package org.vamsas.test.simpleclient; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; public class ClientsFileTest { private static CommandProcessor cproc; private static Vector commands; static { cproc = new CommandProcessor(); ClientsFileTest.commands = new Vector(); ClientsFileTest.commands.add(new String("add")); cproc.addCommand("add", 2, "for the Client's 'Name' and 'Version'"); ClientsFileTest.commands.add(new String("remove")); cproc.addCommand("remove", 3, "for the Client's 'Name', Version and URN"); ClientsFileTest.commands.add(new String("list")); cproc.addCommand("list", 0, "no args needed"); ClientsFileTest.commands.add(new String("clear")); cproc.addCommand("clear", 0, "no args needed"); ClientsFileTest.commands.add(new String("watch")); cproc.addCommand("watch", 0, "no args needed"); ClientsFileTest.commands.add(new String("monitor")); cproc.addCommand("monitor", 2, "for the Client's 'Name' and 'Version'"); } private static void complainArgs(int argl, int argpos, String cmd, int argneed, String msg) { if (argl - argpos < argneed) throw new Error(cmd + " needs " + argneed + " arguments : " + msg); } public static void main(String[] args) { cf = new[0]); System.out.println("Connecting to clientFile " + args[0]); ClientsFile cfhand; try { cfhand = new ClientsFile(cf); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); return; } int argc = 1; while (argc < args.length) { // vars needed for operations ClientHandle ch; int com = cproc.getCommand(args, argc); argc++; switch (com) { case 0: // Add int pos = cfhand.addClient(ch = new ClientHandle(args[argc], args[argc + 1])); argc += 2; if (pos != 0) System.out.println("Client added at " + pos + " as urn:" + ch.getClientUrn()); else System.out.println("Client was not added."); break; case 1: // remove ch = new ClientHandle(args[argc], args[argc + 1]); ch.setClientUrn(args[argc + 2]); argc += 3; cfhand.removeClient(ch, null); System.out.println("Client removed (apparently)"); break; case 2: // list ClientHandle[] chlist = cfhand.retrieveClientList(); if (chlist != null) { for (int chi = 0, che = chlist.length; chi < che; chi++) { System.out.println("Client " + chi + " (" + chlist[chi].getClientName() + " " + chlist[chi].getVersion() + " " + chlist[chi].getClientUrn() + ")"); } } else { System.out.println("Client list is empty."); } break; case 3: // clear //cfhand.get = null; //cf.delete(); try { cfhand.clearList(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed on new empty clientfile creation!"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } break; case 4: // watch FileWatcher w = new FileWatcher(cf); while (cf.exists()) { // get watcher's lock to ensure state change is fixed for retrieval Lock chlock = w.getChangedState(); if (chlock != null) { ClientHandle[] cl = cfhand.retrieveClientList(chlock); System.out.println("-- Watching " + cf.getName()); //while (w.hasChanged()) // ; if (cl != null) { for (int chi = 0, che = cl.length; chi < che; chi++) { System.out.println("Client " + chi + " (" + cl[chi].getClientName() + " " + cl[chi].getVersion() + " " + cl[chi].getClientUrn() + ")"); } } else { System.out.println("Client list is empty."); } } } break; case 5: // monitor int clpos = cfhand.addClient(ch = new ClientHandle(args[argc], args[argc + 1])); argc += 2; if (clpos != 0) System.out.println("Monitor Client added at " + clpos + " as urn:" + ch.getClientUrn()); else { System.err.println("Monitor Client was not added."); break; } FileWatcher mon = new FileWatcher(cf); while (cf.exists()) { // get watcher's lock to ensure state change is fixed for retrieval Lock chlock = mon.getChangedState(); if (chlock != null) { ClientHandle[] cl = cfhand.retrieveClientList(chlock); System.out.println("-- Monitor " + cf.getName()); //while (w.hasChanged()) // ; int newpos = -1; if (cl != null) { for (int chi = 0, che = cl.length; chi < che; chi++) { if (ch.equals(cl[chi])) newpos = chi + 1; } } if (newpos == -1) { // add self again to cleared list. newpos = cfhand.addClient(ch); mon.setState(); if (newpos == 0) { System.err .println("Monitor client could not be re-added to list."); break; } } if (newpos != clpos) { System.out.println("Monitor client moved from " + clpos + " to " + newpos); clpos = newpos; } } } break; default: if (com == -1) { System.err .println("Unknown command : " + args[argc++] + "*Ignored!*"); } else System.err.println("Command " + args[argc++] + " *Ignored!* - its not implemented."); } for (int j = 0; j < 900000; j++) { Integer i = Integer.getInteger("1"); Integer q = i; } } } /* Iterator coms = commands.iterator(); int com=-1; while ((coms!=null) && coms.hasNext()) { com++; if (args[argc].toLowerCase().equals((String) { System.out.println("Doing "+args[argc]); ClientHandle ch; argc++; switch (com) { case 0: // Add ClientsFileTest.complainArgs(args.length, argc, "add", 2, "for the Client's 'Name' and 'Version'"); int pos = cfhand.addClient(ch=new ClientHandle(args[argc],args[argc+1])); argc+=2; if (pos!=0) System.out.println("Client added at "+pos+" as urn:"+ch.getClientUrn()); else System.out.println("Client was not added."); break; case 1: // remove ClientsFileTest.complainArgs(args.length, argc, "remove", 3, "for the Client's 'Name', Version and URN"); ch=new ClientHandle(args[argc], args[argc+1]); ch.setClientUrn(args[argc+2]); argc+=3; cfhand.removeClient(ch, null); System.out.println("Client removed (apparently)"); break; case 2: // list ClientHandle[] chlist = cfhand.retrieveClientList(); if (chlist!=null) { for (int chi=0,che=chlist.length; chi