package jalview.ws2.actions.annotation; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import jalview.analysis.AlignmentAnnotationUtils; import jalview.api.AlignCalcManagerI2; import jalview.api.AlignCalcWorkerI; import jalview.api.AlignViewportI; import jalview.api.FeatureColourI; import jalview.api.PollableAlignCalcWorkerI; import jalview.bin.Cache; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation; import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI; import jalview.datamodel.AnnotatedCollectionI; import jalview.datamodel.Annotation; import jalview.datamodel.ContiguousI; import jalview.datamodel.Mapping; import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI; import jalview.datamodel.features.FeatureMatcherSetI; import jalview.schemes.FeatureSettingsAdapter; import jalview.util.ArrayUtils; import jalview.util.MapList; import jalview.util.MathUtils; import jalview.util.Pair; import jalview.workers.AlignCalcWorker; import; import jalview.ws2.actions.AbstractPollableTask; import jalview.ws2.actions.BaseJob; import jalview.ws2.actions.ServiceInputInvalidException; import jalview.ws2.actions.api.JobI; import jalview.ws2.actions.api.TaskEventListener; import jalview.ws2.actions.api.TaskI; import jalview.ws2.api.Credentials; import jalview.ws2.api.JobStatus; import jalview.ws2.api.WebServiceJobHandle; import jalview.ws2.client.api.AnnotationWebServiceClientI; import jalview.ws2.helpers.DelegateJobEventListener; import jalview.ws2.helpers.TaskEventSupport; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNullElse; public class AnnotationTask implements TaskI { private final long uid = MathUtils.getUID(); private AnnotationWebServiceClientI client; private final AnnotationAction action; private final List args; private final Credentials credentials; private final AlignViewportI viewport; private final TaskEventSupport eventHandler; private JobStatus taskStatus = null; private AlignCalcWorkerAdapter worker = null; private List jobs = Collections.emptyList(); private AnnotationResult result = null; private DelegateJobEventListener jobEventHandler; private class AlignCalcWorkerAdapter extends AlignCalcWorker implements PollableAlignCalcWorkerI { private boolean restarting = false; AlignCalcWorkerAdapter(AlignCalcManagerI2 calcMan) { super(viewport, null); this.calcMan = calcMan; } String getServiceName() { return action.getWebService().getName(); } @Override public void startUp() throws Throwable { if (alignViewport.isClosed()) { stop(); throw new IllegalStateException("Starting annotation for closed viewport"); } if (restarting) eventHandler.fireTaskRestarted(); else restarting = true; jobs = Collections.emptyList(); try { jobs = prepare(); } catch (ServiceInputInvalidException e) { setStatus(JobStatus.INVALID); eventHandler.fireTaskException(e); throw e; } setStatus(JobStatus.READY); eventHandler.fireTaskStarted(jobs); for (var job : jobs) { job.addPropertyChagneListener(jobEventHandler); } try { startJobs(); } catch (IOException e) { eventHandler.fireTaskException(e); cancelJobs(); setStatus(JobStatus.SERVER_ERROR); throw e; } setStatus(JobStatus.SUBMITTED); } @Override public boolean poll() throws Throwable { boolean done = AnnotationTask.this.poll(); updateGlobalStatus(); if (done) { retrieveAndProcessResult(); eventHandler.fireTaskCompleted(result); } return done; } private void retrieveAndProcessResult() throws IOException { result = retrieveResult(); updateOurAnnots(result.annotations); if (result.transferFeatures) { final var featureColours = result.featureColours; final var featureFilters = result.featureFilters; viewport.applyFeaturesStyle(new FeatureSettingsAdapter() { @Override public FeatureColourI getFeatureColour(String type) { return featureColours.get(type); } @Override public FeatureMatcherSetI getFeatureFilters(String type) { return featureFilters.get(type); } @Override public boolean isFeatureDisplayed(String type) { return featureColours.containsKey(type); } }); } } @Override public void updateAnnotation() { var job = jobs.size() > 0 ? jobs.get(0) : null; if (!calcMan.isWorking(this) && job != null) { var ret = updateResultAnnotation(job, job.returnedAnnotations); updateOurAnnots(ret.get0()); } } private void updateOurAnnots(List newAnnots) { List oldAnnots = requireNonNullElse(ourAnnots, Collections.emptyList()); ourAnnots = newAnnots; AlignmentI alignment = viewport.getAlignment(); for (AlignmentAnnotation an : oldAnnots) { if (!newAnnots.contains(an)) { alignment.deleteAnnotation(an); } } oldAnnots.clear(); for (AlignmentAnnotation an : ourAnnots) { viewport.getAlignment().validateAnnotation(an); } } @Override public void cancel() { cancelJobs(); } void stop() { super.abortAndDestroy(); } @Override public void done() { for (var job : jobs) { if (job.isInputValid() && !job.isCompleted()) { /* if done was called but job is not completed then it * must have been stopped by an exception */ job.setStatus(JobStatus.SERVER_ERROR); } } updateGlobalStatus(); // dispose of unfinished jobs just in case cancelJobs(); } } public AnnotationTask(AnnotationWebServiceClientI client, AnnotationAction action, List args, Credentials credentials, AlignViewportI viewport, TaskEventListener eventListener) { this.client = client; this.action = action; this.args = args; this.credentials = credentials; this.viewport = viewport; this.eventHandler = new TaskEventSupport<>(this, eventListener); this.jobEventHandler = new DelegateJobEventListener<>(this.eventHandler); } @Override public long getUid() { return uid; } public void start(AlignCalcManagerI2 calcManager) { if (this.worker != null) throw new IllegalStateException("task already started"); this.worker = new AlignCalcWorkerAdapter(calcManager); if (taskStatus != JobStatus.CANCELLED) { List oldWorkers = calcManager.getWorkersOfClass( AlignCalcWorkerAdapter.class); for (var worker : oldWorkers) { if (action.getWebService().getName().equalsIgnoreCase( ((AlignCalcWorkerAdapter) worker).getServiceName())) { // remove interactive workers for the same service. calcManager.removeWorker(worker); calcManager.cancelWorker(worker); } } if (action.getWebService().isInteractive()) calcManager.registerWorker(worker); else calcManager.startWorker(worker); } } /* * The following methods are mostly copied from the {@link AbstractPollableTask} * TODO: move common functionality to a base class */ @Override public JobStatus getStatus() { return taskStatus; } private void setStatus(JobStatus status) { if (this.taskStatus != status) { Cache.log.debug(String.format("%s status change to %s", this,; this.taskStatus = status; eventHandler.fireTaskStatusChanged(status); } } private void updateGlobalStatus() { int precedence = -1; for (BaseJob job : jobs) { JobStatus status = job.getStatus(); int jobPrecedence = ArrayUtils.indexOf(JobStatus.statusPrecedence, status); if (precedence < jobPrecedence) precedence = jobPrecedence; } if (precedence >= 0) { setStatus(JobStatus.statusPrecedence[precedence]); } } @Override public List getSubJobs() { return jobs; } /** * Create and return a list of annotation jobs from the current state of the * viewport. Returned job are not started by this method and should be stored * in a field and started separately. * * @return list of annotation jobs * @throws ServiceInputInvalidException * input data is not valid */ private List prepare() throws ServiceInputInvalidException { AlignmentI alignment = viewport.getAlignment(); if (alignment == null || alignment.getWidth() <= 0 || alignment.getSequences() == null) throw new ServiceInputInvalidException("Alignment does not contain sequences"); if (alignment.isNucleotide() && !action.doAllowNucleotide()) throw new ServiceInputInvalidException( action.getFullName() + " does not allow nucleotide sequences"); if (!alignment.isNucleotide() && !action.doAllowProtein()) throw new ServiceInputInvalidException( action.getFullName() + " does not allow protein sequences"); boolean bySequence = !action.isAlignmentAnalysis(); AnnotatedCollectionI inputSeqs = bySequence ? viewport.getSelectionGroup() : null; if (inputSeqs == null || inputSeqs.getWidth() <= 0 || inputSeqs.getSequences() == null || inputSeqs.getSequences().size() < 1) inputSeqs = alignment; boolean submitGaps = action.isAlignmentAnalysis(); boolean requireAligned = action.getRequireAlignedSequences(); boolean filterSymbols = action.getFilterSymbols(); int minSize = action.getMinSequences(); AnnotationJob job = AnnotationJob.create(inputSeqs, bySequence, submitGaps, requireAligned, filterSymbols, minSize); if (!job.isInputValid()) { job.setStatus(JobStatus.INVALID); throw new ServiceInputInvalidException("Annotation job has invalid input"); } job.setStatus(JobStatus.READY); return List.of(job); } private void startJobs() throws IOException { for (BaseJob job : jobs) { if (job.isInputValid() && job.getStatus() == JobStatus.READY) { var serverJob = client.submit(job.getInputSequences(), args, credentials); job.setServerJob(serverJob); job.setStatus(JobStatus.SUBMITTED); } } } private boolean poll() throws IOException { boolean allDone = true; for (BaseJob job : jobs) { if (job.isInputValid() && !job.getStatus().isDone()) { WebServiceJobHandle serverJob = job.getServerJob(); job.setStatus(client.getStatus(serverJob)); job.setLog(client.getLog(serverJob)); job.setErrorLog(client.getErrorLog(serverJob)); } allDone &= job.isCompleted(); } return allDone; } private AnnotationResult retrieveResult() throws IOException { final Map featureColours = new HashMap<>(); final Map featureFilters = new HashMap<>(); var job = jobs.get(0); List returnedAnnot = client.attachAnnotations( job.getServerJob(), job.getInputSequences(), featureColours, featureFilters); /* TODO * copy over each annotation row returned and also defined on each * sequence, excluding regions not annotated due to gapMap/column * visibility */ // update calcId if it is not already set on returned annotation for (AlignmentAnnotation annot : returnedAnnot) { if (annot.getCalcId() == null || annot.getCalcId().isEmpty()) { annot.setCalcId(action.getFullName()); } annot.autoCalculated = action.isAlignmentAnalysis() && action.getWebService().isInteractive(); } job.returnedAnnotations = returnedAnnot; job.featureColours = featureColours; job.featureFilters = featureFilters; var ret = updateResultAnnotation(job, returnedAnnot); var annotations = ret.get0(); var transferFeatures = ret.get1(); return new AnnotationResult(annotations, transferFeatures, featureColours, featureFilters); } private Pair, Boolean> updateResultAnnotation( AnnotationJob job, List annotations) { List newAnnots = new ArrayList<>(); // update graphGroup for all annotation /* find a graphGroup greater than any existing one, could be moved * to Alignment#getNewGraphGroup() - returns next unused graph group */ int graphGroup = 1; if (viewport.getAlignment().getAlignmentAnnotation() != null) { for (var ala : viewport.getAlignment().getAlignmentAnnotation()) { graphGroup = Math.max(graphGroup, ala.graphGroup); } } // update graphGroup in the annotation rows returned form service' /* TODO: look at sequence annotation rows and update graph groups in the * case of reference annotation */ for (AlignmentAnnotation ala : annotations) { if (ala.graphGroup > 0) ala.graphGroup += graphGroup; SequenceI aseq = null; // transfer sequence refs and adjust gapMap if (ala.sequenceRef != null) { aseq = job.seqNames.get(ala.sequenceRef.getName()); } ala.sequenceRef = aseq; Annotation[] resAnnot = ala.annotations; boolean[] gapMap = job.gapMap; Annotation[] gappedAnnot = new Annotation[Math.max( viewport.getAlignment().getWidth(), gapMap.length)]; for (int p = 0, ap = job.start; ap < gappedAnnot.length; ap++) { if (gapMap.length > ap && !gapMap[ap]) gappedAnnot[ap] = new Annotation("", "", ' ', Float.NaN); else if (p < resAnnot.length) gappedAnnot[ap] = resAnnot[p++]; // is this loop exhaustive of resAnnot? } ala.annotations = gappedAnnot; AlignmentAnnotation newAnnot = viewport.getAlignment() .updateFromOrCopyAnnotation(ala); if (aseq != null) { aseq.addAlignmentAnnotation(newAnnot); newAnnot.adjustForAlignment(); AlignmentAnnotationUtils.replaceAnnotationOnAlignmentWith( newAnnot, newAnnot.label, newAnnot.getCalcId()); } newAnnots.add(newAnnot); } boolean transferFeatures = false; for (SequenceI sq : job.getInputSequences()) { if (!sq.getFeatures().hasFeatures() && (sq.getDBRefs() == null || sq.getDBRefs().size() == 0)) continue; transferFeatures = true; SequenceI seq = job.seqNames.get(sq.getName()); SequenceI dseq; int start = job.start, end = job.end; boolean[] gapMap = job.gapMap; ContiguousI seqRange = seq.findPositions(start, end); while ((dseq = seq).getDatasetSequence() != null) { seq = seq.getDatasetSequence(); } List sourceRange = new ArrayList<>(); if (gapMap.length >= end) { int lastcol = start, col = start; do { if (col == end || !gapMap[col]) { if (lastcol <= (col - 1)) { seqRange = seq.findPositions(lastcol, col); sourceRange.add(seqRange); } lastcol = col + 1; } } while (col++ < end); } else { sourceRange.add(seq.findPositions(start, end)); } int i = 0; int sourceStartEnd[] = new int[sourceRange.size() * 2]; for (ContiguousI range : sourceRange) { sourceStartEnd[i++] = range.getBegin(); sourceStartEnd[i++] = range.getEnd(); } Mapping mp = new Mapping(new MapList( sourceStartEnd, new int[] { seq.getStart(), seq.getEnd() }, 1, 1)); dseq.transferAnnotation(sq, mp); } return new Pair<>(newAnnots, transferFeatures); } @Override public AnnotationResult getResult() { return result; } @Override public void cancel() { setStatus(JobStatus.CANCELLED); if (worker != null) { worker.stop(); } cancelJobs(); } public void cancelJobs() { for (BaseJob job : jobs) { if (!job.isCompleted()) { try { if (job.getServerJob() != null) { client.cancel(job.getServerJob()); } job.setStatus(JobStatus.CANCELLED); } catch (IOException e) { Cache.log.error(String.format( "failed to cancel job %s", job.getServerJob()), e); } } } } @Override public String toString() { var status = taskStatus != null ? : "UNSET"; return String.format("AnnotationTask(%d, %s)", uid, status); } }