package fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.treealign; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * * * @author Raphael Champeimont */ public class ExampleDistance3 implements TreeAlignLabelDistanceSymmetric { public double f(RNANodeValue2 v1, RNANodeValue2 v2) { if (v1 == null) { if (v2 == null) { return 0; } else if (!v2.isSingleNode()) { // v2 is a list of bases // We insert all bases, with a cost of 1 for each base. return v2.getNodes().size(); } else { // v2 is a single node return 2; } } else if (!v1.isSingleNode()) { // v1 is a list of bases if (v2 == null) { return v1.getNodes().size(); } else if (!v2.isSingleNode()) { // v2 is a list of bases // We compute the sequence distance return alignSequenceNodes(v1, v2).getDistance(); } else { // v2 is a single node return 2 + v1.getNodes().size(); } } else { // v1 is a single node // all the same as when v1 == null if (v2 == null) { return 2; } else if (!v2.isSingleNode()) { // v2 is a list of bases return 2 + v2.getNodes().size(); } else { // v2 is a single node String l1 = v1.getNode().getLeftNucleotide(); String r1 = v1.getNode().getRightNucleotide(); String l2 = v2.getNode().getLeftNucleotide(); String r2 = v2.getNode().getRightNucleotide(); // We have cost(subst((x,y) to (x',y'))) = 1 // when x != x' and y != y'. // It means it is less than substituting 2 non-paired bases return (!l1.equals(l2) ? 0.5 : 0) + (!r1.equals(r2) ? 0.5 : 0); } } } public class SequenceAlignResult { private double distance; private int[][] alignment; public double getDistance() { return distance; } public void setDistance(double distance) { this.distance = distance; } /** The result array is a matrix of height 2 * and width at most length(sequence A) + length(sequence B). * with result[0] is the alignment for A * and result[1] the alignment for B. * The alignment consists int the indexes of the original * bases positions, with -1 when there is no match. */ public int[][] getAlignment() { return alignment; } public void setAlignment(int[][] alignment) { this.alignment = alignment; } } /** * Align two sequences contained in nodes. * Both nodes have to be non-single nodes, otherwise an * RNANodeValue2WrongTypeException exception will be thrown. */ public SequenceAlignResult alignSequenceNodes(RNANodeValue2 v1, RNANodeValue2 v2) { char[] A = v1.computeSequence(); char[] B = v2.computeSequence(); return alignSequences(A, B); } /** * Align sequences using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. * Time: O(A.length * B.length) * Space: O(A.length * B.length) * Space used by the returned object: O(A.length + B.length) */ public SequenceAlignResult alignSequences(char[] A, char[] B) { SequenceAlignResult result = new SequenceAlignResult(); final int la = A.length; final int lb = B.length; double[][] F = new double[la+1][lb+1]; int[][] decisions = new int[la+1][lb+1]; final double d = 1; // insertion/deletion cost final double substCost = 1; // substitution cost for (int i=0; i<=la; i++) F[i][0] = d*i; for (int j=0; j<=lb; j++) F[0][j] = d*j; for (int i=1; i<=la; i++) for (int j=1; j<=lb; j++) { double min; int decision; double match = F[i-1][j-1] + (A[i-1] == B[j-1] ? 0 : substCost); double delete = F[i-1][j] + d; if (match < delete) { decision = 1; min = match; } else { decision = 2; min = delete; } double insert = F[i][j-1] + d; if (insert < min) { decision = 3; min = insert; } F[i][j] = min; decisions[i][j] = decision; } result.setDistance(F[la][lb]); int[][] alignment = computeAlignment(F, decisions, A, B); result.setAlignment(alignment); return result; } private int[][] computeAlignment(double[][] F, int[][] decisions, char[] A, char[] B) { // At worst the alignment will be of length (A.length + B.length) ArrayList AlignmentA = new ArrayList(A.length + B.length); ArrayList AlignmentB = new ArrayList(A.length + B.length); int i = A.length; int j = B.length; while (i > 0 && j > 0) { int decision = decisions[i][j]; switch (decision) { case 1: AlignmentA.add(i-1); AlignmentB.add(j-1); i = i - 1; j = j - 1; break; case 2: AlignmentA.add(i-1); AlignmentB.add(-1); i = i - 1; break; case 3: AlignmentA.add(-1); AlignmentB.add(j-1); j = j - 1; break; default: throw (new Error("Bug in ExampleDistance3: decision = " + decision)); } } while (i > 0) { AlignmentA.add(i-1); AlignmentB.add(-1); i = i - 1; } while (j > 0) { AlignmentA.add(-1); AlignmentB.add(j-1); j = j - 1; } // Convert the ArrayLists to the right format: // We need to reverse the list and change the numbering of int l = AlignmentA.size(); int[][] result = new int[2][l]; for (i=0; i