package javajs.util; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import javajs.J2SIgnoreImport; /** * Interesting thing here is that JavaScript is 3x faster than Java in handling strings. * * Java StringBuilder is final, unfortunately. I guess they weren't thinking about Java2Script! * * The reason we have to do this that several overloaded append methods is WAY too expensive * */ @J2SIgnoreImport({java.lang.StringBuilder.class, java.nio.charset.Charset.class}) public class SB { private java.lang.StringBuilder sb; String s; // used by JavaScript only; no Java references //TODO: JS experiment with using array and .push() here public SB() { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s = ""; * */ { sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(); } } public static SB newN(int n) { /** * @j2sNative * return new javajs.util.SB(); */ { // not perfect, because it requires defining sb twice. // We can do better... SB sb = new SB(); = new java.lang.StringBuilder(n); return sb; } } public static SB newS(String s) { /** * @j2sNative * * var sb = new javajs.util.SB(); * sb.s = s; * return sb; * */ { SB sb = new SB(); = new java.lang.StringBuilder(s); return sb; } } public SB append(String s) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += s * */ { sb.append(s); } return this; } public SB appendC(char c) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += c; */ { sb.append(c); } return this; } public SB appendI(int i) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += i * */ { sb.append(i); } return this; } public SB appendB(boolean b) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += b * */ { sb.append(b); } return this; } /** * note that JavaScript could drop off the ".0" in "1.0" * @param f * @return this */ public SB appendF(float f) { /** * @j2sNative * * var sf = "" + f; * if (sf.indexOf(".") < 0 && sf.indexOf("e") < 0) * sf += ".0" ; * this.s += sf; * */ { sb.append(f); } return this; } public SB appendD(double d) { /** * @j2sNative * * var sf = "" + d; * if (sf.indexOf(".") < 0 && sf.indexOf("e") < 0) * sf += ".0" ; * this.s += sf; * */ { sb.append(d); } return this; } public SB appendSB(SB buf) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += buf.s; * */ { sb.append(; } return this; } public SB appendO(Object data) { if (data != null) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += data.toString(); * */ { sb.append(data); } } return this; } public void appendCB(char[] cb, int off, int len) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s += cb.slice(off,off+len).join(""); * */ { sb.append(cb, off, len); } } @Override public String toString() { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s; * */ { return sb.toString(); } } public int length() { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.length; * */ { return sb.length(); } } public int indexOf(String s) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.indexOf(s); * */ { return sb.indexOf(s); } } public char charAt(int i) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.charAt(i); * */ { return sb.charAt(i); } } public int charCodeAt(int i) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.charCodeAt(i); * */ { return sb.codePointAt(i); } } public void setLength(int n) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s = this.s.substring(0, n); */ { sb.setLength(n); } } public int lastIndexOf(String s) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.lastIndexOf(s); */ { return sb.lastIndexOf(s); } } public int indexOf2(String s, int i) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.indexOf(s, i); */ { return sb.indexOf(s, i); } } public String substring(int i) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.substring(i); */ { return sb.substring(i); } } public String substring2(int i, int j) { /** * @j2sNative * * return this.s.substring(i, j); */ { return sb.substring(i, j); } } /** * simple byte conversion properly implementing UTF-8. * Used for base64 conversion and allows for offset * * @param off * @param len * or -1 for full length (then off must = 0) * @return byte[] */ public byte[] toBytes(int off, int len) { if (len == 0) return new byte[0]; Charset cs; /** * * just a string in JavaScript * * @j2sNative * * cs = "UTF-8"; * */ { cs = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); } return (len > 0 ? substring2(off, off + len) : off == 0 ? toString() : substring2(off, length() - off)).getBytes(cs); } public void replace(int start, int end, String str) { /** * @j2sNative * * this.s = this.s.substring(0, start) + str + this.s.substring(end); */ { sb.replace(start, end, str); } } public void insert(int offset, String str) { replace(offset, offset, str); } }