || !calcMan.isWorking(this) && scoremanager != null) { Map> scoremap = scoremanager.asMap(); int alWidth = alignViewport.getAlignment().getWidth(); ArrayList ourAnnot = new ArrayList(); for (String score : scoremap.keySet()) { Set scores = scoremap.get(score); for (Score scr : scores) { if (scr.getRanges() != null && scr.getRanges().size() > 0) { /** * annotation in range annotation = findOrCreate(scr.getMethod(), * true, null, null); Annotation[] elm = new Annotation[alWidth]; * Iterator vals = scr.getScores().iterator(); for (Range rng * : scr.getRanges()) { float val =; for * (int i = rng.from; i <=; i++) { elm[i] = new * Annotation("", "", ' ', val); } } annotation.annotations = elm; * annotation.validateRangeAndDisplay(); */ } else { createAnnotationRowsForScores(ourAnnot, getCalcId(), alWidth, scr); } } } if (ourAnnot.size() > 0) { updateOurAnnots(ourAnnot); } } } public String getCalcId() { return SequenceAnnotationWSClient.AAConsCalcId; } public static void removeAAConsAnnotation(AlignmentPanel alignPanel) { for (AlignmentAnnotation aa : alignPanel.getAlignment().findAnnotation( SequenceAnnotationWSClient.AAConsCalcId)) { alignPanel.getAlignment().deleteAnnotation(aa); } } }