package swingjs.api; import java.awt.Component; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import swingjs.api.js.HTML5Applet; public interface JSUtilI { /** * Indicate to SwingJS that the given file type is binary. * * @param ext */ void addBinaryFileType(String ext); /** * Indicate to SwingJS that we can load files using AJAX from the given * domain, such as "", because we know that CORS access has been * provided. * * @param domain */ void addDirectDatabaseCall(String domain); /** * Cache or uncache data under the given path name. * * @param path * @param data * null to remove from the cache */ void cachePathData(String path, Object data); /** * Get the HTML5 object corresponding to the specified Component, or the * current thread if null. * * @param c * the associated component, or null for the current thread * @return HTML5 applet object */ HTML5Applet getAppletForComponent(Component c); /** * Get an attribute for the applet found using getApplet(null). * * @param key * @return */ Object getAppletAttribute(String key); /** * Get the code base (swingjs/j2s, probably) for the applet found using * getApplet(null). * * @return */ URL getCodeBase(); /** * Get the document base (wherever the page is) for the applet found using * getApplet(null). * * @return */ URL getDocumentBase(); /** * Get an attribute from the div on the page that is associated with this * frame, i.e. with id frame.getName() + "-div". * * @param frame * @param type * "node" or "dim" * @return */ Object getEmbeddedAttribute(Component frame, String type); /** * Get a file synchronously. * * @param path * @param asString * true for String; false for byte[] * @return byte[] or String */ Object getFile(String path, boolean asString); /** * Get the 秘bytes field associated with a file, but only if the File object * itself has them attached, not downloading them. * * @param f * @return */ byte[] getBytes(File f); /** * Retrieve a HashMap consisting of whatever the application wants, but * guaranteed to be unique to this app context, that is, for the applet found * using getApplet(null). * * @param contextKey * @return */ HashMap getJSContext(Object contextKey); /** * Load a resource -- probably a core file -- if and only if a particular * class has not been instantialized. We use a String here because if we used * a .class object, that reference itself would simply load the class, and we * want the core package to include that as well. * * @param resourcePath * @param className */ void loadResourceIfClassUnknown(String resource, String className); /** * Read all applet.__Info properties for the applet found using * getApplet(null) that start with the given prefix, such as "jalview_". A * null prefix retrieves all properties. Note that non-string properties will * be stringified. * * @param prefix * an application prefix, or null for all properties * @param p * properties to be appended to */ void readInfoProperties(String prefix, Properties p); /** * Set an attribute for the applet found using getApplet(null). That is, * applet[key] = val. * * @param key * @param val */ void setAppletAttribute(String key, Object val); /** * Set an attribute of applet's Info map for the applet found using * getApplet(null). That is, applet.__Info[key] = val. * * @param infoKey * @param val */ void setAppletInfo(String infoKey, Object val); /** * Set the given File object's 秘bytes field from an InputStream or a byte[] * array. If the file is a JSTempFile, then also cache those bytes. * * @param f * @param isOrBytes * BufferedInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream, or * byte[] * @return */ boolean setFileBytes(File f, Object isOrBytes); /** * Same as setFileBytes, but also caches the data if it is a JSTempFile. * * @param is * @param outFile * @return */ boolean streamToFile(InputStream is, File outFile); /** * Switch the flag in SwingJS to use or not use the JavaScript Map object in * Hashtable, HashMap, and HashSet. Default is enabled. * */ void setJavaScriptMapObjectEnabled(boolean enabled); }