/* * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer (Version 2.8) * Copyright (C) 2012 J Procter, AM Waterhouse, LM Lui, J Engelhardt, G Barton, M Clamp, S Searle * * This file is part of Jalview. * * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jalview. If not, see . */ package jalview.ws.jws2; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.gui.AlignFrame; import jalview.gui.Desktop; import jalview.gui.JvSwingUtils; import jalview.ws.WSMenuEntryProviderI; import jalview.ws.jws2.jabaws2.Jws2Instance; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import compbio.ws.client.Services; /** * discoverer for jws2 services. Follows the lightweight service discoverer * pattern (archetyped by EnfinEnvision2OneWay) * * @author JimP * */ public class Jws2Discoverer implements Runnable, WSMenuEntryProviderI { private java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport( this); /** * change listeners are notified of "services" property changes * * @param listener * to be added that consumes new services Hashtable object. */ public void addPropertyChangeListener( java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * * * @param listener * to be removed */ public void removePropertyChangeListener( java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener) { changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } boolean running = false, aborted = false; /** * @return the aborted */ public boolean isAborted() { return aborted; } /** * @param aborted * the aborted to set */ public void setAborted(boolean aborted) { this.aborted = aborted; } Thread oldthread = null; public void run() { if (running && oldthread != null && oldthread.isAlive()) { if (!aborted) { return; } while (running) { try { Cache.log .debug("Waiting around for old discovery thread to finish."); // wait around until old discoverer dies Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } } Cache.log.debug("Old discovery thread has finished."); } running = true; changeSupport.firePropertyChange("services", services, new Vector()); oldthread = Thread.currentThread(); try { Class foo = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( "compbio.ws.client.Jws2Client"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err .println("Not enabling JABA Webservices : client jar is not available." + "\nPlease check that your webstart JNLP file is up to date!"); running = false; return; } // reinitialise records of good and bad service URLs if (services != null) { services.removeAllElements(); } if (urlsWithoutServices != null) { urlsWithoutServices.removeAllElements(); } if (invalidServiceUrls != null) { invalidServiceUrls.removeAllElements(); } if (validServiceUrls != null) { validServiceUrls.removeAllElements(); } ArrayList svctypes = new ArrayList(); List qrys = new ArrayList(); for (final String jwsservers : getServiceUrls()) { JabaWsServerQuery squery = new JabaWsServerQuery(this, jwsservers); if (svctypes.size() == 0) { // TODO: remove this ugly hack to get Canonical JABA service ordering // for all possible services for (Services sv : squery.JABAWS2SERVERS) { svctypes.add(sv.toString()); } } qrys.add(squery); new Thread(squery).start(); } boolean finished = true; do { finished = true; try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } ; for (JabaWsServerQuery squery : qrys) { finished = finished && !squery.isRunning(); } if (aborted) { Cache.log.debug("Aborting " + qrys.size() + " JABAWS discovery threads."); for (JabaWsServerQuery squery : qrys) { squery.setQuit(true); } } } while (!aborted && !finished); if (!aborted) { // resort services according to order found in jabaws service list // also ensure servics for each host are ordered in same way. if (services != null && services.size() > 0) { Jws2Instance[] svcs = new Jws2Instance[services.size()]; int[] spos = new int[services.size()]; int ipos = 0; Vector svcUrls = getServiceUrls(); for (Jws2Instance svc : services) { svcs[ipos] = svc; spos[ipos++] = 1000 * svcUrls.indexOf(svc.getHost()) + 1 + svctypes.indexOf(svc.serviceType); } jalview.util.QuickSort.sort(spos, svcs); services = new Vector(); for (Jws2Instance svc : svcs) { services.add(svc); } } } oldthread = null; running = false; changeSupport.firePropertyChange("services", new Vector(), services); } /** * record this service endpoint so we can use it * * @param jwsservers * @param srv * @param service2 */ synchronized void addService(String jwsservers, Jws2Instance service) { if (services == null) { services = new Vector(); } System.out.println("Discovered service: " + jwsservers + " " + service.toString()); // Jws2Instance service = new Jws2Instance(jwsservers, srv.toString(), // service2); services.add(service); // retrieve the presets and parameter set and cache now ParamDataStoreI pds = service.getParamStore(); if (pds != null) { pds.getPresets(); } service.hasParameters(); if (validServiceUrls == null) { validServiceUrls = new Vector(); } validServiceUrls.add(jwsservers); } /** * holds list of services. */ protected Vector services; /** * attach all available web services to the appropriate submenu in the given * JMenu */ public void attachWSMenuEntry(JMenu wsmenu, final AlignFrame alignFrame) { // dynamically regenerate service list. populateWSMenuEntry(wsmenu, alignFrame, null); } private boolean isRecalculable(String action) { return (action != null && action.equalsIgnoreCase("conservation")); } private void populateWSMenuEntry(JMenu jws2al, final AlignFrame alignFrame, String typeFilter) { if (running || services == null || services.size() == 0) { return; } boolean byhost = Cache.getDefault("WSMENU_BYHOST", false), bytype = Cache .getDefault("WSMENU_BYTYPE", false); /** * eventually, JWS2 services will appear under the same align/etc submenus. * for moment we keep them separate. */ JMenu atpoint; List enumerableServices = new ArrayList(); // jws2al.removeAll(); Map preferredHosts = new HashMap(); Map> alternates = new HashMap>(); for (Jws2Instance service : services.toArray(new Jws2Instance[0])) { if (!isRecalculable(service.action)) { // add 'one shot' services to be displayed using the classic menu // structure enumerableServices.add(service); } else { if (!preferredHosts.containsKey(service.serviceType)) { Jws2Instance preferredInstance = getPreferredServiceFor( alignFrame, service.serviceType); if (preferredInstance != null) { preferredHosts.put(service.serviceType, preferredInstance); } else { preferredHosts.put(service.serviceType, service); } } List ph = alternates.get(service.serviceType); if (preferredHosts.get(service.serviceType) != service) { if (ph == null) { ph = new ArrayList(); } ph.add(service); alternates.put(service.serviceType, ph); } } } // create GUI element for classic services addEnumeratedServices(jws2al, alignFrame, enumerableServices); // and the instantaneous services for (final Jws2Instance service : preferredHosts.values()) { atpoint = JvSwingUtils.findOrCreateMenu(jws2al, service.action); JMenuItem hitm; if (atpoint.getItemCount() > 1) { // previous service of this type already present atpoint.addSeparator(); } atpoint.add(hitm = new JMenuItem(service.getHost())); hitm.setForeground(Color.blue); hitm.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Desktop.showUrl(service.getHost()); } }); hitm.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils .wrapTooltip("Opens the JABAWS server's homepage in web browser")); service.attachWSMenuEntry(atpoint, alignFrame); if (alternates.containsKey(service.serviceType)) { atpoint.add(hitm = new JMenu("Switch server")); hitm.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils .wrapTooltip("Choose a server for running this service")); for (final Jws2Instance sv : alternates.get(service.serviceType)) { JMenuItem itm; hitm.add(itm = new JMenuItem(sv.getHost())); itm.setForeground(Color.blue); itm.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { setPreferredServiceFor(alignFrame, sv.serviceType, sv.action, sv); changeSupport.firePropertyChange("services", new Vector(), services); }; }).start(); } }); } /* * hitm.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { * * @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { new * Thread(new Runnable() { * * @Override public void run() { new SetPreferredServer(alignFrame, * service.serviceType, service.action); } }).start(); } }); */ } } } /** * add services using the Java 2.5/2.6/2.7 system which optionally creates * submenus to index by host and service program type */ private void addEnumeratedServices(final JMenu jws2al, final AlignFrame alignFrame, List enumerableServices) { boolean byhost = Cache.getDefault("WSMENU_BYHOST", false), bytype = Cache .getDefault("WSMENU_BYTYPE", false); /** * eventually, JWS2 services will appear under the same align/etc submenus. * for moment we keep them separate. */ JMenu atpoint; MsaWSClient msacl = new MsaWSClient(); List hostLabels = new ArrayList(); Hashtable lasthostFor = new Hashtable(); Hashtable> hosts = new Hashtable>(); ArrayList hostlist = new ArrayList(); for (Jws2Instance service : enumerableServices) { ArrayList hostservices = hosts.get(service.getHost()); if (hostservices == null) { hosts.put(service.getHost(), hostservices = new ArrayList()); hostlist.add(service.getHost()); } hostservices.add(service); } // now add hosts in order of the given array for (String host : hostlist) { Jws2Instance orderedsvcs[] = hosts.get(host).toArray( new Jws2Instance[1]); String sortbytype[] = new String[orderedsvcs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sortbytype.length; i++) { sortbytype[i] = orderedsvcs[i].serviceType; } jalview.util.QuickSort.sort(sortbytype, orderedsvcs); for (final Jws2Instance service : orderedsvcs) { atpoint = JvSwingUtils.findOrCreateMenu(jws2al, service.action); String type = service.serviceType; if (byhost) { atpoint = JvSwingUtils.findOrCreateMenu(atpoint, host); if (atpoint.getToolTipText() == null) { atpoint.setToolTipText("Services at " + host); } } if (bytype) { atpoint = JvSwingUtils.findOrCreateMenu(atpoint, type); if (atpoint.getToolTipText() == null) { atpoint.setToolTipText(service.getActionText()); } } if (!byhost && !hostLabels.contains(host + service.serviceType + service.getActionText())) // !hostLabels.contains(host + (bytype ? // service.serviceType+service.getActionText() : ""))) { // add a marker indicating where this service is hosted // relies on services from the same host being listed in a // contiguous // group JMenuItem hitm; if (hostLabels.contains(host)) { atpoint.addSeparator(); } else { hostLabels.add(host); } if (lasthostFor.get(service.action) == null || !lasthostFor.get(service.action).equals(host)) { atpoint.add(hitm = new JMenuItem(host)); hitm.setForeground(Color.blue); hitm.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Desktop.showUrl(service.getHost()); } }); hitm.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils .wrapTooltip("Opens the JABAWS server's homepage in web browser")); lasthostFor.put(service.action, host); } hostLabels.add(host + service.serviceType + service.getActionText()); } service.attachWSMenuEntry(atpoint, alignFrame); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length > 0) { testUrls = new Vector(); for (String url : args) { testUrls.add(url); } ; } Thread runner = getDiscoverer().startDiscoverer( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (getDiscoverer().services != null) { System.out.println("Changesupport: There are now " + getDiscoverer().services.size() + " services"); int i = 1; for (Jws2Instance instance : getDiscoverer().services) { System.out.println("Service " + i++ + " " + instance.getClass() + "@" + instance.getHost() + ": " + instance.getActionText()); } } } }); while (runner.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } ; } try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException x) { } } private static Jws2Discoverer discoverer; public static Jws2Discoverer getDiscoverer() { if (discoverer == null) { discoverer = new Jws2Discoverer(); } return discoverer; } public boolean hasServices() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return !running && services != null && services.size() > 0; } public boolean isRunning() { return running; } /** * the jalview .properties entry for JWS2 URLS */ final static String JWS2HOSTURLS = "JWS2HOSTURLS"; public static void setServiceUrls(Vector urls) { if (urls != null) { StringBuffer urlbuffer = new StringBuffer(); String sep = ""; for (String url : urls) { urlbuffer.append(sep); urlbuffer.append(url); sep = ","; } Cache.setProperty(JWS2HOSTURLS, urlbuffer.toString()); } else { Cache.removeProperty(JWS2HOSTURLS); } } private static Vector testUrls = null; public static Vector getServiceUrls() { if (testUrls != null) { // return test urls, if there are any, instead of touching cache return testUrls; } String surls = Cache.getDefault(JWS2HOSTURLS, "http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/jabaws"); Vector urls = new Vector(); try { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(surls, ","); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String url = null; try { java.net.URL u = new java.net.URL(url = st.nextToken()); if (!urls.contains(url)) { urls.add(url); } else { jalview.bin.Cache.log.info("Ignoring duplicate url in " + JWS2HOSTURLS + " list"); } } catch (Exception ex) { jalview.bin.Cache.log .warn("Problem whilst trying to make a URL from '" + ((url != null) ? url : "") + "'"); jalview.bin.Cache.log .warn("This was probably due to a malformed comma separated list" + " in the " + JWS2HOSTURLS + " entry of $(HOME)/.jalview_properties)"); jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Exception was ", ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { jalview.bin.Cache.log.warn( "Error parsing comma separated list of urls in " + JWS2HOSTURLS + " preference.", ex); } if (urls.size() >= 0) { return urls; } return null; } public Vector getServices() { return (services == null) ? new Vector() : new Vector(services); } /** * test the given URL with the JabaWS test code * * @param foo * @return */ public static boolean testServiceUrl(URL foo) { try { compbio.ws.client.WSTester.main(new String[] { "-h=" + foo.toString() }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (Error e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Start a fresh discovery thread and notify the given object when we're * finished. Any known existing threads will be killed before this one is * started. * * @param changeSupport2 * @return new thread */ public Thread startDiscoverer(PropertyChangeListener changeSupport2) { if (isRunning()) { setAborted(true); } addPropertyChangeListener(changeSupport2); Thread thr = new Thread(this); thr.start(); return thr; } Vector invalidServiceUrls = null, urlsWithoutServices = null, validServiceUrls = null; /** * @return the invalidServiceUrls */ public Vector getInvalidServiceUrls() { return invalidServiceUrls; } /** * @return the urlsWithoutServices */ public Vector getUrlsWithoutServices() { return urlsWithoutServices; } /** * add an 'empty' JABA server to the list. Only servers not already in the * 'bad URL' list will be added to this list. * * @param jwsservers */ public synchronized void addUrlwithnoservices(String jwsservers) { if (urlsWithoutServices == null) { urlsWithoutServices = new Vector(); } if ((invalidServiceUrls == null || !invalidServiceUrls .contains(jwsservers)) && !urlsWithoutServices.contains(jwsservers)) { urlsWithoutServices.add(jwsservers); } } /** * add a bad URL to the list * * @param jwsservers */ public synchronized void addInvalidServiceUrl(String jwsservers) { if (invalidServiceUrls == null) { invalidServiceUrls = new Vector(); } if (!invalidServiceUrls.contains(jwsservers)) { invalidServiceUrls.add(jwsservers); } } /** * * @return a human readable report of any problems with the service URLs used * for discovery */ public String getErrorMessages() { if (!isRunning() && !isAborted()) { StringBuffer ermsg = new StringBuffer(); boolean list = false; if (getInvalidServiceUrls() != null && getInvalidServiceUrls().size() > 0) { ermsg.append("URLs that could not be contacted: \n"); for (String svcurl : getInvalidServiceUrls()) { if (list) { ermsg.append(", "); } list = true; ermsg.append(svcurl); } ermsg.append("\n\n"); } list = false; if (getUrlsWithoutServices() != null && getUrlsWithoutServices().size() > 0) { ermsg.append("URLs without any JABA Services : \n"); for (String svcurl : getUrlsWithoutServices()) { if (list) { ermsg.append(", "); } list = true; ermsg.append(svcurl); } ermsg.append("\n"); } if (ermsg.length() > 1) { return ermsg.toString(); } } return null; } public int getServerStatusFor(String url) { if (validServiceUrls != null && validServiceUrls.contains(url)) { return 1; } if (urlsWithoutServices != null && urlsWithoutServices.contains(url)) return 0; if (invalidServiceUrls != null && invalidServiceUrls.contains(url)) { return -1; } return -2; } /** * pick the user's preferred service based on a set of URLs (jaba server * locations) and service URIs (specifying version and service interface * class) * * @param serviceURL * @return null or best match for given uri/ls. */ public Jws2Instance getPreferredServiceFor(String[] serviceURLs) { HashSet urls = new HashSet(); urls.addAll(Arrays.asList(serviceURLs)); Jws2Instance match = null; if (services != null) { for (Jws2Instance svc : services) { if (urls.contains(svc.getServiceTypeURI())) { if (match == null) { // for moment we always pick service from server ordered first in // user's preferences match = svc; } if (urls.contains(svc.getUri())) { // stop and return - we've matched type URI and URI for service // endpoint return svc; } } } } return match; } Map> preferredServiceMap = new HashMap>();; /** * get current preferred service of the given type, or global default * * @param af * null or a specific alignFrame * @param serviceType * Jws2Instance.serviceType for service * @return null if no service of this type is available, the preferred service * for the serviceType and af if specified and if defined. */ public Jws2Instance getPreferredServiceFor(AlignFrame af, String serviceType) { String serviceurl = null; synchronized (preferredServiceMap) { String afid = (af == null) ? "" : af.getViewport().getSequenceSetId(); Map prefmap = preferredServiceMap.get(afid); if (afid.length() > 0 && prefmap == null) { // recover global setting, if any prefmap = preferredServiceMap.get(""); } if (prefmap != null) { serviceurl = prefmap.get(serviceType); } } Jws2Instance response = null; for (Jws2Instance svc : services) { if (svc.serviceType.equals(serviceType)) { if (serviceurl == null || serviceurl.equals(svc.getHost())) { response = svc; break; } } } return response; } public void setPreferredServiceFor(AlignFrame af, String serviceType, String serviceAction, Jws2Instance selectedServer) { String afid = (af == null) ? "" : af.getViewport().getSequenceSetId(); if (preferredServiceMap == null) { preferredServiceMap = new HashMap>(); } Map prefmap = preferredServiceMap.get(afid); if (prefmap == null) { prefmap = new HashMap(); preferredServiceMap.put(afid, prefmap); } prefmap.put(serviceType, selectedServer.getHost()); prefmap.put(serviceAction, selectedServer.getHost()); } public void setPreferredServiceFor(String serviceType, String serviceAction, Jws2Instance selectedServer) { setPreferredServiceFor(null, serviceType, serviceAction, selectedServer); } }