/** * CrossReference.java * * This file was auto-generated from WSDL * by the Apache Axis 1.2RC2 Nov 16, 2004 (12:19:44 EST) WSDL2Java emitter. */ package uk.ac.ebi.picr.model; public class CrossReference implements java.io.Serializable { private java.lang.String accession; private java.lang.String accessionVersion; private java.lang.String databaseDescription; private java.lang.String databaseName; private java.util.Calendar dateAdded; private java.util.Calendar dateDeleted; private boolean deleted; private java.lang.String gi; private java.lang.String taxonId; public CrossReference() { } public CrossReference(java.lang.String accession, java.lang.String accessionVersion, java.lang.String databaseDescription, java.lang.String databaseName, java.util.Calendar dateAdded, java.util.Calendar dateDeleted, boolean deleted, java.lang.String gi, java.lang.String taxonId) { this.accession = accession; this.accessionVersion = accessionVersion; this.databaseDescription = databaseDescription; this.databaseName = databaseName; this.dateAdded = dateAdded; this.dateDeleted = dateDeleted; this.deleted = deleted; this.gi = gi; this.taxonId = taxonId; } /** * Gets the accession value for this CrossReference. * * @return accession */ public java.lang.String getAccession() { return accession; } /** * Sets the accession value for this CrossReference. * * @param accession */ public void setAccession(java.lang.String accession) { this.accession = accession; } /** * Gets the accessionVersion value for this CrossReference. * * @return accessionVersion */ public java.lang.String getAccessionVersion() { return accessionVersion; } /** * Sets the accessionVersion value for this CrossReference. * * @param accessionVersion */ public void setAccessionVersion(java.lang.String accessionVersion) { this.accessionVersion = accessionVersion; } /** * Gets the databaseDescription value for this CrossReference. * * @return databaseDescription */ public java.lang.String getDatabaseDescription() { return databaseDescription; } /** * Sets the databaseDescription value for this CrossReference. * * @param databaseDescription */ public void setDatabaseDescription(java.lang.String databaseDescription) { this.databaseDescription = databaseDescription; } /** * Gets the databaseName value for this CrossReference. * * @return databaseName */ public java.lang.String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } /** * Sets the databaseName value for this CrossReference. * * @param databaseName */ public void setDatabaseName(java.lang.String databaseName) { this.databaseName = databaseName; } /** * Gets the dateAdded value for this CrossReference. * * @return dateAdded */ public java.util.Calendar getDateAdded() { return dateAdded; } /** * Sets the dateAdded value for this CrossReference. * * @param dateAdded */ public void setDateAdded(java.util.Calendar dateAdded) { this.dateAdded = dateAdded; } /** * Gets the dateDeleted value for this CrossReference. * * @return dateDeleted */ public java.util.Calendar getDateDeleted() { return dateDeleted; } /** * Sets the dateDeleted value for this CrossReference. * * @param dateDeleted */ public void setDateDeleted(java.util.Calendar dateDeleted) { this.dateDeleted = dateDeleted; } /** * Gets the deleted value for this CrossReference. * * @return deleted */ public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } /** * Sets the deleted value for this CrossReference. * * @param deleted */ public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { this.deleted = deleted; } /** * Gets the gi value for this CrossReference. * * @return gi */ public java.lang.String getGi() { return gi; } /** * Sets the gi value for this CrossReference. * * @param gi */ public void setGi(java.lang.String gi) { this.gi = gi; } /** * Gets the taxonId value for this CrossReference. * * @return taxonId */ public java.lang.String getTaxonId() { return taxonId; } /** * Sets the taxonId value for this CrossReference. * * @param taxonId */ public void setTaxonId(java.lang.String taxonId) { this.taxonId = taxonId; } private java.lang.Object __equalsCalc = null; public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof CrossReference)) return false; CrossReference other = (CrossReference) obj; if (obj == null) return false; if (this == obj) return true; if (__equalsCalc != null) { return (__equalsCalc == obj); } __equalsCalc = obj; boolean _equals; _equals = true && ((this.accession == null && other.getAccession() == null) || (this.accession != null && this.accession .equals(other.getAccession()))) && ((this.accessionVersion == null && other .getAccessionVersion() == null) || (this.accessionVersion != null && this.accessionVersion .equals(other.getAccessionVersion()))) && ((this.databaseDescription == null && other .getDatabaseDescription() == null) || (this.databaseDescription != null && this.databaseDescription .equals(other.getDatabaseDescription()))) && ((this.databaseName == null && other.getDatabaseName() == null) || (this.databaseName != null && this.databaseName .equals(other.getDatabaseName()))) && ((this.dateAdded == null && other.getDateAdded() == null) || (this.dateAdded != null && this.dateAdded .equals(other.getDateAdded()))) && ((this.dateDeleted == null && other.getDateDeleted() == null) || (this.dateDeleted != null && this.dateDeleted .equals(other.getDateDeleted()))) && this.deleted == other.isDeleted() && ((this.gi == null && other.getGi() == null) || (this.gi != null && this.gi .equals(other.getGi()))) && ((this.taxonId == null && other.getTaxonId() == null) || (this.taxonId != null && this.taxonId .equals(other.getTaxonId()))); __equalsCalc = null; return _equals; } private boolean __hashCodeCalc = false; public synchronized int hashCode() { if (__hashCodeCalc) { return 0; } __hashCodeCalc = true; int _hashCode = 1; if (getAccession() != null) { _hashCode += getAccession().hashCode(); } if (getAccessionVersion() != null) { _hashCode += getAccessionVersion().hashCode(); } if (getDatabaseDescription() != null) { _hashCode += getDatabaseDescription().hashCode(); } if (getDatabaseName() != null) { _hashCode += getDatabaseName().hashCode(); } if (getDateAdded() != null) { _hashCode += getDateAdded().hashCode(); } if (getDateDeleted() != null) { _hashCode += getDateDeleted().hashCode(); } _hashCode += (isDeleted() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE).hashCode(); if (getGi() != null) { _hashCode += getGi().hashCode(); } if (getTaxonId() != null) { _hashCode += getTaxonId().hashCode(); } __hashCodeCalc = false; return _hashCode; } }