* Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
* Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
* This file is part of Jalview.
* Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Jalview. If not, see .
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
package jalview.ws.sifts;
import jalview.analysis.AlignSeq;
import jalview.analysis.scoremodels.ScoreMatrix;
import jalview.analysis.scoremodels.ScoreModels;
import jalview.api.DBRefEntryI;
import jalview.api.SiftsClientI;
import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry;
import jalview.datamodel.DBRefSource;
import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
import jalview.io.StructureFile;
import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties;
import jalview.structure.StructureMapping;
import jalview.util.Comparison;
import jalview.util.DBRefUtils;
import jalview.util.Format;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry.Entity;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry.Entity.Segment;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry.Entity.Segment.ListMapRegion.MapRegion;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry.Entity.Segment.ListResidue.Residue;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry.Entity.Segment.ListResidue.Residue.CrossRefDb;
import jalview.xml.binding.sifts.Entry.Entity.Segment.ListResidue.Residue.ResidueDetail;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import MCview.Atom;
import MCview.PDBChain;
public class SiftsClient implements SiftsClientI
* for use in mocking out file fetch for tests only
* - reset to null after testing!
private static File mockSiftsFile;
private Entry siftsEntry;
private StructureFile pdb;
private String pdbId;
private String structId;
private CoordinateSys seqCoordSys = CoordinateSys.UNIPROT;
* PDB sequence position to sequence coordinate mapping as derived from SIFTS
* record for the identified SeqCoordSys Used for lift-over from sequence
* derived from PDB (with first extracted PDBRESNUM as 'start' to the sequence
* being annotated with PDB data
private jalview.datamodel.Mapping seqFromPdbMapping;
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
public static final int UNASSIGNED = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private static final int PDB_RES_POS = 0;
private static final int PDB_ATOM_POS = 1;
private static final int PDBE_POS = 2;
private static final String NOT_OBSERVED = "Not_Observed";
private static final String SIFTS_FTP_BASE_URL = "http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/msd/sifts/xml/";
private final static String NEWLINE = System.lineSeparator();
private String curSourceDBRef;
private HashSet curDBRefAccessionIdsString;
private enum CoordinateSys
UNIPROT("UniProt"), PDB("PDBresnum"), PDBe("PDBe");
private String name;
private CoordinateSys(String name)
this.name = name;
public String getName()
return name;
private enum ResidueDetailType
CODE_SEC_STRUCTURE("codeSecondaryStructure"), ANNOTATION("Annotation");
private String code;
private ResidueDetailType(String code)
this.code = code;
public String getCode()
return code;
* Fetch SIFTs file for the given PDBfile and construct an instance of
* SiftsClient
* @param pdbId
* @throws SiftsException
public SiftsClient(StructureFile pdb) throws SiftsException
this.pdb = pdb;
this.pdbId = pdb.getId();
File siftsFile = getSiftsFile(pdbId);
siftsEntry = parseSIFTs(siftsFile);
* Parse the given SIFTs File and return a JAXB POJO of parsed data
* @param siftFile
* - the GZipped SIFTs XML file to parse
* @return
* @throws Exception
* if a problem occurs while parsing the SIFTs XML
private Entry parseSIFTs(File siftFile) throws SiftsException
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(siftFile);
GZIPInputStream gzis = new GZIPInputStream(in);)
// System.out.println("File : " + siftFile.getAbsolutePath());
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("jalview.xml.binding.sifts");
XMLStreamReader streamReader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance()
Unmarshaller um = jc.createUnmarshaller();
return (Entry) um.unmarshal(streamReader);
} catch (Exception e)
throw new SiftsException(e.getMessage());
* Get a SIFTs XML file for a given PDB Id from Cache or download from FTP
* repository if not found in cache
* @param pdbId
* @return SIFTs XML file
* @throws SiftsException
public static File getSiftsFile(String pdbId) throws SiftsException
* return mocked file if it has been set
if (mockSiftsFile != null)
return mockSiftsFile;
String siftsFileName = SiftsSettings.getSiftDownloadDirectory()
+ pdbId.toLowerCase() + ".xml.gz";
File siftsFile = new File(siftsFileName);
if (siftsFile.exists())
// The line below is required for unit testing... don't comment it out!!!
System.out.println(">>> SIFTS File already downloaded for " + pdbId);
if (isFileOlderThanThreshold(siftsFile,
File oldSiftsFile = new File(siftsFileName + "_old");
siftsFile = downloadSiftsFile(pdbId.toLowerCase());
return siftsFile;
} catch (IOException e)
return new File(siftsFileName);
return siftsFile;
siftsFile = downloadSiftsFile(pdbId.toLowerCase());
} catch (IOException e)
throw new SiftsException(e.getMessage());
return siftsFile;
* This method enables checking if a cached file has exceeded a certain
* threshold(in days)
* @param file
* the cached file
* @param noOfDays
* the threshold in days
* @return
public static boolean isFileOlderThanThreshold(File file, int noOfDays)
Path filePath = file.toPath();
BasicFileAttributes attr;
int diffInDays = 0;
attr = Files.readAttributes(filePath, BasicFileAttributes.class);
diffInDays = (int) ((new Date().getTime()
- attr.lastModifiedTime().toMillis())
/ (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
// System.out.println("Diff in days : " + diffInDays);
} catch (IOException e)
return noOfDays <= diffInDays;
* Download a SIFTs XML file for a given PDB Id from an FTP repository
* @param pdbId
* @return downloaded SIFTs XML file
* @throws SiftsException
* @throws IOException
public static File downloadSiftsFile(String pdbId)
throws SiftsException, IOException
if (pdbId.contains(".cif"))
pdbId = pdbId.replace(".cif", "");
String siftFile = pdbId + ".xml.gz";
String siftsFileFTPURL = SIFTS_FTP_BASE_URL + siftFile;
String downloadedSiftsFile = SiftsSettings.getSiftDownloadDirectory()
+ siftFile;
File siftsDownloadDir = new File(
if (!siftsDownloadDir.exists())
// System.out.println(">> Download ftp url : " + siftsFileFTPURL);
// long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
URL url = new URL(siftsFileFTPURL);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream inputStream = conn.getInputStream();
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
int bytesRead = -1;
while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)) != -1)
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
// System.out.println(">>> File downloaded : " + downloadedSiftsFile
// + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) + "ms");
return new File(downloadedSiftsFile);
* Delete the SIFTs file for the given PDB Id in the local SIFTs download
* directory
* @param pdbId
* @return true if the file was deleted or doesn't exist
public static boolean deleteSiftsFileByPDBId(String pdbId)
File siftsFile = new File(SiftsSettings.getSiftDownloadDirectory()
+ pdbId.toLowerCase() + ".xml.gz");
if (siftsFile.exists())
return siftsFile.delete();
return true;
* Get a valid SIFTs DBRef for the given sequence current SIFTs entry
* @param seq
* - the target sequence for the operation
* @return a valid DBRefEntry that is SIFTs compatible
* @throws Exception
* if no valid source DBRefEntry was found for the given sequences
public DBRefEntryI getValidSourceDBRef(SequenceI seq)
throws SiftsException
List dbRefs = seq.getPrimaryDBRefs();
if (dbRefs == null || dbRefs.size() < 1)
throw new SiftsException(
"Source DBRef could not be determined. DBRefs might not have been retrieved.");
for (DBRefEntry dbRef : dbRefs)
if (dbRef == null || dbRef.getAccessionId() == null
|| dbRef.getSource() == null)
String canonicalSource = DBRefUtils
if (isValidDBRefEntry(dbRef)
&& (canonicalSource.equalsIgnoreCase(DBRefSource.UNIPROT)
|| canonicalSource.equalsIgnoreCase(DBRefSource.PDB)))
return dbRef;
throw new SiftsException("Could not get source DB Ref");
* Check that the DBRef Entry is properly populated and is available in this
* SiftClient instance
* @param entry
* - DBRefEntry to validate
* @return true validation is successful otherwise false is returned.
boolean isValidDBRefEntry(DBRefEntryI entry)
return entry != null && entry.getAccessionId() != null
&& isFoundInSiftsEntry(entry.getAccessionId());
public HashSet getAllMappingAccession()
HashSet accessions = new HashSet();
List entities = siftsEntry.getEntity();
for (Entity entity : entities)
List segments = entity.getSegment();
for (Segment segment : segments)
List mapRegions = segment.getListMapRegion()
for (MapRegion mapRegion : mapRegions)
return accessions;
public StructureMapping getSiftsStructureMapping(SequenceI seq,
String pdbFile, String chain) throws SiftsException
SequenceI aseq = seq;
while (seq.getDatasetSequence() != null)
seq = seq.getDatasetSequence();
structId = (chain == null) ? pdbId : pdbId + "|" + chain;
System.out.println("Getting SIFTS mapping for " + structId + ": seq "
+ seq.getName());
final StringBuilder mappingDetails = new StringBuilder(128);
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(System.out)
public void print(String x)
public void println()
HashMap mapping = getGreedyMapping(chain, seq, ps);
String mappingOutput = mappingDetails.toString();
StructureMapping siftsMapping = new StructureMapping(aseq, pdbFile,
pdbId, chain, mapping, mappingOutput, seqFromPdbMapping);
return siftsMapping;
public HashMap getGreedyMapping(String entityId,
SequenceI seq, java.io.PrintStream os) throws SiftsException
List omitNonObserved = new ArrayList<>();
int nonObservedShiftIndex = 0,pdbeNonObserved=0;
// System.out.println("Generating mappings for : " + entityId);
Entity entity = null;
entity = getEntityById(entityId);
String originalSeq = AlignSeq.extractGaps(
jalview.util.Comparison.GapChars, seq.getSequenceAsString());
HashMap mapping = new HashMap();
DBRefEntryI sourceDBRef;
sourceDBRef = getValidSourceDBRef(seq);
// TODO ensure sequence start/end is in the same coordinate system and
// consistent with the choosen sourceDBRef
// set sequence coordinate system - default value is UniProt
if (sourceDBRef.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase(DBRefSource.PDB))
seqCoordSys = CoordinateSys.PDB;
HashSet dbRefAccessionIdsString = new HashSet();
for (DBRefEntry dbref : seq.getDBRefs())
curDBRefAccessionIdsString = dbRefAccessionIdsString;
curSourceDBRef = sourceDBRef.getAccessionId();
TreeMap resNumMap = new TreeMap();
List segments = entity.getSegment();
SegmentHelperPojo shp = new SegmentHelperPojo(seq, mapping, resNumMap,
omitNonObserved, nonObservedShiftIndex,pdbeNonObserved);
processSegments(segments, shp);
populateAtomPositions(entityId, mapping);
} catch (Exception e)
if (seqCoordSys == CoordinateSys.UNIPROT)
padWithGaps(resNumMap, omitNonObserved);
int seqStart = UNASSIGNED;
int seqEnd = UNASSIGNED;
int pdbStart = UNASSIGNED;
int pdbEnd = UNASSIGNED;
if (mapping.isEmpty())
throw new SiftsException("SIFTS mapping failed");
// also construct a mapping object between the seq-coord sys and the PDB seq's coord sys
Integer[] keys = mapping.keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]);
seqStart = keys[0];
seqEnd = keys[keys.length - 1];
List from=new ArrayList<>(),to=new ArrayList<>();
String matchedSeq = originalSeq;
if (seqStart != UNASSIGNED) // fixme! seqStart can map to -1 for a pdb sequence that starts <-1
for (int seqps:keys)
int pdbpos = mapping.get(seqps)[PDBE_POS];
if (pdbpos == UNASSIGNED)
// not correct - pdbpos might be -1, but leave it for now
if (_cfrom==null || seqps!=_cfrom[1]+1)
_cfrom = new int[] { seqps,seqps};
_cto = null; // discontinuity
} else {
_cfrom[1]= seqps;
if (_cto==null || pdbpos!=1+_cto[1])
_cto = new int[] { pdbpos,pdbpos};
} else {
_cto[1] = pdbpos;
_cfrom = new int[from.size() * 2];
_cto = new int[to.size() * 2];
int p = 0;
for (int[] range : from)
_cfrom[p++] = range[0];
_cfrom[p++] = range[1];
p = 0;
for (int[] range : to)
_cto[p++] = range[0];
_cto[p++] = range[1];
seqFromPdbMapping = new jalview.datamodel.Mapping(null, _cto, _cfrom,
pdbStart = mapping.get(seqStart)[PDB_RES_POS];
pdbEnd = mapping.get(seqEnd)[PDB_RES_POS];
int orignalSeqStart = seq.getStart();
if (orignalSeqStart >= 1)
int subSeqStart = (seqStart >= orignalSeqStart)
? seqStart - orignalSeqStart
: 0;
int subSeqEnd = seqEnd - (orignalSeqStart - 1);
subSeqEnd = originalSeq.length() < subSeqEnd ? originalSeq.length()
: subSeqEnd;
matchedSeq = originalSeq.substring(subSeqStart, subSeqEnd);
matchedSeq = originalSeq.substring(1, originalSeq.length());
StringBuilder targetStrucSeqs = new StringBuilder();
for (String res : resNumMap.values())
if (os != null)
MappingOutputPojo mop = new MappingOutputPojo();
return mapping;
void processSegments(List segments, SegmentHelperPojo shp)
SequenceI seq = shp.getSeq();
HashMap mapping = shp.getMapping();
TreeMap resNumMap = shp.getResNumMap();
List omitNonObserved = shp.getOmitNonObserved();
int nonObservedShiftIndex = shp.getNonObservedShiftIndex();
int pdbeNonObservedCount = shp.getPdbeNonObserved();
int firstPDBResNum = UNASSIGNED;
for (Segment segment : segments)
// System.out.println("Mapping segments : " + segment.getSegId() + "\\"s
// + segStartEnd);
List residues = segment.getListResidue().getResidue();
for (Residue residue : residues)
boolean isObserved = isResidueObserved(residue);
int pdbeIndex = getLeadingIntegerValue(residue.getDbResNum(),
int currSeqIndex = UNASSIGNED;
List cRefDbs = residue.getCrossRefDb();
CrossRefDb pdbRefDb = null;
for (CrossRefDb cRefDb : cRefDbs)
if (cRefDb.getDbSource().equalsIgnoreCase(DBRefSource.PDB))
pdbRefDb = cRefDb;
if (firstPDBResNum == UNASSIGNED)
firstPDBResNum = getLeadingIntegerValue(cRefDb.getDbResNum(),
if (isObserved)
// after we find the first observed residue we just increment
if (cRefDb.getDbCoordSys().equalsIgnoreCase(seqCoordSys.getName())
&& isAccessionMatched(cRefDb.getDbAccessionId()))
currSeqIndex = getLeadingIntegerValue(cRefDb.getDbResNum(),
if (pdbRefDb != null)
break;// exit loop if pdb and uniprot are already found
if (!isObserved)
if (seqCoordSys == seqCoordSys.PDB) // FIXME: is seqCoordSys ever PDBe
// ???
// if the sequence has a primary reference to the PDB, then we are
// dealing with a sequence extracted directly from the PDB. In that
// case, numbering is PDBe - non-observed residues
currSeqIndex = seq.getStart() - 1 + pdbeIndex;
if (!isObserved)
if (seqCoordSys != CoordinateSys.UNIPROT) // FIXME: PDB or PDBe only
// here
// mapping to PDB or PDBe so we need to bookkeep for the
// non-observed
// SEQRES positions
if (currSeqIndex == UNASSIGNED)
// change in logic - unobserved residues with no currSeqIndex
// corresponding are still counted in both nonObservedShiftIndex and
// pdbeIndex...
// if (currSeqIndex >= seq.getStart() && currSeqIndex <= seqlength) //
// true
// numbering
// is
// not
// up
// to
// seq.getEnd()
int resNum = (pdbRefDb == null)
? getLeadingIntegerValue(residue.getDbResNum(),
: getLeadingIntegerValue(pdbRefDb.getDbResNum(),
if (isObserved)
char resCharCode = ResidueProperties
resNumMap.put(currSeqIndex, String.valueOf(resCharCode));
int[] mappingcols = new int[] { Integer.valueOf(resNum),
UNASSIGNED, isObserved ? firstPDBResNum : UNASSIGNED };
mapping.put(currSeqIndex - nonObservedShiftIndex, mappingcols);
* Get the leading integer part of a string that begins with an integer.
* @param input
* - the string input to process
* @param failValue
* - value returned if unsuccessful
* @return
static int getLeadingIntegerValue(String input, int failValue)
if (input == null)
return failValue;
String[] parts = input.split("(?=\\D)(?<=\\d)");
if (parts != null && parts.length > 0 && parts[0].matches("[0-9]+"))
return Integer.valueOf(parts[0]);
return failValue;
* @param chainId
* Target chain to populate mapping of its atom positions.
* @param mapping
* Two dimension array of residue index versus atom position
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* Thrown if chainId or mapping is null
* @throws SiftsException
void populateAtomPositions(String chainId, Map mapping)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SiftsException
PDBChain chain = pdb.findChain(chainId);
if (chain == null || mapping == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Chain id or mapping must not be null.");
for (int[] map : mapping.values())
map[PDB_ATOM_POS] = getAtomIndex(map[PDB_RES_POS], chain.atoms);
} catch (NullPointerException e)
throw new SiftsException(e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e)
throw new SiftsException(e.getMessage());
* @param residueIndex
* The residue index used for the search
* @param atoms
* A collection of Atom to search
* @return atom position for the given residue index
int getAtomIndex(int residueIndex, Collection atoms)
if (atoms == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"atoms collection must not be null!");
for (Atom atom : atoms)
if (atom.resNumber == residueIndex)
return atom.atomIndex;
* Checks if the residue instance is marked 'Not_observed' or not
* @param residue
* @return
private boolean isResidueObserved(Residue residue)
Set annotations = getResidueAnnotaitons(residue,
if (annotations == null || annotations.isEmpty())
return true;
for (String annotation : annotations)
if (annotation.equalsIgnoreCase(NOT_OBSERVED))
return false;
return true;
* Get annotation String for a given residue and annotation type
* @param residue
* @param type
* @return
private Set getResidueAnnotaitons(Residue residue,
ResidueDetailType type)
HashSet foundAnnotations = new HashSet();
List resDetails = residue.getResidueDetail();
for (ResidueDetail resDetail : resDetails)
if (resDetail.getProperty().equalsIgnoreCase(type.getCode()))
return foundAnnotations;
public boolean isAccessionMatched(String accession)
boolean isStrictMatch = true;
return isStrictMatch ? curSourceDBRef.equalsIgnoreCase(accession)
: curDBRefAccessionIdsString.contains(accession.toLowerCase());
private boolean isFoundInSiftsEntry(String accessionId)
Set siftsDBRefs = getAllMappingAccession();
return accessionId != null
&& siftsDBRefs.contains(accessionId.toLowerCase());
* Pad omitted residue positions in PDB sequence with gaps
* @param resNumMap
void padWithGaps(Map resNumMap,
List omitNonObserved)
if (resNumMap == null || resNumMap.isEmpty())
Integer[] keys = resNumMap.keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]);
// Arrays.sort(keys);
int firstIndex = keys[0];
int lastIndex = keys[keys.length - 1];
// System.out.println("Min value " + firstIndex);
// System.out.println("Max value " + lastIndex);
for (int x = firstIndex; x <= lastIndex; x++)
if (!resNumMap.containsKey(x) && !omitNonObserved.contains(x))
resNumMap.put(x, "-");
public Entity getEntityById(String id) throws SiftsException
// Determines an entity to process by performing a heuristic matching of all
// Entities with the given chainId and choosing the best matching Entity
Entity entity = getEntityByMostOptimalMatchedId(id);
if (entity != null)
return entity;
throw new SiftsException("Entity " + id + " not found");
* This method was added because EntityId is NOT always equal to ChainId.
* Hence, it provides the logic to greedily detect the "true" Entity for a
* given chainId where discrepancies exist.
* @param chainId
* @return
public Entity getEntityByMostOptimalMatchedId(String chainId)
// System.out.println("---> advanced greedy entityId matching block
// entered..");
List entities = siftsEntry.getEntity();
SiftsEntitySortPojo[] sPojo = new SiftsEntitySortPojo[entities.size()];
int count = 0;
for (Entity entity : entities)
sPojo[count] = new SiftsEntitySortPojo();
sPojo[count].entityId = entity.getEntityId();
List segments = entity.getSegment();
for (Segment segment : segments)
List residues = segment.getListResidue().getResidue();
for (Residue residue : residues)
List cRefDbs = residue.getCrossRefDb();
for (CrossRefDb cRefDb : cRefDbs)
if (!cRefDb.getDbSource().equalsIgnoreCase("PDB"))
if (cRefDb.getDbChainId().equalsIgnoreCase(chainId))
sPojo[count].pid = (100 * sPojo[count].chainIdFreq)
/ sPojo[count].resCount;
Arrays.sort(sPojo, Collections.reverseOrder());
// System.out.println("highest matched entity : " + sPojo[0].entityId);
// System.out.println("highest matched pid : " + sPojo[0].pid);
if (sPojo[0].entityId != null)
if (sPojo[0].pid < 1)
return null;
for (Entity entity : entities)
if (!entity.getEntityId().equalsIgnoreCase(sPojo[0].entityId))
return entity;
return null;
private class SiftsEntitySortPojo
implements Comparable
public String entityId;
public int chainIdFreq;
public int pid;
public int resCount;
public int compareTo(SiftsEntitySortPojo o)
return this.pid - o.pid;
private class SegmentHelperPojo
private SequenceI seq;
private HashMap mapping;
private TreeMap resNumMap;
private List omitNonObserved;
private int nonObservedShiftIndex;
* count of number of 'not observed' positions in the PDB record's SEQRES
* (total number of residues with coordinates == length(SEQRES) -
* pdbeNonObserved
private int pdbeNonObserved;
public SegmentHelperPojo(SequenceI seq, HashMap mapping,
TreeMap resNumMap,
List omitNonObserved, int nonObservedShiftIndex,
int pdbeNonObserved)
public void setPdbeNonObserved(int pdbeNonObserved2)
this.pdbeNonObserved = pdbeNonObserved2;
public int getPdbeNonObserved()
return pdbeNonObserved;
public SequenceI getSeq()
return seq;
public void setSeq(SequenceI seq)
this.seq = seq;
public HashMap getMapping()
return mapping;
public void setMapping(HashMap mapping)
this.mapping = mapping;
public TreeMap getResNumMap()
return resNumMap;
public void setResNumMap(TreeMap resNumMap)
this.resNumMap = resNumMap;
public List getOmitNonObserved()
return omitNonObserved;
public void setOmitNonObserved(List omitNonObserved)
this.omitNonObserved = omitNonObserved;
public int getNonObservedShiftIndex()
return nonObservedShiftIndex;
public void setNonObservedShiftIndex(int nonObservedShiftIndex)
this.nonObservedShiftIndex = nonObservedShiftIndex;
public StringBuilder getMappingOutput(MappingOutputPojo mp)
throws SiftsException
String seqRes = mp.getSeqResidue();
String seqName = mp.getSeqName();
int sStart = mp.getSeqStart();
int sEnd = mp.getSeqEnd();
String strRes = mp.getStrResidue();
String strName = mp.getStrName();
int pdbStart = mp.getStrStart();
int pdbEnd = mp.getStrEnd();
String type = mp.getType();
int maxid = (seqName.length() >= strName.length()) ? seqName.length()
: strName.length();
int len = 72 - maxid - 1;
int nochunks = ((seqRes.length()) / len)
+ ((seqRes.length()) % len > 0 ? 1 : 0);
// output mappings
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(512);
output.append("Sequence \u27f7 Structure mapping details")
output.append("Method: SIFTS");
output.append(new Format("%" + maxid + "s").form(seqName));
output.append(" : ");
output.append(" - ");
output.append(" Maps to ");
output.append(new Format("%" + maxid + "s").form(structId));
output.append(" : ");
output.append(" - ");
ScoreMatrix pam250 = ScoreModels.getInstance().getPam250();
int matchedSeqCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nochunks; j++)
// Print the first aligned sequence
output.append(new Format("%" + (maxid) + "s").form(seqName))
.append(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if ((i + (j * len)) < seqRes.length())
output.append(seqRes.charAt(i + (j * len)));
output.append(new Format("%" + (maxid) + "s").form(" ")).append(" ");
* Print out the match symbols:
* | for exact match (ignoring case)
* . if PAM250 score is positive
* else a space
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if ((i + (j * len)) < seqRes.length())
char c1 = seqRes.charAt(i + (j * len));
char c2 = strRes.charAt(i + (j * len));
boolean sameChar = Comparison.isSameResidue(c1, c2, false);
if (sameChar && !Comparison.isGap(c1))
else if (type.equals("pep"))
if (pam250.getPairwiseScore(c1, c2) > 0)
output.append(" ");
output.append(" ");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Now print the second aligned sequence
output = output.append(NEWLINE);
output = output.append(new Format("%" + (maxid) + "s").form(strName))
.append(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if ((i + (j * len)) < strRes.length())
output.append(strRes.charAt(i + (j * len)));
float pid = (float) matchedSeqCount / seqRes.length() * 100;
if (pid < SiftsSettings.getFailSafePIDThreshold())
throw new SiftsException(">>> Low PID detected for SIFTs mapping...");
output.append("Length of alignment = " + seqRes.length())
output.append(new Format("Percentage ID = %2.2f").form(pid));
return output;
public int getEntityCount()
return siftsEntry.getEntity().size();
public String getDbAccessionId()
return siftsEntry.getDbAccessionId();
public String getDbCoordSys()
return siftsEntry.getDbCoordSys();
public String getDbSource()
return siftsEntry.getDbSource();
public String getDbVersion()
return siftsEntry.getDbVersion();
public static void setMockSiftsFile(File file)
mockSiftsFile = file;