/* $RCSfile$ * $Author: egonw $ * $Date: 2005-11-10 09:52:44 -0600 (Thu, 10 Nov 2005) $ * $Revision: 4255 $ * * Some portions of this file have been modified by Robert Hanson hansonr.at.stolaf.edu 2012-2017 * for use in SwingJS via transpilation into JavaScript using Java2Script. * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The Jmol Development Team * * Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package javajs.util; import javajs.api.EigenInterface; import javajs.api.Interface; //import org.jmol.script.T; final public class Measure { public final static float radiansPerDegree = (float) (2 * Math.PI / 360); public static float computeAngle(T3 pointA, T3 pointB, T3 pointC, V3 vectorBA, V3 vectorBC, boolean asDegrees) { vectorBA.sub2(pointA, pointB); vectorBC.sub2(pointC, pointB); float angle = vectorBA.angle(vectorBC); return (asDegrees ? angle / radiansPerDegree : angle); } public static float computeAngleABC(T3 pointA, T3 pointB, T3 pointC, boolean asDegrees) { V3 vectorBA = new V3(); V3 vectorBC = new V3(); return computeAngle(pointA, pointB, pointC, vectorBA, vectorBC, asDegrees); } public static float computeTorsion(T3 p1, T3 p2, T3 p3, T3 p4, boolean asDegrees) { float ijx = p1.x - p2.x; float ijy = p1.y - p2.y; float ijz = p1.z - p2.z; float kjx = p3.x - p2.x; float kjy = p3.y - p2.y; float kjz = p3.z - p2.z; float klx = p3.x - p4.x; float kly = p3.y - p4.y; float klz = p3.z - p4.z; float ax = ijy * kjz - ijz * kjy; float ay = ijz * kjx - ijx * kjz; float az = ijx * kjy - ijy * kjx; float cx = kjy * klz - kjz * kly; float cy = kjz * klx - kjx * klz; float cz = kjx * kly - kjy * klx; float ai2 = 1f / (ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az); float ci2 = 1f / (cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz); float ai = (float) Math.sqrt(ai2); float ci = (float) Math.sqrt(ci2); float denom = ai * ci; float cross = ax * cx + ay * cy + az * cz; float cosang = cross * denom; if (cosang > 1) { cosang = 1; } if (cosang < -1) { cosang = -1; } float torsion = (float) Math.acos(cosang); float dot = ijx * cx + ijy * cy + ijz * cz; float absDot = Math.abs(dot); torsion = (dot / absDot > 0) ? torsion : -torsion; return (asDegrees ? torsion / radiansPerDegree : torsion); } /** * This method calculates measures relating to two points in space * with related quaternion frame difference. It is used in Jmol for * calculating straightness and many other helical quantities. * * @param a * @param b * @param dq * @return new T3[] { pt_a_prime, n, r, P3.new3(theta, pitch, residuesPerTurn), pt_b_prime }; */ public static T3[] computeHelicalAxis(P3 a, P3 b, Quat dq) { // b // | /| // | / | // | / | // |/ c // b'+ / \ // | / \ Vcb = Vab . n // n | / \d Vda = (Vcb - Vab) / 2 // |/theta \ // a'+---------a // r V3 vab = new V3(); vab.sub2(b, a); /* * testing here to see if directing the normal makes any difference -- oddly * enough, it does not. When n = -n and theta = -theta vab.n is reversed, * and that magnitude is multiplied by n in generating the A'-B' vector. * * a negative angle implies a left-handed axis (sheets) */ float theta = dq.getTheta(); V3 n = dq.getNormal(); float v_dot_n = vab.dot(n); if (Math.abs(v_dot_n) < 0.0001f) v_dot_n = 0; V3 va_prime_d = new V3(); va_prime_d.cross(vab, n); if (va_prime_d.dot(va_prime_d) != 0) va_prime_d.normalize(); V3 vda = new V3(); V3 vcb = V3.newV(n); if (v_dot_n == 0) v_dot_n = PT.FLOAT_MIN_SAFE; // allow for perpendicular axis to vab vcb.scale(v_dot_n); vda.sub2(vcb, vab); vda.scale(0.5f); va_prime_d.scale(theta == 0 ? 0 : (float) (vda.length() / Math.tan(theta / 2 / 180 * Math.PI))); V3 r = V3.newV(va_prime_d); if (theta != 0) r.add(vda); P3 pt_a_prime = P3.newP(a); pt_a_prime.sub(r); // already done this. ?? if (v_dot_n != PT.FLOAT_MIN_SAFE) n.scale(v_dot_n); // must calculate directed angle: P3 pt_b_prime = P3.newP(pt_a_prime); pt_b_prime.add(n); theta = computeTorsion(a, pt_a_prime, pt_b_prime, b, true); if (Float.isNaN(theta) || r.length() < 0.0001f) theta = dq.getThetaDirectedV(n); // allow for r = 0 // anything else is an array float residuesPerTurn = Math.abs(theta == 0 ? 0 : 360f / theta); float pitch = Math.abs(v_dot_n == PT.FLOAT_MIN_SAFE ? 0 : n.length() * (theta == 0 ? 1 : 360f / theta)); return new T3[] { pt_a_prime, n, r, P3.new3(theta, pitch, residuesPerTurn), pt_b_prime }; } public static P4 getPlaneThroughPoints(T3 pointA, T3 pointB, T3 pointC, V3 vNorm, V3 vAB, P4 plane) { float w = getNormalThroughPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC, vNorm, vAB); plane.set4(vNorm.x, vNorm.y, vNorm.z, w); return plane; } public static void getPlaneThroughPoint(T3 pt, V3 normal, P4 plane) { plane.set4(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, -normal.dot(pt)); } public static float distanceToPlane(P4 plane, T3 pt) { return (plane == null ? Float.NaN : (plane.dot(pt) + plane.w) / (float) Math.sqrt(plane.dot(plane))); } public static float directedDistanceToPlane(P3 pt, P4 plane, P3 ptref) { float f = plane.dot(pt) + plane.w; float f1 = plane.dot(ptref) + plane.w; return Math.signum(f1) * f / (float) Math.sqrt(plane.dot(plane)); } public static float distanceToPlaneD(P4 plane, float d, P3 pt) { return (plane == null ? Float.NaN : (plane.dot(pt) + plane.w) / d); } public static float distanceToPlaneV(V3 norm, float w, P3 pt) { return (norm == null ? Float.NaN : (norm.dot(pt) + w) / (float) Math.sqrt(norm.dot(norm))); } /** * note that if vAB or vAC is dispensible, vNormNorm can be one of them * @param pointA * @param pointB * @param pointC * @param vNormNorm * @param vAB */ public static void calcNormalizedNormal(T3 pointA, T3 pointB, T3 pointC, T3 vNormNorm, T3 vAB) { vAB.sub2(pointB, pointA); vNormNorm.sub2(pointC, pointA); vNormNorm.cross(vAB, vNormNorm); vNormNorm.normalize(); } public static float getDirectedNormalThroughPoints(T3 pointA, T3 pointB, T3 pointC, T3 ptRef, V3 vNorm, V3 vAB) { // for x = plane({atomno=1}, {atomno=2}, {atomno=3}, {atomno=4}) float nd = getNormalThroughPoints(pointA, pointB, pointC, vNorm, vAB); if (ptRef != null) { P3 pt0 = P3.newP(pointA); pt0.add(vNorm); float d = pt0.distance(ptRef); pt0.sub2(pointA, vNorm); if (d > pt0.distance(ptRef)) { vNorm.scale(-1); nd = -nd; } } return nd; } /** * if vAC is dispensible vNorm can be vAC * @param pointA * @param pointB * @param pointC * @param vNorm * @param vTemp * @return w */ public static float getNormalThroughPoints(T3 pointA, T3 pointB, T3 pointC, T3 vNorm, T3 vTemp) { // for Polyhedra calcNormalizedNormal(pointA, pointB, pointC, vNorm, vTemp); // ax + by + cz + d = 0 // so if a point is in the plane, then N dot X = -d vTemp.setT(pointA); return -vTemp.dot(vNorm); } public static void getPlaneProjection(P3 pt, P4 plane, P3 ptProj, V3 vNorm) { float dist = distanceToPlane(plane, pt); vNorm.set(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z); vNorm.normalize(); vNorm.scale(-dist); ptProj.add2(pt, vNorm); } /** * * @param ptCenter * @param ptA * @param ptB * @param ptC * @param isOutward * @param normal set to be opposite to direction of ptCenter from ABC * @param vTemp * @return true if winding is CCW; false if CW */ public static boolean getNormalFromCenter(P3 ptCenter, P3 ptA, P3 ptB, P3 ptC, boolean isOutward, V3 normal, V3 vTemp) { float d = getNormalThroughPoints(ptA, ptB, ptC, normal, vTemp); boolean isReversed = (distanceToPlaneV(normal, d, ptCenter) > 0); if (isReversed == isOutward) normal.scale(-1f); return !isReversed; } public final static V3 axisY = V3.new3(0, 1, 0); public static void getNormalToLine(P3 pointA, P3 pointB, V3 vNormNorm) { // vector in xy plane perpendicular to a line between two points RMH vNormNorm.sub2(pointA, pointB); vNormNorm.cross(vNormNorm, axisY); vNormNorm.normalize(); if (Float.isNaN(vNormNorm.x)) vNormNorm.set(1, 0, 0); } public static void getBisectingPlane(P3 pointA, V3 vAB, T3 ptTemp, V3 vTemp, P4 plane) { ptTemp.scaleAdd2(0.5f, vAB, pointA); vTemp.setT(vAB); vTemp.normalize(); getPlaneThroughPoint(ptTemp, vTemp, plane); } public static void projectOntoAxis(P3 point, P3 axisA, V3 axisUnitVector, V3 vectorProjection) { vectorProjection.sub2(point, axisA); float projectedLength = vectorProjection.dot(axisUnitVector); point.scaleAdd2(projectedLength, axisUnitVector, axisA); vectorProjection.sub2(point, axisA); } public static void calcBestAxisThroughPoints(P3[] points, P3 axisA, V3 axisUnitVector, V3 vectorProjection, int nTriesMax) { // just a crude starting point. int nPoints = points.length; axisA.setT(points[0]); axisUnitVector.sub2(points[nPoints - 1], axisA); axisUnitVector.normalize(); /* * We now calculate the least-squares 3D axis * through the helix alpha carbons starting with Vo * as a first approximation. * * This uses the simple 0-centered least squares fit: * * Y = M cross Xi * * minimizing R^2 = SUM(|Y - Yi|^2) * * where Yi is the vector PERPENDICULAR of the point onto axis Vo * and Xi is the vector PROJECTION of the point onto axis Vo * and M is a vector adjustment * * M = SUM_(Xi cross Yi) / sum(|Xi|^2) * * from which we arrive at: * * V = Vo + (M cross Vo) * * Basically, this is just a 3D version of a * standard 2D least squares fit to a line, where we would say: * * y = m xi + b * * D = n (sum xi^2) - (sum xi)^2 * * m = [(n sum xiyi) - (sum xi)(sum yi)] / D * b = [(sum yi) (sum xi^2) - (sum xi)(sum xiyi)] / D * * but here we demand that the line go through the center, so we * require (sum xi) = (sum yi) = 0, so b = 0 and * * m = (sum xiyi) / (sum xi^2) * * In 3D we do the same but * instead of x we have Vo, * instead of multiplication we use cross products * * A bit of iteration is necessary. * * Bob Hanson 11/2006 * */ calcAveragePointN(points, nPoints, axisA); int nTries = 0; while (nTries++ < nTriesMax && findAxis(points, nPoints, axisA, axisUnitVector, vectorProjection) > 0.001) { } /* * Iteration here gets the job done. * We now find the projections of the endpoints onto the axis * */ P3 tempA = P3.newP(points[0]); projectOntoAxis(tempA, axisA, axisUnitVector, vectorProjection); axisA.setT(tempA); } public static float findAxis(P3[] points, int nPoints, P3 axisA, V3 axisUnitVector, V3 vectorProjection) { V3 sumXiYi = new V3(); V3 vTemp = new V3(); P3 pt = new P3(); P3 ptProj = new P3(); V3 a = V3.newV(axisUnitVector); float sum_Xi2 = 0; for (int i = nPoints; --i >= 0;) { pt.setT(points[i]); ptProj.setT(pt); projectOntoAxis(ptProj, axisA, axisUnitVector, vectorProjection); vTemp.sub2(pt, ptProj); //sum_Yi2 += vTemp.lengthSquared(); vTemp.cross(vectorProjection, vTemp); sumXiYi.add(vTemp); sum_Xi2 += vectorProjection.lengthSquared(); } V3 m = V3.newV(sumXiYi); m.scale(1 / sum_Xi2); vTemp.cross(m, axisUnitVector); axisUnitVector.add(vTemp); axisUnitVector.normalize(); //check for change in direction by measuring vector difference length vTemp.sub2(axisUnitVector, a); return vTemp.length(); } public static void calcAveragePoint(P3 pointA, P3 pointB, P3 pointC) { pointC.set((pointA.x + pointB.x) / 2, (pointA.y + pointB.y) / 2, (pointA.z + pointB.z) / 2); } public static void calcAveragePointN(P3[] points, int nPoints, P3 averagePoint) { averagePoint.setT(points[0]); for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) averagePoint.add(points[i]); averagePoint.scale(1f / nPoints); } public static Lst transformPoints(Lst vPts, M4 m4, P3 center) { Lst v = new Lst(); for (int i = 0; i < vPts.size(); i++) { P3 pt = P3.newP(vPts.get(i)); pt.sub(center); m4.rotTrans(pt); pt.add(center); v.addLast(pt); } return v; } public static boolean isInTetrahedron(P3 pt, P3 ptA, P3 ptB, P3 ptC, P3 ptD, P4 plane, V3 vTemp, V3 vTemp2, boolean fullyEnclosed) { boolean b = (distanceToPlane(getPlaneThroughPoints(ptC, ptD, ptA, vTemp, vTemp2, plane), pt) >= 0); if (b != (distanceToPlane(getPlaneThroughPoints(ptA, ptD, ptB, vTemp, vTemp2, plane), pt) >= 0)) return false; if (b != (distanceToPlane(getPlaneThroughPoints(ptB, ptD, ptC, vTemp, vTemp2, plane), pt) >= 0)) return false; float d = distanceToPlane(getPlaneThroughPoints(ptA, ptB, ptC, vTemp, vTemp2, plane), pt); if (fullyEnclosed) return (b == (d >= 0)); float d1 = distanceToPlane(plane, ptD); return d1 * d <= 0 || Math.abs(d1) > Math.abs(d); } /** * * @param plane1 * @param plane2 * @return [ point, vector ] or [] */ public static Lst getIntersectionPP(P4 plane1, P4 plane2) { float a1 = plane1.x; float b1 = plane1.y; float c1 = plane1.z; float d1 = plane1.w; float a2 = plane2.x; float b2 = plane2.y; float c2 = plane2.z; float d2 = plane2.w; V3 norm1 = V3.new3(a1, b1, c1); V3 norm2 = V3.new3(a2, b2, c2); V3 nxn = new V3(); nxn.cross(norm1, norm2); float ax = Math.abs(nxn.x); float ay = Math.abs(nxn.y); float az = Math.abs(nxn.z); float x, y, z, diff; int type = (ax > ay ? (ax > az ? 1 : 3) : ay > az ? 2 : 3); switch(type) { case 1: x = 0; diff = (b1 * c2 - b2 * c1); if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.01) return null; y = (c1 * d2 - c2 * d1) / diff; z = (b2 * d1 - d2 * b1) / diff; break; case 2: diff = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1); if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.01) return null; x = (c1 * d2 - c2 * d1) / diff; y = 0; z = (a2 * d1 - d2 * a1) / diff; break; case 3: default: diff = (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1); if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.01) return null; x = (b1 * d2 - b2 * d1) / diff; y = (a2 * d1 - d2 * a1) / diff; z = 0; } Lstlist = new Lst(); list.addLast(P3.new3(x, y, z)); nxn.normalize(); list.addLast(nxn); return list; } /** * * @param pt1 point on line * @param v unit vector of line * @param plane * @param ptRet point of intersection of line with plane * @param tempNorm * @param vTemp * @return ptRtet */ public static P3 getIntersection(P3 pt1, V3 v, P4 plane, P3 ptRet, V3 tempNorm, V3 vTemp) { getPlaneProjection(pt1, plane, ptRet, tempNorm); tempNorm.set(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z); tempNorm.normalize(); if (v == null) v = V3.newV(tempNorm); float l_dot_n = v.dot(tempNorm); if (Math.abs(l_dot_n) < 0.01) return null; vTemp.sub2(ptRet, pt1); ptRet.scaleAdd2(vTemp.dot(tempNorm) / l_dot_n, v, pt1); return ptRet; } /* * public static Point3f getTriangleIntersection(Point3f a1, Point3f a2, * Point3f a3, Point4f plane, Point3f b1, Point3f b2, Point3f b3, Vector3f * vNorm, Vector3f vTemp, Point3f ptRet, Point3f ptTemp, Vector3f vTemp2, * Point4f pTemp, Vector3f vTemp3) { * * if (getTriangleIntersection(b1, b2, a1, a2, a3, vTemp, plane, vNorm, * vTemp2, vTemp3, ptRet, ptTemp)) return ptRet; if * (getTriangleIntersection(b2, b3, a1, a2, a3, vTemp, plane, vNorm, vTemp2, * vTemp3, ptRet, ptTemp)) return ptRet; if (getTriangleIntersection(b3, b1, * a1, a2, a3, vTemp, plane, vNorm, vTemp2, vTemp3, ptRet, ptTemp)) return * ptRet; return null; } */ /* * public static boolean getTriangleIntersection(Point3f b1, Point3f b2, * Point3f a1, Point3f a2, Point3f a3, Vector3f vTemp, Point4f plane, Vector3f * vNorm, Vector3f vTemp2, Vector3f vTemp3, Point3f ptRet, Point3f ptTemp) { * if (distanceToPlane(plane, b1) * distanceToPlane(plane, b2) >= 0) return * false; vTemp.sub(b2, b1); vTemp.normalize(); if (getIntersection(b1, vTemp, * plane, ptRet, vNorm, vTemp2) != null) { if (isInTriangle(ptRet, a1, a2, a3, * vTemp, vTemp2, vTemp3)) return true; } return false; } private static * boolean isInTriangle(Point3f p, Point3f a, Point3f b, Point3f c, Vector3f * v0, Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2) { // from * http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/default.html // Compute * barycentric coordinates v0.sub(c, a); v1.sub(b, a); v2.sub(p, a); float * dot00 = v0.dot(v0); float dot01 = v0.dot(v1); float dot02 = v0.dot(v2); * float dot11 = v1.dot(v1); float dot12 = v1.dot(v2); float invDenom = 1 / * (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01); float u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * * invDenom; float v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom; return (u * > 0 && v > 0 && u + v < 1); } */ /** * Closed-form solution of absolute orientation requiring 1:1 mapping of * positions. * * @param centerAndPoints * @param retStddev * @return unit quaternion representation rotation * * @author hansonr Bob Hanson * */ public static Quat calculateQuaternionRotation(P3[][] centerAndPoints, float[] retStddev) { /* * see Berthold K. P. Horn, * "Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions" J. * Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 1987, Vol. 4, pp. 629-642 * http://www.opticsinfobase.org/viewmedia.cfm?uri=josaa-4-4-629&seq=0 * * * A similar treatment was developed independently (and later!) by G. * Kramer, in G. R. Kramer, * "Superposition of Molecular Structures Using Quaternions" Molecular * Simulation, 1991, Vol. 7, pp. 113-119. * * In that treatment there is a lot of unnecessary calculation along the * trace of matrix M (eqn 20). I'm not sure why the extra x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + * x'^2 + y'^2 + z'^2 is in there, but they are unnecessary and only * contribute to larger numerical averaging errors and additional processing * time, as far as I can tell. Adding aI, where a is a scalar and I is the * 4x4 identity just offsets the eigenvalues but doesn't change the * eigenvectors. * * and Lydia E. Kavraki, "Molecular Distance Measures" * http://cnx.org/content/m11608/latest/ */ retStddev[1] = Float.NaN; Quat q = new Quat(); P3[] ptsA = centerAndPoints[0]; P3[] ptsB = centerAndPoints[1]; int nPts = ptsA.length - 1; if (nPts < 2 || ptsA.length != ptsB.length) return q; double Sxx = 0, Sxy = 0, Sxz = 0, Syx = 0, Syy = 0, Syz = 0, Szx = 0, Szy = 0, Szz = 0; P3 ptA = new P3(); P3 ptB = new P3(); P3 ptA0 = ptsA[0]; P3 ptB0 = ptsB[0]; for (int i = nPts + 1; --i >= 1;) { ptA.sub2(ptsA[i], ptA0); ptB.sub2(ptsB[i], ptB0); Sxx += (double) ptA.x * (double) ptB.x; Sxy += (double) ptA.x * (double) ptB.y; Sxz += (double) ptA.x * (double) ptB.z; Syx += (double) ptA.y * (double) ptB.x; Syy += (double) ptA.y * (double) ptB.y; Syz += (double) ptA.y * (double) ptB.z; Szx += (double) ptA.z * (double) ptB.x; Szy += (double) ptA.z * (double) ptB.y; Szz += (double) ptA.z * (double) ptB.z; } retStddev[0] = getRmsd(centerAndPoints, q); double[][] N = new double[4][4]; N[0][0] = Sxx + Syy + Szz; N[0][1] = N[1][0] = Syz - Szy; N[0][2] = N[2][0] = Szx - Sxz; N[0][3] = N[3][0] = Sxy - Syx; N[1][1] = Sxx - Syy - Szz; N[1][2] = N[2][1] = Sxy + Syx; N[1][3] = N[3][1] = Szx + Sxz; N[2][2] = -Sxx + Syy - Szz; N[2][3] = N[3][2] = Syz + Szy; N[3][3] = -Sxx - Syy + Szz; // this construction prevents JavaScript from requiring preloading of Eigen float[] v = ((EigenInterface) Interface.getInterface("javajs.util.Eigen")) .setM(N).getEigenvectorsFloatTransposed()[3]; q = Quat.newP4(P4.new4(v[1], v[2], v[3], v[0])); retStddev[1] = getRmsd(centerAndPoints, q); return q; } /** * Fills a 4x4 matrix with rotation-translation of mapped points A to B. * If centerA is null, this is a standard 4x4 rotation-translation matrix; * otherwise, this 4x4 matrix is a rotation around a vector through the center of ptsA, * and centerA is filled with that center; * Prior to Jmol 14.3.12_2014.02.14, when used from the JmolScript compare() function, * this method returned the second of these options instead of the first. * * @param ptsA * @param ptsB * @param m 4x4 matrix to be returned * @param centerA return center of rotation; if null, then standard 4x4 matrix is returned * @return stdDev */ public static float getTransformMatrix4(Lst ptsA, Lst ptsB, M4 m, P3 centerA) { P3[] cptsA = getCenterAndPoints(ptsA); P3[] cptsB = getCenterAndPoints(ptsB); float[] retStddev = new float[2]; Quat q = calculateQuaternionRotation(new P3[][] { cptsA, cptsB }, retStddev); M3 r = q.getMatrix(); if (centerA == null) r.rotate(cptsA[0]); else centerA.setT(cptsA[0]); V3 t = V3.newVsub(cptsB[0], cptsA[0]); m.setMV(r, t); return retStddev[1]; } /** * from a list of points, create an array that includes the center * point as the first point. This array is used as a starting point for * a quaternion analysis of superposition. * * @param vPts * @return array of points with first point center */ public static P3[] getCenterAndPoints(Lst vPts) { int n = vPts.size(); P3[] pts = new P3[n + 1]; pts[0] = new P3(); if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pts[0].add(pts[i + 1] = vPts.get(i)); } pts[0].scale(1f / n); } return pts; } public static float getRmsd(P3[][] centerAndPoints, Quat q) { double sum2 = 0; P3[] ptsA = centerAndPoints[0]; P3[] ptsB = centerAndPoints[1]; P3 cA = ptsA[0]; P3 cB = ptsB[0]; int n = ptsA.length - 1; P3 ptAnew = new P3(); for (int i = n + 1; --i >= 1;) { ptAnew.sub2(ptsA[i], cA); q.transform2(ptAnew, ptAnew).add(cB); sum2 += ptAnew.distanceSquared(ptsB[i]); } return (float) Math.sqrt(sum2 / n); } }