package fr.orsay.lri.varna.models; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.rna.ModeleBase; public class BaseList { private HashSet _bases = new HashSet(); private String _caption; public BaseList( BaseList b) { _caption = b._caption; _bases = new HashSet(b._bases); } public BaseList( String caption) { _caption = caption; } public BaseList( String caption, ModeleBase mb) { this(caption); addBase(mb); } public boolean contains(ModeleBase mb) { return _bases.contains(mb); } public String getCaption() { return _caption; } public void addBase(ModeleBase b) { _bases.add(b); } public void removeBase(ModeleBase b) { _bases.remove(b); } public void addBases(Collection mbs) { _bases.addAll(mbs); } public ArrayList getBases() { return new ArrayList(_bases); } public void clear() { _bases.clear(); } public static Color getAverageColor(ArrayList cols) { int r=0,g=0,b=0; for (Color c : cols) { r += c.getRed(); g += c.getGreen(); b += c.getBlue(); } if (cols.size()>0) { r /= cols.size(); g /= cols.size(); b /= cols.size(); } return new Color(r,g,b); } public Color getAverageOutlineColor() { ArrayList cols = new ArrayList(); for (ModeleBase mb : _bases) { cols.add(mb.getStyleBase().getBaseOutlineColor()); } return getAverageColor(cols); } public Color getAverageNameColor() { ArrayList cols = new ArrayList(); for (ModeleBase mb : _bases) { cols.add(mb.getStyleBase().getBaseNameColor()); } return getAverageColor(cols); } public Color getAverageNumberColor() { ArrayList cols = new ArrayList(); for (ModeleBase mb : _bases) { cols.add(mb.getStyleBase().getBaseNumberColor()); } return getAverageColor(cols); } public Color getAverageInnerColor() { ArrayList cols = new ArrayList(); for (ModeleBase mb : _bases) { cols.add(mb.getStyleBase().getBaseInnerColor()); } return getAverageColor(cols); } public String getNumbers() { String result = ""; boolean first = true; for (ModeleBase mb:_bases) { if (!first) { result += ","; } else { first = false; } result += "" + mb.getBaseNumber(); } result += ""; return result; } public String getContents() { String result = ""; boolean first = true; for (ModeleBase mb:_bases) { if (!first) { result += ","; } else { first = false; } result += "" + mb.getContent(); } result += ""; return result; } public ArrayList getIndices() { ArrayList indices = new ArrayList(); for (ModeleBase mb : _bases) { indices.add(mb.getIndex()); } return indices; } /** * Returns, in a new BaseList, the intersection of the current BaseList and of the argument. * @param mb The base list to be used for the intersection * @return The intersection of the current base list and the argument. */ public BaseList retainAll(BaseList mb) { HashSet cp = new HashSet(); cp.addAll(_bases); cp.retainAll(mb._bases); BaseList result = new BaseList("TmpIntersection"); result.addBases(cp); return result; } /** * Returns, in a new BaseList, the list consisting of the current BaseList minus the list passed as argument. * @param mb The base list to be subtracted from the current one * @return The current base list minus the list passed as argument. */ public BaseList removeAll(BaseList mb) { HashSet cp = new HashSet(); cp.addAll(_bases); cp.removeAll(mb._bases); BaseList result = new BaseList("TmpMinus"); result.addBases(cp); return result; } public int size() { return _bases.size(); } }