Status ====== 7/3/2018 VARNA is running in Jalview in a browser. The only capability not enabled is the "duplicate" menu item. This is because SwingJS does not implement serialization. 1/10/2018 fixes VueUI handling of JFileChooser and JColorChooser callbacks not using revised SelectedFile and SelectedColor property names implements blinking iterator when dragging to reposition RNA blob implements annotations 1/7/2018 JTable implemented, including editing; needs better efficiency Modal dialogs are working, including file open. Drag-and-drop of Files is working - note that the dropped File object has bytes field with data Animated interpolation working; switched to simple JTimer mechanism for Java and JavaScript 1/2/2018 Varna is running. modal JOptionPane implemented fully JColorChooser implemented fully JTable implemented; still some minor issues Modal dialogs are working, except for FileOpen. Popup menu is working. Issues ====== - JTable has minor issues: - Headings are not shaded - needs attention to higher efficiency - DnD only implemented for files. - probably x,y coord are off - untested - needs checking for isolated frames (works in applet) Modifications for SwingJS ========================= Search for "@j2sNative", "BH", or "SwingJS" ---------- moved to fr.orsay.lri.varna (all SwingJS project files must be in packages) adds default RNA JavaScript: if (!thisApplet.__Info.sequenceDBN) { thisApplet.__Info.sequenceDBN = "GGGGCCAAUAUGGCCAUCC"; thisApplet.__Info.structureDBN = "((((((.....))))..))"; thisApplet.__Info.title = prompt("Title?","Hello RNA world, from SwingJS!"); } fr.orsay.lri.varna.factories.RNAFactory --------------------------------------- Cannot depend upon Java ArrayIndexOutOfBounds for trapping when testing formats JAVA fix: Removing unnecessary exception print stack traces during testing for formats JAVA fix: RNAFactory was not closing file reader fr.orsay.lri.varna.applications.VARNAEditor ------------------------------------------- switched to RNAFactory.loadSecStr((File) o) for drag-drop allows passing byte data fr.orsay.lri.varna.applications.VARNAGUI ---------------------------------------- switched to RNAFactory.loadSecStr((File) o) for drag-drop allows passing byte data fr.orsay.lri.varna.controlers.ControleurBaseSpecialColorEditor -------------------------------------------------------------- Since the editor is not modal, we have to catch the window hiding event before closing the editor. fr.orsay.lri.varna.controlers.ControleurInterpolator ---------------------------------------------------- switch to JTimer for interpolation JavaScript uses 2-second delay; Java uses 15-second delay ----------------------------------------- simpler test that does not use java.awt.font.TextLayout, which is not implemented. ---------------------------------- now implements PropertyChangeListener for asynchronous callback. ------------------------------------ All JOptionPane, JFileChooser, and JColorChooser action made asynchronous. Basically, the results OK, CANCEL, YES, NO, CLOSED, and custom button index are delivered to instances of runnable via a PropertyChangeListener callback to the indicated parent frame. Simple ERROR_OPTION and WARN_OPTION messages are handled via JavaScript Alert; fall back options for simple showConfirmDialog and showInputDialog are used automatically if the parent frame does not implement PropertyChangeListener. Initial JavaScript-only return is: for int-returning methods, NaN, testable as value != Math.floor(value), where value is an int, and for Object-returning methods, an Object that implements UIResource, testable as event.getNewValue() instanceof UIResource. This allows full compatibility in Java and JavaScript. See notes in ------------------------------------- changes JLabel to JMenuItem - not 100% sure why that is necessary. changes JSeparator to JPopupMenu.Separator -------------------------------------- added simple JTimer for asynchronous animation added asynchronous callback modal option for JavaScript