package org.vamsas.client.simpleclient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Basic methods for classes handling locked IO on files * monitored by all (simpleclient) clients in a vamsas session. * @author jimp *TODO: support non nio file locking capable systems */ public class SessionFile { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SessionFile.class); protected File sessionFile; protected Lock fileLock = null; protected SessionFile(File file) { super(); sessionFile = file; } protected boolean lockFile(Lock extantlock) { if (fileLock!=null && !fileLock.isLocked()) { fileLock.release();// tidy up invalid lock fileLock=null; } if (extantlock!=null && extantlock.isLocked()) fileLock=extantlock; // THIS IS BROKEN - lockFile then nulls the lock. return lockFile(); } private boolean ensureSessionFile() { if (sessionFile != null) { if (!sessionFile.exists()) { // create new file try { if (!sessionFile.createNewFile()) { log.error("Failed to create file prior to locking: "+sessionFile); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Exception when trying to create file "+sessionFile, e); return false; } } return true; } log.error("ensureSessionFile called for non-initialised SessionFile!"); return false; } /** * Get a lock for the SessionFile * * @return true if lock was made */ protected boolean lockFile() { if (fileLock != null) { if (fileLock.isLocked()) { if (!ensureSessionFile()) return false; return true; } else { // lock failed for some reason. fileLock.release();"Unexpected session file lock failure. Trying to get it again."); fileLock=null; } } if (!ensureSessionFile()) return false; // TODO: see if we need to loop-wait for locks or they just block until // lock is made... long tries=5000; do { tries--; if (fileLock==null || !fileLock.isLocked()) { //try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Exception e) {}; fileLock = LockFactory.getLock(sessionFile,true); // TODO: wait around if we can't get the lock. } } while (tries>0 && !fileLock.isLocked()); if (!fileLock.isLocked()) log.error("Failed to get lock for "+sessionFile); // fileLock = new Lock(sessionFile); return fileLock.isLocked(); } /** * Explicitly release the SessionFile's lock. * * @return true if lock was released. */ protected void unlockFile() { if (fileLock != null) { fileLock.release(); fileLock = null; } } /** * Makes a backup of the sessionFile. * @return Backed up SessionFile or null if failed to make backup. */ protected File backupSessionFile() { return backupSessionFile(null, sessionFile.getName(),".old", sessionFile.getParentFile()); } protected File backupSessionFile(Lock extantLock, String backupPrefix, String backupSuffix, File backupDir) { File tempfile=null; if (lockFile(extantLock)) { try { tempfile = File.createTempFile(backupPrefix, backupSuffix, backupDir); if (fileLock.length()>0) { FileOutputStream tos = new FileOutputStream(tempfile); ReadableByteChannel channel; tos.getChannel().transferFrom(channel=fileLock.getRaChannel(), 0, fileLock.length()); tos.close(); if (!channel.isOpen()) throw new Error(tos.getChannel().getClass()+".transferFrom closes source channel!"); if (!lockFile(extantLock)) throw new Error("Lost lock for "+sessionFile.getName()+" after backup."); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { log.warn("Can't create temp file for "+sessionFile.getName(),e1); tempfile=null; } catch (IOException e1) { log.warn("Error when copying content to temp file for "+sessionFile.getName(),e1); tempfile=null; } } return tempfile; } /** * Replaces data in sessionFile with data from file handled by another sessionFile * passes up any exceptions. * @param newData source for new data */ protected void updateFrom(Lock extantLock, SessionFile newData) throws IOException { log.debug("Updating "+sessionFile.getAbsolutePath()+" from "+newData.sessionFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (newData==null) throw new IOException("Null newData object."); if (newData.sessionFile==null) throw new IOException("Null SessionFile in newData."); if (!lockFile(extantLock)) throw new IOException("Failed to get write lock for "+sessionFile); if (!newData.lockFile()) throw new IOException("Failed to get lock for updateFrom "+newData.sessionFile); RandomAccessFile nrafile = newData.fileLock.getRaFile();; RandomAccessFile trafile = fileLock.getRaFile(); /*long tries=5000; while (trafile==null && --tries>0) { log.debug("Lost lock on "+sessionFile+"! Re-trying for a transfer."); lockFile(); trafile = fileLock.getRaFile(); }*/; trafile.getChannel().transferFrom(nrafile.getChannel(), 0, nrafile.length()); } /** * remove all trace of the sessionFile file * */ protected void eraseExistence() { unlockFile(); if (sessionFile!=null) { sessionFile.delete(); sessionFile = null; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.vamsas.client.simpleclient.Lock#getBufferedInputStream(boolean) */ public BufferedInputStream getBufferedInputStream(boolean atStart) throws IOException { lockFile(); return fileLock.getBufferedInputStream(atStart); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.vamsas.client.simpleclient.Lock#getBufferedOutputStream(boolean) */ public BufferedOutputStream getBufferedOutputStream(boolean clear) throws IOException { lockFile(); return fileLock.getBufferedOutputStream(clear); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.vamsas.client.simpleclient.Lock#getFileInputStream(boolean) */ public FileInputStream getFileInputStream(boolean atStart) throws IOException { lockFile(); return fileLock.getFileInputStream(atStart); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.vamsas.client.simpleclient.Lock#getFileOutputStream(boolean) */ public FileOutputStream getFileOutputStream(boolean clear) throws IOException { lockFile(); return fileLock.getFileOutputStream(clear); } }