/* VARNA is a tool for the automated drawing, visualization and annotation of the secondary structure of RNA, designed as a companion software for web servers and databases. Copyright (C) 2008 Kevin Darty, Alain Denise and Yann Ponty. electronic mail : Yann.Ponty@lri.fr paper mail : LRI, bat 490 Université Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay Cedex France This file is part of VARNA version 3.1. VARNA version 3.1 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VARNA version 3.1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VARNA version 3.1. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. */ package fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.naView; import java.util.ArrayList; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.exceptions.ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.interfaces.InterfaceVARNAListener; import fr.orsay.lri.varna.interfaces.InterfaceVARNAObservable; public class NAView { private final double ANUM = 9999.0; private final int MAXITER = 500; private ArrayList bases; private int nbase, nregion, loop_count; private Loop root = new Loop(); private ArrayList loops; private ArrayList regions; private Radloop rlphead = new Radloop(); private double lencut=0.8; private final double RADIUS_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 1.4; // show algorithm step by step private boolean debug = false; private double angleinc; private double _h; private ArrayList _listeVARNAListener = new ArrayList(); private boolean noIterationFailureYet = true; double HELIX_FACTOR = 0.6; double BACKBONE_DISTANCE = 27; public int naview_xy_coordinates(ArrayList pair_table2, ArrayList x, ArrayList y) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println("naview_xy_coordinates"); if (pair_table2.size() == 0) return 0; int i; ArrayList pair_table = new ArrayList(pair_table2 .size() + 1); pair_table.add(pair_table2.size()); for (int j = 0; j < pair_table2.size(); j++) { pair_table.add(pair_table2.get(j) + 1); } if (debug) { infoStructure(pair_table); } // length nbase = pair_table.get(0); bases = new ArrayList(nbase + 1); for (int index = 0; index < bases.size(); index++) { bases.add(new Base()); } regions = new ArrayList(); for (int index = 0; index < nbase + 1; index++) { regions.add(new Region()); } read_in_bases(pair_table); if (debug) infoBasesMate(); rlphead = null; find_regions(); if (debug) infoRegions(); loop_count = 0; loops = new ArrayList(nbase + 1); for (int index = 0; index < nbase + 1; index++) { loops.add(new Loop()); } construct_loop(0); if (debug) infoBasesExtracted(); find_central_loop(); if (debug) infoRoot(); if (debug) dump_loops(); traverse_loop(root, null); for (i = 0; i < nbase; i++) { x.add(100 + BACKBONE_DISTANCE * bases.get(i + 1).getX()); y.add(100 + BACKBONE_DISTANCE * bases.get(i + 1).getY()); } return nbase; } private void infoStructure(ArrayList pair_table) { System.out.println("structure:"); for (int j = 0; j < pair_table.size(); j++) { System.out.print("#" + j + ":" + pair_table.get(j) + "\t"); if (j % 10 == 0) System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } private void infoBasesMate() { System.out.println("Bases mate:"); for (int index = 0; index < bases.size(); index++) { System.out.print("#" + index + ":" + bases.get(index).getMate() + "\t"); if (index % 10 == 0) System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } private void infoRegions() { System.out.println("regions:"); for (int index = 0; index < regions.size(); index++) { System.out.print("(" + regions.get(index).getStart1() + "," + regions.get(index).getStart2() + ";" + regions.get(index).getEnd1() + "," + regions.get(index).getEnd2() + ")\t\t"); if (index % 5 == 0) System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } private void infoBasesExtracted() { System.out.println("Bases extracted:"); for (int index = 0; index < bases.size(); index++) { System.out.print("i=" + index + ":" + bases.get(index).isExtracted() + "\t"); if (index % 5 == 0) System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } private void infoRoot() { System.out.println("root" + root.getNconnection() + ";" + root.getNumber()); System.out.println("\troot : "); System.out.println("\tdepth=" + root.getDepth()); System.out.println("\tmark=" + root.isMark()); System.out.println("\tnumber=" + root.getNumber()); System.out.println("\tradius=" + root.getRadius()); System.out.println("\tx=" + root.getX()); System.out.println("\ty=" + root.getY()); System.out.println("\tnconnection=" + root.getNconnection()); } private void read_in_bases(ArrayList pair_table) { if (debug) System.out.println("read_in_bases"); int i, npairs; // Set up an origin. bases.add(new Base()); bases.get(0).setMate(0); bases.get(0).setExtracted(false); bases.get(0).setX(ANUM); bases.get(0).setY(ANUM); for (npairs = 0, i = 1; i <= nbase; i++) { bases.add(new Base()); bases.get(i).setExtracted(false); bases.get(i).setX(ANUM); bases.get(i).setY(ANUM); bases.get(i).setMate(pair_table.get(i)); if ((int) pair_table.get(i) > i) npairs++; } // must have at least 1 pair to avoid segfault if (npairs == 0) { bases.get(1).setMate(nbase); bases.get(nbase).setMate(1); } } /** * Identifies the regions in the structure. */ private void find_regions() { if (debug) System.out.println("find_regions"); int i, mate, nb1; nb1 = nbase + 1; ArrayList mark = new ArrayList(nb1); for (i = 0; i < nb1; i++) mark.add(false); nregion = 0; for (i = 0; i <= nbase; i++) { if ((mate = bases.get(i).getMate()) != 0 && !mark.get(i)) { regions.get(nregion).setStart1(i); regions.get(nregion).setEnd2(mate); mark.set(i, true); mark.set(mate, true); bases.get(i).setRegion(regions.get(nregion)); bases.get(mate).setRegion(regions.get(nregion)); for (i++, mate--; i < mate && bases.get(i).getMate() == mate; i++, mate--) { mark.set(mate, true); mark.set(i, true); bases.get(i).setRegion(regions.get(nregion)); bases.get(mate).setRegion(regions.get(nregion)); } regions.get(nregion).setEnd1(--i); regions.get(nregion).setStart2(mate + 1); if (debug) { if (nregion == 0) System.out.printf("\nRegions are:\n"); System.out.printf( "Region %d is %d-%d and %d-%d with gap of %d.\n", nregion + 1, regions.get(nregion).getStart1(), regions.get(nregion).getEnd1(), regions .get(nregion).getStart2(), regions.get( nregion).getEnd2(), regions.get(nregion) .getStart2() - regions.get(nregion).getEnd1() + 1); } nregion++; } } } /** * Starting at residue ibase, recursively constructs the loop containing * said base and all deeper bases. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private Loop construct_loop(int ibase) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println("construct_loop"); int i, mate; Loop retloop = new Loop(), lp = new Loop(); Connection cp = new Connection(); Region rp = new Region(); Radloop rlp = new Radloop(); retloop = loops.get(loop_count++); retloop.setNconnection(0); //System.out.println(""+ibase+" "+nbase); //ArrayList a = new ArrayList(nbase + 1); //retloop.setConnections(a); // for (int index = 0; index < nbase + 1; index++) // retloop.getConnections().add(new Connection()); //for (int index = 0; index < nbase + 1; index++) // retloop.addConnection(index,new Connection()); retloop.setDepth(0); retloop.setNumber(loop_count); retloop.setRadius(0.0); for (rlp = rlphead; rlp != null; rlp = rlp.getNext()) if (rlp.getLoopnumber() == loop_count) retloop.setRadius(rlp.getRadius()); i = ibase; do { if ((mate = bases.get(i).getMate()) != 0) { rp = bases.get(i).getRegion(); if (!bases.get(rp.getStart1()).isExtracted()) { if (i == rp.getStart1()) { bases.get(rp.getStart1()).setExtracted(true); bases.get(rp.getEnd1()).setExtracted(true); bases.get(rp.getStart2()).setExtracted(true); bases.get(rp.getEnd2()).setExtracted(true); lp = construct_loop(rp.getEnd1() < nbase ? rp.getEnd1() + 1 : 0); } else if (i == rp.getStart2()) { bases.get(rp.getStart2()).setExtracted(true); bases.get(rp.getEnd2()).setExtracted(true); bases.get(rp.getStart1()).setExtracted(true); bases.get(rp.getEnd1()).setExtracted(true); lp = construct_loop(rp.getEnd2() < nbase ? rp.getEnd2() + 1 : 0); } else { throw new ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm( "naview:Error detected in construct_loop. i = " + i + " not found in region table.\n"); } retloop.setNconnection(retloop.getNconnection() + 1); cp = new Connection(); retloop.setConnection(retloop.getNconnection() - 1, cp); retloop.setConnection(retloop.getNconnection(), null); cp.setLoop(lp); cp.setRegion(rp); if (i == rp.getStart1()) { cp.setStart(rp.getStart1()); cp.setEnd(rp.getEnd2()); } else { cp.setStart(rp.getStart2()); cp.setEnd(rp.getEnd1()); } cp.setExtruded(false); cp.setBroken(false); lp.setNconnection(lp.getNconnection() + 1); cp = new Connection(); lp.setConnection(lp.getNconnection() - 1, cp); lp.setConnection(lp.getNconnection(), null); cp.setLoop(retloop); cp.setRegion(rp); if (i == rp.getStart1()) { cp.setStart(rp.getStart2()); cp.setEnd(rp.getEnd1()); } else { cp.setStart(rp.getStart1()); cp.setEnd(rp.getEnd2()); } cp.setExtruded(false); cp.setBroken(false); } i = mate; } if (++i > nbase) i = 0; } while (i != ibase); return retloop; } /** * Displays all the loops. */ private void dump_loops() { System.out.println("dump_loops"); int il, ilp, irp; Loop lp; Connection cp; System.out.printf("\nRoot loop is #%d\n", loops.indexOf(root) + 1); for (il = 0; il < loop_count; il++) { lp = loops.get(il); System.out.printf("Loop %d has %d connections:\n", il + 1, lp .getNconnection()); for (int i = 0; (cp = lp.getConnection(i)) != null; i++) { ilp = (loops.indexOf(cp.getLoop())) + 1; irp = (regions.indexOf(cp.getRegion())) + 1; System.out.printf(" Loop %d Region %d (%d-%d)\n", ilp, irp, cp .getStart(), cp.getEnd()); } } } /** * Find node of greatest branching that is deepest. */ private void find_central_loop() { if (debug) System.out.println("find_central_loop"); Loop lp = new Loop(); int maxconn, maxdepth, i; determine_depths(); maxconn = 0; maxdepth = -1; for (i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { lp = loops.get(i); if (lp.getNconnection() > maxconn) { maxdepth = lp.getDepth(); maxconn = lp.getNconnection(); root = lp; } else if (lp.getDepth() > maxdepth && lp.getNconnection() == maxconn) { maxdepth = lp.getDepth(); root = lp; } } } /** * Determine the depth of all loops. */ private void determine_depths() { if (debug) System.out.println("determine_depths"); Loop lp = new Loop(); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) { lp = loops.get(i); for (j = 0; j < loop_count; j++) loops.get(j).setMark(false); lp.setDepth(depth(lp)); } } /** * Determines the depth of loop, lp. Depth is defined as the minimum * distance to a leaf loop where a leaf loop is one that has only one or no * connections. */ private int depth(Loop lp) { if (debug) System.out.println("depth"); int count, ret, d; if (lp.getNconnection() <= 1) return 0; if (lp.isMark()) return -1; lp.setMark(true); count = 0; ret = 0; for (int i = 0; lp.getConnection(i) != null; i++) { d = depth(lp.getConnection(i).getLoop()); if (d >= 0) { if (++count == 1) ret = d; else if (ret > d) ret = d; } } lp.setMark(false); return ret + 1; } /** * This is the workhorse of the display program. The algorithm is recursive * based on processing individual loops. Each base pairing region is * displayed using the direction given by the circle diagram, and the * connections between the regions is drawn by equally spaced points. The * radius of the loop is set to minimize the square error for lengths * between sequential bases in the loops. The "correct" length for base * links is 1. If the least squares fitting of the radius results in loops * being less than 1/2 unit apart, then that segment is extruded. * * The variable, anchor_connection, gives the connection to the loop * processed in an previous level of recursion. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private void traverse_loop(Loop lp, Connection anchor_connection) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println(" traverse_loop"); double xs, ys, xe, ye, xn, yn, angleinc, r; double radius, xc, yc, xo, yo, astart, aend, a; Connection cp, cpnext, acp, cpprev; int i, j, n, ic; double da, maxang; int count, icstart, icend, icmiddle, icroot; boolean done, done_all_connections, rooted; int sign; double midx, midy, nrx, nry, mx, my, vx, vy, dotmv, nmidx, nmidy; int icstart1, icup, icdown, icnext, direction; double dan, dx, dy, rr; double cpx, cpy, cpnextx, cpnexty, cnx, cny, rcn, rc, lnx, lny, rl, ac, acn, sx, sy, dcp; int imaxloop = 0; angleinc = 2 * Math.PI / (nbase + 1); acp = null; icroot = -1; int indice = 0; for (ic = 0; (cp = lp.getConnection(indice)) != null; indice++, ic++) { // xs = cos(angleinc*cp.setStart(); ys = sin(angleinc*cp.setStart(); // xe = // cos(angleinc*cp.setEnd()); ye = sin(angleinc*cp.setEnd()); xs = -Math.sin(angleinc * cp.getStart()); ys = Math.cos(angleinc * cp.getStart()); xe = -Math.sin(angleinc * cp.getEnd()); ye = Math.cos(angleinc * cp.getEnd()); xn = ye - ys; yn = xs - xe; r = Math.sqrt(xn * xn + yn * yn); cp.setXrad(xn / r); cp.setYrad(yn / r); cp.setAngle(Math.atan2(yn, xn)); if (cp.getAngle() < 0.0) cp.setAngle(cp.getAngle() + 2 * Math.PI); if (anchor_connection != null && anchor_connection.getRegion() == cp.getRegion()) { acp = cp; icroot = ic; } } // remplacement d'une etiquette de goto set_radius: while (true) { determine_radius(lp, lencut); radius = lp.getRadius()/RADIUS_REDUCTION_FACTOR; if (anchor_connection == null) xc = yc = 0.0; else { xo = (bases.get(acp.getStart()).getX() + bases .get(acp.getEnd()).getX()) / 2.0; yo = (bases.get(acp.getStart()).getY() + bases .get(acp.getEnd()).getY()) / 2.0; xc = xo - radius * acp.getXrad(); yc = yo - radius * acp.getYrad(); } // The construction of the connectors will proceed in blocks of // connected connectors, where a connected connector pairs means two // connectors that are forced out of the drawn circle because they // are too close together in angle. // First, find the start of a block of connected connectors if (icroot == -1) icstart = 0; else icstart = icroot; cp = lp.getConnection(icstart); count = 0; if (debug) { System.out.printf("Now processing loop %d\n", lp.getNumber()); System.out.println(" "+lp); } done = false; do { j = icstart - 1; if (j < 0) j = lp.getNconnection() - 1; cpprev = lp.getConnection(j); if (!connected_connection(cpprev, cp)) { done = true; } else { icstart = j; cp = cpprev; } if (++count > lp.getNconnection()) { // Here everything is connected. Break on maximum angular // separation between connections. maxang = -1.0; for (ic = 0; ic < lp.getNconnection(); ic++) { j = ic + 1; if (j >= lp.getNconnection()) j = 0; cp = lp.getConnection(ic); cpnext = lp.getConnection(j); ac = cpnext.getAngle() - cp.getAngle(); if (ac < 0.0) ac += 2 * Math.PI; if (ac > maxang) { maxang = ac; imaxloop = ic; } } icend = imaxloop; icstart = imaxloop + 1; if (icstart >= lp.getNconnection()) icstart = 0; cp = lp.getConnection(icend); cp.setBroken(true); done = true; } } while (!done); done_all_connections = false; icstart1 = icstart; if (debug) System.out.printf(" Icstart1 = %d\n", icstart1); while (!done_all_connections) { count = 0; done = false; icend = icstart; rooted = false; while (!done) { cp = lp.getConnection(icend); if (icend == icroot) rooted = true; j = icend + 1; if (j >= lp.getNconnection()) { j = 0; } cpnext = lp.getConnection(j); if (connected_connection(cp, cpnext)) { if (++count >= lp.getNconnection()) break; icend = j; } else { done = true; } } icmiddle = find_ic_middle(icstart, icend, anchor_connection, acp, lp); ic = icup = icdown = icmiddle; if (debug) System.out.printf(" IC start = %d middle = %d end = %d\n", icstart, icmiddle, icend); done = false; direction = 0; while (!done) { if (direction < 0) { ic = icup; } else if (direction == 0) { ic = icmiddle; } else { ic = icdown; } if (ic >= 0) { cp = lp.getConnection(ic); if (anchor_connection == null || acp != cp) { if (direction == 0) { astart = cp.getAngle() - Math.asin(1.0 / 2.0 / radius); aend = cp.getAngle() + Math.asin(1.0 / 2.0 / radius); bases.get(cp.getStart()).setX( xc + radius * Math.cos(astart)); bases.get(cp.getStart()).setY( yc + radius * Math.sin(astart)); bases.get(cp.getEnd()).setX( xc + radius * Math.cos(aend)); bases.get(cp.getEnd()).setY( yc + radius * Math.sin(aend)); } else if (direction < 0) { j = ic + 1; if (j >= lp.getNconnection()) j = 0; cp = lp.getConnection(ic); cpnext = lp.getConnection(j); cpx = cp.getXrad(); cpy = cp.getYrad(); ac = (cp.getAngle() + cpnext.getAngle()) / 2.0; if (cp.getAngle() > cpnext.getAngle()) ac -= Math.PI; cnx = Math.cos(ac); cny = Math.sin(ac); lnx = cny; lny = -cnx; da = cpnext.getAngle() - cp.getAngle(); if (da < 0.0) da += 2 * Math.PI; if (cp.isExtruded()) { if (da <= Math.PI / 2) rl = 2.0; else rl = 1.5; } else { rl = 1.0; } bases.get(cp.getEnd()).setX( bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).getX() + rl * lnx); bases.get(cp.getEnd()).setY( bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).getY() + rl * lny); bases.get(cp.getStart()).setX( bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getX() + cpy); bases.get(cp.getStart()).setY( bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getY() - cpx); } else { j = ic - 1; if (j < 0) j = lp.getNconnection() - 1; cp = lp.getConnection(j); cpnext = lp.getConnection(ic); cpnextx = cpnext.getXrad(); cpnexty = cpnext.getYrad(); ac = (cp.getAngle() + cpnext.getAngle()) / 2.0; if (cp.getAngle() > cpnext.getAngle()) ac -= Math.PI; cnx = Math.cos(ac); cny = Math.sin(ac); lnx = -cny; lny = cnx; da = cpnext.getAngle() - cp.getAngle(); if (da < 0.0) da += 2 * Math.PI; if (cp.isExtruded()) { if (da <= Math.PI / 2) rl = 2.0; else rl = 1.5; } else { rl = 1.0; } bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).setX( bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getX() + rl * lnx); bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).setY( bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getY() + rl * lny); bases.get(cpnext.getEnd()).setX( bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).getX() - cpnexty); bases.get(cpnext.getEnd()).setY( bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).getY() + cpnextx); } } } if (direction < 0) { if (icdown == icend) { icdown = -1; } else if (icdown >= 0) { if (++icdown >= lp.getNconnection()) { icdown = 0; } } direction = 1; } else { if (icup == icstart) icup = -1; else if (icup >= 0) { if (--icup < 0) { icup = lp.getNconnection() - 1; } } direction = -1; } done = icup == -1 && icdown == -1; } icnext = icend + 1; if (icnext >= lp.getNconnection()) icnext = 0; if (icend != icstart && (!(icstart == icstart1 && icnext == icstart1))) { // Move the bases just constructed (or the radius) so that // the bisector of the end points is radius distance away // from the loop center. cp = lp.getConnection(icstart); cpnext = lp.getConnection(icend); dx = bases.get(cpnext.getEnd()).getX() - bases.get(cp.getStart()).getX(); dy = bases.get(cpnext.getEnd()).getY() - bases.get(cp.getStart()).getY(); midx = bases.get(cp.getStart()).getX() + dx / 2.0; midy = bases.get(cp.getStart()).getY() + dy / 2.0; rr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); mx = dx / rr; my = dy / rr; vx = xc - midx; vy = yc - midy; rr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); vx /= rr; vy /= rr; dotmv = vx * mx + vy * my; nrx = dotmv * mx - vx; nry = dotmv * my - vy; rr = Math.sqrt(nrx * nrx + nry * nry); nrx /= rr; nry /= rr; // Determine which side of the bisector the center should // be. dx = bases.get(cp.getStart()).getX() - xc; dy = bases.get(cp.getStart()).getY() - yc; ac = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (ac < 0.0) ac += 2 * Math.PI; dx = bases.get(cpnext.getEnd()).getX() - xc; dy = bases.get(cpnext.getEnd()).getY() - yc; acn = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (acn < 0.0) acn += 2 * Math.PI; if (acn < ac) acn += 2 * Math.PI; if (acn - ac > Math.PI) sign = -1; else sign = 1; nmidx = xc + sign * radius * nrx; nmidy = yc + sign * radius * nry; if (rooted) { xc -= nmidx - midx; yc -= nmidy - midy; } else { for (ic = icstart;;) { cp = lp.getConnection(ic); i = cp.getStart(); bases.get(i).setX( bases.get(i).getX() + nmidx - midx); bases.get(i).setY( bases.get(i).getY() + nmidy - midy); i = cp.getEnd(); bases.get(i).setX( bases.get(i).getX() + nmidx - midx); bases.get(i).setY( bases.get(i).getY() + nmidy - midy); if (ic == icend) break; if (++ic >= lp.getNconnection()) ic = 0; } } } icstart = icnext; done_all_connections = icstart == icstart1; } for (ic = 0; ic < lp.getNconnection(); ic++) { cp = lp.getConnection(ic); j = ic + 1; if (j >= lp.getNconnection()) j = 0; cpnext = lp.getConnection(j); dx = bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getX() - xc; dy = bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getY() - yc; rc = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); ac = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (ac < 0.0) ac += 2 * Math.PI; dx = bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).getX() - xc; dy = bases.get(cpnext.getStart()).getY() - yc; rcn = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); acn = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (acn < 0.0) acn += 2 * Math.PI; if (acn < ac) acn += 2 * Math.PI; dan = acn - ac; dcp = cpnext.getAngle() - cp.getAngle(); if (dcp <= 0.0) dcp += 2 * Math.PI; if (Math.abs(dan - dcp) > Math.PI) { if (cp.isExtruded()) { warningEmition("Warning from traverse_loop. Loop " + lp.getNumber() + " has crossed regions\n"); } else if ((cpnext.getStart() - cp.getEnd()) != 1) { cp.setExtruded(true); continue set_radius; // remplacement du goto } } if (cp.isExtruded()) { construct_extruded_segment(cp, cpnext); } else { n = cpnext.getStart() - cp.getEnd(); if (n < 0) n += nbase + 1; angleinc = dan / n; for (j = 1; j < n; j++) { i = cp.getEnd() + j; if (i > nbase) i -= nbase + 1; a = ac + j * angleinc; rr = rc + (rcn - rc) * (a - ac) / dan; bases.get(i).setX(xc + rr * Math.cos(a)); bases.get(i).setY(yc + rr * Math.sin(a)); } } } break; } for (ic = 0; ic < lp.getNconnection(); ic++) { if (icroot != ic) { cp = lp.getConnection(ic); generate_region(cp); traverse_loop(cp.getLoop(), cp); } } n = 0; sx = 0.0; sy = 0.0; for (ic = 0; ic < lp.getNconnection(); ic++) { j = ic + 1; if (j >= lp.getNconnection()) j = 0; cp = lp.getConnection(ic); cpnext = lp.getConnection(j); n += 2; sx += bases.get(cp.getStart()).getX() + bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getX(); sy += bases.get(cp.getStart()).getY() + bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getY(); if (!cp.isExtruded()) { for (j = cp.getEnd() + 1; j != cpnext.getStart(); j++) { if (j > nbase) j -= nbase + 1; n++; sx += bases.get(j).getX(); sy += bases.get(j).getY(); } } } lp.setX(sx / n); lp.setY(sy / n); } /** * For the loop pointed to by lp, determine the radius of the loop that will * ensure that each base around the loop will have a separation of at least * lencut around the circle. If a segment joining two connectors will not * support this separation, then the flag, extruded, will be set in the * first of these two indicators. The radius is set in lp. * * The radius is selected by a least squares procedure where the sum of the * squares of the deviations of length from the ideal value of 1 is used as * the error function. */ private void determine_radius(Loop lp, double lencut) { if (debug) System.out.println(" Determine_radius"); double mindit, ci, dt, sumn, sumd, radius, dit; int i, j, end, start, imindit = 0; Connection cp = new Connection(), cpnext = new Connection(); double rt2_2 = 0.7071068; do { mindit = 1.0e10; for (sumd = 0.0, sumn = 0.0, i = 0; i < lp.getNconnection(); i++) { cp = lp.getConnection(i); j = i + 1; if (j >= lp.getNconnection()) j = 0; cpnext = lp.getConnection(j); end = cp.getEnd(); start = cpnext.getStart(); if (start < end) start += nbase + 1; dt = cpnext.getAngle() - cp.getAngle(); if (dt <= 0.0) dt += 2 * Math.PI; if (!cp.isExtruded()) ci = start - end; else { if (dt <= Math.PI / 2) ci = 2.0; else ci = 1.5; } sumn += dt * (1.0 / ci + 1.0); sumd += dt * dt / ci; dit = dt / ci; if (dit < mindit && !cp.isExtruded() && ci > 1.0) { mindit = dit; imindit = i; } } radius = sumn / sumd; if (radius < rt2_2) radius = rt2_2; if (mindit * radius < lencut) { lp.getConnection(imindit).setExtruded(true); } } while (mindit * radius < lencut); if (lp.getRadius() > 0.0) radius = lp.getRadius(); else lp.setRadius(radius); } /** * Determines if the connections cp and cpnext are connected */ private boolean connected_connection(Connection cp, Connection cpnext) { if (debug) System.out.println(" Connected_connection"); if (cp.isExtruded()) { return true; } else if (cp.getEnd() + 1 == cpnext.getStart()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Finds the middle of a set of connected connectors. This is normally the * middle connection in the sequence except if one of the connections is the * anchor, in which case that connection will be used. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private int find_ic_middle(int icstart, int icend, Connection anchor_connection, Connection acp, Loop lp) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println(" Find_ic_middle"); int count, ret, ic, i; boolean done; count = 0; ret = -1; ic = icstart; done = false; while (!done) { if (count++ > lp.getNconnection() * 2) { throw new ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm( "Infinite loop detected in find_ic_middle"); } if (anchor_connection != null && lp.getConnection(ic) == acp) { ret = ic; } done = ic == icend; if (++ic >= lp.getNconnection()) { ic = 0; } } if (ret == -1) { for (i = 1, ic = icstart; i < (count + 1) / 2; i++) { if (++ic >= lp.getNconnection()) ic = 0; } ret = ic; } return ret; } /** * Generates the coordinates for the base pairing region of a connection * given the position of the starting base pair. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private void generate_region(Connection cp) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println(" Generate_region"); int l, start, end, i, mate; Region rp; rp = cp.getRegion(); l = 0; if (cp.getStart() == rp.getStart1()) { start = rp.getStart1(); end = rp.getEnd1(); } else { start = rp.getStart2(); end = rp.getEnd2(); } if (bases.get(cp.getStart()).getX() > ANUM - 100.0 || bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getX() > ANUM - 100.0) { throw new ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm( "Bad region passed to generate_region. Coordinates not defined."); } for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) { l++; bases.get(i).setX( bases.get(cp.getStart()).getX() + HELIX_FACTOR * l * cp.getXrad()); bases.get(i).setY( bases.get(cp.getStart()).getY() + HELIX_FACTOR * l * cp.getYrad()); mate = bases.get(i).getMate(); bases.get(mate).setX( bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getX() + HELIX_FACTOR * l * cp.getXrad()); bases.get(mate).setY( bases.get(cp.getEnd()).getY() + HELIX_FACTOR * l * cp.getYrad()); } } /** * Draws the segment of residue between the bases numbered start through * end, where start and end are presumed to be part of a base pairing * region. They are drawn as a circle which has a chord given by the ends of * two base pairing regions defined by the connections. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private void construct_circle_segment(int start, int end) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println(" Construct_circle_segment"); double dx, dy, rr, midx, midy, xn, yn, nrx, nry, mx, my, a; int l, j, i; dx = bases.get(end).getX() - bases.get(start).getX(); dy = bases.get(end).getY() - bases.get(start).getY(); rr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); l = end - start; if (l < 0) l += nbase + 1; if (rr >= l) { dx /= rr; dy /= rr; for (j = 1; j < l; j++) { i = start + j; if (i > nbase) i -= nbase + 1; bases.get(i).setX( bases.get(start).getX() + dx * (double) j / (double) l); bases.get(i).setY( bases.get(start).getY() + dy * (double) j / (double) l); } } else { find_center_for_arc((l - 1), rr); dx /= rr; dy /= rr; midx = bases.get(start).getX() + dx * rr / 2.0; midy = bases.get(start).getY() + dy * rr / 2.0; xn = dy; yn = -dx; nrx = midx + _h * xn; nry = midy + _h * yn; mx = bases.get(start).getX() - nrx; my = bases.get(start).getY() - nry; rr = Math.sqrt(mx * mx + my * my); a = Math.atan2(my, mx); for (j = 1; j < l; j++) { i = start + j; if (i > nbase) i -= nbase + 1; bases.get(i).setX(nrx + rr * Math.cos(a + j * angleinc)); bases.get(i).setY(nry + rr * Math.sin(a + j * angleinc)); } } } /** * Constructs the segment between cp and cpnext as a circle if possible. * However, if the segment is too large, the lines are drawn between the two * connecting regions, and bases are placed there until the connecting * circle will fit. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private void construct_extruded_segment(Connection cp, Connection cpnext) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println(" Construct_extruded_segment"); double astart, aend1, aend2, aave, dx, dy, a1, a2, ac, rr, da, dac; int start, end, n, nstart, nend; boolean collision; astart = cp.getAngle(); aend2 = aend1 = cpnext.getAngle(); if (aend2 < astart) aend2 += 2 * Math.PI; aave = (astart + aend2) / 2.0; start = cp.getEnd(); end = cpnext.getStart(); n = end - start; if (n < 0) n += nbase + 1; da = cpnext.getAngle() - cp.getAngle(); if (da < 0.0) { da += 2 * Math.PI; } if (n == 2) construct_circle_segment(start, end); else { dx = bases.get(end).getX() - bases.get(start).getX(); dy = bases.get(end).getY() - bases.get(start).getY(); rr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx /= rr; dy /= rr; if (rr >= 1.5 && da <= Math.PI / 2) { nstart = start + 1; if (nstart > nbase) nstart -= nbase + 1; nend = end - 1; if (nend < 0) nend += nbase + 1; bases.get(nstart).setX(bases.get(start).getX() + 0.5 * dx); bases.get(nstart).setY(bases.get(start).getY() + 0.5 * dy); bases.get(nend).setX(bases.get(end).getX() - 0.5 * dx); bases.get(nend).setY(bases.get(end).getY() - 0.5 * dy); start = nstart; end = nend; } do { collision = false; construct_circle_segment(start, end); nstart = start + 1; if (nstart > nbase) nstart -= nbase + 1; dx = bases.get(nstart).getX() - bases.get(start).getX(); dy = bases.get(nstart).getY() - bases.get(start).getY(); a1 = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (a1 < 0.0) a1 += 2 * Math.PI; dac = a1 - astart; if (dac < 0.0) dac += 2 * Math.PI; if (dac > Math.PI) collision = true; nend = end - 1; if (nend < 0) nend += nbase + 1; dx = bases.get(nend).getX() - bases.get(end).getX(); dy = bases.get(nend).getY() - bases.get(end).getY(); a2 = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (a2 < 0.0) a2 += 2 * Math.PI; dac = aend1 - a2; if (dac < 0.0) dac += 2 * Math.PI; if (dac > Math.PI) collision = true; if (collision) { ac = minf2(aave, astart + 0.5); bases.get(nstart).setX( bases.get(start).getX() + Math.cos(ac)); bases.get(nstart).setY( bases.get(start).getY() + Math.sin(ac)); start = nstart; ac = maxf2(aave, aend2 - 0.5); bases.get(nend).setX(bases.get(end).getX() + Math.cos(ac)); bases.get(nend).setY(bases.get(end).getY() + Math.sin(ac)); end = nend; n -= 2; } } while (collision && n > 1); } } /** * Given n points to be placed equidistantly and equiangularly on a polygon * which has a chord of length, b, find the distance, h, from the midpoint * of the chord for the center of polygon. Positive values mean the center * is within the polygon and the chord, whereas negative values mean the * center is outside the chord. Also, the radial angle for each polygon side * is returned in theta. * * The procedure uses a bisection algorithm to find the correct value for * the center. Two equations are solved, the angles around the center must * add to 2*Math.PI, and the sides of the polygon excluding the chord must * have a length of 1. * * @throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm */ private void find_center_for_arc(double n, double b) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { if (debug) System.out.println(" Find_center_for_arc"); double h, hhi, hlow, r, disc, theta, e, phi; int iter; hhi = (n + 1.0) / Math.PI; // changed to prevent div by zero if (ih) hlow = -hhi - b / (n + 1.000001 - b); if (b < 1) // otherwise we might fail below (ih) hlow = 0; iter = 0; do { h = (hhi + hlow) / 2.0; r = Math.sqrt(h * h + b * b / 4.0); // if (r<0.5) {r = 0.5; h = 0.5*Math.sqrt(1-b*b);} disc = 1.0 - 0.5 / (r * r); if (Math.abs(disc) > 1.0) { throw new ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm( "Unexpected large magnitude discriminant = " + disc + " " + r); } theta = Math.acos(disc); // theta = 2*Math.acos(Math.sqrt(1-1/(4*r*r))); phi = Math.acos(h / r); e = theta * (n + 1) + 2 * phi - 2 * Math.PI; if (e > 0.0) { hlow = h; } else { hhi = h; } } while (Math.abs(e) > 0.0001 && ++iter < MAXITER); if (iter >= MAXITER) { if (noIterationFailureYet) { warningEmition("Iteration failed in find_center_for_arc"); noIterationFailureYet = false; } h = 0.0; theta = 0.0; } _h = h; angleinc = theta; } private double minf2(double x1, double x2) { return ((x1) < (x2)) ? (x1) : (x2); } private double maxf2(double x1, double x2) { return ((x1) > (x2)) ? (x1) : (x2); } public void warningEmition(String warningMessage) throws ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm { throw (new ExceptionNAViewAlgorithm(warningMessage)); } }